The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1189: Mass production of divine creature

After making the medicine, Chi Nan immediately notified everyone. Including those guards who have used special means to break through, and guards who have not used the crystal of divine power. Some of the territorial officials who performed well are all here.

As a demigod, Chi Nan can easily control everyone. As long as it is an order issued by himself, no one dares to violate it. This time, even Slinka Yew, who was getting ready to practice, was called.

Slinka looked at Chi Nan dissatisfiedly at night: "What are you going to do, why are you calling us? So many people are here, what if something happens." Now, except for a few more important things. The people in the post, but everyone else came here. Chi Nan spread his hands, feeling a little helpless.

This is the temperament of the elves, and the elves are relatively independent. After Slinka became his wife, everything is based on herself, but she is still very independent in her usual behavior and rarely sticks to herself.

Coupled with the superwoman character of the other three women, Chi Nan's family really doesn't have that kind of Xiaojiabiyu.

"I let you here this time to give you benefits. You have worked so long for the Sacred Tree Leader, and you have put in a lot of hard work. I see this in my eyes. You have worked hard."

Chi Nan's words touched the hearts of many officials and soldiers. "It's not hard, these are what we should do."

Someone below shouted to Chi Nan, at this moment, where they have a bit of the aura of a territory official, they seem to be indistinguishable from ordinary civilians. Some people even shed tears when they were moved.

"Is there such an exaggeration?" Chi Nan muttered in his heart, even if he thought of himself as a god, it wouldn't be just a sentence. Moreover, Chi Nan could feel that this was an expression of their true feelings, not fake.

A faint guilt flashed in my heart, but then disappeared. I'm not doing bad things, it's good for anyone, anyway, it just adds a layer of protection. It is enough to avoid any betrayal in the future. Whether it's oneself or other people, it will be completely at ease when the time comes.

It doesn't matter if Chi Nan is vigilant, or he is careful, in short, he is such a person. Why has Chi Nan always believed in his own plants instead of the hard-working humans in his territory?

It is because Chi Nan knows that his plants will never betray, and those humans, who knows what they will think.

But in the future, not to mention everyone, at least these high-levels and the descendants of these high-levels, they will definitely not betray. Your own brand is not so simple, it is natural to pass it on to future generations.

Chi Nan took out the box, opened it, and red bottles appeared one by one.

"This is the potion I made with the blood of the gods, and everyone has one. After drinking it, you will possess the divine nature and become a potential divine creature. As long as you work hard, you can slowly stimulate and master it. This is of great help to your cultivation and promotion, and it is not impossible even to become a demigod in the future."

At this time, everyone was not moved, but shocked. They never thought that Chi Nan could actually come up with this kind of thing.

"Chi Nan, you are not dreaming, how can this thing be obtained with the blood of the gods."

Chi Nan smiled and said, "Have you forgotten the plane of the undead? There is a powerful demigod in it. This guy was transformed with the blood of the evil god, and he still has the blood of the evil **** in his body. After being purified by me, he is a god. Blood out."

Everyone was suspicious and didn't know what method Chi Nan used to purify, but obviously he couldn't ask casually. As for the people present, only a few people knew what Chi Nan was talking about.

"After using the medicine, your offspring will also have the potential to inherit the divine nature. As long as they are stimulated, they are all geniuses." People or for whatever, except for themselves and their family, the biggest thing is not for themselves. Offspring?

In particular, most of these people have come from the bottom, and they value their descendants especially, even more than those nobles before. As for the present offspring, Suo Ran is also very important, but no one will refuse to let his descendants have a better future. Moreover, the lord can take it out now and also in the future.

As long as I work hard, my current sons and grandchildren may also be able to get a potion.

Thinking of this, everyone instantly felt their blood turbulent. "Horn, you are here first. You used the crystal of divine power to make you break through, and now all the sequelae can be eliminated. Last time you refused, but this time you can't. There are many medicines, everyone has, and he can add it. Enhance your potential, this is divine blood."

Divine creatures are different from ordinary creatures. The potential of ordinary creatures has a limit, but the potential of divine creatures has never been limited. At least no one knows what the limit of the potential of divine creatures is.

At most, after reaching the legendary level, if you want to go further, you will encounter the same bottleneck as everyone else. The bottleneck is not the limit of potential, but a threshold to a higher level, which is the same for all living things.

Horn was excited, did not speak, and led the others to the front, took the potion and drank it in one gulp. Following the entrance of the medicine, the invisible barrier on the body quietly dissolved. The strength that has been stopped for a long time without the slightest increase, at this moment, it has suddenly improved, and everyone's strength has risen.

Horn has accumulated the most, so he has also improved the most. Of course, there is still a big gap from the demigod. After that, Horn needs to practice by himself. The good thing is that they all inspire divinity.

Chi Nan could feel the divine power permeating them, which showed that they had become divine creatures. As long as you continue to practice step by step, there is no problem in reaching the bottleneck close to the demigod.

But if you want to reach a demigod, you must comprehend your own law-level power. Before you can comprehend it, it is impossible to break through. Even if the demigods are not true gods, they are not ordinary people. After all, there is a **** word.

Groups of guards stepped forward. Regarding Chi Nan's trust, they did not hesitate to drink the medicine. The effect is immediate, and everyone can see it. The more I look down, the more excited the people in the line are. This is really a benefit. People from other territories don't have this opportunity. This is so proud.

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