The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 316 Takeda’s cool moves

Except for Gu Xiaomeng who complained a few times, no one else said anything unnecessary.

At 8:10, the five of them plus Wang Tianxiang got on a troop transport truck belonging to Zhe Peng's army. Zhang Yiting and Takeda each got into a car alone, plus the action team responsible for "protecting" the commander and Zhe Peng. Gendarmerie, the long convoy drove toward Qiuzhuang in the west of the city, which is now Baicao Garden.

At 8:52, the car passed through at least three checkpoints set up by Zhe Peng soldiers before arriving at the location.

The gate is a beautiful but impractical iron gate. There is a team of Zhepeng soldiers guarding the gate. Simple fortifications have been built and machine guns have been set up. It looks awe-inspiring.

A temporary wooden sign was erected in front of the door with the words "An important military area, no idlers allowed".

The convoy entered the yard and turned right, bypassing an overgrown rockery, passing through a bamboo forest and a long and narrow avenue, and suddenly it opened up. Two dark attics on the east and west were located in the night, like two ancient squatting towers. The giant beast is depressing and frightening.

However, after entering the building, the interior is magnificently decorated, and every detail shows the luxury and sophistication of the former owner.

A large conference table was arranged in the lobby on the first floor at some point, and the lights were brightly lit.

"Everyone, please take a seat." Takeda walked to the main seat and sat down, smiling at everyone.

Everyone looked solemn and attended one by one according to their official positions.

On the left are Zhang Yiting, Wu Zhiguo, and Su Yi; on the right are Wang Tianxiang, Jin Shenghuo, Li Ningyu, and Gu Xiaomeng.

Su Yi and Li Ningyu sat across from each other. After meeting again, the two had not had any communication, including eye contact.

Everyone was serious, including Gu Xiaomeng.

No one here is a fuel-efficient lamp. At this time, who doesn't realize that something important is happening?

Takeda looked at his watch. It was exactly nine o'clock in the evening.

"Then let's get started." He said calmly, "I called everyone together today not only because I received information about the impending arrival of the underground party leader's special envoy, but also because of the principle of confidentiality, I took the opportunity to launch a three-day secret agent skills training for everyone. Training. Of course, the method of this training will indeed be somewhat special, which everyone is smart and must have guessed."

After a pause, Takeda looked around, staring into everyone's eyes, and then continued: "Because the training is completely closed, it takes three days or even longer. And you were all brought here suddenly, I didn’t have a chance to say hello to your families.”

"The great philosopher Peng Di Huang Jun is very humane. In order to prevent your family members from worrying, before we start, we allow you to write a letter home to your family members to report that you are safe, so as not to cause them to think that something happened to you."

Having said this, Takeda looked at Wang Tianxiang.

Wang Tianxiang smiled and clapped his hands. Suddenly, two guards came in holding pens and papers. One on the left and one on the right, they distributed pens and papers to everyone present. Of course, he, Takeda and Wang Yiting had to go out.

The remaining five people each have a piece of paper and a pen in front of them.

Gu Xiaomeng was the first to sneer and said: "What to write? A suicide note?"

"Don't be ridiculous, Xiao Meng." Wang Tianxiang looked at her with a smile, "This is the care and order of Chief Takeda, and it is part of our training plan."

At this point, he raised his head and looked around and raised his voice: "By the way, let me add to what Chief Takeda meant. Based on the principle of confidentiality, the format and content of your family letters must be unified to avoid leaks in ways we don't know. So next, I read it, everyone writes it, you can’t make a single mistake!”

"This is quite new." Wu Zhiguo chuckled, a little disdainfully, "Some are written for the wife, some are written for the son, and some are written for the parents. How come the contents of these are the same? The words to discipline the son are different from the words to respect the son. As for parents, can they be the same?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone laughed slightly.

Li Ningyu said in a cold tone: "My family is not here, so I won't write."

Jin Shenghuo also smiled and said: "No, I rarely write letters in my life. If I do, my family will feel strange. In this way, I would like to make a suggestion, how about making a phone call? You can unify the content of what you say during the phone call. , I read it according to your manuscript, is this okay? What do you guys think?"

"This is a good idea, I think it will work!" Wu Zhiguo was the first to accept it.

"I think it's quite interesting." Gu Xiaomeng didn't know what she thought of, covering her mouth and giggling.

Li Ningyu lit a cigarette for herself and started smoking without saying anything.

Su Yi also smiled and said: "Forget it about writing letters, I think it's okay to make phone calls. My parents are in Peiping. I can't go back to my residence for three days because of the training. If I write to them or call them, they will You think I'm crazy! I said, who came up with this bad idea? Didn't they consider everyone's actual situation? Did they just come up with an idea on the head? "

Everyone laughed again.

Wang Tianxiang's face froze, while Zhang Yiting looked at Takeda with a half-smile.

Takeda had a dark face, looking embarrassed and annoyed.

Obviously, this idea came from Takeda.

Before coming in, Wang Tianxiang suggested that it would be best to check everyone's handwriting first.

Takeda asked at that time, why should the handwriting be tested? You didn't get the old ghost's handwriting, why do you want their handwriting? What is the use?

But Wang Tianxiang has his own reasons.

He said: "What happened today can be hidden from outsiders, but it can never be hidden from the five of them. They must be full of questions now and don't know what happened, like frightened birds. At this time, if we ask them to leave their handwriting, they will definitely They will be alert and will inevitably think about whether we have obtained some evidence of writing and want to compare their handwriting? At this time, people with evil intentions will subconsciously change their handwriting style..."

Takeda's eyes lit up at that time and he said: "Wonderful, this is the opposite, it is also called alerting the snake! But we can't just let them leave their handwriting without any cover-up. We must cover it up and use a subtle way to let them We thought we predicted that our purpose was to test their handwriting. But in fact, we predicted their predictions!"

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Yiting looked shocked. He subconsciously raised his head and glanced at Takeda, but quickly pretended as if nothing had happened.

Wang Tianxiang, however, touched his palms and complimented: "I thought it was simple. Chief Takeda is really thoughtful. This way, they will feel even more uneasy and subconsciously hide themselves. So, look, what method should we use?"

Takeda thought he had a trick, so he kept trying again and thought of this idea.

In fact, this idea is quite clever, because this unified family letter also contains a series of sensitive words such as "old man, ghost, gun, enemy, me, party...". If it is a real underground party, it will really be wary. Thinking that the enemy has obtained his handwriting, he changes the way he writes.

But what he didn't expect was that his idea, which he thought was clever, would completely collapse before it even started.

Everyone did not follow the script he imagined, and even directly questioned his IQ.

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