The mother planet secretly transformed without telling us

Chapter 1140: The Struggle of Faith? (Large Chapter, 1)

Chapter 1140 A battle of faith? (Large chapter, +1)

Minsk said nonchalantly: "Cang, why do we give the enemy enough time to prepare? Isn't this a sneak attack?"

Li Cang thought for a while: "Well, maybe it's because other places haven't finished yet and I have to wait here anyway. Do I need to understand the plot?"

"It makes sense!"

"Promise, accept, accept!"

After Estelle's crystal ball was transformed into a force field, Li Cang felt that something in this area seemed to be different and changed, but he did not know exactly where the change occurred.

It wasn't until a knight riding a two-winged three-legged flying dragon "seeped" out directly from the extremely thick walls of the buildings on both sides that Li Cang suddenly realized.

Damn it, this old guy seems to be retreating, but in fact he is actually planning to use the opportunity to counterattack?

Immediately afterwards, countless knights, subordinates, and one-time warriors whose alienated blood concentration reached the critical point filed out of the wall. The number of people was almost endless, but when the doglegs or the magic mountain tried to pass through those walls, they failed. I found that this thing is still an extremely solid entity.

However, perhaps because the little aunt's control has had a certain effect after all, these people's equipment, mounts, and servants of fate appear to be very chaotic, and they are not organized at all, nor do they look like a qualified private army at all.

Estelle and the groups of subordinates were both the mastermind and bait, but their expressions were not very good-looking. On the contrary, they looked somewhat dull and timid.

Good news: The counterattack plan was executed quite successfully and everything is under control.

Bad news: The fish caught as bait is not Lord Joe Shasha and her power.

Estelle's already old but still upright body suddenly became rickety due to the use of this super-wide-range skill. He breathed several times and then said in a rather indifferent tone: "I thought The track line represents everything. I never think you can come back here. Even if you won’t die on the track line, at least you won’t be able to come and go freely. Therefore, nothing here is prepared for you.”

"These external subordinates tried to persuade me to make a dangerous move and use this place as a battlefield to snipe Qiao Shasha and her companions. I refused because I was not fully sure yet. I thought that I could spend a certain amount of time and use more covert means to attack Qiao Shasha and her companions. Method, at least until more than half of the population in the three surrounding cities is eliminated, I am already doing that. "

"Make adequate preparations, choose the right time, and everyone attacks at the same time. Even if it fails, in the worst case, we can attract her here at the expense of most people and kill her. By then, she will be All the slave contracts will be transferred to the host, and the control of this floating land will eventually fall into my hands. "

Estelle became increasingly emotional.

"This is a foolproof plan! This is my plan! Why do you self-righteous fools suddenly show up! My family has been running the city-state of Tili for two hundred years, from slaves to slave owners, from slave owners to a superior clan. Chief, why, why do idiots like you always jump out and mess up everything!"

Li Cang thought for a while: "I know you are excited, but don't get excited first. I am a reasonable person. Look, is there such a possibility? At least for now, power itself cannot be used as a real force. , but just an accessory to power?"

It should be said, but based on Li Cang's understanding of his little aunt's behavior and the current style of life of all the people around her and those with the right to vote, in the end, he could not bear to cut his flesh and allow Estelle to infiltrate his arrangements. Maybe it really can have a pretty high success rate.

It's very simple. Estelle first gathers a crowd to mutiny and launch a surprise attack. It doesn't matter if there are fewer people. It's still okay to catch them by surprise and attack them unprepared. When the big move comes, stick to it for a while and then pretend to run away, leaving Tilly alone. With the panic on my back, do you think the little aunt who was the first to charge against the zombie tide will chase after her?

This is a floating land where she has absolute control!

Can she stand this kind of excitement?

Flying beasts and servants of destiny are still very rare in Tili. By then, most people will be blocked in this area, and others can come and go freely through the wall. Could they put on their wings and fly away?

Li Cang thought of this and gave Bone Girl a spiritual command.

A hammer and a sickle came out of nowhere and smashed against the nearby wall. With Bone Girl's strength and the weight of the two giant objects, they were unable to smash the wall that seemed to be just a private residence. The smoke and dust dispersed on the courtyard wall, and the broken stone cracks were covered with red. The wall that had been blasted out with terrifying dents was returning from the high-temperature red color to a dim gray-black——

This thing is filled with some kind of alloy!

Estelle said: "Oh, don't you feel scared just thinking about it? This is one of the foundations that my family has stood firm on for two hundred years. This special inert alloy is not only extremely strong in itself, but also resistant to all kinds of alienation. The resistance of bloodline skills is extremely high, and it requires the cooperation of people carrying beacons to achieve the penetration effect. It's a pity. It's a pity. It's you, not her, who comes."

Estelle seemed to have almost rested. She picked up her staff and pointed it forward, continuing to recite the incantation. All the knights hidden in the wall, including the guards protecting Estelle, began to have a light green glow on their bodies. Glow, from physical strength to speed to skill power, has been significantly improved. Relying on the complex and narrow terrain, it can actually compete with hundreds of Sangouzi.

[Breath of Life: Based on faith, it comprehensively strengthens the explosive power, vitality and magic resistance of the designated unit. The stronger the faith, the braver the person who receives this blessing will be.]

The entire area covered by the crystal force field is like a dazzling jungle of light, emerald green, especially those loyal guards around Estelle, with the greenness of the breath of life already existing on them. The thick white divine light even condensed directly behind them into a huge, vine-wrapped Holy Light Cross, plus them themselves, how to describe the scene? Is Mr. Renjun Ye being impolite?

In short, the corners of Li Cang's mouth twitched when he saw it. He used a flower grower's theory to express his current mood: This thing Timi looks unlucky, but you Timi insisted on hanging yourself on it!

However, what was even more embarrassing was that Estelle's extremely powerful Breath of Life skill, which took a lot of effort to hit, failed to bless everyone.

They should be his like-minded teammates in the Faith Alliance. That is to say, none of the powerful members of the six or seven teams before has even the slightest bit of holy light. There is no light of two colors, and they can't even be treated perfunctorily. In addition, Later, among the subordinates who came here, no more than 10 of them belonged to the subordinate camp from other places, and they were all bright.


Even the light of a large part of the private army hidden in the wall seemed particularly dim. Compared to the guards, they were as weak and shaky as candles in the wind, and seemed likely to be extinguished at any time.

Estelle: "Despicable foreigners! You have no faith at all! Liars!"

The expressions of the so-called "despicable foreigners" are actually a little confused, but most of them hate iron and are bald. At this time, why do you think you are having internal strife? The pattern must be opened up. Usually, there are always some It’s just an outdated and shabby belief. Gods and gods are just talking about it. How can you add a buff and wait for others to order the food? It’s more suitable for all ages. I said that when nothing happens, you can cooperate and we can do something together. When it's time to rehearse, don't be obsessed with it.

It's fine now!

No one is reliable when it comes to forcing his teammates to do anything. As expected, his teammates have never disappointed anyone!

Estelle is not a good person, and his structure is not small. Although the main buff failed to achieve the expected results, he soon started to spread the holy light frequently like a big light bulb with hundreds of thousands of lumens. He just relied on himself. The power not only lit up half of Tili City.

It was shock, fire and light. Even if Yamei pressed the mute button, it finally woke up the sleeping people inside and outside the Holy Court District who had not been visited. The fish that slipped through the net rushed to escape. , the scene became several times more lively.

Li Cang waved his hand: "We are almost here, let's start!"

The entire area covered by the crystal barrier actually only has two large exits at the north and south ends. The entrances and exits in other directions are so narrow that even the Magic Mountains side by side may not be able to rush in, let alone the sly Magic Mountains and Heavy Cavalry. The complex terrain and strong special alloy walls seriously hindered the efficiency of Magic Mountain's charge. They could only eat dirt behind Sangouzi and advance slowly.

In fact, Li Cang could use Gou Kun to attack first and then clean up the battlefield. However, after all, the main residents of this place are ordinary people. Correcting the terrain will inevitably cause too many casualties. This is inconsistent with Li Cang's original intention and the little aunt. Their interests are seriously at odds with each other, and the scene is too ugly.

Therefore, in the south, the big corpse brother leads the three little corpse sisters, while in the north, the bone sister and her husband are in charge.

The bone girl was squeezed a few times by the thick and hard wall. She felt a little bit angry. She stretched out her hand and pulled it. The skin instantly separated from the body and turned into a cassock-like robe, and then turned into nineteen ghost-headed skeleton demons, howling and screaming. The crowd, uh, launched a desperate charge that no one paid attention to in the gaps between all kinds of unbelievable zombies and servants of fate.

Yes, they are very powerful, but no one pays attention to them——

Without him, their size is too small. Even if there are a bunch of ordinary people here, they may not be as high as someone's thigh. What's more, the people present are all big guys with huge backs and waists. They rush over and kill everyone except Ah. The Kiris tendon only has things like the patella and meniscus. The scene above looks similar to logging, and the efficiency is quite high. It is basically logging in patches. I don’t know whether logging is tiring or not. .

After Bone Girl shed her abomination skin, she immediately transformed into the divine Skadi form with unparalleled appearance, beautiful face, and red eyes. She has a slender and elegant figure, holding a chain sickle and hammer, with black clouds surging under her feet, and the third arm holding up the cos version behind her back. A big magic wand, with holy light and flames surrounding the whole body of the magic wand. The clothes are fluttering and the lead is washed away, and the statue of the dwarf auxiliary authority should be in the picture.

It has to be said that Minsk obviously understands aesthetics, and his pronunciation is extremely standard: "Fuck!"

Estelle was furious, almost as furious as vomiting blood: "Blasphemy, God will not forgive you, this is blasphemy against the gods!"

In addition to the blood and fire, the entire battlefield was a little more restless, stiff, and something that was difficult for Li Cang to understand. His way of thinking could not explain the impact that the appearance of Bone Girl had on these people, nor could he explain it. Why do people with stronger beliefs receive more severe shocks——

This is obviously an era in which the earth hatches eggs, the living alienate the dead, and resurrect fantasy manifestations and all kinds of weird things are everywhere. Why do you look down on me, the bone girl!

Isn't the sacred version of Turbid Skadi beautiful? Hasn't her charm touched your age group yet?

The great wand continues to spread a purer, more blazing and dazzling flawless light than the holy light of Estel's faith. Walking on the black clouds that are surging and spreading like a mirror, it is like a saint who has emerged from the mud without being stained and has refined her heart in the world of mortals. Everything looks so beautiful.

But the actual effect is often regrettable. The holy light and flames burning on the cos great wand and attached to the chain knife and chain hammer are variants of the plague cloud and the evil energy fire. Not only can they bring continuous and useless pain to the enemy, but they can also reduce the various values ​​and five senses of the enemy units within the range. It is very inhumane.

Oh, there are also situations that can be immune and relatively have a certain humanitarian spirit.

For example, if the enemy unit level is too low, you can completely avoid the distress caused by weakening and pain, and directly complete the KPI of this life and turn into a plague servant in seconds, waiting for the corpse to explode and clear the field.

The actual contact has not yet begun, but there are already wailing everywhere, like a purgatory on earth.

The priority of the holy light with some of the properties of the fel fire is not too high. This thing can't bring any physical damage except extreme mental pain. It belongs to the kind of situation of dps-1-1-1 sustainability, and at most adds a little negative state.

Moreover, the continuous burning and spreading ability of the fel fire is very weak, and the attachment and penetration to inorganic objects other than living organisms are almost zero. In addition, the heat is quite low. If you are prepared and not released without dead ends, it is still easy to resist.

For example, a certain holy light buff on the knights of Estel and the special inert alloy they use to cast buildings, walls and mixed in traditional black meteorite iron armor can partially isolate the fel fire. At most, they can remove the armor on the spot.

In short, although the style of painting is not suitable for children, it is really not to the extent of blood flowing.

Li Cang squinted his eyes and looked down - he had to squint. The strong light pollution from these things was enough to destroy the normal vision of an ordinary person. It seemed that the last time he encountered such a light pollution warrior was very long ago. He only remembered that the damage it caused to the enemy was far less than the interference it caused to his teammates.

Li Cang said casually: "Goudan, Dad will interview you. How does it feel to go home for the first time since you were born?"

Goudan: "Roar?"

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