No one who lurks behind enemy lines doing intelligence work is stupid. The slightest sign of trouble can arouse alarm.

So it is not that easy to deceive people. When acting, you need to do a complete set. The omission of a little detail may lead to the loss of everything. You must not be careless.

The arrest of the old carrier pigeon man of the Tiger Organization has already made the underground party very nervous. Although Wang Tianxiang found a perfect excuse and made a good cover-up, the underground party will not be able to completely dispel their doubts.

If the old ghost also loses contact at this time, it is very likely that the underground party will adopt an attitude of preferring to believe that there is something wrong, change the whereabouts of the chief's special envoy, and cancel their original gathering.

If this is the case, then all the efforts are in vain.

Therefore, it is undoubtedly a dilemma to ensure that the old ghost cannot pass on information and to ensure that the underground party does not become suspicious.

"If you lock everyone in the headquarters, everyone will suspect that something went wrong, so the headquarters must be unblocked." Takeda said, "We don't actually need to blockade the entire headquarters. We just need to ensure that those five people will not go out. It’s enough to pass on the message.”

"What do you mean..." Wang Tianxiang said hesitantly.

"Let's see! Didn't the underground party know the news that a special envoy from the Yellow Army's military headquarters came to Jinling?" Takeda said, "Then find a closed place and call these five people to hold a military meeting there, because the meeting level is very high. Therefore, the entire process must be kept confidential and no external contact is allowed.”

After a pause, Takeda continued: "Then use this excuse to transfer the five of them, and let the outside world know the news as much as possible. The more people who know, the better, including their families and colleagues, including your guards, Deceiving them is equivalent to deceiving the underground party. Only in this way can we, together with their chief envoys, catch them all!"

Wang Tianxiang's eyes lit up and he clapped his hands and cheered: "High! Too high! Chief Takeda's idea is simply brilliant! In this way, all actions will have a perfect excuse, and we can definitely deceive the underground party! And we also have time. Slowly uncover this old ghost and kill two birds with one stone!"

"So where should we go for a 'meeting'?" Zhang Yiting asked.

Wang Tianxiang's eyes flashed and he said: "Why don't we go to Baicao Hall in the west of the city? It's a very suitable place. Sirs, what do you think?"

"I have no objection." Takeda nodded, "I will let the garrison troops block the place and classify it as a temporary military restricted area."

"Then it's foolproof." Zhang Yiting said.

Secretary room.

Su Yi was sure that he must be suspected.

But instead of being suspected of being an actor, he was suspected of being an underground party member!

Suspected by whom?

Wang Tianxiang!

Maybe there are others, that's something Su Yi can't be sure about.

Since he is suspected, Li Ningyu must also be suspected, there is no doubt about it.

Su Yi was sure that Wang Tianxiang must have known the identity of Lao Turtle, but he kept Lao Turtle and fished for the big fish for a long time.

When he went to the backyard, although Li Ningyu was standing far away from Lao Turtle smoking, her appearance in Lao Turtle's sight at such a time was so subtle that Wang Tianxiang could not help but doubt her.

So he went to find Wang Tianxiang, who was standing at the door waiting for him.

Then he deliberately used the female underground gangster to test him, trying to find his flaws.

Although I always thought that there were no flaws exposed, I still suspected that this thing was like a seed. Once planted, it was difficult to eliminate.

"So, I didn't score on the task of 'hiding my identity'..." The more Su Yi thought about it, the clearer his thinking became, and his expression became more solemn.

Although the identity of the actor has not been revealed, it is very bad to be suspected of being an underground party!

The next step was to go to Baicaotang in the west of the city. Su Yi, who was suspected of being an underground party, was already in a weak position, which greatly increased the chance of death.

Even if he doesn't die, he can't stand being tortured...

"So, do you want to choose to expose Li Ningyu in the 'choice' task?"

Such an idea flashed through Su Yi's mind, but he rejected it the next second.

You can't do this!

Not to mention that he can only overcome this in his heart. Once he does this, the risks he took and the efforts he made will be in vain.

And if you do this, you will definitely not get a good evaluation from the film critics.

Therefore, Li Ningyu still needs to be protected. The question is how to protect it?

He was not sure whether Wang Tianxiang noticed the half cigarette. If he did, it would definitely be worse news.

There is indeed information in the smoke.

The shredded tobacco was removed from the butt of the cigarette, and was replaced by a small piece of paper rolled into a ball, which directly read - Report to Tiger immediately, the whereabouts of Special Envoy 201 have been exposed, and the meeting of heroes has been cancelled! Old ghost.

Li Ningyu is an old ghost, and her identity is solid!

And Su Yi must not be the only one to be suspicious of her identity.

Wang Tianxiang?


Or is there Gu Xiaomeng? Or even Zhang Yiting?

It's just that they didn't get conclusive evidence like Su Yi.

It is undoubtedly very difficult for Su Yi to conceal Li Ningyu's identity.

The note had been chewed into a paste by Su Yi and swallowed into his stomach. There was absolutely no way to recover it, even if he left Su Yi's stomach.

He didn't dare to burn it or use other methods that would leave traces. This was the safest approach.

So what should we do next to protect ourselves and complete our mission?

Su Yi thought carefully, feeling as excited and focused as walking on a high wire.

At eight o'clock, Su Yi's door was knocked by guard captain Zhang Li.

"Secretary Bai, please gather in the front yard, Commander Takeda will lecture you!" Zhang Li said loudly and expressionlessly.

"Okay." Su Yi knew that there was going to be a "transition shooting", so he was not surprised. He agreed lightly, stood up and followed Zhang Li out.

When he went out, he saw another guard knocking on Jin Shenghuo and Wu Zhiguo's office door at the same time.

When he went down to the second floor, he also saw Li Ningyu and Gu Xiaomeng being taken out of the telecommunications room by the guards.

Each of the five people was followed by a guard. When they went out, no expressions could be seen on their faces. There was no communication throughout the process, and they arrived in front of the office building together.

At the entrance of the building, Takeda, Zhang Yiting and Wang Tianxiang stood side by side, waiting for them.

When the five people stood still, Takeda stepped forward with a smile, first said some words of encouragement, and then announced that the Jinling Huangjun Special Envoy was going to summon them to a very important confidential meeting, and asked everyone to get in the car now and go to the meeting immediately. Meeting place.

"What time is it and we still have a meeting?" Gu Xiaomeng said impatiently, "Can't it be held tomorrow?"

Wang Tianxiang explained with a smile: "In addition to the meeting, there is also a three-day military training, so the commander said that if everyone is here, let's set off together tonight."

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