The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 1362 Family Tradition

It gets dark early in the spring in the capital. It's dark at 6 o'clock and you have to light up the lights. By 6:30, it's already completely dark.

Although there is no such thing as a nine-to-five job at this time, all walks of life basically follow an eight-hour work system. They start work at 8:30 in the morning, get off work at 6 p.m., and have an hour and a half break at noon.

At this time, there was no such thing as a weekend. You would work normally from Monday to Saturday, and Sunday was called the "voluntary labor day." You also had to go to work, and it was free of charge.

There are no holidays during the May Day Labor Day, Dragon Boat Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival. There are only three days off during the Spring Festival and National Day throughout the year.

What is even more anti-human is that starting from next year, ten years from now, it will be open all year round!

We will keep working hard on New Year's Eve and on the first day of the first lunar month to grasp the revolution, promote production, break all feudal customs, and celebrate a revolutionary Spring Festival.

So we can’t blame people in this era for not having leisure. They really don’t have time for leisure.

After a busy day during the day, it was already dark after dinner.

At this time, there was nowhere to go in Beijing at night, and it was not safe outside after dark, so I could only stay at home.

Almost every household in the courtyard has only one electric light on. Most people only have electricity in the big house. There is no electricity in the bedrooms of the small houses. They either light wax or kerosene lamps.

The reason for this is of course to save money.

You know, there are no electricity meters these days, and the electricity bill is not paid by the kilowatt-hour. Instead, the electricity bill is collected in a simple and crude way, that is - counting light bulbs!

How many light bulbs do you have in your home? How much does it cost?

And the wattage of light bulbs is different, and the cost is also different.

For example, a ten-watt light bulb costs 10 cents per month, a 20-watt light bulb costs 20 cents per month, and so on.

The most commonly used light bulbs at this time were fifteen-watt bulbs, and only wealthy people were willing to use twenty-watt bulbs or more.

Therefore, in order to save money, ordinary families only install one light bulb in the big house.

This method may seem absurd today, but it was a matter of course at the time, because at that time the only things that every household used to have circuits were light bulbs.

Families with good conditions may use electric fans, but as long as you have this thing, you will have to pay an extra five yuan in electricity bills every year. Most families can neither afford it nor afford it.

As for things like refrigerators, only a very small number of high-ranking families can afford them, and those families don't need to pay electricity bills.

The radio is powered by batteries and does not need to be powered on.

The third uncle, Yan Fugui, also has a radio at home. In this courtyard, the only other family with a radio is his family and Xu Damao's family.

Whether it is the bicycle outside the door that is polished all the time, or the radio in the living room at home, Yan Fugui saved it bit by bit.

There are seven members of the Yan family. In addition to Yan Fugui and his third aunt, they also have three sons and one daughter.

The eldest son, Yan Jiecheng, is married, and his daughter-in-law is named Yu Li. The young couple live separately, but they still eat in the same pot and live in a separate house next door to Yan Fugui.

Yan Jiecheng and Yu Li are both temporary workers, and their combined salary is only about 20 yuan. They also have to pay Yan Fugui 15 yuan every month for accommodation and food expenses. They live such a good life. Call a tight babe.

The second child, Yan Jiefang, is seventeen years old. He has nothing to do after dropping out of junior high school. Now he occasionally does odd jobs outside, but most of the time he has nothing to do, which gives the third uncle and his wife a headache.

The third youngest, Yan Jiekuang, and the fourth girl, Yan Jiedi, are both still in school.

Yan Fugui's salary is 42 yuan a month, plus the 15 yuan paid by his eldest son and his wife every month, which is 57 yuan a month. The average person of this family has only 80 yuan at his disposal. Yuan is the most common income level for the people at the bottom.

Considering that Yan Jiecheng had only been working for a few years, and before that, the whole family had been supported by Yan Fugui alone, providing for four children to go to school, food, drink and clothing, the third uncle's life was actually not easy either. It's only gotten a little better in the past two years.

But under such difficult conditions, the third uncle not only neglected the children's education, but also arranged for his eldest son to get married, bought "big items" such as a radio and a bicycle for the family, and became "the number one in the hospital". Life has passed ahead of others, and it can be said to be very successful.

This is also the thing that the third uncle is most proud of. He neither steals nor robs. He does not break the law or be immoral, and he does not beg. He lives his life in an upright manner, not to mention the entire compound, looking at the entire compound. How many are there in Beijing?

And the reason why he can do this is because he can calculate.

There is a saying that the third uncle often says: "If you don't have enough to eat, you won't have enough clothes to wear. If you don't calculate, you will suffer from poverty."

Everyone called him Yan Laoxi'er and Yan Laoji, but the third uncle didn't care.

What's wrong with picking?

Do you think anyone can dig out a bicycle or a radio?

This is called ability!

But once everything is extreme, it is too much.

The third uncle, Yan Fugui, did not dare to turn up the volume when listening to the radio for fear of wasting electricity. He and his son also calculated every account very clearly, which led to the whole family being very fussy about everything. In calculations, interests come before family ties.

When a family sits at the same dining table and eats, there is a quota for how much each person eats. Generally, you won’t miss a mouthful, but you don’t have to eat more if you want.

Today, the third aunt ordered noodle soup. Because she had been angry with Su Yi for a while, the cooking was finished and the whole family returned home. The third aunt had not finished cooking yet.

Yan Fugui saw that his wife was not in a good mood, and asked about the situation. Now the third aunt had something to complain about, and immediately told everything that happened between him and Su Yi today.

"Just 50 cents for cleaning?" Yan Fugui was very surprised, "Did you get the money? Didn't I bluff you?"

"I agreed to give it to me at that time!" said the third aunt, "because there are so few sticks, otherwise the fifty cents won't fall on me."

"This child has been spoiled by his grandma and is greedy. He will definitely suffer when he grows up." Yan Fugui commented, and then changed the topic, "This Su Yuanchao can't live well. How can he waste money like this?"

"Dad, look at what you said. If he doesn't waste money, will it be my mother's turn to earn the money?" Yan Jiecheng interrupted, and then said sourly, "That means Yu Li and I are both at work, otherwise it won't be my turn. Mom, if you miss it, this fifty cents is just like picking it up for nothing.”

"That's right, there's nothing to clean in an empty house." Yu Li smacked her lips.

"There is a time in life that you must have, but there is no time in life, so don't force it." Yan Fugui dropped the book bag and frowned, "This Qin Huairu has no profit and can't afford to go early. You just said I could make two sets of bedding." Four or five meters of cloth? How much does she get for pulling a cart?"

"Can't you give me seventy or eight cents?" Yan Jiecheng guessed.

"I'm afraid it won't stop." Yan Fugui sighed, "Honey, you did such a bad job today. You didn't use your brain! You've already taken over the cleaning work, so why are you talking so much? If you ask him more, what are you afraid of? If you ask him what he bought in the empty house, won’t he take over the work of selling goods? "

"The goods have been shipped, and the sewing work will fall into our hands. Although we don't have a sewing machine, we can borrow someone else's. My wife, my wife, look at you, stop using your brain, our family How much is the loss?”

"Stop talking and get a dollar and a half!" Yan Jiecheng slapped his thigh, "Mom, you are so wrong! Dad always said that if you don't have enough food, you don't have enough clothes. If you don't calculate, you will suffer poverty, but you can't just calculate at home, you also I have to plot against people outside! If I were at home, I definitely couldn’t let this money fly under my nose!”

"Blame me, blame me, oh, I regret it so much!" The third aunt slapped her thigh, with an annoyed look on her face, "If I had taken over this job early, the little widow would have been able to seduce the soul of the prodigal son away. ? It's good now, I'm afraid if he has another chance in the future, the first thing he will think of is Widow Qin! "

"Mom, what are you afraid of? His Jia family has a mother who is a good-looking girl. Doesn't our family also have my sister-in-law?" Yan Jiefang said carelessly, "My mother-in-law is as good-looking as my sister-in-law."

"Bastard words!" As soon as Yan Jiefang finished speaking, Yan Fugui's face suddenly changed, "What do you think of your sister-in-law? No matter how poor our Yan family is, we can't lose our dignity and integrity. All the principles I taught you have been in vain. ?”

"I, I didn't mean that..." Yan Jiefang was so frightened that he stammered.

"You, you're not young anymore, so you should think through your words!" Yan Jiecheng said angrily, "Why don't you compare your sister-in-law with a widow?"

"I was wrong, I was wrong, brother, I didn't mean that." Yan Jiefang said hurriedly.

"The second child is also talking without meaning, don't talk about him." The third aunt still looked very depressed, "His dad, as the old saying goes, if you don't pick it up, it will be lost. I didn't do it right today, you see there are still Is there any way to make amends? It’s okay for Widow Qin to take advantage of Silly Zhu, they are all in the middle courtyard, but this Su Yuanchao belongs to our front courtyard, isn’t Qin Huairu’s hand stretched too far? "

Yan Fugui pondered slightly and said: "There is a long time to come, let me get to know him and feel his temperament before talking. I still say the same thing, there is a time in life, it must be there, and there is no time in life, don't force it, don't expect others to give it, As long as we can seize the opportunity when we have it, that’s enough.”

After a pause, Yan Fugui pointed at his wife and taught the younger generations: "What your mother did today is a negative example. We must learn from it!"

"Dad, I took note of it."

"I know dad."

The children answered sparsely.

"Eat and eat! My wife, go and serve the rice!" Yan Fugui waved his hand and suddenly looked at Yan Jiecheng, "Jiecheng, you two will eat a little thinner food today. I told you in advance."

"No, why?" Yan Jiecheng was anxious, "Dad, we have to pay fifteen yuan a month!"

"Yes, you paid a lot." Yan Fugui said with a smile, "But what you paid was for accommodation and food. Aren't the dishes and chopsticks you used also come from home? These things are all subject to wear and tear. fee……"

"Wear and tear?" Yu Li couldn't help but sarcastically said, "Dad, I heard from Jie Cheng that our bowls and chopsticks haven't been replaced in more than ten years. What's the wear and tear on you?"

"That's right, when I go to a restaurant to eat, he doesn't even dare to ask me to charge for the wear and tear of tableware. Good guy, you'd better..." Yan Jiecheng was extremely angry.

"How many meals did you eat in the restaurant? You ate at home for the first time, so how could it not wear out?" Yan Fugui said, "I know wear and tear is slow, so don't I charge more? That's every Monday afternoon. This meal, you two will eat a little thinner, as usual."


Yu Li slapped the table with a dark face and stood up. She turned around and walked out of the door, slamming the door hard.

"Hey, who are you talking about?" The third aunt was not happy, "Jie Cheng, your wife is so uneducated, why don't you care? If you don't want to come home for dinner, just go and start the stove by yourself! I'm not too lazy Wait! I have to look at your expressions when the food is cooked for you, I’m used to it!”

Yan Fugui waved his hand calmly: "Forget it, it's understandable that my daughter-in-law can't figure it out for a while. Just wait until she understands this. Eat, eat, please give your daughter-in-law some food later. Take it over, but you have to tell her that it won’t happen again! We have rules in the Yan family and we can’t let our temper be followed!”

"Oh." Yan Jiecheng responded depressedly.

At the same time, many families in the courtyard talked about their newly moved neighbor Su Yi.

At the second uncle Liu Haizhong's house, the second aunt also mentioned the new college students, but she knew very little about them, only a general idea.

Liu Haizhong knew a lot, because everyone in the factory was talking about Su Yi today.

"It's Su Jianshe's younger brother from the original factory, the one who got into trouble with Jia Dongxu." Liu Haizhong said, "I don't know how I got involved with Li Xinmin. As soon as I entered the factory, I got a college student's salary, four dollars a month." Nineteen and fifty cents, it’s almost catching up with me.”

"Hehe, where are you now? You are far behind dad." Liu Guangtian, the son of the second uncle, said with an apologetic smile.

Liu Haizhong glanced at him but didn't respond.

At this time, the second uncle's family was also eating, eating corn flour and steamed buns.

But only Liu Haizhong had a plate of fried peanuts and half a bottle of white wine in front of him.

The second uncle's two sons, Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu, drooled looking at the peanuts, but they didn't dare to reach out and pick one.

The second uncle Liu Haizhong's family tradition is different from that of the third uncle's family. He is not picky. He also allows his sons to eat well every month. On weekdays, he does not ask his sons to charge for accommodation or food.

He has three sons. The eldest son is Liu Guangqi. He is married and goes to work with his wife in other places.

The two in front of them are the second son Liu Guangtian and the third son Liu Guangfu.

The second son is working part-time outside school after dropping out of school, and the third son is still in middle school.

Liu Haizhong is extremely partial, and Tie Xin feels that only his eldest son Liu Guangqi can provide for him in old age, so he only sticks to Liu Guangqi for anything good. He dotes on Liu Guangqi in every possible way, and he also arranged the marriage by himself.

But he was not so concerned about his second and third sons. He had always beaten and scolded them since they were young. He only provided them with food and shelter, and did not give them anything extra. He also did not treat them well and maintained a "high-pressure rule" at home.

He was a moody tyrant at home. Both sons were afraid of him, so they developed the habit of flattering him since childhood.

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