The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 833 Fierce Battle

Su Yi VS Maeda Mitsuyo!

This must be a showdown across the ages, between latecomers versus pioneers.

Is it "the greener is better than the blue"?

Or is "ginger or old spicy?"

The answer is revealed immediately.

Neither of them had any intention of talking to each other.

No need to introduce yourself.

On the stage, the two of them took their stances and stared at each other calmly.

In the audience, the reporters' spotlights flashed together, trying to freeze this moment in the long river of history.

The audience held their breath subconsciously, and the atmosphere became extremely tense for a moment!

At a certain moment, the Belgian referee waved his hand suddenly, and the game officially began!

Strike first to gain the upper hand!

Su Yi rushed out immediately, swaying his body and changing the rhythm, tricking Maeda Mitsuyo into reacting, and the next moment he launched a storm of attacks!

One fresh trick, eaten all over the world.

Mitsuyo Maeda couldn't even handle Ip Man's attack speed, and he was even more helpless when he encountered "little motor" Su Yi.

But this Zhepeng man obviously knew his own shortcomings and had already thought of a strategy. As soon as Su Yi made a move, he ducked down and sneaked in front of Su Yi, grabbed his waist and threw him down!

His speed was also extremely fast. Although Su Yi reacted immediately, Mitsuyo Maeda took a few punches from Su Yi to create the conditions for hugging him. How could he allow Su Yi to break free or escape?

Su Yi was carried on the waist by Maeda Mitsuyo with all his strength, lifted off the ground with all his strength, and then fell to the ground.

At this time, there was an exclamation from the audience!

No one expected that Su Yi, who they had high hopes for, would be knocked down as soon as the game started.

In previous competitions, Zhe Peng's judo successors demonstrated well to the Chinese people what ground fighting, anti-joint techniques and twisting techniques are.

Therefore, the generally accepted concept is that once you are thrown to the ground by a kid, you basically lose.

Of course, they had never seen Su Yi display his sleeping skills before.

But some of Su Yi's disciples had used sleep techniques before, but they didn't attract attention.

Back to the subject, Su Yi was about to be hugged and thrown down.

After falling in this position, Maeda Mitsuyo was very convenient whether he wanted to control Su Yi's arms or legs, and the success rate was extremely high.

Because the moment a person falls to the ground, he will definitely feel powerless and out of control after his whole body is shaken. Maeda Mitsuyo will definitely seize that fleeting opportunity and control Su Yi on the ground.

If it were Su Yi, he would do the same thing.

But at the moment when he was about to land, in a flash of lightning, Su Yi suddenly raised his left arm. In this way, Maeda Mitsuyo, who was hugging Su Yi's waist and hiding his head under Su Yi's left rib, was suddenly exposed. The back of his head.

Su Yi clenched his right fist into a phoenix eye shape, swung his fist 180 degrees from right to left, and quickly hit Maeda Mitsuyo on the back of the head!


Maeda Mitsuyo felt as if someone had suddenly thrown a string of 200-ring earth red sticks into his head from the back of his head.

The whole head "crackled" exploded into a ball of paste, and the trunk and limbs lost strength instantly, and they fell to the ground together with Su Yi.

Su Yi's punch was tricky and swift, without any warning!

No one could have imagined that he could deliver such an incredible punch in such an incredible way and from such a tricky angle while his body was out of balance!

This punch sounds simple, but in fact it reflects the highest competitive level of MMA!

Ninety percent of MMA fighters are not capable of throwing this punch!

This is a desperate counterattack under extreme crisis. It is the result of the comprehensive sublimation of a series of factors such as technology, character, and reaction!

Such a punch with extremely high technical content can only be produced in the modern fast-paced and intense MMA arena. It is one of the best solutions for breaking up the wrestling that has been summarized by the masters through repeated experiences.

Although Mitsuyo Maeda is the father of Gracie Jiu-Jitsu, he doesn't know how to punch this one.

Don't say he can't, he couldn't even imagine that someone would use such a method to break the hug.

So he got tricked.

When he fell to the ground like a dead dog, his body was still pressed against Su Yi's.

At this time, it should have been his turn to quickly launch anti-joint techniques to control Su Yi.

But he was slightly concussed by Su Yi's punch just now.

In order to enhance the lethality, Su Yi still used the "Phoenix Eye Fist".

What is Phoenix Eye Boxing?

It means that the second joint of the index finger protrudes forward after making a fist.

Phoenix Eye Fist is generally used to punch acupuncture points. It is very lethal and has strong penetrating power. It is said that Hong Xiguan was killed by a girl using Phoenix Eye Fist in a sneak attack in his later years.

But Phoenix Eye Boxing cannot be used by non-masters.


Because without special training, if you hit someone with a fist like this, you can easily sprain or fracture or dislocate your index finger.

If you dare to hit someone with the Phoenix Eye punch without special training, you are basically trying to break your index finger.

Su Yi is obviously not in this category. His Phoenix Eye Fist cannot be said to be perfect, but he has practiced it to the point of proficiency.

Fengyan punched the back of the head, which meant that Su Yi couldn't exert enough energy just now while flying. Otherwise, with just this blow, Maeda Mitsuyo's skull would have been cracked!

But even so, Maeda Mitsuyo saw stars in his eyes, his head was buzzing from the shock, he was dizzy and nauseous, and he couldn't react for a while.

How could Su Yi miss such a good opportunity?

After falling to the ground, he quickly turned over and wrapped his feet around Maeda Mitsuyo's waist. His arms wrapped around Maeda Mitsuyo's neck, and the naked choke movement was already in place.

There is only one thing he has to do - use force!

But at this moment, Maeda Mitsuyo reacted.

The naked choke is a move in Jiu-Jitsu. No one knows the power of this move better than him, and no one knows better than him. Once Su Yi exerts his strength, there is no way to break the naked choke that has been formed. He has no choice but to admit defeat. choose!

In a desperate situation, Maeda Mitsuyo was forced to reach his great potential.

The five fingers of his left hand were quickly inserted into Su Yi's arms to delay and hinder Su Yi's naked choke.

But this is just a desperate struggle to delay time.

At the same time, Maeda Mitsuyo's right hand suddenly slipped under his body and grabbed Su Yi's key parts.

In the flash of lightning, the image of Ip Man clamping his legs and covering his crotch in pain flashed through Su Yi's mind. His scalp went numb for a moment, and his whole body felt like electricity. He hurriedly ducked sideways, raised his knees and pushed against him.

But at the same time as he was moving, Maeda Mitsuyo's right hand was pressing on his raised knee, and he immediately completed the turn with both hands at the same time. At the same time, his left elbow supported his whole body weight and pressed hard on Su Yi's ribs, and his right hands pointed together. Like a knife, it thrust forward suddenly.

Su Yi let go and used a rabbit-kick-eagle move to send Maeda Mitsuyo flying away.

Maeda Mitsuyo's right hand, which pointed like a knife, was only two inches away from Su Yi's throat, but in the end it was out of reach.

Su Yi quickly rolled up, followed by Maeda Mitsuyo who staggered a few steps and regained his balance not far away.

Both sides stared at their opponents vigilantly and let out a sigh of relief.

Just now, in the lightning and flint room, the two of them were going back and forth with deadly moves. It was extremely thrilling!

Although Mitsuyo Maeda used despicable means to defeat Ip Man, that was originally part of his strength.

Of course biting is not allowed by the rules, but just like diving in football, it is reasonable if it can fool the referee and the audience.

The point is not that Maeda Mitsuyo bites people, but that Maeda Mitsuyo himself has the ability to win against Ip Man.

This person's own strength cannot be underestimated, but his mind is not right, he is used to doing things in crooked ways, and he is used to doing things by any means in the most energy-saving way.

Catching the balls is also not allowed by the rules, but Mitsuyo Maeda just did it in an extremely obscure way. He was still above him and used his body to block the referee's sight before doing it.

If Su Yi had been caught by him just now, even if he appealed to the referee afterwards, the referee would only give Mitsuyo Maeda a warning at most.

Because he did not see the specific actions, he could not rule out the possibility that Su Yi deliberately made false accusations and pretended. Naturally, he would not impose any substantial punishment on Maeda Mitsuyo.

This Maeda Mitsuyo is very good at playing with the rules and taking the wrong approach.

The audience in the audience roared with thunderous shouts.

The thrilling fight between the two sides just now made their blood boil.

Whether it was Su Yi using the Phoenix Eye Fist to break the clinch or Maeda Mitsuyo using a unique method to break the naked choke, they both showed extremely high fighting levels.

A master's moves are like listening to thunder in a silent place, as quiet as a virgin, and as active as a runaway rabbit.

The game continues.

This time it was Maeda Mitsuyo who took action first.

He didn't dare to let Su Yi make the first move, because now he felt personally how terrifying Su Yi was. Once he was dragged into the opponent's rhythm, he had to pay a certain price before he could get out.

Therefore, he could only attack and let Su Yi get into his own rhythm.

Maeda Mitsuyo knew that in front of a master like Su Yi, his standing skills were his absolute weakness, so he still had the idea of ​​dragging Su Yi into a ground battle.

Of course he now understood that Su Yi was very accomplished in sleeping skills, but he did not believe that Su Yi would be better than him in sleeping skills.

Maeda Mitsuyo bent his knees and flexibly attacked Su Yi's bottom plate, very fast and very aggressive.

This is a very distinctive fighting style of judo masters. Other martial arts are all about "standing like a pine tree, lying like a bow", but judo uses this low-down and low-down fighting method, which makes many martial arts schools fight against judo masters. It was very awkward.

If you want to hit your opponent, you have to hit down, or stay short to hit.

But then, everything about you will have to change.

It’s just foreign boxing techniques such as Siamese boxing and Western boxing that exert force at the end. Traditional martial arts emphasize the importance of concentration and the importance of the lower body. If you hit downwards or squat down, it will be difficult to make a full sound. Strength, whether it is luck or the angle of hitting, will be very awkward.

In many previous battles between China and Japan, Chinese warriors lost in this aspect.

Maeda Mitsuyo naturally knew this very well, so he chose this style of play in order to use his own strengths to attack the other's weaknesses.

But he didn't expect that such shortcomings did not exist for Su Yi.

As soon as he took action, he knew he was wrong.

He lowered his position to attack the bottom plate, and Su Yi also lowered his body to confront him.

His attack techniques are only those in Jiu-Jitsu, while Su Yi's attack techniques are still diverse, complex, and ever-changing.

After two rounds, Su Yi started playing faster and faster, trying to get him into a fast rhythm.

Due to a tactical error, Mitsuyo Maeda immediately cut off the gecko's tail, and then repeated his old trick, trying to interrupt Su Yi's rhythm by wrapping him close to his body.

This method is old-fashioned, but it works.

Mitsuyo Maeda's close approach made Su Yi lose the space to strike quickly, and he could only hug and wrestle like his opponent.

But if Su Yi chooses to retreat to create a distance, it is actually playing into Maeda Mitsuyo's plan. His original intention is to get rid of Su Yi. If Su Yi retreats, he will follow suit. Once the distance is widened, Su Yi's rhythm will be natural. It just broke.

If the offensive rhythm cannot be maintained, this game will be worth watching.

If there are two people like this, they have the same master, the same ten years of hard training, the same moves, the same experience, and even their temperaments and talents are about the same. Which of these two people is higher or lower depends on what factors?

The answer for most people is "wing it."

This answer is right or wrong, because there are always good and bad times in performance.

The correct answer is - idea.

Whoever has more ideas wins.

Whoever is more creative is the winner.

The same principle applies to this game.

Maeda Mitsuyo approached Su Yi. He couldn't think of how Su Yi would respond in order to maintain his original rhythm. In his opinion, Su Yi's rhythm would definitely be interrupted by him.

But Su Yi told him that his way of interrupting the rhythm was originally part of Su Yi's offensive rhythm!

Just when Mitsuyo Maeda got closer and closer, causing Su Yi to lose room to maneuver and attack, the arms of both sides were about to wrap around each other's bodies at the same time.

If there are no accidents, what both sides should be thinking about at this time is how to defeat their opponents next and give themselves an advantage.

At least Maeda Mitsuyo is like this. Taking one step and seeing three steps is an essential quality for a master. At this time, he has already rehearsed several scenes in his mind after the two parties hugged each other and fell to the ground.

If he wasn't surprised, the next step would be a ground battle.

But then the accident happened.

Seeing that the two sides were about to get entangled, Su Yi suddenly tilted his head back and hit Maeda Mitsuyo's head hard.

Headbutting opponents is strictly prohibited in later MMA arenas. In fact, this also includes Su Yi's action of hitting Mitsuyo Maeda on the back of the head.

There are also parts such as the throat, groin, spine, etc., which are not allowed to be specifically attacked, because if these parts are hit, the person will be disabled in the mild case, and will die in the serious case.

The fighting arenas of later generations focused on commerciality and spectatorship. If a player was injured and absent, or the blood-thorn hula was not enjoyable to watch, it would affect the ratings, so these killer moves were all banned.

But not yet.

Nowadays, when entering the ring, it is even "fistless, life or death", so Su Yi will naturally turn every part of his body into a weapon to attack every part of his opponent.

Maeda Mitsuyo naturally did not want to be hit by Su Yi's headbutt. This collision would make him dazed for at least a few seconds.

He reacted very quickly and leaned back slightly to avoid it.

Before he could make any further move, Su Yi suddenly raised his elbow and hit him on the right side of his neck.

Mitsuyo Maeda was indeed a master, and he reacted quickly again and shook his head to avoid this attack.

But the next second, an instep slapped him hard on the mouth.


Maeda Mitsuyo was completely stunned by this whip kick.

Gossip thieves legs!

The elusive gossip leg!

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