The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 834 Number One in the World

Tai Chi is evil, gossip is a thief, and the body and mind are poisonous.

Why is Baguazhang called a "thief"?

The thief lies in the legwork.

The gossip thief is truly elusive and hard to guard against.

However, it is difficult to practice the Bagua Kick Technique well, and the Ba Bagua Kick Technique must be combined with unarmed techniques to achieve maximum power. If used alone, the power will be greatly reduced.

This puts a big question mark on the cost-effectiveness of this skill.

Despite this, everyone who masters the Bagua Kung Fu will become a master, such as Shi Liu of the Thief Kung Fu.

It can be seen that this martial arts is still very practical.

The Eight Trigrams Thief Kick is very difficult to guard against, especially when it is performed by an expert like Su Yi, it can be said that there is no warning.

Before the whip hit Maeda Mitsuyo's mouth, Maeda Mitsuyo didn't notice the slightest sign that Su Yi was about to kick.

And with such a close distance between the two parties, there is no room for punches or kicks? How can it be?

Not realistic at all!

This must talk about Su Yi's unbridled creativity.

Because his whip kick was not from the front, but from the side and from behind!

He started with a headbutt, forcing Mitsuyo Maeda to fall back.

Then he struck with an elbow, forcing Mitsuyo Maeda to duck and dodge, which meant that Mitsuyo Maeda had already braced his face.

When Su Yi completed the elbow strike, he raised his leg to the side, put one hand on the ground, and swept his leg diagonally, hitting Mitsuyo Maeda right in the face!

After kicking Maeda Mitsuyo in the mouth, Su Yi used his arms hard, quickly turned his body in a circle to stabilize his body, and slapped Maeda Mitsuyo on the chest with his palm.

At this moment, Maeda Mitsuyo felt that the teeth in his mouth were broken, and he was stunned by the whip kick just now, but he reacted quickly and placed his arms in front of his chest in a diagonal cross.

Bang bang!

Su Yi's palm slapped the outer edge of Maeda Mitsuyo's arm hard.

But immediately after, Su Yi suddenly advanced like a ghost, and his second palm silently landed on Maeda Mitsuyo's stomach, making a loud sound like a big drum.

There are flowers hidden under the leaves!

The core trick of the Gong family's sixty-four moves is hiding flowers under the leaves!

Maeda Mitsuyo didn't even grunt, and he was immediately knocked out. He knelt down on the edge of the ring with a thud, and hurriedly put his hands on the ground to prevent him from completely falling down.


He opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood mixed with a few broken teeth on the ring.

Su Yi did not take advantage of the victory to pursue, but stopped and stood still. Looking at the miserable Maeda Mitsuyo, he pointed at him and shouted loudly: "Maeda, you are finished!"


The scene was completely in a state of excitement!

This fight didn't take long, strictly speaking it was only two rounds.

But these two rounds were extremely thrilling and made the audience nervous.

The two sides are really in danger, and if they are not careful, they will be doomed.

Some people blinked and missed the most critical change.

"Geng Liangchen! Geng Liangchen! Geng Liangchen..."

Someone was already shouting loudly.

World number one!

The end of this game means that in the field of unarmed combat, the best fighter in the world has been selected.

And this man is a Chinese, his name is Geng Liangchen, Geng Liangchen, the hero of Jinmen!

This result may not represent authority, but the name Geng Liangchen is destined to spread throughout the world.

Even foreigners heartily applauded Su Yi at this moment.

His wonderful performance just now impressed everyone present.

Only the people in Zhe Peng felt like mourning their heirs and refused to accept this fact.

Including Mitsuyo Maeda.

He was unwilling to accept it, and he was even more unwilling to believe that he had lost.

"I can still fight, but you haven't won yet!" He shouted with a ferocious face and a mouth full of blood, and then rushed towards Su Yi again.

But at this moment, he has lost his sense and sense. How can he be Su Yi's opponent?

Not to mention, Su Yi didn't hold back his hand when he hit the hidden flower under the leaf just now. That palm definitely hurt Maeda Mitsuyo's internal organs.

If he doesn't rest and gets treated quickly, he might be able to recover a little bit.

But now he actually dares to fight back——

Even gods can't save him!

Seeing him coming, Su Yi calmly exchanged a few moves with him, letting Maeda Mitsuyo keep vomiting blood and gradually giving up. Seeing that the opponent was about to fall, Su Yi suddenly flew up and kicked him on the chest. Maeda Mitsuyo He flew off the stage like a dead dog, rolled over for weeks and then passed out.

Su Yi looked at his opponent indifferently. He knew that even if Maeda Mitsuyo could wake up again, it would only be a flashback.

This man is dead.

At this point, there is no longer any suspense about this victory.

"Geng Liangchen wins!"

As the Belgian referee announced loudly, Su Yi could not help but wave his arms and shout in excitement.

Whether this moment is illusion or real, short-lived or eternal, this is his moment!

He couldn't stay in this moment forever, nor did he want to.

But he will always remember this moment, remember this joy, this pride, and then continue to move forward unswervingly.

The audience was already cheering and jumping into a carnival.

Many people had tears in their eyes and cried with joy.

In this age of humiliation and darkness, this suffering nation has too much numbness and low self-esteem.

And such a highlight moment of standing on top of the world is so rare and gratifying for people. If you are not born and raised here, it is difficult to understand this emotion.

Just like the little green seedling that bursts out of the ground after the spring thunder, it makes people moved and intoxicated.


Iwaguro Hideo stared at Su Yi on the stage with resentment. He deeply remembered this person and the feeling of failure. He swore that this matter was not over.

This failure is bound to cause a certain blow to his career. He will be criticized by his superiors and he will have to bear the responsibility for the failure.

And all of this is caused by this person on the stage.

This failure caused the Zhepeng people's plan to vigorously promote judo and karate throughout North China and cultivate a large number of Chinese people who identify with Zhepeng culture and be close to Zhepeng to be greatly frustrated.

The original plan of "peaceful evolution" can only be shelved or other methods can be found, or even can only be conquered by force when the time is right.

Amidst the carnival, the Zhepeng delegation carried the unconscious Maeda Mitsuyo out of the venue.

The future father of Gracie could not hold on and completely stopped breathing on the way back.

On the field, the carnival of the people continued, and everyone was unwilling to disperse for a long time, celebrating wantonly.

There was nothing north or south about this moment, and everyone felt sincerely happy.

"Master Geng, the Jinlou Banquet is held for you tonight. We three old guys represent the southern martial arts community to celebrate you. Don't refuse!" Master Rong happily patted Su Yi on the shoulder and laughed loudly.

"How dare you refuse such kindness?" Su Yi cupped his hands and said with a smile.

"Okay! Okay! Hahaha..."

"The world's number one Geng Liangchen! The world's number one Geng Liangchen! The world's number one Geng Liangchen..."

Someone suddenly raised his arms and shouted, and after a while, this was the only voice left in the entire stadium.


The firecrackers were lit, the fireworks were put up, and the dragon and lion dance teams came here.

People were laughing and dancing.

This must be the happiest time in the city.

Three hours later.

Golden Tower.

There was a lot of people downstairs, but on the fourth floor, the atmosphere was as solemn as ice.

Eight grandmasters gathered together and sat in a circle. The four northern grandmasters, plus the three elders from the south, and Ding Lianshan.

Su Yi stood in the middle, looking at Gong Baosen solemnly.

This moment has finally arrived.

He said nothing calmly, but his mood was inevitably sad.

"Brothers, brothers, we are gathered here today to ask you to be witnesses and to settle an old matter with us." Gong Baosen looked around and spoke slowly.

Except for Su Yi and Ding Lianshan, everyone else looked at each other.

They had no idea what was going on.

But this matter must be related to Su Yi.

Gong Baosen and Geng Liangchen are recognized as both teachers and friends. This friendship has been widely praised and has become a favorite story in the world.

But looking at this posture, could there be some privacy in it?

"Before that, let me introduce someone to you." Gong Baosen pointed to his senior brother, "This is my senior brother Ding Lianshan. He and everyone are not strangers anymore. He has kept his name anonymous for the sake of the sect these years. He made a lot of sacrifices, and our entire sect feels sorry for him..."

"If you have something to talk about, stop talking nonsense." Ding Lianshan interrupted him lightly.

Gong Baosen didn't feel dissatisfied, he smiled and said, "Okay, then I'll get straight to the point."

"Our sect, due to some reasons, has some personal grudges with Geng Liangchen." Gong Baosen's smile slowly faded and he said in a deep voice, "This grudge is not easy to resolve, and it cannot be resolved at will, otherwise it will not work. Both emotions and reasons make people uncomfortable.”

Gong Baosen's eyes fell on Su Yi's face, and he looked at each other calmly, then looked away again and looked around.

"We are warriors. In our profession, there has always been a saying of fighting to the death and enmity for a lifetime. This is a rule set by our ancestors in order to avoid the continuation of hatred from generation to generation. This is a good thing. Rules, today, I want to use this rule to completely put an end to the grudge between our sect and Geng Liangchen!"

"After today, no matter life or death, no matter right or wrong, no one is allowed to hold him accountable! Otherwise, he will be punished by heaven and earth, people and gods will be angry, thousands of people will reviled him, and he will not die a good death!" Gong Baosen said with a stern voice and a loud voice.

After his words fell, everyone present looked at him in surprise, as if they were stunned.

Gong Baosen was silent for a moment, then continued in a slightly slower tone: "Everyone here today is a witness! Baosen would like to thank everyone!"

After he finished speaking, Li Shuwen was the first to say: "Haneda, you and Liangchen...what are you doing? What happened?"

"Is there any misunderstanding?" Yang Chengpu couldn't help but ask.

"Gong Monkey, it's better to dissolve enemies than to make enemies. You're a long time old, why do you care about a child?" Ma Yingtu also scolded with a dark face.

The three elders from the south also spoke up one after another and offered good advice.

Su Yi said nothing and watched everything in silence.

Ding Lianshan also had the same reaction as him.

If Su Yi won this championship, he would never let these masters speak for him, at least most of them would side with Gong Baosen.

But now, everyone hopes that Gong Baosen will take a step back.

Gong Baosen must also understand the truth behind this.

Gong Baosen waited for the masters to calm down, smiled and clasped his fists, saying: "Dear friends, it's not Baosen's chicken intestines, it's just that this matter has to be like this."

"Haneda, are you sorry if it's Liangchen? If so, I'll ask him to apologize to you now!" Li Shuwen stared and shouted.

Just as Gong Baosen was about to speak, Li Shuwen suddenly turned his head, pointed at Su Yi and shouted: "Geng Liangchen, kneel down for Haneda!"

Su Yi hesitated slightly.

"Don't you listen to what I say?" Li Shuwen suddenly became furious.

"Brother Tongchen, don't force me..." Gong Baosen was about to persuade when he heard a "pop" sound.

Looking back, he saw Su Yizhen bending his knees and kneeling in front of Gong Baosen.

Gong Baosen was suddenly startled.

A man has gold at his knees, especially a man like Geng Liangchen.

It's not that Gong Baosen couldn't bear Su Yi's kneeling with his status and personality, but based on the positions and situation of both parties at this moment, Su Yi was kneeling not Gong Baosen, but his enemy.

The nature of this was different, so Gong Baosen was stunned, and everyone present was stunned.

Even Ding Lianshan, who had remained silent throughout, narrowed his eyes slightly, wondering what he was thinking.

"Liangchen, let me ask you, have you done anything sorry for Haneda!" Li Shuwen asked.

"Yes." Su Yi said solemnly.

"Okay! Then you kowtow three times to Haneda first. These three kowtows are to apologize! Do you want to kowtow or not?" Li Shuwen shouted.

"I'll knock you!" Su Yi said calmly.

"Wait a minute!" Gong Baosen couldn't help but shouted and stopped the scene, "Geng Liangchen didn't apologize to me. Between me and him..."

However, before Gong Baosen finished speaking, Li Shuwen glared and said, "What? The child can lower his head and kowtow to you to apologize, but you must argue with the child?"

"What kind of life-and-death fight? Bullshit! It's not like you don't know this kid's character. How can he really fight you to the death? When you go into the ring with him, don't you just want him to die? If you refuse to forgive him, I don’t think it’s time to fight to the death, come on, come on, Ying Tu, give him a knife and let him stab Geng Liangchen to death, destroying the last hope of our national martial arts, once and for all!”

"Brother Tongchen, you don't know what happened..." Gong Baosen said.

But mid-sentence, he was interrupted by Li Shuwen: "I don't know, but the biggest hatred is life and death! Haneda, killing people can't be done with a nod, and the way to resolve hatred is not to destroy people or kill people! You and this child today In a life-and-death fight, whether you kill him or he kills you, can this matter end here?"

"Now people all over the country and even the whole world are staring at the good times. If you die, or if he dies, who among the living will be better off? You are happy, but you can't do things with only the immediate future and no behind you. You This is a great job!"

Gong Baosen sighed: "Brother Tongchen, it's not me who gets things done first."

Li Shuwen suddenly became furious and turned to Su Yi and shouted: "What on earth did you do!"

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