The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 1363 Various forms

Liu Guangtian's flattery did not elicit a response from his father, and he even lacked a smile. He was used to it and still laughed with him, glancing at the peanuts in front of his father from time to time.

"Today, Qin Huairu, son of the Intermediate School, helped the college student bring back two carts of furniture. They were all purchased from the department store. Good guy, he bought all thirty-six legs at once." The second aunt continued, "This Young people, they just don’t know how to live, how can they act so recklessly? Dad, don’t you think so?”

The second uncle Liu Haizhong frowned and said: "It's really outrageous. The state has repeatedly told us to be diligent and thrifty in running our families and not to be extravagant and extravagant. This Su Yuanchao, as a college student, does not set an example. The state does not train him to spend money randomly! This is not okay. , I have to criticize him and teach him the rules in this compound."

"What are the rules in our compound?" Liu Guangfu interrupted and asked.

This really confused the second uncle. He thought for a while and then said: "It's a dragon... let me coil it up, and it's a tiger and let me lie down!"

Liu Guangfu smiled: "Dad, I'm neither a dragon nor a tiger. I'm a college student. I can't possibly listen to you. Besides, isn't there a big man in the courtyard? It's not your turn to take care of them."

Liu Guangtian was shocked as soon as these words came out.

He glanced at his brother with a look of horror on his face, and stood up and backed away in a hurry.


Sure enough, in the next second, Liu Guangfu's face was slapped with a slap from the dark-faced bangs.

Before Liu Guangfu could react, Liu Haizhong stood up and slapped Liu Guangfu hard again, knocking Liu Guangfu to the ground, then chased after him and kicked Liu Guangfu in the face.

"I'm wrong! I'm wrong, dad, stop hitting me! I don't dare to do it anymore!" Only then did Liu Guangfu react, shouting in confusion and panic, holding his head and not daring to get up.

Liu Haizhong didn't make any move, pointed at him and shouted coldly: "Next time you speak, let's get past your pig brain! Bastard!"

"I was wrong, I'm sorry dad, I'm sorry..." Liu Guangfu cried.

The second aunt looked on coldly and saw no problem, and sneered: "Your dad doesn't care about anything, so it's your turn to interrupt? You eat your dad's food and drink your dad's food, and you still talk about having sex with your dad? You are a son, not an uncle!"

"I was wrong, I was wrong..." Liu Guangfu just begged for mercy and admitted his mistake, bursting into tears.

"Don't eat the food tonight! Go and stand at the base of the wall!" Liu Haizhong shouted.

Liu Guangfu did not dare to neglect and got up quickly. Only then did everyone see that his mouth was full of blood, but it was Liu Haizhong who kicked him in the mouth.

"Wash away the blood first before standing up!" the second aunt said.

When Liu Guangfu went to wash the blood on his face, Liu Haizhong's eyes fell on Liu Guangtian.

Liu Guangtian said warily: "Dad, I didn't mess with you!"

"Go away!" Liu Haizhong cursed, "You worthless thing, you have been staring at my peanuts for a long time, why are you not greedy to death? You are also earning a salary now, you earn money and spend it yourself, and you eat and drink at home. , I didn’t ask you for a penny, did you have the ability to buy it yourself?”

Liu Guangtian said: "Dad, I only had such a small salary during my internship, and I still have to curry favor with our director to buy him cigarettes and treat him to dinner. How can I have the spare money to buy peanuts? You said it, a man can't be without power for a day, I'm like this Don’t you want to follow your instructions and get yourself an official position? You can’t hit me. It will be bad if I go to work with my appearance at this critical moment..."

"Go, go, I'll dirty my hands if I hit you." Liu Haizhong said angrily.

He glanced at his wife, frowned and said, "I remember there are some melon seeds. Find them for me and I'll drink with them."

"Hey!" The second aunt responded and hurried away.

There was quite a commotion at the second uncle's house, but everyone in the whole compound was not surprised.

It is not unusual for the Liu family to beat their sons, it happens every now and then.

That is to say, Liu Guangtian gets beaten less now that he is working. If before, you two brothers would get beaten today, I would get beaten tomorrow, and both of them would get beaten the day after tomorrow. Their faces would be bruised no matter what time of the year.

The aunt who had delivered meals to the deaf old lady in the backyard happened to pass by Liu Haizhong's house. When she heard the sound of beating children inside, a trace of envy flashed in her eyes, and she walked away lonely.

She and her elder brother Yi Zhonghai have been married for decades, but they have never had children. This incident is a scar that the old couple will never uncover for their entire lives.

Although the eldest brother has never complained about her in these years and has always been loyal to her, the eldest mother knows that the biggest worry of her wife, who has always planned for the long term, is the problem of having no support for her in old age.

When the famine hit in the first few years, the two of them had considered adopting an orphan to provide for themselves in old age. However, the eldest mother had always been in poor health. She was soaked in medicine jars all the time and it was already difficult to take care of herself and her wife. How could she still have the energy to take care of herself and her husband? A child?

Out of concern for his wife's health, the first man finally gave up his plan to adopt a child.

But both of them are at an age when they know their destiny. Their bodies are getting worse day by day. How to live their lives when they get old and who will die for them. These problems are actually imminent.

Perhaps because of sympathy for each other, the first uncle Yi Zhonghai has always taken good care of the orphaned elderly and deaf lady living in the backyard. He raised her as his own mother, taking care of her two meals a day and helping the old lady empty the spittoon every morning.

Although the deaf old lady is old, she is not an old fool. Instead, she has a pair of eyes that understand the world.

She saw Yi Zhonghai's worries, so she told him that Silly Zhu in the Zhongyuan was a reliable and good boy.

Silly column?

Is this a free-spirited boy good?

And his father is not dead yet...

Although Yi Zhonghai had some concerns, he had already begun to get close to Sha Zhu and observe Sha Zhu.

Like a father, he often talks to Shazhu about some great truths. His psychological hints generally remind Shazhu to respect his elders, think more about others, be grateful, help others and take care of his neighbors, and be broad-minded...

He worries about gains and losses, and hopes that Shazhu can become a good person who is selfless and dedicated, so that he can truly rely on Shazhu.

However, Silly Zhu was fascinated by the widow Qin Huairu from across the street, lending money to others and delivering meals to others, which made Yi Zhonghai very disappointed.

Yi Zhonghai sat at his dining table, frowning slightly.

In the past two years, he has been thinking about these questions every day while eating, and he himself feels that he is a little crazy.

But the fear of having no support for his old age grew bigger and bigger in his heart, and it indeed became his biggest worry.

Hearing the footsteps of his aunt coming back, Yi Zhonghai looked up and asked, "How is the old lady?"

"It seems a bit serious." The eldest mother sighed. "From now on, when I go to empty the spittoon in the morning, I will ask the old lady to untie her hands first before emptying the spittoon. She is also embarrassed to tell me that I will empty the spittoon with my front feet. , she ran to the latrine on her back legs, and she couldn't move her body so early in the morning. She fell down at the door of the latrine and twisted her tendon. I said she would go and see the doctor, but her ankle was already swollen. When I went there, she was applying a hot towel."

"Then you can stay in the old lady's house except for cooking these two days." Yi Zhonghai said, "It's easy to take care of anything."

"Hey." The eldest mother took two bowls to serve the rice and caught a glimpse of a bag of stick noodles on the side. "Is it for Huairu again?"

Yi Zhonghai said "hmm" and said, "I will send you there at night when there is no one around. People say it is scary. If you see me helping a widow like this all the time, you may not know how to organize me. I have sent you a few times, then Mrs. Jia Zhang looks wrong at me. My nose is not my nose, my eyes are not my eyes. Everyone in her family is like this, let alone an outsider."

"It's such a big place, who do you think you can hide from?" Aunt Ma said, "Maybe it has been seen by others. Zhonghai, it's useless for you to do this, why don't you just forget it? You give me When Qin Huairu's family brought food, they originally thought that her family would be more spacious so they wouldn't be so close to Sha Zhu, so that Sha Zhu could stay away from the little widow. But let's see, does it work? ?”

The aunt brought the hot meal to Yi Zhonghai: "Shuzhu should give it away, and Qin Huairu should take it. There is no shortage of requests. Aren't you making arrangements to introduce a partner to Shazhu? This Shazhu pushed back and blocked. Yes, I look down on you, but let me see, he is just thinking about Qin Huairu!"

"We all came here when we were young. How can I not see through Sha Zhu's thoughts?" Yi Zhonghai stirred in the bowl with chopsticks. "He just has a crush on Qin Huairu. A young man can't see it." I really don’t know what he thinks about a widow with three children! If nothing else, how could Jia Zhang be spared?”

"I also think there is no chance for them, but they are just wasting it..." The eldest mother shook her head worriedly.

"So, this stick noodle should be given away as it should be given away." Yi Zhonghai said, "No one can predict what will happen in the future. If they really become a couple, giving the noodles now is a good karma planted by Qin Huai in the future. Ru also has to remember this feeling. From the few times I have met her, I can see that she is a sensible child and knows how to be grateful. Otherwise, how can she let Jia Zhang dominate her? "

The eldest mother shook her head, not optimistic about her husband's thoughts, and suddenly thought of something, and said: "By the way, a college student moved in the front yard, and he is also from your factory, did you know?"

"Brother of Jianshe," Yi Zhonghai said.

The eldest mother said "Ah" and said in surprise: "I didn't know there was such a relationship. Although you didn't bring it up with Jianshe, I still call you master. In the past, you always said that Jianshe was more talented than Jia Dongxu."

"Yes, it's a pity." Yi Zhonghai sighed, "Everyone in the factory is saying today that this kid's name is Su Yuanchao. He is working in an administrative position. He will get a college student's salary when he enters the factory. He will have a future. I don't know if he will leave." What kind of relationship does it have? This starting point is not low.”

"They are rich, you don't know, today..." Aunt Ma took the opportunity to tell what happened during the day, and also criticized Su Yi's lavish spending.

Yi Zhonghai pondered slightly and said, "In this case, you can find the roll of cloth in the box later, and I will send it to him to buy something for his new home."

The eldest mother said "Hey" silently, took two mouthfuls of rice, and suddenly said: "Hey, I remember you said that Jianshe's parents were martyrs, so does Su Yuanchao not have any adults? He is still a college student..."

"The more educated people are, the colder they are." Yi Zhonghai shook his head, "The more I read, the more I know. I think I understand everything. But how can there be any truth in the world of love? Look at Yan Look at what Fu Guier's family has done with their children. There will be times when he regrets it."

After a pause, he added: "It takes time to see people's hearts, so don't be anxious."

The eldest mother nodded.

The couple finished their meal in silence, one went to wash the dishes, and the other went to make medicine.

"There are countless cousins ​​in my family. If there is no big deal, they won't come to visit..." At the door of the courtyard, Shazhu hummed a tuneless tune and walked in carrying a net bag containing three lunch boxes.

By this time, every household had finished their meal and were running back and forth to the sink in the courtyard to wash dishes. The courtyard was very lively.

Shazhu greeted the neighbors with a loud smile that could be heard throughout the yard.

He was so loud on purpose, just to let some people know that he was back.

But some people were working on sewing machines at this time, and they really didn't hear him speak.

But Jia Zhang heard it.

Bangge didn't want to just eat corn stubble porridge and steamed buns, so Jia Zhang stayed in front of the window and looked outside from time to time. Before Si Zhu passed the hanging flower door, she heard Si Zhu's voice.

"Huairu! Huairu! Silly Zhu is back! Hurry!" Mrs. Jia Zhang was refreshed. She glanced over there and said excitedly, "I think she is carrying a lunch box. Get out quickly!"

"How can I go out like this?" Qin Huairu was wearing an apron with sleeves and was made of rags and threads. "Banggen, go ahead and see what delicious food your stupid uncle has brought you. ?”

"Yes, yes, Banggeng, go ahead!" Mrs. Jia Zhang urged Banggeng again.

Banggeng had been looking forward to this for a long time and ran out without saying a word.

At this time, Shazhu happened to arrive at the door of Qin Huairu's house. Banggeng rushed out and went straight to Shazhu.

"Sinzhu, what delicious food did you bring?" Banggeng yelled.

"Oh, little ancestor, you yell louder so that the whole hospital can hear it!" Silly Zhu said speechlessly, "Where is your mother?"

He stretched his neck to look at Qin Huairu's house.

"She's helping others make quilts, so she doesn't have time to come out." Banggeng replied, and grabbed what Si Zhu had in hand.

"Make a quilt?" Silly Zhu was stunned, and held on to the net bag without letting go, "Don't worry, tell me first, who is your mother making quilts for? I heard someone said that your mother came back early today, and she also What are you doing by borrowing the purchased truck?”

"A man came to the front yard and said he was a college student. My mother made it for him." Banggeng said.

After thinking for a while, he added bitterly: "That's not a good person! My mother even scolded me and spoke to him because of him!"

Silly Zhu was suddenly startled and asked hurriedly: "What's going on? What's going on? Please tell me clearly!"

"Hey, ask my mother, give it to me quickly, I'm starving!" Banggeng said impatiently.

"I owe it to you!" Silly Zhu let go in anger, "Take it, take it, I haven't eaten yet, let your mother fry some peanuts for me!"

"My mother is busy!" Banggan ran back home in a flash.

Silly Zhu stayed for a long time and laughed at himself: "Well, there is absolutely nothing to eat today, and I have to find a way to eat by myself."

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