The Patriarch of the Nine Dragons

Chapter 3776: Nothing serious about starting

"what happened?"

Outside the Tartary Buckwheat City, Ye Qingtian, who was watching the battle in the distance, had a look of surprise, his eyes were staring at the strong spiritual race who suddenly appeared, and a trace of haze flashed in his eyes.

No matter how disordered the breath of the spirit race powerhouse is, after all, he is a powerhouse who has reached the peak of the third rank **** emperor. At this moment, appearing in Tartary Buckwheat City may become the last straw that crushes mankind.

Just now, most of these human cultivators were worried, after all, they could clearly see the situation where their side was down.

At such a time, the opponent will add another veteran, what the result will be, you can think about it with your toes.

In any case, Ye Qingtian's cultivation base was still a bit low, and they didn't sense the extremely chaotic aura of the strong foreign spirit from such a distance.

"Something is wrong!"

Fortunately, there is also Mu Qianyin, whose soul power is extremely good. Relatively speaking, she can see more clearly.

At this moment, her pair of beautiful eyes stared at the foreign spirit powerhouse over there, feeling some aura on his body.

"Don't you think it's strange that the old guy shows up at this time?"

Mu Qianyin's eyes rolled, as if asking and answering himself.

In fact, as he said, the foreign spirits had already had the upper hand. At this time, adding a powerful foreign spirit was just to make the time for the foreign spirits to win faster.

"If I'm not mistaken, the existence of the strange foreign spirit powerhouse is actually aimed at... the stars!"

Mu Qianyin talked eloquently. After these few words were spoken, Li Muling and others next to him suddenly realized that secretly, perhaps only such an arrangement is reasonable.

How about today's Zhan Lingyuan, who would dare to underestimate Yunxiao, even if it was the once strongest Zhan Lingyuan, Tartary Buckwheat, it is impossible to ignore that guy, right?

That being the case, they didn't know beforehand that Yun could not laugh. How could such a top combat power not arrange for a strong spiritual race to deal with it?

Now it seems that the third-ranking **** emperor peak powerhouse who suddenly appeared from the city lord's mansion is the back hand arranged by Tartary Buckwheat and Yuangu, the purpose is to cope with the possible changes, or the possible stars.

"Looking at the state of that old guy, I would rather believe that he did not show up on the initiative, but was forced out!"

Mu Qianyin analyzed deeply, combined with Yuan Shuo's body's disordered aura, and once again made a speculation, so that Li Muling, Han Luoying and others could not help but feel a touch of joy at the same time.

"Sister Qianyin, you mean..."

Li Muling thought of a possibility, but he didn't directly say what he said.

In fact, he is already seven to eight points certain, because if it weren't for that person, who could force a third-rank **** emperor peak foreign spirit powerhouse who did not want to appear?

"It seems we guessed right!"

At this moment, Mu Qianyin had already turned his attention to the Tartary Buckwheat City Lord’s Mansion, because there, a young figure in black clothes appeared at some point there, which was not familiar to her.

"Sure enough it is him!"

Until this moment, many human practitioners who were onlookers realized a fact with hindsight. Their faces all showed a touch of surprise, as well as anticipation and worship.

"Master Star!"

Only one step away was able to break through to the eighteenth district Song He of the Ninth Stage Immortal Venerable. This time he also rushed to this Tartary Buckwheat City with many human experts. At this moment, he could not help but exclaim, making everyone's guesses come true instantly. .

Thinking of the scene of Yunxiao seeing Yunxiao for the first time in the oasis camp in the 18th district, Song He almost burst into tears, and it was only a short year later than that.

In the past half a year, the stars have created countless miracles, and now they are uniting the vein demon to counterattack the foreign spirits and drove all the foreign spirits to the east bank of the Zhanling River.

This was a feat that War Spirit had never done in hundreds of years. Humans in the past were worried about when foreign spirits would invade War Spirit City, but they didn't expect happiness to come so suddenly.

Nie Ying didn't conceal much of the credit for uniting the monster race this time. Almost all human cultivators knew that it was the star.

This undoubtedly brought the admiration of many human practitioners to a peak.

Especially Song He, who has a good relationship with Yun Xiao, and Ke Bing Jiang Yu in the 18th district, are even more connected with You Rongyan.

After all, they have all fought side by side with the stars, and it can be said that they have a deep comradeship.

And what excites these human cultivators the most is that in their hearts, as long as the guy named Xingchen appears, there is nothing that can't be solved, even if the opponent is the most top-notch Spirit Race powerhouse in Zhan Lingyuan.

At least in their impression, every time a star appears, human beings will win the final victory. Even if there is a temporary loss, the final result will be excellent.

If before Nie Ying and the others were fighting, many human cultivators were worried, then at this moment, after seeing the appearance of the black-clothed young man, all these worries magically disappeared.

This is the personal charm of Xingchen. In today's Zhanlingyuan, Xingchen's status has long surpassed Nie Ying, the lord of Zhanling City, and has become a new belief of the people of Zhanlingyuan.

After all, when Nie Ying led Zhan Lingyuan, the human side had never been so proud.

And that guy named Xingchen came to Zhan Lingyuan in less than a year and drove the foreign spirit back to Zhan Linghe.

In the past two months, humans have united the Veiled Demons to counterattack the Spirit Race and achieved a decisive victory.

Especially in the last half of the month, the Spirit Race hardly organized effective resistance, but retreated again and again.

All of this was brought by the guy named Xingchen.

Without the stars, there would be no great victory of the Zhan Ling primitive humans. Some low-level immortal cultivators even wanted to erect monuments for the stars.

Of course, Yun Xiao didn't know these things. At this moment, after he came out of the main hall of the City Lord's Mansion, his expression was quite embarrassing, especially when he saw some strange eyes.

You must know that these three human powers, Nie Ying, were all stunned, but the kid appeared in Tartary Buckwheat City and didn't help him. He went directly to the main hall of the City Lord's Mansion to deal with the mysterious powerhouse.

Although there is nothing wrong with saying this, but if Nie Ying is careless, maybe Nie Ying and the others will all be defeated.

At that time, can the stars alone really be able to turn the tide?

"This kid..."

Nie Ying stared at the black-clothed youth over there with a weird look. Although he was a little emotional, he knew that Yun Xiao was the most correct doing this.

How much destructive power a strong spiritual race can have, Nie Ying now thinks about it and feel scared, once the strong spiritual race conducts a sneak attack, he might die instantly.

Fortunately, the biggest concealer of the other party was pulled out by Yun Xiao, and it seemed that he had suffered some big losses in Yun Xiao's hands. I didn't see the aura of the strong spirit race, is it still a little unstable now?

On the other hand, the black-clothed human youth was so busy, and even a smile that was not a smile was on his face.

Obviously, the clouds are light and windy. In the battle in the City Lord's Mansion just now, this guy must have taken advantage.

"Hey, there is nothing serious about the starting point. I originally wanted to solve this old guy in the main hall of the City Lord's Mansion!"

Yun Xiao slightly touched his nose in embarrassment, unwilling to talk more about a certain topic. After hearing his words, Yuan Shuo's pulse energy finally condensed, almost directly dissipated by the Qi.

In Yuan Shuo's heart, if it weren't for the fact that he hadn't thought of the other party's current body just now, and let De Yunxiao seize the opportunity to attack, the situation would be very different.

After all, he is a super spirit clan powerhouse who is about to break through to the fourth rank **** emperor, and his strength is much stronger than Yuan Gu.

How could a human kid who had just broken through to the third rank **** emperor a few days ago be his opponent?

"Xingchen, are you really out?"

On the other side, Zhan Lei took a blow, blasted his opponent away, and then shouted with surprise and joy. To be honest, he and Gu Qing were the two most surprised people.

Although Nie Ying and the others also knew that Yunxiao had entered the blood cloud of the blood prison gate, they only knew how difficult it is to get out of the blood cloud by personally experiencing the thunder and love of the valley waiting in the blood prison gate. thing.

It can be said that invisible, Yun Xiao created another miracle.

That is, after entering the blood cloud, he came out of the blood cloud alive. No one has ever been able to come out of the blood cloud before, not even a corpse.

It was just at such a moment, Nie Ying and the others selectively ignored this remote miracle.

They only know how Yunxiao's appearance will change the situation in Tartary Buckwheat City today.


Hearing Zhan Lei's high voice, Yun Xiao didn't explain too much, just smiled slightly. This state also made the expressions of the foreign spirits Yuan Gu and Yuan Shuo extremely gloomy.

You know now that the Spirit Race has the absolute upper hand, do you really think that just one more star can change this situation?

In any case, although Yun Xiao's kick was powerful just now, it was still impossible to say that Yuan Shuo was really seriously injured. That is to say, there was also a third-rank God Emperor Peak powerhouse on the Spirit Race.

Except for Kai Yuan Shuo, no one knew that Yun Xiao had already broken through to the third rank **** emperor, and their subconsciousness was still stuck in the 18th district war.

And in just a few months, how could this kid make another breakthrough?

That being the case, what kind of impact can a human hairy kid of the second-rank **** emperor have on such a top-notch battle even if he has a huge reputation?

The practitioners, including the humans, returned to reality after a brief excitement.

Although they are extremely confident in Yun Xiao, but the situation in Tartary Buckwheat City today may not be changed by one person alone.

Now it's up to the human youth named Xingchen to see which step he can do. If a few tricks are taken care of by the mysterious Spirit Race powerhouse, then nothing will be mentioned.

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