The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1256: Kingdom of God

I don't know if it's been boring for too long, and the anger in Chi Nan's heart suddenly rises when he encounters the enemy. Anyway, these years have accumulated a lot of divine power crystals, and after removing the used ones, there is still a lot of inventory.

Isn't it just an evil **** with the attributes of a **** and an undead? Chi Nan really didn't care about it.

In the eyes of everyone, the kingdom of God slammed down so fiercely. In the air, the battle has already begun before the kingdom of God is in contact. In the void, the gray aura of the opponent's kingdom of God formed directly, condensed into huge bone arms, and grabbed them against the kingdom of Chinan, with terrifying power and death aura on their arms.

And Chi Nan is no longer the same person as before. The method of fighting in the void has not been studied by Chi Nan in recent years.

In the void, countless vines formed, and the illusory and bare vines had completely changed their appearance. The vines seem to be in substance, covered with spikes, and they look like they are real from a distance.

But the vines that can entangle the world can only appear in the void.

At the same time, just above the kingdom of God, a phantom of the holy tree suddenly appeared. This is also derived from Chi Nan's deduction of other void fighting methods, something similar to the law. After the phantom of the sacred tree appeared, a mysterious power spread out.

This power is somewhat similar to Chi Nan's God Realm, but it can only be used on the vines in the void. In an instant, countless thunder and lightning appeared on the surface of the vine, and these lightning and lightning were all green. If you perceive it carefully, you will see that this is not thunder and lightning at all, but the effect of thunder and lightning formed by highly condensed natural forces.

But because the natural attributes are too strong, if ordinary people are touched by such lightning, their whole body will instantly be lignified.

The huge bone claws and vines touched each other in the air, and a mysterious sound of "click" spread through the void. The surrounding fixed kingdoms of God were all shaken by this.

Among the stunned eyes of everyone, they found that the vines that should have been restrained by the power of the undead had nothing to do. On the contrary, the huge bone claws cracked, and then just like that.

The broken bone claw instantly turned into a gray aura and filled it. Fortunately, this is the void, otherwise the death aura spreads, and then it is not known how much area to turn into the land of death.

Even the evil **** in the opposing kingdom of God was full of shock at this time, and he didn't expect the result to be like this.

Obviously they are all lower true gods, but why the cohesion of the other party's divine power is much higher than that of his own, and that kind of power is obviously restraining himself. Damn it, this must be a conspiracy, a conspiracy by the gods of nature against oneself.

Unfortunately, there is no chance to speak at this time. After a few short encounters between the two kingdoms of God, they just collided together. The two divine kingdoms collided with each other, and the terrifying force exploded as if sparks hit the earth.

The huge divine power spread towards the surroundings, and some weaker kingdoms of the gods trembled constantly under this power, and even moved a certain distance behind them. This way of fighting directly using the kingdoms of God to collide with each other is really rare. I don't know, I thought there was a deep hatred between these two gods.

Within the kingdom of God, Chi Nan felt that his kingdom was constantly shaking like a bouncy ball. Even if they were prepared to prevent shocks, some people were still directly shocked. The ground trembles constantly, and the ground cracks open.

Fortunately, the gap was not very wide or very long, and it was quickly fixed by the plants. Many big trees were also collapsed, but on the whole, there was no problem. The Kingdom of God was not injured.

The people under one's subordinates were at best slightly injured, and they were hit by other things. Because most people are not weak, they won't be hurt by this kind of thing. "Fortunately, fortunately, this time it was a bit too violent. I didn't expect that the kingdom of God would collide with each other as such. If the kingdom of God is damaged, it will take more time to repair it."

Chi Nan was a little grateful, but at the same time calmed down. It's just that because the kingdom of God has fallen, the location has been locked. Now even if you want to transfer, there is no way, you and the other party must have one perish.

The plane of the undead, which was also hit, was not so good. On the surface of the kingdom of God, a series of cracks split directly, which can be seen with the eyes. The two sides who are strong and who are weak show vividly and vividly in this kind of direct collision.

The interior of the kingdom of God is even more like a scene of natural disasters. The earth shattered directly, becoming piece by piece, and some parts of the surrounding area even disappeared. Countless undead were either swallowed by the earth or directly shattered.

These undead were obviously not prepared, and many undead were directly shocked into the air. Only a few powerful undead creatures can reflect and stabilize their bodies when they are caught off guard.

"It's amazing, this kingdom of God is really strong, and it's okay with such a collision. It seems that this kingdom of God is not far from being promoted." When the people around saw this scene, they began to care about it when they were excited. .

"That's it, I didn't expect that there is such a hot among the gods of natural attributes, and it won't have anything to do with that person."

Regardless of the speculation of the people around, the battle between the two kingdoms of God is still going on. Seeing that the other party had not been destroyed, Chi Nan was not polite, urging his kingdom of God to strike again. The Kingdom of God is not an ordinary thing, and it doesn't have to fly high to hit it. To be precise, as long as it hits, it is hitting.

"My kingdom of God can resist multiple impacts without being I just don't know how many times you can bear it."

Chi Nan gritted his teeth and let his kingdom collide again. A large amount of divine power crystallized instantly, and the two divine kingdoms collided again, this time even stronger than the previous burst, blowing wildly towards the surroundings.

Below, the barrier of the central plane, on the contrary, nothing happened. It's just that many people have discovered that there is an unusually bright one in the sky. In the eyes of people in the central area, many stars in the sky are actually the kingdom of God.

"Kacha" The cracks in the kingdom of the undead evil spirits are already spreading over half, like a glass bottle about to shatter, so miserable. At this time, even the undead evil **** began to panic.

"Wait, wait, I can surrender or give up this place, please let me go back to the void." The undead evil spirit surrendered directly without morals, but the people around did not feel anything strange. . ...


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