The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1257: I'll smash it first

A person who knows the current affairs is a wise man. Among the gods, it is very common to surrender or even take refuge in the opponent if he fails to fight. They are not ordinary people, and they can fight each other desperately until they die.

As a god, he has escaped some of the emotions of mortals, and only improves himself in his eyes. For most gods, they will not know that they will die and fight to the end like mortals, unless they are forced to this extent by the opponent.

After all, there are not many gods. If all of them are the same as mortals, I am afraid that the gods would have already withered. However, what they didn't expect was that what they met today was a guy who didn't play cards according to common sense. If it is a general **** with natural attributes, the personality is naturally very gentle, but Chi Nan has always taken it as his duty to kill him when dealing with enemies.

Hearing the other party's words of softness, Chi Nan sneered: "Why are you going to be soft? Don't you want to fight to death and life, I'm ready." Chi Nan continued to transform his divine power and restore the consumption of the kingdom of God that had just collided.

"Don't be too much, I have many friends. If you continue to persecute, there will never be any good results. If you let me go, I will pay the corresponding reward. In this chaotic place, too hard often results in Neither will be great."

"Really, but I like to try it out. Let's wait until I break your eye-catching thing."

What Chi Nan said, not only was the undead evil **** at a loss, but the people around him were also depressed. This time the co-author is a madman. Who is most afraid of who is the most madman? It must be a madman.

At the level of gods, lunatic gods are also the type they fear most. Why the Demon God has always been a public enemy, but there is generally no complete assurance that they will not deal with the Abyss Demon God. It's because the abyss demon gods are all lunatics. When it is critical, these guys may not retreat and die with the opponent.

And if an orthodox **** like Chi Nan was a lunatic, it would be even more terrifying. Orthodox gods have a kingdom of God, and if the kingdom of God is detonated, other kingdoms of God around here will be affected and damaged.

It's not impossible that the guy who was directly detonated will end up at the same time. Although the detonation of the Kingdom of God is not so easy, a lot of preparations need to be made before detonation, and it is possible to achieve this after all year round preparations.

Therefore, the ordinary kingdom of God will not explode until death. But the lunatic gods are different, who knows if the other party is ready for such crazy preparations. Once you encounter an unstoppable enemy, you will directly detonate yourself and the opponent to die. Although the number of such gods is very small, it was not uncommon before.

It is said that there are still some crazy gods, all gods will spend a lot of money to make such preparations.

Thinking of this, many gods quietly moved their kingdom far away. And the gods in the surrounding kingdoms that have been locked in positions, the gods inside are distressed, how can they be with such a lunatic.

If they are asked to prepare for the detonation of the kingdom of God, let alone how much it consumes, no one is willing to do this kind of thing. This kind of preparation can sometimes cause a lot of harm to the kingdom of God. Who wants to harm their own roots?

Chi Nan didn't expect them to have this kind of association, but even if they knew it, it didn't matter. It's only good for me to be able to stun those around me. At this moment, Chi Nan was ready for the third impact.

"You, you lunatic, you will regret it. My kingdom of God is an undead attribute, and it will definitely cause a lot of erosion to you."

The Undead Cthulhu still wanted to make the final struggle, but it was a pity that Chi Nan didn't care at all, and still collided fiercely. The Kingdom of the Undead, which was on the verge of falling apart, finally did not hold on during this collision. Cracks all over the whole body of the kingdom of God, and then the barrier completely burst. The huge power tore the entire interior of the kingdom of God to pieces.

Directly exposed to the void, countless believers and undead disappeared without a trace in a moment, either torn apart or evaporated. There was also the most dazzling figure, whose whole body was struck out in embarrassment.

This is the undead evil **** who is working against him. It's just that this evil god's appearance is very miserable at this time, and the robes on his body have turned into tattered pretends, and the body made of the skeleton is also fragmented.

Where there is no fragmentation, there are cracks everywhere, and the death air of the whole body continues to spread out. "Hehe, it's still a dead soul becoming a god. After becoming a god, he still maintains this skeleton shape, which shows that he was originally a skeleton."

Chi Nan smiled indifferently, and the vines that Void hadn't recovered entangled the other side. The skeleton just wanted to struggle when it was wrapped in a large number of vines, and there was no way to escape.

"Damn it, do you want to kill them all." The undead evil **** roared, never expecting someone to be crazier than himself.

Chi Nan sneered: "Yes, since you are already an enemy, do you still expect me to let you go." Chi Nan condensed a bow and arrow in the kingdom of God, gently pulled it away, and suddenly faced the front. Let go of the bowstring.

This is also a method for the gods to fight in the air. Before, there was only the protection of the kingdom of gods, and this method had no effect. The arrow just flew out and disappeared in an instant. After passing through the kingdom of God, it reappeared in the void.

Before the Undead Cthulhu reacted, he was hit by an arrow directly in his chest. The emerald green arrow pierced fiercely into the bones of the chest, and then a mysterious and pure power spread out. Originally thinking of using death power to disperse it, but the Undead Cthulhu suddenly found that his death power actually rioted.

"Damn, what kind of power is this, and why is the restraining power so strong?" The undead evil **** felt that he was getting weaker and weaker, and even his divine power couldn't kick it up. The surrounding vines took the opportunity to entangle him.

"Even if you die, I won't make you feel better, the gods of the nature system, wait for our evil god's revenge." Suddenly, the undead evil **** raised his head, as if he could see Chi Nan across the kingdom of God.

The spirit of death suddenly condensed in the originally fragmented kingdom of God, forming a chain of chains, forcibly seizing the kingdom of God in Chinan. Originally, a large number of undead and death air were sent into the kingdom of Chinan by the undead evil **** using a special method. The next moment, another arrow flew out and hit the skull in the head.

Suddenly, the skeleton broke apart and turned into pieces, disappearing without a trace under the emerald green light. ...


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