The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 1036 Death of Uncle Dong

"Just wait and see, Ayou's shop will close sooner or later... Why? Of course it's because that fat pig will eat up that shop! Humph! That fat pig is so fat and can eat so much , Sooner or later, I will die together with Ayou!”

"Keep your tongue, sir, and stop being so foul-mouthed!" Aunt Mei advised again angrily.

But Uncle Dong became more and more enthusiastic: "Actually, I already knew that this was all a conspiracy! There must be a conspiracy between Ayou and that fat pig, otherwise why would they suddenly let us eat for free? No money was charged, and the food was still there Such a big market, doesn’t this prove that they have a conspiracy?”

Aunt Mei laughed and shook her head.

Uncle Dong scolded angrily: "What the hell, I'll find an atomic bomb and blow them up!"

Aunt Mei couldn't bear it anymore and deliberately poked him with a needle.

"Ouch!" Uncle Dong screamed in pain, and immediately straightened his body and did not dare to move.

Aunt Mei smiled with satisfaction.

"You throw away the garbage later, I'll finish the last bit of this piece of material, and we'll burn the paper as a sacrifice." Aunt Mei said.

"Then I have to take off my fat pig clothes, otherwise people will think I am a pig." Uncle Dong snorted coldly.

Ten minutes later, Uncle Dong, who had changed his clothes, took the garbage to the corridor to throw out the garbage.

It was almost Haishi at this time, and every household had burned the paper, laid out the sacrifices and gone home.

Most of the people living here are old people who are very traditional, so basically every household has turned off the lights and gone to bed.

It was extremely quiet in the corridor, and only Uncle Dong's own "Sasa" footsteps were particularly clear.


As soon as the stairwell door was opened a crack, a cold, damp air mixed with the sour smell of garbage hit my nostrils.

Uncle Dong frowned and pushed open the fire door of the stairwell.

He felt that the door was particularly heavy today, and there seemed to be something blocked behind the door.

He didn't see a pair of bare feet exposed under the crack of the door.

The little feet are black and blue, and the nails are pitch black.

Uncle Dong sidled in through the stairwell door, walked a few steps quickly, and threw the garbage into the trash can next to the door.

He was about to turn around and leave when he suddenly heard the sound of children laughing and playing downstairs.

"You let your children come out to play so late? What a stupid pig!" Uncle Dong frowned and cursed, and was about to turn around and leave without bothering to meddle in other people's business.

But he suddenly woke up after taking two steps. He suddenly remembered that since the death of a little boy named Xiaojie more than a month ago, there were no children in this building except Xiaobai!

Uncle Dong felt a little creepy and felt a chill on his back.

"Hee hee hee……"

The children's laughter came from downstairs again.

Listening to the sound, it seems to be one level below.

Uncle Dong hesitated slightly, then turned back, intending to take a closer look.

He is old, half of his body has been buried in the earth, and he no longer has so many taboos about things involving gods and ghosts.

In fact, the older people are, the more curious they are about ghosts and gods, and the more they hope they can see ghosts.

Because only when they see ghosts with their own eyes will they feel reassured. No matter how scary the ghosts are, at least they will not be gone after death, nor will they disappear forever.

Every quiet night, Uncle Dong thinks that he will die one day. All consciousness will disappear, and the body will be burned to ashes. In the end, these ashes will no longer exist...

The world is still moving, people are living and dying, coming and going, and bustling with activity.

However, he will never exist again, and everything in the world will no longer have anything to do with him. He disappeared from this world forever, as if he had never been here...

Like this for thousands of years, hundreds of millions of years...

How terrible is it that he has never existed and will never exist?

When he thought of this, Uncle Dong was so frightened that he was shaking all over and suffocating with fear.

When he was young, he had no taboos and believed in nothing.

But when he got older, he began to believe in Buddhism and ghosts and gods.

He doesn't really believe it, he just wants these things to exist, he doesn't want them to never exist.

So when he realized that the sounds of the children laughing and playing might not be made by humans, after being frightened, Uncle Dong's first reaction was excitement.

He almost couldn't wait to get to the stairs. He was full of anticipation, hoping that he could see the ghost with his own eyes.

He hopes to be able to prove that people will not disappear completely after death.

He walked quickly to the stairs, stretched his neck and looked downstairs.

He saw it!

He saw a child wearing only trousers squatting on the stairs downstairs, with his back to him.

The light was very dim, and his old eyes were dim, so Uncle Dong couldn't see clearly. He could only make out a rough outline.

He only vaguely saw that this was a child, and saw that the child's skin showed a strange blue-gray color.

Is it a ghost?

Uncle Dong was very excited and wanted to go downstairs to take a closer look.

But he didn't notice that the stairwell door closed at some point, revealing the little devil hiding behind the door.

Half of this kid's head was gone. The head was broken and bloody. There was some flesh and brain hanging on the stubble of the bones. One eye was drooped on the face, and the mouth was only half open.

He walked gently behind Uncle Dong, suddenly stretched out his hand and pushed hard.


Uncle Dong lost his balance and let out a short exclamation in his throat. The next moment he rolled downstairs.


His neck hit the edge of the stairs hard, and his cervical spine suddenly bulged out.


The pain that goes deep into the bone marrow!

Uncle Dong groaned in pain, his consciousness gradually blurring.

A man in a gray short coat walked out of the darkness, with sinister eyes and a cold expression on the corner of his mouth.

A pair of turbid and sinister eyes stared at Uncle Dong lying on the ground.

It's Ah Jiu!

He took action in advance!

Originally he wasn't so anxious, but the incident involving the twin female ghosts in 2442 and the arrival of Su Yi gave him a sense of crisis.

He hated this kind of unexpected change, and he was afraid that it might happen later, so he didn't want to wait any longer.

"Brother Dong, don't blame me for being cruel. If you want to blame me, blame your bad luck..." Ah Jiu stared at Uncle Dong and walked out slowly.

Suddenly a small hand grabbed the corner of his clothes, and a soft sob of pleading came from behind.

Ah Jiu turned around suddenly, her eyes suddenly becoming fierce.

He knocked the little hand off, his expression full of warning.

The owner of this little hand is Su Yi's old acquaintance, the kid with the eyes sewed shut.

It took a step back in fear and trembled.

Behind him, there were seven or eight little ghosts about the same size as it, both men and women, with different expressions.

These little devils are all the sins Ah Jiu has committed over the past year or so!

How lucky are they to be born as humans?

But how unfortunate it is that at a young age when he was still ignorant, he was killed by gangsters. Even his soul was refined into a slave, enslaved by others, and never allowed to be reincarnated!

They don't even know why they are like this.

The kid had good intentions and sensed that Uncle Dong was still alive, so he didn't want Ah Jiu to harm his life, but Ah Jiu warned him that a punishment would be inevitable.

Ah Jiu found out that Uncle Dong was not dead, so he lifted him up and wanted to throw him down again.

Unexpectedly, his actions caused Uncle Dong, who had a broken cervical vertebra, to wake up in pain.

When he saw clearly that it was Ah Jiu, he was shocked and began to struggle hard.

But he is old and seriously injured, how can he be Ajiu's opponent?

In the end, he was pushed hard by Ah Jiu into the patio of the stairwell.

Uncle Dong suddenly fell from the patio.

At the moment he fell, Uncle Dong heard the exclamations of some children, and he saw several children sticking their heads out to look at him.

Some of these children have lost half of their faces, some have long tongues hanging out, some have rolled their eyes, and some have faces covered in maggots and blood...

There is no doubt that they are all ghosts!

"It turns out that there really are ghosts in this world..."

This was the last thought Uncle Dong had in his life.


Then his head hit the edge of the stairs hard, his skull cracked like a watermelon, and his brains splattered out!

He was suddenly plunged into absolute darkness.


Uncle Dong fell heavily to the ground on the first floor.

A hole was thrown out of his head, half of his face was broken, and his entire gum was exposed.

The gold tooth that he had always been proud of had been knocked into nowhere.

Dark red blood quickly emerged from under his body and head, spreading out in a large area.

Ah Jiu panted and looked downstairs, eyes narrowed.

Suddenly, he heard some noise coming from upstairs.

He looked up sharply.

But nothing was seen.

Just as he was about to go upstairs to check, the kid with his eyes sewn shut suddenly pulled on his sleeve, and then floated downstairs with the other kid chirping.

Ah Jiu's attention was immediately diverted, and he hurriedly chased the kid downstairs.

In the stairwell on the 25th floor.

Yang Feng covered her mouth tightly, not daring to let out any anger.

Her eyes were filled with fear, and her whole body was trembling.

She came out to look for food and witnessed everything that had just happened.

Aunt May took a nap.

She dreamed that Uncle Dong suddenly came back and she was washing Uncle Dong's feet.

But when the hot water was poured into the footbath, Uncle Dong's feet were still as cold as ice cubes.

"Master, what's wrong with your feet? Why are they so cold?" Aunt Mei asked worriedly, "You must have caught a cold, right?"

"It's okay..." Uncle Dong leaned on the back of the chair, his neck was very stiff, his face was expressionless, his eyes were dull, and his tone was very mechanical.

"Master, what's wrong with you?" Aunt Mei noticed something was wrong with her husband and suddenly remembered something, "By the way, didn't I ask you to take out the trash? You seem to have been there for a long time?"

"I've been looking for you everywhere..." Uncle Dong said blankly, "I can't find you..."

"I'm at home, why do I need to look for you?" Aunt Mei asked strangely, "Are you really okay?"

"It's okay..." Uncle Dong said expressionlessly, "I'll be back in a few days, remember to wait for me."

Aunt Mei suddenly woke up from her sleep, feeling palpitating and inexplicable fear.

She panted rapidly and sat there for a long time before she came back to her senses.

She looked up at the clock hanging on the wall and realized that she had slept for more than twenty minutes.

The room was empty, and the door was still ajar.

My husband hasn't come back yet.

I just took out the trash, why haven't I come back yet?

Aunt Mei recalled the strange dream just now, that dream with incomparable clarity.

Deep ominousness and fear welled up in her heart.

Boom, boom, boom!

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

Aunt Mei sat up straight and stared at the door.

If my husband comes home, he never knocks on the door.

Creaking, the ajar door was pushed open, Ah Jiu stood at the door with a heavy expression, and saw Aunt Mei at a glance.

Aunt Mei's face turned pale, she had expected something.

She stood up with great effort, looked at Ah Jiu with trembling lips, but could not say a word.

"Sister Mei, Brother Dong... something happened." Ah Jiu said in a low voice.


Aunt Mei fell back on the chair again, her face ashen.

Half an hour later, 2442.

Su Yi suddenly heard a knock on the door.

He frowned, stood up and opened the door, and saw Xiaobai standing outside the door.

Su Yi stepped aside to let him in, but his brows furrowed even more.

Xiaobai usually only comes here in the morning and runs around playing in the afternoon, but before dark, Xiaobai is always with his mother.

It's so late today, why did you suddenly come to see him?

Xiaobai's eyes were a little dull.

"Where's your mother?" Su Yi asked.

"Run away." Xiaobai said.

Apart from his mother and Uncle Yan, he only talked to Su Yi.

"Run away?" Su Yi looked at him doubtfully, "Why?"

"She was scared." Xiaobai said, "She... didn't know I was looking at her, so she ran away."

Although Xiaobai's words were a little incoherent, Su Yi still understood what he wanted to express.

"Do you know what happened?" Su Yi asked.

Xiaobai shook his head. But he hesitated again.

"Draw what you see and what you want to say." Su Yi said.

He knew that Xiaobai was not good at words and was not good at using words to describe what he saw.

But he can draw.

And the painting is good.

Xiaobai listened to Su Yi very much and did as he was told.

Ten minutes later, Xiaobai's painting appeared on the paper.

On the black stairs, there is a tall brown man with a long nose and sharp teeth.

Behind him, there were nine children, all of whom had no painted faces, and whose limbs were all weirdly twisted.

Su Yi frowned at the painting and asked, "Is this what you saw?"

Xiaobai nodded.

Su Yi was thoughtful.

He pondered for a moment, then turned to Xiaobai and said, "Don't leave tonight, go inside and sleep. If your mother comes looking for you, she will guess that you are here with me."

Xiaobai nodded and walked towards the balcony.

"Go to the bedroom!" Su Yi said.

Xiaobai didn't speak, but obediently changed direction and walked towards the bedroom.

Su Yi's eyes fell on this painting again.

Stairs, adults with long noses and sharp teeth, nine children...

He felt a little heavy and had some vague guesses.

Sometimes it's not a good thing for people to be smart, just like Su Yi at this moment.

He would rather be stupid, maybe he wouldn't be so entangled now.

Do you want to go out and take a look?

No, forget it.

Maybe everything that should happen has already happened, so what's the use of going out?

Just stay here and wait, watching over Xiao Bai.

He glanced back at the bedroom.

No matter what, keep this kid.

he told himself.

An hour later, Su Yi heard some noises coming from the corridor outside.

There were two footsteps, one light and one heavy.

People with heavy footsteps breathe heavily, seem very tired, and cough from time to time.

However, they are still some distance away from here, and Su Yi's hearing is very sensitive, so most people really can't hear it.

Not to mention, these two people were a little sneaky and deliberately lowered their voices when speaking.

The two voices quickly faded away, and Su Yi sat quietly in the living room, listening to Xiaobai's slight snoring coming from the bedroom, silent.

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