The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1088: This is the base of war

"A large number of undead were attracted in the distance, but the development speed of this base seems to be able to keep up." The officers looked at the screen nervously. This kind of race against time could only be experienced in games before.

Chi Nan's mouth twitched slightly. He had anticipated this situation, otherwise he wouldn't choose this place. Although there are no golden-level undead nearby, there are in the distance, and there are many undead creatures here.

When the undead creatures that had been attracted came over, the base on his side had already been perfected. A large number of fast-growing magic sun flowers have grown and bloomed, and a large number of flowers have been spread, and they have begun to absorb sunlight to replenish energy. Next to it, there are already several energy pools that have been formed, and this is also a fast-growing energy pool.

At the same time, a large number of ground weapons, including spider tanks and scorpion tanks, as well as some treants and bush fighters, have emerged from their manufacturing bases, and their growth rates are too fast.

Looking at the appearance of these plant weapons, they are somewhat different from normal plant weapons.

When the plant weapon came out, it happened to be head-on with those undead. Nearby, several purification trees are growing rapidly.

"The strength is very poor. It can't compare to our sophisticated plant weapons. Without the blessing of Sunflower or Sunflower, ordinary bush fighters may not even be the opponents of skeleton fighters."

After just saying this, all the undead suddenly became weakened and suppressed by the plant weapons.

"That's the case, the adults had already thought about it, so I planted a purification tree next to it. Next to the purification tree, the undead can't even display their general strength, but the purification tree looks like it has weakened a lot."

Chi Nan nodded: "That's right, this is the price of rapid growth. After incorporating the characteristics of fast-growing wood, the growth rate of plants will be much faster, but it is good if you can play half of your own abilities. But. In the initial development, what we need is quantity, and only quantity can be guaranteed."

What Chi Nan said was quickly verified, because the huge army that would have taken a few days to develop does not even have an hour here. This is because the first half an hour is at the planting base.

It took half an hour to start planting the army of plants. On the screen, there are already densely packed plants everywhere. Although the quality is poor, this quantity is enough to prevent any undead from entering.

At this time, the first airship finally appeared. This airship is also shoddy, but the production speed is too fast. You know, now the airship, with various bonuses, will take a week to be produced.

And here, from the beginning to the present production, it only took more than half an hour in total. With the appearance of the first airship, more and more airships flew out and joined the battlefield.

At this time, everyone's mouths have grown up, and they don't know what to say. The development speed of this base is completely different from what was previously thought. If the reaction is a little slower, the development of such bases cannot be contained.

As a result, in everyone's eyes, the entire base has developed into a large base after only five hours of development. Everything about the large-scale base is here, and the military strength is shoddy, but in terms of overall strength, it is definitely not bad. The amount of horror made them once again see what is called a sea of ​​plants.

"The energy of the Heart of Energy has been radiated cleanly, and that is how an energy heart can develop. Now, as long as it is not the arrival of a master at the legendary level, even those at the golden level are not opponents."

Everyone nodded, the legend is really too few, even if it is a powerful base, it is impossible to be a legendary opponent. Being able to have such strength is already considered a force that cannot be ignored on the entire plain.

What caused all this was just a second-generation airship base and five hours of time. This is so fast, it's so fast that everyone feels terrified, when the development speed can be calculated in hours.

When the heart of energy was radiated, the base finally entered a stage of normal development. Relying on a large number of spreading magic sun flowers, a large amount of energy is already contained in the energy pool. Under Chi Nan's command and control, a normal base center was soon created. At this time, the speed was as fast as before.

But at the moment when a complete base is manufactured at the same time, the overall speed is still not very slow. By the afternoon, a complete shrinking base had been established, and it was still expanding.

"Once the troops are not enough, these fast-growing plants can also absorb the energy they have already absorbed for rapid appreciation. This kind of fast-growing special plants is used to deal with various crisis situations, and it is cheaper than the previous bush fighters."

By the next day, the normal base had been established. At the same time, the unlocking of the base had been completed by Chinan’s order after the environmental safety was confirmed. An army of ordinary plants slowly developed from the base.

During this period of time, all the high-level military officials hardly left their homes and came to watch every day. On the seventh day, the normal airship finally flew out. But on this day, everyone also discovered that many plant weapons and even magic sun flower carpets began to wither and die. Some plants began to clean up these things, and then planted new ones on the spot This is the biggest problem. The life span is too short, and some of them are relatively poor, and they have begun to die. Others will die in the next few days. "

Although this is the case, no one cares. Because of the large number of plant weapons produced before, more than half of them have been killed in the continuous development of the surrounding environment, and at least three-quarters have died in the battle with the undead.

The remaining part, even if it dies naturally, is at least not at a loss.

Sure enough, when the tenth day arrived, everyone discovered that the most powerful part of the plant weapons had also begun to wither, and the bases that had developed rapidly before had dried up and died. But the new base has already been completed.

After the death of the old troops, the long-awaited normal army of plants appeared. This army has a long lifespan, and its combat effectiveness is not comparable to that of the previous simple armies.

In ten days, a complete super huge base was nailed to a place that originally seemed very dangerous, which is really amazing. "This is the real base of war." All the officers thought in unison in their hearts. Reading Net

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