The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 325: Hurry up and return the phone to me!

   Chapter 325 Hurry up and return the phone to me!

  Luo Mingwei once thought she was still in a dream.

   She stared at the face on the screen, not daring to blink, for fear that the person would disappear in the blink of an eye.

   "Zhen Zhen, are you Zhen Zhen?" Luo Mingwei asked in a low voice, for fear that a louder voice would scare away the person on the opposite side.

  He Xinyan frowned, she quickly made a judgment in her heart, and said in a deep voice, "Yes, I'm Zhen Zhen. Can you turn on the light? It's too dark over there, I can't see you."

  Xu Jingyang quietly turned on the dome light, the light in the car was bright, He Xinyan's expression was calm and calm, as if infected with the woman over there.

   "Okay, I'll go turn on the light." Luo Mingwei groped and turned on the light, and the light poured out of the room, dispelling the anxiety and darkness.

  Luo Mingwei stared lovingly at the girl in the camera. She was very young, about eighteen years old.

  He Xinyan was also startled for a moment, the woman in the video is no longer young, and there are traces of years and illnesses between her eyebrows and eyes.

   But the other party was undoubtedly beautiful and gentle, with a kind and warm smile, which gave her a strange intimacy in her heart.

  No wonder Xu Jingyang said that they look alike, and their eyebrows and eyes do look alike.

   Just then, footsteps hurried over.

  The accident happened at that moment, the camera turned upside down a few times, and then flashed the face of a middle-aged fat woman.

   "The patient needs to get enough rest, you don't disturb her!"

After   , without warning, the video call was hung up.

   Xu Jingyang: "Fuck, what's going on, who is that woman? Is it a nurse? Aunt Luo is in the hospital?"

   He frowned, and decisively dialed the video again, but it quickly hung up.

  He Xinyan looked at the phone and pondered for a moment, "Contact Gu Zhen and ask him what's going on."


  Luo Mingwei screamed, "Give me back the phone!"

  The fat woman hid her mobile phone back, "No, Ms. Luo, what you need now is to recuperate from your illness, and you can't contact outsiders at will, and you can't be stimulated any more!"

  Luo Mingwei stared at the phone in her hand, there was Zhen Zhen in it, she saw Zhen Zhen!

   "Please give me back your phone!" She tried her best to control her emotions, don't be angry, don't show aggression, she just made her own reasonable demands.

  The mobile phone is her personal belongings. It’s true that she is here for treatment, but she also has her own right to privacy.

   Fat woman: "Since you are awake, drink the medicine quickly, the medicine is ready."

  Luo Mingwei looked up at her, "I can drink the medicine, but you have to return the phone to me."

  The fat woman was a little impatient. She didn't have the patience to communicate with a lunatic, so she mumbled, and turned around to bring in a bowl of thick soup from outside the house.

  The medicine was very hot, so the fat woman shoved the bowl into Luo Mingwei's hand and urged, "Hurry up and drink it!"

   Her actions were too rude, and part of the soup spilled out and splashed onto Luo Mingwei's fair hands, causing it to burn red. The fat woman panicked and looked down at the bedding.

   "What's the matter with you, did you deliberately not drink it and want to spill the medicine?"

   She was so annoyed that she had to wash the sheets when they got wet. He simply grabbed Luo Mingwei and handed the soup to her mouth, forcing her to gulp down the still hot soup.

After   , he put away the bowl, pressed the person into the bed, and was ready to leave.

  Luo Mingwei reached out to grab her clothes and asked in a slightly hoarse voice, "Where's my phone?"

   "You are a patient, you can't play with your mobile phone!" The fat woman pushed Luo Mingwei's hand away, "After drinking the medicine, take a good rest and recuperate, and try to get better soon."

   She obviously didn't plan to return the phone to Luo Mingwei, and she didn't even take a thin and crazy woman like Luo Mingwei in her eyes.

   However, in the next second, she felt that it was difficult to breathe for a while, and the collar was grabbed by someone.

  Luo Mingwei's eyes are calm and crazy. She has endured this fat nurse for a long time. She doesn't care about the contemptuous eyes of the other party. She can understand the other party's face to face and behind the scenes, but she can't forgive her for taking away her phone!

   "Hurry up and give me back your phone! You promised to give me the medicine!"

  The fat woman tried her best to push her away, and shouted, "Come here, Ms. Luo is sick again!"

   The servants who were guarding downstairs rushed up, Luo Mingwei screamed, she tried her best to avoid struggling, but to no avail, she was finally held down.

The fat woman took out a pill and stuffed it into Luo Mingwei's mouth.

  The effect of the medicine gradually swept his mind, Luo Mingwei lowered his heavy head weakly, and fell asleep like this no matter what.

   She is not sick, she is very awake, Zhen Zhen is still waiting for her on the other side of the phone, Zhen Zhen…

   She raised her hand laboriously and stretched it out towards the fat woman, "Give me the phone back..."

   The fat woman felt terrified by that look, and felt that the lunatic really had no way to communicate, so she resolutely put another pill into Luo Mingwei's mouth.

   The double dose really worked quickly, and Luo Mingwei's beautiful phoenix eyes finally closed weakly.

  Zhenzhen, is mom going to miss you again...

   A tear slipped from the corner of the eye, crystal clear and brittle under the light.

  The fat woman stepped forward to take a look, and she thought to herself, how could this lunatic still cry?

   She patted her chest: "Hurry up and tell the old lady what to do!"


   When the phone rang, Gu Zhen was talking about business in the private room of the clubhouse, he glanced at it and got connected.

   Then he said sorry to the person on the other side, and went out to answer the phone.

   But when he went out, he saw an unexpected person.

  Gu Zhengran sat in the private room next door, raised his teacup with a smile, and saluted him from a distance.

  Gu Zhen turned around with a blank face, and he guessed that today's business was a bit strange, and it really was the other party behind the scenes.

   But he didn't care very much. He was doing business in an upright manner, and there was no need to push out the door-to-door cooperation. Anyway, whether he could eat this order or not, could not shake his foundation.

   However, in the next second, Gu Zhen's eyes changed slightly.

   "Okay, I know, I'll go and find out right away."

   Xu Jingyang made the call. According to the other party's description, the mother's condition was very wrong. It seemed that she was still receiving treatment in a hospital or some other place, and her mobile phone was forcibly taken away by the nurse.

  Gu Zhen quickly dialed Luo Mingsheng's number. He was worried that Gu Zhengran would come over, so he walked quietly to the corner.

   "Your mother is resting." Luo Mingsheng was buying snacks with Wen Xiangjun, and it was rare for her to be interested.

   Hearing Gu Zhen's description, he thought for a while and said, "Azhen, calm down first. Sister, she really fell ill yesterday and is now receiving treatment."

   "The doctor told her not to touch the phone, you know, some information on the Internet is not good for her now."

   "I'll go back right now, don't worry, she'll be fine."

  Gu Zhen felt at ease. With his uncle here, what else could he worry about?

   But what surprised him was that his mother was sick? But why? During the time she returned to China, her mood has been stable, just like a normal person.

   (end of this chapter)

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