The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 326: Track the location of the phone just now

  Chapter 326 Tracking the location of the phone just now

   "Are you on the phone with your uncle?" Gu Zhengran wanted to get closer, but seeing that his son didn't notice, he politely stopped a few steps away.

  Gu Zhen's figure froze, and he said in a hurry, "Nothing!"

   He hurriedly edited a text message and sent it to Xu Jingyang, immediately put away the phone, returned to the private room, and continued to talk about business.

  Gu Zhengran ate a closed door, but was not annoyed, smiled and sat back to the private room next door for tea.


  Xu Jingyang looked at the text message, "Cousin Zhen said it's fine, it was the doctor who asked Aunt Luo not to touch the phone."

   He turned his head to look at He Xinyan, and had a lot of things to ask in his heart.

  So, are you really cousin Zhen's sister? But why did it say that cousin Zhen's sister had already fallen into the river and drowned?

   Aware that He Xinyan seemed to want to leave, he grabbed He Xinyan's wrist.

  He Xinyan looked down at his hand, "Don't you want this paw?"

  Xu Jingyang was a little confused and couldn't sort out his thoughts, so he blurted out: "...I still don't feel right! There must be something wrong with Aunt Luo!"

  He Xinyan's eyes calmed down, and after a moment of silence, she said slowly, "I don't feel right either."

  Although she has 111,000 explanations, for example, Aunt Luo is going to recuperate, and Aunt Luo will be stimulated when she sees her, everything is still inconclusive, and a patient should not be allowed to meet her...

   But various reasons were not enough to dispel the growing doubts in her heart.

  He Xinyan pondered for a while, forcibly awakening the system that had been hidden recently in her mind.

   "Xiao Fan, can you track the previous mobile phone signal?"

   The voice of the system is a little guilty: [No, I don't have enough energy, you don't do the task anymore, I can't maintain the basic operation. 】

   When it comes to this, it feels aggrieved, is it true that he is the villain's transformation system? In order to deter the host, scientists also gave it a strong punishment function.

   But when it comes to He Xinyan, it's totally useless! The boss is too terrifying, it can only be forced to accept lying flat, and it seems that at present... it is not completely against its purpose.

   At least He Xinyan has changed a lot and has many people's likes and love, so she shouldn't slip into the abyss again and choose to be the enemy of the world.

  He Xinyan said calmly: "I remember that I still have points for doing tasks, so exchange all the points to help me track the location of the phone just now."

   System: [No way! I don't have this ability! 】

  He Xinyan smiled and said, "Baby, didn't you notice the inconsistency of your words? Is it lack of energy or lack of ability? Why don't you explain to me clearly, how exactly did you put it on me?"

  The street light shines into the car, and those phoenix eyes have no emotion under the light.

   There was a moment of silence in my mind.

  【Okay, the points are redeemed successfully, track the signal immediately. 】 The system can't hold back anymore, woo woo is too scary, it's scared.


  The car drove past the new building standing in the rainy night, and raised his head sternly.

   "Did you hear the woman screaming?"

  Shen Jinzhou was stunned, opened the car window and listened for a moment, only to hear the continuous sound of rain.

   "No." He raised the window glass to prevent the rain from entering.

   Shi Rin said, "No, I heard the woman's scream... She seems to be called Zhenzhen."

The pronunciation of    inevitably gave him some associations.

  Xiao Wu also opened the car window and listened. He is a martial arts practitioner with far superior hearing ability. He said somewhat uncertainly, "I seem to have heard it...but not anymore."

   Shi Rin lowered her eyes and thought for a moment, before she thought of something, "Turn around, let's go back!"


  He Xinyan asked the driver of the Xu family to drive to the suburbs.

   Even if all the points are spent, the orientation given by the system is still vague.

   System: [I can only give so much information, no amount is really beyond my ability. 】

   It wondered if it had opened too many backdoors for He Xinyan and drilled too many loopholes, causing its own instructions to be confused. Otherwise, how could it feel that its CPU was running very slowly recently, like a dying old man?

  He Xinyan raised her head, looked at the night in the vast rain, and suddenly said, "Are you sure you are in the northwest direction?"

  【Yes, in the northwest direction, on the west side of the city. 】The system is a little guilty, after all, the west of the city is too large.

  He Xinyan: "I see."

The    system is a little confused: [What do you know? 】

  He Xinyan ignored it and said directly to the driver of the Xu family, "Please go to this location."

  The driver glanced at the address handed over by He Xinyan, and some monks were puzzled, "Miss Xinyan, young master, this place seems to be a suburban countryside..."

   Xu Jingyang: "You go over there first."

   He had complete unconditional trust in He Xinyan, anyway, let's go ahead and talk about it.

  He Xinyan looked at the increasingly desolate street scene, and took the initiative to explain: "I have a guess in my heart, which may not be correct. It may need some information to confirm it."


  He Yuye is doing homework in the room.

   She was surprised when she saw the phone call information. He Xinyan never took the initiative to contact her, so she actually called her now?

   Thinking of the humiliation she received at school, she didn't want to pay attention to each other.

   But she was actually curious about the purpose of He Xinyan's call. Does the other party want to show her? Still asking for her?

   Thinking of this, she couldn't help but look forward to it, and couldn't wait to see He Xinyan's sullen expression.

   He Yuye held the pen and waited quietly for the phone to cut off. She planned to wait for the caller to pick up the second time, so that she could fully take the initiative.

   However the phone only rang a few times before it was cut off.

  He Yuye: "…"

   She quickly called over, but the other party was always busy.

   He Yuye was even more anxious, and after the sound cut off, he dialed it again, but this time it was answered in seconds, and He Yuye breathed a sigh of relief.

   "I'm sorry, I was busy just now and didn't hear the ringtone of my phone, what are you looking for?"

  He Xinyan: "Has Mrs. Lin returned to Donglin City?"

   "What?" He Yuye didn't react.

  He Xinyan: "I mean, has your grandmother returned to Donglin City?"

   "No." He Yuye said calmly, his heartbeat was steady.

   She wanted to say something, but the phone had already been hung up neatly.

   He Yuye was a little unhappy, and He Xinyan didn't have the attitude of asking others, so she couldn't blame her for lying. After all, Mrs. Lin was very low-key when she returned to Donglin City, and she didn't want to make a big deal to let everyone know.

   He Xinyan has already left the He family, so there is no need to know.


  He Xinyan hung up the phone and said directly to Xu Jingyang, "Okay, it's confirmed, that's it."

The    system didn’t quite understand: [He Yuye was a moral model of our time, she never lied, why are you so sure? 】

  He Xinyan: "Probably because I don't believe in Lin Yunshu."

   A minute ago, He Xinyan called Lin Yunshu, but they picked up quickly and gave the same answer.

   answered so quickly and her mood was still stable, it was hard for He Xinyan not to doubt that someone had pointed Lin Yunshu.

   (end of this chapter)

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