The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1195: Whose trap is it?

Sixteen demigods plus one demigod elemental creature at a time is equivalent to seventeen demigods. If you shoot at the same time, there are only six Demon Lords, it is really impossible to hold on for long.

After all kinds of magic arts were defeated, the figures of several demons were scattered a lot. Especially the black smoke monster that Chi Nan focused on has faded a lot. Keep on attacking, I am afraid that this guy will be wiped out in less than a few times.

Demons are not demigods. These demon lords do not have immortal spirits. Once they die, they are really dead. Other demigods may have a chance to rebirth after death, but this is not the ability of demons.

It's just that this demon, facing so many demigods' attacks, still resisted strongly. "It's really a demon lord. As a demon creature, survivability is powerful." Under the complicated environment of the abyss, if there is no strong survivability, it would have become food for other demons. The promotion of demons also requires fighting and fighting. Devouring demons.

Gass roared loudly, spitting out the dragon's breath, and then laughed: "Hahahaha, idiot devil without a brain, don't you know this is our trap?"

"That is, we will wait on one side for every war until you appear in large numbers. This time we catch you, and our plane will be safe for a long time from now."

It is no wonder that even a demigod is angry after being pressed and beaten by these demons for such a long time. This time, I can finally give vent to it. Even the six leaders are going all out.

The only one who didn't use all his strength was Chi Nan, because Chi Nan knew that this was not all of the devil.

Sure enough, a voice came from a distance: "Really? Is this trap really yours? No, it's just our trap." At present, a huge flame demon was punched out as soon as it appeared. With this punch, a circle of fire was formed, and it came around here with a huge threat. The strength of this guy is actually stronger than the six leaders.

For a long time, this Balrog has never appeared, or even if it appears, it has not been so powerful.

Looking at the other demons around, the faces of the Alliance masters suddenly turned pale. "Damn, how can these demons still use conspiracy and tricks? Don't they always believe in fists and power."

A larger winged demon behind laughed and said, "We demon are already called despicable. If we only use power, why can the abyss expand so fast?" This is true.

Kuriai looked around with cold eyes, and his eyes were full of bitterness: "Thirty, a total of thirty demon lords, almost half of us, and that Balrog, even stronger than us, is today the day we perish. Yet."

The demons have a way out, but they don't. "We have fought with these demons, and we have no retreat. Even if we retreat today, we will continue to erode step by step until they are fair to our plane, and our strength will only become weaker and weaker. We have no other opportunities. For the sake of the plane, fight it."

A leader shouted loudly, and a bright white light burst out from his body. This is the power of the light attribute, he is not a believer of the gods, but a simple light attribute mage. This is a race ability, this leader is not a human being.

The robe lifted up showed Chi Nan the slippery and strange creature below, which seemed to be a sub-human race.

"That's right, even if we leave today, we are dead. It's better to fight." There were some demigods who flinched, and they understood. Everyone is a demigod and knows what is right.

Ku left his whole body and exploded suddenly, turning his whole body into a cloud of purple toxin. The six spheres suddenly merged into the toxin. The poisonousness made people feel stronger than the erosion of the devil's power. This is Kuriai's trick, it is obvious that now Kuriai has begun to desperately. At this time, Chi Nan breathed a sigh of relief.

"There are only thirty? Fortunately, it is still within my control. No matter how much it is, it will be really troublesome. The plant brain starts to calculate, and then attacks." Quietly, Chi Nan has already developed the realm of gods.

The plants in some hidden places were immediately blessed by the realm of gods, and they possessed the divine power of Chi Nan. Originally, these plants were inconspicuous and did not attract the attention of others.

Chi Nan suddenly laughed: "You devil's trap? Don't you know, I'm relatively timid, so I will do more things than ordinary people. This is my trap." Now, it's not just a devil, even It was those Alliance elders who looked at Chi Nan strangely. Is there any other way he can do? Everyone has hope in their hearts.

Yes, at first, Chi Nan reminded them to be careful, but they didn't care much because they thought Chi Nan was in his heart. Could it be said that Chi Nan secretly carried them to make arrangements that they didn't know.

Only in this way can Chi Nan's performance just now be explained.

The flame demon looked at Chi Nan coldly: "Your strength is good, the aura on your body seems to be a great threat to us, it must be very delicious." The flame demon obviously doesn't believe what Chi Nan can do, they are the demon lord.

At their level ~ unless there is the same level of existence to shoot, otherwise the other arrangements will basically be of no use. At their level, traps and tricks are rarely useful. And the masters of the alliance are basically here. The demons don't understand the alliance at all.

The reason why they are gathered here is not because the devil fears that these people will run away and cause them trouble. Instead, it was solved all at once, killed directly, and sacrificed on the spot, which was of great benefit to them.

The demons are profitists, and they wouldn't do it if there is no good. Of course, it was also because there were fewer demon lords on the opposite plane before. This time, many demon lords came from other abyss planes.

Chi Nan didn't talk nonsense, and it's better to do it directly with them. "Then let you see." With a heart move, the surrounding plants immediately launched their own attacks following the calculated trajectory. The strength that has been gathered for a long time can finally be released. Legendary purple grass, coupled with the blessing of divine nature and the realm of gods, is very powerful.

Even in the face of the demon lord, he can still exert a strong lethality. Not to mention, Chi Nan's power also severely restrained these demons. All of a sudden, purple light filled the surrounding area, completely covering the demons.

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