The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1194: The demons' fishing plan

"It's very corrosive. This is the ultimate application of the essence of the devil's power." Chi Nan saw the black smoke, his eyes flashed solemnly. Wherever the black smoke passed, everything withered.

Whether it's a living thing or a dead thing, even space, it makes an overwhelming sound of corrosion.

The abilities of these demons, the demon incarnation can't tell himself. Because once the demons start a battle, all the surrounding monitoring plants will be destroyed. However, the strength and status of the demon incarnation are not enough to participate in it. You can only give yourself some intelligence through some monitoring. For something like black smoke, Chi Nan didn't know what his specific ability was.

"It's just that no matter what your abilities are, as long as it is an evil force, you must be restrained by my power."

Chi Nan is still very confident in his natural magic. Without even thinking about it, when he moved his feet, he had escaped the black smoke. The black smoke changed and swept from another direction, but suddenly several wooden shields appeared beside Chi Nan.

Although the spell is not very advanced, the natural magic power condensed on it is very powerful. The black smoke hit the wooden shield, but made some noises, and then it was cancelled out. And Chi Nan himself was not idle.

Pulling the bowstring, a series of arrows flew out, like a straight line. In midair, these arrows suddenly exploded, crossed an arc, and then attacked again in the middle. The surroundings are completely surrounded, and there is no other way to evade except for retreating.

Because Chi Nan made the shot, the speed was so fast that the opponent had no time to dodge. The black smoke didn't care, condensing a black smoke barrier, trying to block the arrow. But when he first touched it, the black smoke found something was wrong, because his own spells were actually very difficult to block the opponent. The power above, even he himself felt a strong threat.

In desperation, the black smoke retreated quickly. But it was not only a large number of arrows, but also Chi Nan's spells. The underground vines and the surrounding wood thorns all swept towards the black smoke.

This is simply a wood storm. If it weren't for the black smoke's fast speed, it would have been seriously injured if it were replaced by other types of demons.

The corner of Chi Nan's mouth was hooked, this was his improvement over the period of time. During this year, Chinan was not idle, and a large number of plants developed, which allowed Chinan's strength to continue to increase. At the same time, Chi Nan did not relax in the exercise of his own skills. Not only do you exercise yourself, but your avatar is also doing exercise.

The incarnation exercise gave me feedback, and it was completely indistinguishable from my hard work. Within a short period of time, Chi Nan had condensed all kinds of skills to a very high level. Now it's on display, and it's really good.

This was fighting completely with his own power, and did not use the special power given to him by the sacred tree, which gave Chi Nan an exceptional sense of accomplishment. This fast black smoke was quickly driven to desperation by himself.

"Abominable human beings are really cunning. They are obviously three demigods, but they deceive us to have only two. Our plan can begin." In the rear, the demon lords began to whisper to each other.

The headed one was burning with flames, this was a Balrog, one of the top demons in the abyss.

The flame demon looked at the front line with cold eyes, and snorted: "Huh, do you think this method can stop us? Our strength is not comparable to them. According to the plan, three are dispatched this time. "Speaking, the flame demon looked at the other big bug-like guy. This is the weaker one among them.

The big bug devil wanted to refute something, but met the cold eyes of the Balrog, and could only compromise in desperation. Even among the demon lords, there are strong and weak. The flame demon is undoubtedly the most powerful among them.

Even with his own power, he can break into the territory of other demon lords and carry out strong killings. It is precisely because of this ability that other demon lords are afraid and obey his orders.

Seeing that the insect had compromised, the Balrog looked back, and the other demons also breathed a sigh of relief. Among the demons, strength has always been the highest priority. The fire demons have the strongest strength. Even if they are killed, no one will avenge them.

Among the demons, there is no such thing as laws or rules.

With an order, three demon lords appeared again, and they doubled suddenly, and the pressure on the two people suddenly became very great. Especially the Dragon Emperor, his face became ugly.

"Damn, how come there are so many demon lords this time. When do you have to see, hurry up and help."

Six demon lords, that is not a small number. Even if ten demigods appeared, it would be difficult to keep them. This is the calculation result of the demigods, and of course it is just a normal calculation result.

Many demigods were staring at everything in this place at this time, and seeing the six demon lords suddenly appeared, their minds began to move. The number of Demon Lords that appeared this time was already a lot.

"In a short period of time, according to past practices, no other demon lords will appear during this time period. We must fight quickly. We used to beat them back, but this time I think we should keep them. Once. Having lost six demon lords, I think for a long time, our plane will be safe."

Hearing the words of the surrounding discussed with each other, and soon reached an agreement. Because time does not wait for people, they will be the ones who will lose. Therefore, everyone discussed quickly.

In just ten seconds, this meeting was over. The first leader said loudly: "Teleport immediately, try to keep them, and then we will return to the front line." After speaking, all the people began to move.

In another five seconds, including the activation of the teleportation array, fourteen demigods appeared in the battlefield channel at the same time, and they were still close to the frontmost position. In another few seconds, when the Dragon Emperor had the thought of retreating, they finally arrived. "Try to block them, don't let them run away, we are already here."

The Dragon King Garth roared: "Great, you are finally here, you can't let them go this time." Garth also thought of the six demon lords. If they all stay here, the loss on the abyss will be great. Up.

They don't care what the abyss is, but they should pay attention to their planes not to be harmed. Once there are problems in the planes, they will either die or be demonized in the future, becoming a member of the demons. Sober creatures, no one likes to transform themselves into demons, unless they are really desperate.

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