The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1190: Now you can rest assured

Soon, all the guards used Divine Blood Potion, but not everyone turned into a divine creature. Those who reach the legendary level will completely absorb the power of the blood of God in an instant, and all are divine creatures.

But at the golden level, only a few have become divine creatures, and the others are potential divine creatures. It hasn't been completely absorbed for the time being, and when it's completely absorbed, most of it should reach this level.

After all, they haven't reached the transcendent yet, and they are far away from the gods. In the future, if you want to stimulate it, you need cultivation or other opportunities. But I believe that with their abilities, it won't take long for them to break through to the level of divine creatures one by one. This is not a level of strength, it is a transition of life.

When using the crystallization of divine power, there were five guards of the golden peak, who broke through on the spot and became a legendary master. This kind of breakthrough, just like Weiwei, is made by relying on its own strength.

After the breakthrough, their field strength is also stronger. Among them, three of them are cultivating non-attribute vindictive spirits. Sure enough, when he broke through, he spontaneously became infected with the attribute with the highest affinity.

Perhaps it is not as powerful as Weiweisi's dual-attribute domain, but it is also a brand new fighting spirit that suits him best. Regardless of whether it is fighting spirit or domain, they are much stronger than others.

Those pioneers who have broken through before, slowly can't match them in this respect. The first breakthrough often means the end, crossing the river by feeling the stones, many times there will be a gap with the people who came later.

Chi Nan believed that it might not be long before Horn was no longer the most powerful of the guards. But Chi Nan didn't care, after all, Horn was the leader of the guards and the captain of the guards. Even if the others surpassed Horn, Horn was still the captain of his own guard. Without speaking, no one can threaten his status.

"Next, Hemila, come on, too." The reason why Chi Nan let the guards board in the first place actually meant to use them as test items. After all, this thing has not been tested.

Although Chi Nan knew that there would be no problem with this thing, no one knew the specific situation. If there is a problem with the first use of his wife, then the consequences can be troublesome. So until now, Chi Nan let them use it.

The guards were very moved because the lord values ​​themselves most. Hemila and the others knew what Chi Nan's approach meant, but they didn't say anything. They just gave Chi Nan a blank look, and then stepped forward.

Under Chi Nan's nervous gaze, Hemila and others used the medicine one by one. Sure enough, they all have a body shape. Slinka night even took advantage of this opportunity to reach the level of a half-step legend.

"It's weird, Slinka, why didn't you break through? You were able to break through just now."

Silka Ye instinctively wanted to roll her eyes, but then her eyes became full of charm, looking at Chi Nan affectionately. "I just felt that there is only one attribute in this breakthrough field. When I break through, I will gain two attributes, so I need to settle." This look made Chi Nan a little surprised, but he didn't care much.

"If that's the case, let's settle down. Others, come and continue."

Except for the guards, the others are not actually lacking in talent. Especially among the officials, there are a few talented cultivators who have been at the golden peak for a long time.

Chi Nan carefully observed the eyes of these people, and even used the vegetable brain to analyze and calculate their expressions.

Originally, there were indeed a few who were a little afraid of their lord, or had other careful thoughts. The plant brain doesn't understand psychology, but with a lot of calculation, it can also find some clues.

But after using the Divine Blood Potion, it didn't take long for the repulsion and fear in their eyes to disappear, and only worship and submission were replaced, which relieved Chi Nan a lot.

Perhaps over time, these people will eventually become fanatics.

"Now, I can finally be completely relieved." Chi Nan let out a sigh of relief, completely letting go of his original anxiety.

He was originally an ordinary person on the earth, and he had never been a leader. He didn't know if he could be a good one. For a long time, there is no way to trust everyone. This is also a common problem, not surprising.

It's just that Chi Nan still feels very tired. Even if he has the most powerful force and the highest command of the plant army, this kind of distrust still makes Chi Nan very uncomfortable and exhausted for many times.

But it didn't need to be for a while. The high-levels of the entire territory used the sacred blood potion, and they were all stamped with their own marks from the depths of their blood and soul. At this point, other gods have to pay a huge price to solve one. Moreover, the solution is still the one before becoming a god, who would spend so much time wasting.

It can be said that for the control of the entire territory, Chi Nan has reached the absolute peak after this time.

Future officials can use the immediate family members of these people. Although it is possible to form a powerful family, will Chi Nan care about this? This world is not the world without special power in the previous life.

Moreover, some permissions that were not so daring to be underneath in the past can now be easily underneath.

This time, even Chi Nan, the little guys from Romilia, didn't let it go. Some of the maids and attendants who had been in the family for a long time and were more trusted Chi Nan did not forget them, and gave them a copy of this precious potion.

Even later, even with some caravan members, it can be said that they are just guys who have a certain cooperative relationship with the senior leaders of their own territory. Chi Nan also gave them a copy through some special channels after gaining their allegiance.

This loyalty ceremony is actually only performed for outsiders, otherwise it is impossible to give them medicine without reason.

The pride and sense of mission in the hearts of the people who received the medicine is bursting, and with the improvement of their qualifications, the strength of these people is constantly rising. I believe it won't be long before the powerhouses of the entire plane add up, and there won't be as many powerhouses in their own territory.

I just don't know what will happen to those guys hiding in the dark when they discover this. In the next few days, Chi Nan received secret messages from many people every night, and every one of them was repenting. Repent of taking advantage of other forces and doing something harmful to the territory.

Chi Nan sneered in his heart. As expected, as he thought, the strength of the territory is strong, and there will always be some people who will be bought off. This is how humans are. If it weren't for the medicine of God's blood, it would be impossible for me to know what these people were doing.

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