The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 1037 Yin Soldiers Passing Through

From the first day of acting, the director told him that the play is the play, and you are you.

You can be a hysterical lunatic in the movie, but in the real world, you are still a polite and modest gentleman.

Su Yi feels that he has done it. In "The Wind", he pulls and pulls whenever he wants, but in reality he will never do this; in "The Rivers and Lakes of the Republic of China", he is so bold that his hands are stained with blood, but in reality, he will not do it either. Do this.

And when he becomes a Hong Kong boss, he kills people and flips tables at every turn. In the world of Swordsman, he even competes with Dongfang Invincible...

In short, Su Yi feels that he is a good actor.

But he still has never played a role without a bottom line.

He will not strengthen women, kill innocent old, young, women and children, nor will he use any means to achieve his goals and break the bottom line.

The director told Su Yi that this was wrong.

But what is right?

what is wrong?

After all, this is not real acting, but experiencing a period of life.

On the stage, actors kill people, set fires, strengthen and torture them. It's all just for show, it's fake.

But if Su Yi plays such a role, he has to be serious. He has to be really murderous and really strong. Those victims are also living people of flesh and blood.

He can't do this.

He couldn't convince himself that these people were all NPCs, and then they went on a killing spree and committed all kinds of evil.

But Su Yi had a hunch that maybe he would encounter such a choice sooner or later.

Just like this time.

The acting assignments conflicted with his bottom line.

If he wants to complete the performance task, he must sit back and watch Ajiu commit murder.

If he chooses to stick to the bottom line, his performance mission will be ruined.

He must choose whether to sacrifice a person who has nothing to do with him and complete the task; or to stick to the so-called bottom line and pay a huge price?

Su Yi has never been a soft-hearted person, and he has never claimed to be a good person. If something is within the scope of his moral acceptance, he will do whatever it takes.

He has no moral obsession, only his own principles and his own preferences.

The reason why he has been hesitant about Uncle Dong is because he feels that in this matter, he seems to be stepping on the ambiguous dividing line between his own principles.

In comparison, Xiaobai Ajuan might be harmed, so she was protected by Su Yi. Even without the catalyst of the boy's blood, it is very likely that the zombies formed by Uncle Dong would not meet the mission standards, and Su Yi did not hesitate.

Because these two things completely exceeded Su Yi's bottom line, he would rather find another way to complete the task. No matter how troublesome it was, he would not let these two people suffer.

Uncle Dong...

Someone once said that when the coin falls, you will know which side you want.

Su Yi was now sure that he really couldn't be such a bad person.

He still didn't want Uncle Dong to die.

He used Uncle Dong's death to figure out his true bottom line.

The coin that was tossed high in his heart finally landed.

The entanglement and vacillation that had existed since he came to this world disappeared at this moment. Su Yi's mentality was clear and there was no longer any distracting thoughts.


Of course not, it's Su Yi's own business to save people or not, and he won't feel guilty towards anyone for this. Uncle Dong didn't die because of him, let alone killed him, and he wouldn't feel guilty about it.

Do you regret it?

If Su Yi was asked to choose again, he would definitely not choose to sit idly by.

But that’s also something to do if you have another chance to choose again.

Reality has become a foregone conclusion, Su Yi just asked himself clearly and then moved on.

Uncle Dong's home.

Ah Jiu struggled to put Uncle Dong's body in the bathtub. He was sweating profusely and collapsed on the ground, breathing heavily and coughing.

Aunt Mei stared at this scene blankly, as if she had lost her soul, without any reaction.

The person who had spent her whole life beside her was now lying in front of her, her body no longer having any warmth.

A piece of his skull was shattered, and all the brain matter inside had leaked out. Half of the flesh and blood on his face was gone, and his gums mixed with bloodshot eyes were exposed, looking particularly ferocious.

It must hurt a lot, right?

Aunt Mei clenched her fists tightly, her nails digging into her flesh.

The master usually screams in pain when he is pricked by a needle. Now that the injury is so severe, how much pain does he have to suffer?

She couldn't believe that her husband left her so suddenly.

In such a cruel way.

No goodbye, no warning.

She knew that death would be something she would face sooner or later, but she could not accept such a death.

Apart from having a bad mouth, the old man has never done any bad things in his life. Why did he have such a tragic ending?


She couldn't figure it out, and her heart was bleeding.

"Cough cough cough..." Ah Jiu gasped and raised her head to look at Aunt Mei, "Have you thought about it?"

Aunt Mei came back to her senses and looked at Ah Jiu, her heart suddenly became firm.

"What should I do?" Aunt May asked.

"The dead cannot be resurrected, cough cough... reviving a dead body is an act against nature. If you do this, you will be punished severely when you get down there, cough cough cough..." Ah Jiu coughed and stared at Aunt Mei's face. Eyes said.

Aunt Mei looked at Ah Jiu. She had lived for most of her life. What could she not see clearly?

This Ah Jiu has something up her sleeve, maybe she has an ulterior motive, maybe she's trying to lie to her.

But she didn't care about that much anymore.

She just wanted her husband back, even if it was a corpse, even if he would really be cheated.

But even if there was only one ten thousandth chance, she still wanted to try.

"What should I do?" Aunt Mei asked repeatedly in a mechanical voice.

"Go dig the soil. Before dawn, dig enough soil to cover Brother Dong's body." Ah Jiu's eyes flashed with strange colors, "This way there is no need to dig a hole to bury the body. Ahem..."

"I will first restore Brother Dong's appearance, then use medicine to prevent his body from rotting, and then use magic to draw talismans to allow Brother Dong to absorb the extremely yin energy."

At this point, Ah Jiu coughed violently again, and then said: "Sister-in-law Mei, this matter... is harmful to Tianhe, and cannot be known to anyone. Once outsiders find out, I will never help you again, Brother Dong. You can never come back, do you understand?"

Aunt Mei looked at Ah Jiu blankly and said, "I will listen to you."

Ah Jiu nodded with satisfaction, coughed twice more and said, "Okay, then let's divide our forces into two groups. You will dig the soil, and I will prepare the things. Tomorrow night I will take the fragrant cedar coffin with the heaviest yin energy to seal Brother Dong's body. Body, seven days later, when Brother Dong returns to his soul for the first seven days, you will be able to see him..."

It’s hard to imagine that Aunt Mei spent the next two hours digging twelve bags of soil from the back hill, went upstairs, and buried Uncle Dong’s body in her bathtub.

Ah Jiu also mended and repaired Uncle Dong's body during this period, and smeared a special powder all over his body.

After the two of them worked together to bury Uncle Dong in the bathtub, Ah Jiu used a piece of purple talisman paper that had been drawn long ago and pasted it on Uncle Dong's forehead.

Suddenly, the whole room became much colder.

"Cough cough cough..." Ah Jiu suddenly coughed violently again.

He took out a pocket watch and looked at the time. His expression suddenly changed, and he hurriedly said to Aunt Mei: "Starting from tomorrow, kill a crow every morning and evening, and smear the blood on his seven orifices and chest. Cough cough cough... tomorrow I will come to you again in the evening, remember, don’t let anyone know..."

After saying that, Ah Jiu coughed violently and left in a hurry.

As soon as he went out, Ah Jiu looked around cautiously, with a look of fear in his eyes. He hurriedly ran towards the elevator.

After hurried back to his home, Ah Jiu grabbed a black bell by the door and shook it vigorously without saying a word, and rushed to the bedroom madly.

There was actually an extremely strange magic circle arranged in his bedroom. In the center of the magic circle was an upright coffin with runes painted on all sides.

His left hand kept ringing the bell, and his right hand picked up a small clay pot next to the coffin, opened it, and poured some waxy viscous liquid into the palm of his hand.

This liquid smelled foul, but it was actually the body oil of the child's corpse.

All the bodies of the children he killed were sent to the crematorium for sparks, and all the refined corpse oil was collected by him.

Hee hee hee……

Woo woo woo...

Eight or nine little ghosts covered their ears and rushed into the magic circle from all directions with pain on their faces, rushing straight into Ah Jiu's body.

The skin all over his body suddenly showed the grimaces, hand and foot marks of many children.

Ah Jiu had a look of pain on his face, and smeared the corpse oil on his face with trembling hands, then picked up the small clay pot, poured a large mouthful into his mouth, and held it in his mouth.

Then he walked into the coffin covered with runes and closed the lid.

The whole world suddenly became quiet.

Ah Jiu seemed to have even lost his breath.

This room looked like an abandoned house that no one had ever lived in, without any trace of popularity.

clang clang clang...

clang clang clang...

Almost at the same time, the rapid ringing of the bell rang through the twenty-fourth floor.

Su Yi, who was meditating in the living room, suddenly opened his eyes.

Along with the ringing, Su Yi also heard Yang Feng's hurried shouting: "Xiaobai...Xiaobai..."

Looking at the time, it was already 3:14 in the morning.

Su Yi frowned slightly, stood up and opened the door.

Yang Feng, who had almost reached Su Yi's door, was startled. She shivered and took a few steps back, trembling and not daring to come near.

Su Yi knew that she could see the twin female ghosts in 2442, so she closed the door.

"Xiaobai is at my place." Su Yi said to her, "He said he couldn't find you, so he came to my place."

Yang Feng was still very scared and did not dare to look at Su Yi. She said in a trembling voice: "They are coming! They are coming soon!"

"Who?" Su Yi was startled, and his nerves suddenly became tense.

"It's coming, it's coming..." Yang Feng's face was full of fear, and the struggle became more intense, "Lean, lean against the wall! Don't look! Don't look! Don't…"

She trembled and hugged her head, pressing her body tightly against the wall.


Suddenly, the dim lights in the corridor became bright and dim, flickering erratically.

Great fear surged toward Su Yi. Su Yi suddenly felt as cold as if he had fallen into an ice cave!

He only felt that his limbs were stiff, even the blood seemed to be solidified in his blood vessels, and his heartbeat suddenly became extremely slow at this moment!

He let out a breath, and there was actually a white mist, and his whole body was instantly covered with goosebumps. On his forehead and back of his neck, ice-cold water droplets like dewdrops first oozed out, and then condensed into a thin layer of water. Frost!

This is incredible!

Su Yi's energy and blood were as strong as a furnace, not to mention that he also had internal energy to protect his body.

But now, all the energy and blood in his body was almost frozen!

Su Yi's eyelids twitched, and he looked back suddenly as if he felt something!

Then his eyes widened, and unspeakable fear and horror filled his heart in an instant!

What did he see?

He saw four things that were more than three meters tall and looked like humans but not humans, swaying towards this side from the end of the corridor!

They were wearing strange clothes, long robes and long gowns, all in bright and green colors, and they looked indescribably weird.

It's like paper clothes.

From their calves down, they were completely obscured by the billowing gray mist, and their feet could not be seen clearly, but the sound of dragging iron chains could be vaguely heard, as well as a tooth-grinding sound like the tip of a knife scraping against an iron plate.

They all wore strange cloaks that completely covered their heads and faces.

They were all holding tattered paper umbrellas.

Su Yi couldn't see their hands clearly because their hands were all shrunk in their wide sleeves.

But after taking a quick look, Su Yi felt that some of his energy and blood had evaporated in an instant. His head suddenly felt as if someone had hit him hard with a heavy hammer. Stars appeared in his eyes and he felt dizzy.

He felt as if his spirit was being pulled by something, as if it was about to fly out of his body!

Su Yi was horrified and almost immediately closed his eyes.

The feeling of dizziness and loss of consciousness disappeared instantly. Su Yi hurriedly took a step back and pressed his body tightly against the wall.

He didn't dare to move, he didn't dare to open his eyes, he didn't even dare to breathe!

A strong sense of crisis filled Su Yi's heart. He had a premonition that even if he did nothing, just opened his eyes and took a look, he would be dead!

Sizzling, sizzling...

The sound of current is exceptionally clear.


The sound of iron chains sliding became closer and closer.

There was also the harsh sound of metal friction, which made Su Yi's teeth ache more and more, making him feel uncomfortable all over.

Su Yi recited Huangting Sutra crazily in his heart. Gradually, his whole body entered a state of silence and calmed down completely.

But the senses are still very clear.

He felt that his body was getting colder and colder, and his hands, feet, nose and ears even hurt a little from the cold, as if he were in a bad wind and snow day of more than 30 degrees below zero.



Su Yi had never felt so close to death, nor had he ever felt such great oppression and fear.

He felt as if something very cold and evil was staring at him, not missing an inch from top to bottom.

Wherever this thing looks, it's like scraping bones with a steel knife, or burning with needles!

He tried not to react.

He closed his eyes tightly, not daring to open them at all.


The sound of the chain sliding could be heard right in front of Su Yi's eyes.

These four things have already arrived in front of Su Yi!

Suddenly, all the sounds stopped!

The whole world suddenly fell into silence!

They stopped!

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