The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1089: A bone dragon flew over

"Lord Lord, this kind of base, this kind of base is really suitable for war. Even if it is to open up other alien planes in the future, it will be very useful. I don't know when it can be equipped for us to use."

The curvature of Chi Nan's mouth became more and more obvious: "Haha, I knew this thing was useful." The excitement in Chi Nan's heart could hardly be concealed. The emergence of this new type of base is equivalent to increasing the military power of the territory several times.

At least, the ability to attack and respond to emergencies has not been improved by how much. Plant weapons that can survive at most ten days seem to be a waste, but in some dangerous situations, plant weapons can survive for one day, and it’s impossible for them to survive for ten days. Simply put it out and use it.

"Now, it can be used by you all at once. You use it to develop in the undead world, I need all the data, which is related to future improvement. Unfortunately, these fast-growing plants are too poor in combat effectiveness."

"My lord, although the combat effectiveness is very poor, the number can make up for everything. If it consumes too much, it will not be worth the loss."

Chi Nan nodded softly: "That's right, but theoretically, before this plant is dead, its real combat effectiveness should be not much worse than a complete plant weapon, so it still needs to be studied."

"Don't worry, although the combat effectiveness will not be too bad, the consumption will certainly not be too great, and the growth rate is very fast."

Chi Nan thought of mushrooms, which sometimes grow at a terrible rate. However, the structure of mushrooms and wood are different after all, and the general level of mushrooms is too poor to be used in other plants.

Just like before, as long as you can do a good job at the beginning, you can leave the rest to other researchers to supplement. I believe that one day, my second-generation airship can become a powerful weapon in my heart.

Next, the matter of manufacturing a new airship has nothing to do with him, and these are all handled by Hermilla directly.

It's just that the manufacture of the second-generation airship is a bit troublesome, and the biggest trouble is that energy heart. The energy heart itself has reached the golden level, and it takes a lot of time to manufacture it. The most important thing is that after it is manufactured, it only needs to absorb a large amount of life magic and store it in it. Not to mention the cost, the time spent on each one is not short.

As a result, the manufacturing time and consumption of the second-generation airship is much larger than that of the first-generation base airship. The result is that the output is not enough, nor can it be wasted casually. As a result, we still need to rely on a generation base to assist in cooperation.

I am afraid that before the formation of a certain scale, the military will not be able to use this second-generation base airship casually.

These things have nothing to do with me. After so many days, I need to enjoy it. Chi Nan looked at the moving bodies of Hemila and the others, and his heart became hot involuntarily.

It’s just that when Chi Nan just wanted to do it, Sophia next to him suddenly said loudly, “It’s not good. Someone outside the border said that there is a bone dragon flying in our direction, and it will reach us soon. Territory."

"Bone dragon? What kind of bone dragon, how come this thing flies over, just hit it down directly." Chi Nan said indifferently. He wouldn't have spoiled his interest because of a bone dragon, he finally had a chance.

It’s a pity that it’s impossible to get better today, Sophia said nervously, “No, that bone dragon is too big, it’s said to be as long as five kilometers. In terms of strength, it must have reached the legendary level. ."

"Then let the guards go, isn't there still Horn. No matter how powerful the bone dragon is, it cannot be a normal legendary opponent." In Chi Nan's mind, most of the undead had no brains. Only use instinct.

Suddenly, Weiweisi also said: "There is news from the elves that the bone dragon was formed after the death of the third generation of the dragon king in the ancient times. It is very powerful and has memories of life. The elves sent Mora. The two legendary elders, Si and Lanli, only then drove away the bone dragon who had just regained strength but had not reached the peak."

"The two of them are chasing from behind, because they know that the bone dragon is heading towards our side, so they have sent a message, hoping that we can help them intercept the bone dragon."

Chi Nan abruptly stood up: "Damn, what two elven legends can't touch, how strong is this bone dragon. Have you notified the dragon clan? No, you can't let them come over, this is my territory."

His own territory asked the Dragon Race to come and help, so if he said he still had the face to meet people. In the future, even if it is the Sacred Dragon Empire, I am afraid it will point fingers at oneself. But Chi Nan still doesn't want to expose his true power.

"Tell people along the way to evacuate immediately to prevent being caught by the bone dragon." A creature of this level, as long as it comes up casually, I don't know how many people will die, and a city will be instantly turned into ruins.

Now there is no alternative but to evacuate human rights first. A bone dragon more than 5,000 meters long, this thing is a mountain standing there. If it were replaced with the previous earth, this would still be a big mountain.

"We have already notified them to evacuate." Hemila rolled her eyes and waited for Chi Nan to figure out the situation before coming back. It was too late for anything. Who could have imagined that such a big bone dragon would appear in the Chi Nan let out a sigh: "We can’t let this bone dragon go to our most prosperous place to make trouble, or we will lose it. Our face will be hit. You two will follow me, and Horn, it's time to show the strength of our holy tree collar. "You can't expose too much, and there should be no problem with exposing a few, Chi Nan thought.

If it doesn't work, then find a way to make up a few reasons, OK? Whether others believe it or not, I believe it anyway. Very good, that's it, Chi Nan comforted himself in his heart.

I believe that Dragon Clan and other powerful masters, it is impossible for them to feel threatened because of the presence of so many masters on their side, and unite against themselves. If they hold back their power, how can they explore the alien plane?

"Wait, I'll go too. Don't talk, I know it's dangerous, but I won't watch you take risks, but I am waiting at home." Wei Wei Si suddenly got up and asked herself to follow along.

Chi Nan stared at Wei Wei Si, and finally nodded after a long time: "Well, you can follow along, but you can't get close to the battlefield. You can only stay on the airship. The farther away from the battlefield, the better." This is the final bottom line. Of course Weiwei knows. There was no refutation, Weiweisi agreed with a smile on her face. Reading Net

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