The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 740 The idiot must die

If others don't know who Lin Xiwen is, how can Su Yi still not know?

Zheng Shanao's death made Su Yiyi difficult to deal with.

Now this Lin Xiwen dared to make a fuss about the old man's death, and even killed the housekeeper to incite everyone to try to morally kidnap and trick him.

All we can say is that this person is looking for death!

His trick of pretending to be loyal seemed clever, but in front of Su Yi, it was as ridiculous as a child playing house.

Isn't it just to first slander Su Yi, then use moral kidnapping to make Su Yi declare that he does not "covet" Zheng Zhai's property, and finally find a scapegoat to clear Su Yi of suspicion, so that both ends can be harmed?

Su Yi still doesn’t understand this?

When he was doing this trick, Lin Xiwen couldn't figure out where to pee or mud.

First there were Zhai Youyi, Li Dasen and others, and then there were Ma Liang and Lin Xiwen.

He was tired of these annoying flies that kept coming to annoy him.

Perhaps the name Daxia is so glorious that many people think he is a morally perfect person and want to "deceive him".

You’re overthinking it, brother!

When the agents of the Three Youth League and the pistol team brought by Su Yi made everyone squat in the courtyard and not talk or move, those people who came to Su Yi to ask for an explanation suddenly remembered that Su Yi not only He is the one who smiles brightly every time he comes to Zheng's house, brings gifts and smiles and nods to everyone.

He was also the gang leader who destroyed the Baijia Gang and made both the Santonghui and the Qinggang fearful.

Anyone who really thinks he is a living Bodhisattva who saves the world is a fool!

No one dared to speak, no one dared to disobey, because those who dared to speak had bullets piercing their heads and were lying in a pool of blood.

With the bloody examples still before our eyes, who would really be blind?

Su Yi had no intention of explaining, and he didn't bother to explain.

After looking around, he turned back and said, "Go and call the master's daughter and the martial arts school manager."

Among these people, only these two important people are missing. It seems that these two people were not involved, at least they were not incited.

"Bring a chair over here." Su Yi ordered another person.

Soon, a woman dressed in plain clothes stood tremblingly in front of Su Yi, and with her came a simple and honest young man.

"My little brother has met Sister Zheng!" Su Yi bowed respectfully to the woman first, "My foster father's body is still cold, but we, the younger generation, have done such dirty things to him. I really feel sorry for him. I apologize for disturbing my sister." "

The daughter of the Zheng family, who was already married, was a little frightened and said with some trepidation: "Mr. Geng, you are too polite, we are all members of our family... If you have something to do, why don't you sit down and discuss it slowly. What do you think?" "

"Sister Zheng, I don't want a penny from my adoptive father's family property." Su Yi answered the question, but it made the Zheng family's daughter's eyes light up. "After the first seven days, these properties will be divided into two. You and Zheng who are far away from abroad. Master, half for each person."

Su Yi looked at the daughter of the Zheng family with surprise in her eyes, but a bit of sadness filled her heart. After all, the grief of losing her father was no match for the joy of getting rich.

But he did not change his mind because of this, because Mr. Zheng died for him, and it was Su Yi's responsibility to settle his children.

He continued: "Your share will be distributed directly to you. As for Master Zheng, I have sent someone to invite him to return to the country. When he comes back, I will personally hand it over to him. I will invite several people to do this." The respected seniors came to bear witness in person.”

"Mr. Geng, you are such a good man, I, I kowtow to you!" The daughter of the Zheng family was so excited that she almost cried.

As a married daughter, how could she think that she would inherit her father's inheritance?

"No need!" Su Yi hurriedly gave him a weak support to stop him, and then looked at the honest middle-aged man with a shocked face.

"Brother Dong, what do you think of my arrangement?" Su Yi's tone was relatively calm. He still respected this person.

This Dong Dayou is Zheng Shanao's eldest disciple. He has been assisting Zheng Shanao conscientiously, managing the martial arts gym for Zheng Shanao and teaching his apprentices. He is a very honest and loyal person.

It's a pity that he lacks ability and is not very smart, so he has never been liked by Zheng Shanao.

"Master Geng, I, I have no objection." Dong Dayou hesitated slightly, "Just... what about the martial arts school?"

"The martial arts school has its own destination." Su Yi said, "Don't worry that you, your senior brothers and juniors will have nowhere to go. I will make arrangements for you."

"Then Junior Brother Lin..." Dong Dayou hesitated slightly, "Master Geng, Junior Brother Lin didn't want something like this to happen, and he also had good intentions."

Su Yi smiled at him and said: "Brother Dong, please send sister Zheng in. There must be no one guarding the deceased before her adoptive father's death."

Dong Dayou wanted to persuade him again, but when he met Su Yi's cold eyes, he was mumbling and speechless.

In the end, I had to go back to the mourning hall with the Zheng family daughter.

Xianxiantian walked to Su Yi from the other side and reported in a low voice: "I saw the body of the housekeeper Uncle District. It was in the back yard. He was stabbed to death with a knife. There were traces of burning paper next to the body. It should be Zheng The old man’s suicide note.”

Su Yi closed his eyes, opened them again, and said, "Inform Uncle District's family to find a coffin and bury the person first."

"Okay." Yixiantian went to do it.

Su Yi calmly stopped talking and sat on the chair that his younger brother had moved just now, closing his eyes and relaxing.

The atmosphere became extremely dull. After a long time, a disciple, encouraged by Lin Xiwen's eyes, had the courage to speak: "Geng, Master Geng, we are all our own people, you..."

Su Yi didn't even open his eyes, he just raised his hand.

The next moment, a young man stepped forward, pointed a gun at the man's head, and shot him with a bang.

Another person fell into a pool of blood unwillingly.

Now everyone was so frightened that they were shaking like chaff and did not dare to say another word.

In this way, the dull atmosphere in the yard lasted for more than 20 minutes. A secret agent ran in from outside the door and said: "Master Geng, Virgo asked me to inform you that Commander Yu will be arriving soon. Do you want to go to the door to greet him together? ?”

"It's a slight inconvenience. I'll just wait here for Commander Yu to arrive." Su Yi stood up and said, "Remove the chair."

Five minutes later, Liu Haiqing walked in accompanied by a dignified white-faced middle-aged man.

When Lin Xiwen saw Yu Xuezhong, there was obviously some hope and joy in his eyes, as if he felt that Yu Xuezhong would be able to make decisions for him when he came.

Su Yi went up to greet him and held his hands in a salute: "Commander Yu, I'd like to thank you for your kindness. I'll apologize to you first."

This general with a heavy army seemed calm and confident. He waved his hand and said: "Even if there is no such thing and Mr. Zheng is gone, I should come and pay homage to him! He is a respectable person. Brother Geng, you have a What a foster father!”

Su Yi nodded and sighed slightly: "Although Geng is not talented, he knows a little about kindness and righteousness. My adoptive father has protected me with his life and fulfilled my future. How can I not remember Wu Nei?"

At this point, he paused, stepped aside, and stood in Xuezhong's sight. He pointed at Lin Xiwen and smiled bitterly: "It is precisely because of this that I was filled with sorrow and anger when I encountered such a bad thing and detained your adjutant. . Now that Commander Yu is here, Geng is willing to accept the beating and punishment, so please do as he pleases."

Yu Xuezhong's eyes immediately fell on Lin Xiwen.

Originally, Lin Xiwen was relieved when Yu Xuezhong arrived, thinking that at last Geng Liangchen, a lunatic, did not act recklessly.

But what happened next made him panic again.

He didn't expect that Yu Xuezhong would call Su Yi "Brother Geng"!

Is this a common title?

Although he, Lin Xiwen, was Yu Xuezhong's adjutant, he was not a close associate like a life secretary or a confidential secretary. He was just a civilian adjutant of the staff department, neither close nor far away, and his status was awkward.

Because of this, he was not clear about the scene when Yu Xuezhong and Su Yi met before, and misjudged the relationship between the two.

"Commander, I, you have to make the decision for me!" Lin Xiwen's mind was changing rapidly, but his expression instantly turned into one of grievance.

He actually regretted that he provoked Geng Liangchen, who didn't play by the rules, but now, he could only go to the dark side.

"My master's housekeeper, Uncle Ou, died, and the master's will that he kept was burned. I saw with my own eyes a walking man with blood on his body and escaped over the wall, so I suspected that the murderer was Mr. Geng's men." Lin Xiwen was full. He shouted with an aggrieved face, "Just now everyone was filled with indignation and wanted to settle accounts with Mr. Geng. Or maybe I thought there was something fishy about this matter, so I stopped everyone and told them not to wrongly blame Mr. Geng! If you don't believe me, ask him, is that true? "

This person's thinking is very clear and his speech is very skillful. If he were an ordinary person, he would really be led by his nose.

But neither Su Yi nor Yu Xuezhong are people he can control.

Su Yi didn't pay attention to the question trap he carefully set before. Now, Yu Xuezhong doesn't enter his frame of mind at all.

"Have you read Mr. Zheng's will?" Yu Xuezhong asked expressionlessly.

"I didn't read it," Lin Xiwen replied, "but Uncle District told me privately that the will stated that his family property was divided into two parts, with Senior Brother Dong and I each having half. His son was also entrusted to our care."

Having said this, Lin Xiwen added: "I originally suspected Mr. Geng because of the content of the will. I think Mr. Geng might have been unhappy and killed because the master did not mention him in the will. But just now I knew I was wrong. Mr. Geng just promised not to take any of the Zheng family's property, and he made the decision to distribute the inheritance to Master's children. I have no objection to this, either."

At this point, Lin Xiwen couldn't help but look at Su Yi and said sincerely: "Mr. Geng, this matter is really just a misunderstanding. I just doubted you reasonably, but you... Well, it's really unexpected that it happened like this."

Su Yi didn't speak or even look at him.

Yu Xuezhong looked at Lin Xiwen deeply and said, "Xiwen, I'll give you one last chance. Tell me, is what you just told the truth?"

"Commander, the world can tell you how humble your duty is, and everything is true!" Lin Xiwen cried out sadly and angrily.

Yu Xuezhong looked at him coldly and said: "Xiwen, Xiwen, do you know that I have known the contents of Mr. Zheng's will for a long time?"

Lin Xiwen was stunned, with an expression of disbelief.

"Not only do I know, Brother Geng should also know, right?" Yu Xuezhong looked at Su Yi.

Su Yi's eyes showed sadness and he said: "I know that the old man is willing to liquidate all his property and use it to build a martial arts school. I will control all the funds, and you, the commander, will bear witness. This matter is not a will originally, but the old man has long ago Decide what to do.”

"Yes, this is something he mentioned on his own initiative when you, me, and Mr. Zheng inspected the school construction site a few days ago. He has pinned his lifelong hopes and efforts on the new martial arts school. , how could you change your decision before you die and leave your family property to you?" Yu Xuezhong sighed and looked at the dumbfounded Lin Xiwen, "Now, you idiot, do you know what mistake you made?"

Lin Xiwen's face instantly turned pale!

He didn't expect that there was such a thing!

Uncle District, the housekeeper, didn't know about this either.


Yu Xuezhong took out his gun and pointed it at Lin Xiwen's head.

"Commander!" Lin Xiwen's face changed drastically, his voice was like tears, and he shouted in fear.


Gunshots fired.

Lin Xiwen didn't even make a sound, then stared with unwilling eyes and fell sideways into a pool of blood.

Lin Xiwen died of greed and self-righteousness.

It was quite similar to his previous fate.

Yu Xuezhong was a general who was killed in a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​​​blood. He killed people without changing his expression. He turned to Su Yi and said: "The unsighted ones have been dealt with. Brother Geng, take me to the mourning hall and pay homage to Mr. Zheng."

"Commander, please!" Su Yi hurriedly led the way. Before leaving, he nodded to Yixiantian, indicating that the rest of the matter would be left to him.

After Su Yi and his party left, Xianxiantian turned his head and looked at the martial arts disciples squatting on the floor. His eyes turned cold and he said: "When I entered the door before, I said that those who have scolded Master Geng should come out on their own!"

Many people in Lianshan suddenly showed fear and annoyance.

Once something is said, it cannot be said in vain. There is a price to pay.

After all, Yu Xuezhong was the lord of Pingjin. Being invited here was already a big deal for Liu Haiqing and Su Yi. After paying homage to Zheng Shanao, they left in a hurry.

This was a respectable patriot and a bloody general. Su Yi didn't know if the history he had changed could change the fate of this general who was eventually forced to be dismissed from his post and had to leave Pingjin.

Not long after Yu Xuezhong left, Liu Haiqing also left in a hurry.

The war situation in Rehe is already tense and may worsen at any time. Rehe Chairman Tang Yulin's ambiguous attitude towards the Zhepeng people has made many people very worried.

As the leader of the largest spy organization in Guofu, how could Liu Haiqing not work hard?

Now even Jinling, Jiangcheng and Guangdong Province have temporarily united and unanimously opened up to the outside world.

The changes in Rehe have even alarmed Wang Yaqiao, who is far away in Fujian. Yesterday, he sent a telegram to Su Yi, saying that he would go to Rehe via Jinmen in the near future to contribute his modest contribution to the national war.

The war is coming, but Jinmen's anxiety and haze have been relieved by this martial arts event.

Nowadays, the streets and alleys of Jinmen are full of stories about the deeds of Geng Liangchen, the hero of Jinmen, who won the first place and became an unparalleled national warrior.

Not only Jinmen, this news has already spread all over the country, and even across the ocean.

Especially the on-site apprenticeship with Bill Underwood made the name Geng Liangchen even more legendary.

Thanks to Boss 1 Yun Xiangyi Shang Hua Xiangrong became the fifth leader of this book, spread the flowers! There will be an additional chapter before twelve o'clock in the evening.

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