How many people did Su Yi arrange at the competition site?

In the past, the answer to this question might only be known by Su Yi, but now, at least Ma Liang is also included.

There are at least hundreds of them!

Ma Liang’s scalp was numb!

He looked around in horror. Unable to conceal his fear, he shouted with an inward look: "What are you doing? In broad daylight, Geng Liangchen, what do you want to do?"

Su Yi looked at him with a smile and said: "To kill you, do you think I need to be sneaky?"

Su Yi's smile made Ma Liang even more frightened, because when he killed someone, he would also show this kind of cat-and-mouse smile.

"Zhang Zimin! Help! Help! Geng Liangchen killed someone! The hero Jinmen killed someone!" Ma Liang shouted in horror at the top of his voice.

Su Yi just looked at him with a smile.


A silenced and loaded gun was pressed against the back of his head. A young man in Chinese tunic suit said coldly: "Try shouting again?"

Ma Liang was shocked, and his knees suddenly softened and he knelt down.

"Brother Geng, please forgive me..." Ma Liang begged tremblingly, his lips trembling and unable to say a single word, "Brother Geng, I beg..."

Su Yi stretched out his hand to stop him from talking, and raised the corner of his mouth: "Brother Geng, can you call me brother Geng? Brothers, tell him, who am I?"

"Master Geng! Master Geng! Master Geng!" Hundreds of people suddenly burst into thunderous shouts, with astonishing momentum.

"Spare my life...spare my life..." Ma Liang was so frightened that he collapsed completely on the ground, his face was bloodless, and a wet spot in his crotch expanded rapidly.

Su Yi came over and bent down slightly, saying to him: "Do you remember this time?"

"Geng, Master Geng..." Ma Liang's face was full of pleading and fear.

Su Yi smiled: "Be good."


He snapped his fingers.


The gunman shot Ma Liang through the head.

Without waiting for Su Yi's instructions, the next moment, dozens of people in the front row cheered and surrounded Ma Liang's body, blocking the view of outsiders.

Su Yi patted Brother Gun on the shoulder: "Go back and find Ah Kuan."

"Yes, it's Master Geng!" The man suddenly turned red with excitement.

Su Yi smiled and walked away. The people around him immediately followed him and left quickly around him.

After the crowd dispersed, Ma Liang's body was nowhere to be seen.

On the other side, the departed masters reunited.

"Director Zhang, do you really ignore Ma Liang?" Sun Lutang asked hesitantly, "After all, he is the veteran of our martial arts academy."

"Mr. Sun, how do you teach me to control him?" Zhang Zimin sighed and spread his hands, "He abetted murder and was caught doing it. Even if Geng Liangchen doesn't retaliate, can the law tolerate him? We can't get involved in this matter, Ma Liang Isn't he Han Fuqu's confidant? His only way now is to call Han Fuqu."

"Speaking of which, if it hadn't happened today, we would all have forgotten Geng Liangchen's other identity." Shang Yunxiang suddenly said, "This is the leader of the Jinmen Gang with more than 70,000 people under his command..."

The masters all nodded in agreement. Su Yi was very respectful to them, and his behavior was as gentle as the spring breeze blowing on his face. This made them subconsciously forget about Su Yi's other identity.

"I hope Ma Liang can get through this. It can be regarded as a lesson." Ma Yingtu shook his head.

At this time, none of the masters realized that Ma Liang had already paid the lesson of his life. Maybe they thought Su Yi would let Ma Liang die, but they never thought it would happen so soon.

"Hello, actor Su Yi, the performance task of the sixth act of the first unit of "Tinmen No. 1" - Ruyi Enmity has been completed. Performance evaluation: excellent; reward: 20 director points."

"Hello, actor Su Yi, the fourth act performance task of the second unit "The Grandmaster" - the winner takes all has been completed. Performance evaluation: stunning; reward: 50 director points."

On the way to Zheng's house, Su Yi received two messages on the terminal to complete the performance task.

Especially the first mission, which has been backlogged for a long time, and I didn’t expect it to be completed until Ma Liang was killed.

But it's right to think about it. In his current state, he can be regarded as having zero enemies.

As for receiving another amazing evaluation, Su Yi was not surprised at all and just felt relieved.

He fought for this with his life, and he deserves it.

"I originally planned to stay a few more days to chat with you. Alas, I didn't expect that the war situation suddenly changed. I could only go to Rehe immediately after paying homage to the old man." Liu Haiqing was deep in the car. He sighed and said, "Xiao Geng, after I leave, you must recuperate honestly and don't mess around."

"What is this? When did I mess around?" Su Yi was not happy to hear it.

"Ask him, are you fooling around?" Liu Haiqing pointed angrily at the front seat of the car.

Xianxiantian glanced at Su Yi from the rearview mirror and said, "Master Geng, there is no one in the world who can do more trouble than you."

"..." Su Yi sighed, "Yeah, you talk too much, I can't speak to you."

"Your health is important and must not be used as a joke!" Liu Haiqing warned sternly, "Since ancient times, there are many people who have achieved great things without caring about their own lives, but this does not include desperadoes like you! Xiao Geng, you must never risk your own life again. Don’t take it seriously.”

"Do I have one?" Su Yi was a little depressed. He felt that he was scheming and calm in his actions, so why did he leave the impression of a crazy desperado?

"Master Geng, you have it." Xianxiantian in front interrupted.

"Drive your car!" Su Yi said angrily.

Xianxiantian grinned and said, "Hai Qing, tell me more about him. He won't listen to anyone else when you're not here."

"It seems like he listens to my words." Liu Haiqing looked at Su Yi helplessly, "In this case, I won't ask you for more. One month, you can at least take a rest for a month. This can always be done, right?"

"I'll try my best." Su Yi said vaguely.

A month?

Just kidding, there was a fight in Rehe, how could he have to wait a month?

After a month, the daylilies will be cold.

"Now that you are so popular, it is actually more beneficial for you to settle down for a while." Liu Haiqing advised, "Especially since you just killed Ma Liang, Han Fuqu is not a grandson of Lord Rao. I guess he may want to take revenge on you. This is a The powerful warlord has a lot of desperadoes under his command, so you have to be careful."

"I'll borrow their courage!" Su Yi sneered, "Besides, his power is in Lu, and if he wants to come to Jinmen to deal with me, it's beyond my reach. On the contrary, it's the Zhepeng people. I killed Tokusaburo Ota, but they didn't do anything. This makes me a little uneasy.”

"The body of Tokusaburo Ota has been taken away by the Zhepeng people." Xiantiantian interrupted again, "The report below said that the body was taken away by Tokusaburo Ota's family, and no one from the Zhepeng garrison showed up."

"Are the Zhepeng people so unkind and unjust to me?" Liu Haiqing sneered, "They are really an inhumane nation."

"I always feel that Zhe Peng is holding back some big move." Su Yi frowned.

"Perhaps you are overthinking." Liu Haiqing said, "As far as I know, the commander-in-chief of the Zhepeng garrison, Kotaro Nakamura, in addition to setting fires everywhere in Pingjin and carrying out small actions to create turmoil, and cooperating with the military operations in Rehe, has also been seeking I want to be transferred and want to return to Zhepeng. The current political situation in Zhepeng in Jinmen is chaotic and people's minds are changing. How can I care about a little Tokusaburo Ota?"

Is Kotaro Nakamura leaving?

Su Yi looked a little strange.

According to the original development of events, Nakamura Kotaro will not return to Zheppeng's headquarters until March next year, and his replacement will be the notorious Umezu Yoshijiro.

But now, this Nakamura has to leave more than a year in advance.

Could it be that he was scared away?

But whether Kotaro Nakamura leaves or not does not affect the Zhepeng people's dealing with him, because Su Yi knows very well that his biggest enemy among the Zhepeng people now is Wachi Takaji.

This person is not like the previous Momokichi Mino and Takayoshi Matsumuro. He seems to be bent on wooing him for his use.

I don’t know where this Zhepeng man got his confidence.

Moreover, Su Yi had killed many Zhepeng people so far. An old spy like Zhi Ying Er would definitely doubt that Su Yi was responsible.

So why is this He Zhiyinger still thinking about "recruiting"?

Shouldn't it be directly destroyed humanely?

However, since the other party was willing to be gentle, Su Yi was naturally happy to delay.

Now is not the time for him to form a life-and-death feud with the Zhepeng people. Once the Zhe Peng people are determined to kill Su Yi, then Su Yi may not be able to escape death.

While the three of them were talking, they arrived at Zheng's house.

However, the strange thing is that the atmosphere in Zheng's house is not quite right at this time.

If it goes according to the original, someone will greet Su Yi as soon as he arrives at the door, and then the housekeeper, Uncle District, will rush to greet him immediately.

Now that Zheng Shanao has passed away, no one has come to greet Su Yi. Su Yi can understand it and will never force it.

But everyone showed vigilance, hostility, anger and even contempt towards Su Yi. This was wrong!

"Something's wrong, little Geng." Liu Haiqing also noticed something was wrong and hurriedly reminded him carefully. Then he quietly made a few gestures behind him to signal the guards who had been following him to be careful.

Su Yi frowned, feeling angry for no reason in his heart.

No matter who wants to cause trouble, they should not do it in front of the old man's soul. This person is dead!

"I want to see who is up to something!" Su Yi said coldly, striding into the courtyard with his head held high.

Not long after they left, Su Yi and others were stopped by a group of Zheng Shanao's disciples.

"Geng Liangchen, you are not welcome here!"

"Bah, thanks to Master being so kind to you during his lifetime, who knew you would end up feeding a heartless wolf cub!"

"Don't think you can cover the sky with one hand, we are not afraid of you!"

"That's it, what kind of hero is Jinmen? Bah! I think it's a big disaster in Jinmen!"

These people scolded Su Yi one by one, and the atmosphere gradually became tense and heated.

"Shut up!"

Before Su Yi could say anything, a shout suddenly came from behind these disciples.

The crowd parted, and Lin Xiwen, wearing a mourning cloth on his head and already changing into regular clothes, walked out from behind with a sad face.

"The matter has not been finalized, please don't make preconceptions!" He looked at Su Yi, with a mixture of regret and disbelief in his eyes, and his emotions were full and distinct. "Whether Geng Liangchen did it or not, we have to give him a chance to explain in person! If it's not him, wouldn't we have wronged a good person?"

"Senior Brother Lin, you are too kind and think of people too well!" A disciple stood up and said angrily, "Who else would do such a thing besides Geng Liangchen? Kill Uncle District and burn Master's will. , do you think you can take possession of the master’s lifelong legacy without knowing it? You can’t think of it, Geng Liangchen, people are doing it, and God is watching! Senior Brother Lin saw your men with his own eyes..."

"Uncle Ou is dead?" Su Yi had been watching with cold eyes, as if watching a farce, but his eyes were cold and without warmth.

But after hearing these words, his eyes finally fluctuated, and he couldn't help but ask, with a solemn voice.

The disciple who spoke before sneered: "What are you pretending to be? Didn't you kill Uncle District? You learned that the master finally passed the martial arts school and family business to Senior Brother Lin and Senior Brother Dong, and you didn't have any share, so you He killed Uncle District who knew about it and burned the will! But you didn't expect it, right? Uncle District has the best relationship with Senior Brother Lin, and he actually secretly told Senior Brother Lin the contents of the will before he officially announced it!"

Su Yi had no expression on his face, narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at Lin Xiwen.

Lin Xiwen's eyes were full of grief, and he stared at Su Yi and said solemnly: "Mr. Geng, you are the adopted son of Master, and you are the hero of Jinmen! People call you Xiao Mengchang! I don't believe you have ever done such a thing, even if you are now all The evidence all points to you, but I don’t believe it either! But Uncle District cannot die in vain! If you want to clear your suspicions, you must answer my three questions in front of everyone!"

Su Yi stared at him with cold eyes.

Lin Xiwen continued: "First, do you want Master's martial arts gym and real estate?"

Su Yi spoke slowly: "You are Commander Yu Xuezhong's adjutant. I can't help but chop you alive right now. But it doesn't matter. I'll ask Commander Yu to come in person and give me an explanation." .”

"Hai Qing?" He turned back to look at Liu Haiqing.

"I'm going to make a call!" Liu Haiqing took a deep breath, turned around and said to the people he brought in: "Blow the whistle, gather, everyone, for the time being, listen to Geng Liangchen's command!"


The people following Liu Haiqing immediately took out their whistles, put them in their mouths, and started blowing.

The whistle made a shrill sound that resounded throughout the compound.

"Geng Liangchen, what do you mean?" Lin Xiwen's expression changed and he couldn't help but raise his voice and asked.

"You'd better shut your mouth and don't say a word, or I'll shoot you right now!" Su Yi suddenly opened his eyes angrily, pointed at Lin Xiwen and yelled angrily, his tongue bursting with thunder, and his fingertips were about to poke. Lin Xiwen's face was as powerful as an enraged lion.


As soon as he finished speaking, the members of the pistol team who came in with Su Yi all drew their guns, and more than a dozen black guns were pointed at Lin Xiwen's head.

"Try saying one more word, even one word!" Su Yi pointed at Lin Xiwen and shouted angrily.

Lin Xiwen's face turned green and white for a while, and he clenched his teeth. He was so overwhelmed by Su Yi's furious momentum that he really didn't dare to say another word.

"Geng Liangchen, you..." The disciple who had jumped out to accuse Su Yi stood up and wanted to speak again.

"Death!" Su Yi shouted sharply.


Xiantiantian shot directly and blew out the man's head with one shot.

The whole place was silent!

The next second, dozens of armed agents rushed in.

Liu Haiqing's deputy waved his hand: "Surround this place! No one is allowed to let go!"

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