The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1188: Pure blood of god

The Abyss Demon is still attacking, but a plane that belongs to him completely, but it has diminished the irritability and depression in Chi Nan's heart. At this time, Chi Nan was in a very good mood.

Even Chi Nan still had time to tease the Dragon King Garth, who hadn't dealt with him. The Dragon Emperor Gas, who was stimulated by Chi Nan, fought even more frantically. In order to show that he didn't deal with Chi Nan, Dragon King Gas didn't even use any plant weapons, but instead used all the dragon beasts and dragon people under his own, forming a huge number of lines of defense.

The reason why the dragon clan is strong is not only the dragon clan itself, but also these hybrid species.

In terms of quantity, they have always been more than alchemy puppets. In many cases, they rely on quantity to play a greater role than alchemy puppets. But this time, it was compared by plant weapons.

Another month passed smoothly. The main plane of the sacred tree has been completely cleaned up, and it is quickly recovering. The plane consciousness temporarily fell into a deep sleep, Chi Nan knew that this was because the plane consciousness was raising his level.

After ascending, the entire plane will change. As the plane was cleared out, the coordinates left by the Cthulhu had disappeared, and this was swallowed by the plane consciousness initiatively. Without this coordinate, Cthulhu wants to find this plane is not so easy, this is also a means to protect himself.

Perhaps the Cthulhu himself didn't care much anymore. Who could have imagined that a plane that was emptied of the plane's origin and was about to die could be restored in a short period of time, or even enter the stage of evolution.

One month later, the good news came again. Although he was prepared, Chi Nan was still very happy.

"You are watching here, I will go out for a trip, maybe this time it will bring you great benefits." Chi Nan said to Holm. Holm nodded slightly, and said nothing.

Holm entering the working state, it will not be affected by the surrounding environment. All the people were infected, they just saluted Chi Nan, and then entered into the tactical discussion again. During this time, they would meet and discuss this way almost every few days, precisely for the purpose of dealing with the demon creatures opposite.

Not to mention, their frequent meetings, they really discussed a lot of effective methods to deal with demons, although they are just some tactics and improvements to plant weapons, but this is not easy.

Chi Nan left his incarnation and came to the sacred tree No. 1 plane, where the blood of the evil **** was purified. For three full months, the blood of the Essence God has completely changed its appearance. The blood-red blood that originally exuded an evil aura now turned into a red crystal-like existence, which looked like a work of art at first glance.

Even when it is not moving, no one can tell that this thing is actually a liquid.

The liquid exudes a faint fragrance and a tempting taste. Anyone who sees it can't help but come over and want to drink it. Even Chi Nan has a very slight feeling.

This is the reason why he himself belongs to a demigod. "The power of the gods really cannot be guessed by ordinary people. The blood after purification still has this feeling, which is really unexpected." Chi Nan exhaled.

Fortunately, there are no elves around here, otherwise God knows how many elves will be attracted. Ordinary creatures can't bear the power of this kind of blood, and once they really drink it, there is absolutely no good end.

Even if Chi Nan wants to use the blood of these gods, he must mix in a large amount of life tree sap that contains vitality, so that it can be used to neutralize the pressure and destruction of the blood of the gods on himself. After the blood of the gods is used, it is an in-depth transformation of itself, which can transform ordinary creatures into divine creatures, and then change its own characteristics.

This kind of transformation can truly break the sequelae of using divine power crystals to break through, and it can also greatly enhance one's own potential. In the future, the chance of reaching a demigod through cultivation will far exceed that of ordinary people.

Even as long as the resources are sufficient, there is a more than half chance of becoming a demigod. Others may not have resources, but Chinan has them here. There is even the best resource, and that is this pure power of faith.

Thinking of the power of faith, Chi Nan feels a little distressed, because this purification has used up all the power of faith accumulated before, and also spent most of the re-accumulated in the three months. If you want it in the future, you need more time to accumulate. Fortunately, there are already a lot of elves, and the beliefs they can provide are also considerable.

Moreover, Chi Nan also spread his beliefs in his own territory, so that the common people would believe in himself. As a demigod, it is not strange to establish a religion to make people believe, and it has not aroused other people's suspicion.

However, Chi Nan didn't directly absorb these beliefs. Instead, they collected them and sent them to the tree of life, so that the tree of life would purify them, and then condense them into the power of faith. I believe that after a period of time, my own power of faith will be very impressive. At that time, perhaps there is no need to worry about the power of faith.

"The first thing to do is to use a small amount of the blood of the gods, plus the sap of the tree of life, to reconcile it. Also blend into my life magic, so that the fusion effect will be better, the ratio is ten to one, and 100% success ."

Chi Nan made while muttering in his mouth. Suddenly, Chi Nan's expression was stunned: "That's not right, these gods' blood is filled with my brand. If they are used, Hemira and the others will also be affected."

After hesitating for a while, Chi Nan gritted his teeth: "It doesn't matter, it's the same whether it affects or not. Hemila and the others would not betray originally, and it doesn't matter if you add this thing. Cthulhu's will is more troublesome, so let's use it." Chi Nan is simple, no matter who it is.

My wife would never betray, whether she has her own brand or not is the same. In other words, they were already stamped with their own marks from the inside to the outside, so Chi Nan didn't care about it anymore.

But what Chi Nan didn't expect was that adding his own mark and not having this are completely different things, perhaps there is no difference at all on the surface. But deep down, the effect is still very terrifying.

With this mood, Chi Nan slowly concocted the medicine. Every bottle of potion, as long as a little bit of Cthulhu's blood is enough. Chi Nan didn't know how much of the blood in front of him could be produced.

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