The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1274: Advanced magic skills and 5 color flowers

"This is, at least, the breath left by the upper gods. Could it be that this place is a place where the upper gods have been. No, a long time has passed here, not the most recent. The divine power has dissipated to this extent, indicating that I'm afraid this high-ranking **** has already died, so what is left in it?"

The things left by the upper gods, who knows what they are, may be very precious items, but it may also be that they have just walked around here, and it is not impossible to leave an empty shell.

But the important thing is that no matter what the upper gods left behind, the possibility of being useful to them is very high.

"There is a layer of gateway on the surface of this place, which is used to isolate and hide the contents, but also to protect it. If it is not for too long, I am afraid it will be difficult to find the existence of this thing even if I stand in front of my eyes."

"So, it's very likely that it's something more important. But why does a **** put things here? Could it be that he was in a bad situation at the beginning?" Chi Nan didn't understand.

God's things are generally placed in their own kingdom of God, and it can be said that this is the safest. If the kingdom of God is breached, then the gods will basically come to an end. But there are some special circumstances that will stay outside.

Either it is in a difficult situation, leaving things in other places to make oneself comeback. Either you want to accept a subordinate or a spokesperson at will. Although there are few things like accepting disciples, it is possible. Chi Nan wasn't sure what was going on with this thing, so let's take a look first.

The left and right are just an incarnation, even if it is lost, it doesn't matter. As for the upper gods, it is impossible to count oneself by relying on one's own incarnation. Even face to face is not necessarily successful.

After taking out the two disaster cores and swallowing them with a big mouth flower, Chi Nan walked forward alone. This divine magic circle, which had been in disrepair for a long time, was unlocked in a few strokes under Chi Nan's actions.

The fluctuations are so weak that it is hard to feel even when standing in front of them. Now Chi Nan is relieved, he is really worried that the fluctuations here will be felt by a few fighting guys. If they feel the fluctuations of the upper gods, perhaps they will temporarily put aside the matter of the sky's fine gold, and come to fight for this relic. This is not impossible.

Sky gold is related to their own development, but a precious relic left by a higher **** is also very important to their development. Not every mid-level **** has his own unique growth method like himself.

Quietly walking into the cave, Chi Nan found that it was very empty, but the cave was not very big. There are no traces of inhabitation, no imaginary bones or traps, or even anything else.

It was empty, with only the back and a small room. "This is too simple, there is no suspense, bad review." Chi Nan commented, but he walked forward cautiously.

These gods are different from those mortals in Chi Nan's impression. They don't set up some test traps and so on. It's useless to them. If you do that, you might as well leave nothing behind.

When I walked into a small room behind, there really were no traps. The things left by the **** who made the cave are clear at a glance. A small platform on which is placed a black lacquered plate made of some kind of wood.

It's a pity that this wood has been dead for a long time. Chi Nan couldn't activate it with his own power. He could only feel that the wood should have been left by some kind of divine plant.

There is a small pond in the back, a little bit of stagnant water in it, but a five-colored flower grows on it. There are really five colors, five petals in total, and each petal is a color. "It's weird, what kind of flower is this? It feels like a very high level, but I can't control it at all. Isn't this a plant?"

What happened today is really strange. Simply pick up the wood and study it first. When Chi Nan picked it up, he felt a force in the wood flow into his hands.

There is no test, and there is no consciousness that wants to seize one's body, just a stream of memory flows into his mind. "This is a magical skill? High-level magical skills, real things are also very precious to the upper gods, how can they stay alone in this place. Is it really that what happened to that god?"

Chi Nan deliberately understood that magical skills and magical skills are not the same thing. Divine art is a special method that the gods can use only after they have understood the law of their own power to a certain extent.

Divine art belongs to the gods themselves, and other gods have no way to learn, at most they can only learn from it. Divine art can be lent to believers to use. With the power of gods, believers can also exert a certain power. This is divine art.

But the magical skills are different. The magical skills are the same as the fighting skills learned by ordinary people, but this is the fighting skills of the gods. You cannot learn these skills before reaching the level of the gods and without the power of the gods.

Divine skills are difficult to learn, but they are universal, and all gods can learn and use them. The magical skills are in the hands of the gods, and their power will never be worse than the magical skills. Especially for a **** system, it is equivalent to adding a kind of magic to all the gods, and there is no need to occupy the space of their own magic.

Every **** the condensed magic arts have their limits. The worst basic magic technique, it's nothing. However, high-level magic arts have a strong pressure on the gods, so the number of magic arts has a limit.

This kind of magical skill just made up for this. It can exert the power of the magical skill, but it will not cause any impact on itself, which is equivalent to an extra skill slot. It is as if Chinan magic power is condensed and the abyss magic fire is about the same.

Being able to let others learn is the biggest advantage. This means that not only Chi Nan himself can learn this thing, but his avatar, the **** of the avatar, and Hemila and others can also learn and use it.

"Compared with comprehending a magical technique for a long time, this thing is readily available. Well, it's still of the bow and arrow type, which happens to be the most suitable for Slinka night. Other people have learned it and I can rest assured, after all, is it a long-range attack."

The gods use bows and arrows, and the attack range is farther away. It's probably not a difficult thing to hit another kingdom of gods through a kingdom of gods. This thing is much more valuable than the fine gold of the sky.

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