The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1275: This is really a big profit

Chi Nan didn't know if this was left by an elf god. Although the elf **** is best at bow and arrow combat skills, other gods are not necessarily. The other party didn't even leave anything related to him.

Perhaps this is also to erase everything related to this cave and avoid being discovered by other gods. It is definitely not easy for the opponent's strength to be able to force a higher **** to be so.

"Zang Shadow Arrow, the name of this arrow technique. The name is very common, but it can be used as a high-level magic skill. Its power is definitely not so simple on the surface. Let me see what is going on."

Chi Nan frowned and kept looking. On the surface, this magical arrow technique is very similar to the bow and arrow technique used by ordinary people. It is a means of hiding the arrow in the shadow to attack.

But looking carefully, Chi Nan found that this is not as simple as it seems. This shadow does not refer to the shadow of the arrow, but a kind of void projection, a special existence hidden between the virtual and the reality. It does not exist in space, nor in reality, but in a special existence similar to fantasy.

After the arrow flies out, it will disappear directly, as if following a causal relationship, directly hitting the target.

Even the upper true gods can hardly avoid this kind of attack. Even at the level of the main god, this kind of attack technique can even play a big role, and it is not impossible to have a deeper understanding to strengthen it.

I really don’t know who came up with it. It’s horrible to use this thing for a sneak attack. Even the person who was attacked didn't know how he was injured when he was hit.

Only divine power can achieve this terrible result. The foundation of cultivation is the lower true god. If you haven't reached the level of the lower true gods, it's impossible to get this thing and want to cultivate.

To cultivate this kind of arrow technique, you must have a strong spirit and will, and you can't do it with a strong divine power. "Yes, my mental will has always been very strong, but I don't know how Hemira and the others are."

This is what Chi Nan is worried about. My own spiritual will is very special, because it often communicates with a large number of plants and controls a lot of incarnation activities at the same time, the spiritual will has been honed very powerful unknowingly.

To hide the shadow arrow, you must first deceive your own feelings before you can deceive the other party, and even deceive the law of heaven and earth. Only then can his arrows be hidden between the real and the imaginary, and no one can sense it except for himself. Even if you don't sense it carefully, you can't feel it. Using a special force method, the lethality of the arrow will be increased several times.

Most importantly, this hidden shadow arrow is more than just hiding an arrow. After practicing to a high and deep place, after an arrow flies out, more arrows can be hidden behind this arrow, forming a kind of superposition.

The deeper the understanding, the more hidden arrows. Hidden arrows cannot increase the attack power of arrows, but they can increase the number. The various methods of use are up to you. It can attack a point, or it can form a rain of arrows.

Various methods that ordinary people can and cannot use can be realized here. It's just that this is used to deal with the gods. Even for the gods, this kind of attack is even more difficult to deal with than ordinary people facing arrows. I was originally a master of bows and arrows, this kind of thing happened to suit me best.

"Hey, there is also a way to forge your own longbow with divine power to condense your own divine arrow. It's really a matching delivery." Chi Nan's eyes lit up. This is a real method of forging a magical artifact.

Forging artifacts, either use materials and a large amount of supernatural power to wash, and the overall requirements of artifacts are met. Either a special forging method must be used, which is the same as forging by a blacksmith. Once the method is mastered, the same material will definitely work better.

There are two ways to create arrows, one is for temporary condensing use, and the other is a special artifact. Although it is only a one-time arrow, its power can be described as terror. As for the bow and arrow itself, after being successfully forged, it can usually blend into one's body. Bows and arrows can increase their power as their strength increases.

This bow and arrow itself is a kind of existence between the virtual and the real, and it is compatible with the hidden shadow arrow. What made Chi Nan most unexpected was that the five-color flower was actually a material used to make long bows.

"This can be said to be a kind of inheritance. Who is it that wants to keep such a precious inheritance here. Even if an upper **** obtains this kind of inheritance, he can become the pinnacle master among the upper gods in one fell swoop."

Although a little suspicious, it is good how Chi Nan could give up. Closing his eyes, Chi Nan began to study this thing earnestly. This magical skill, to understand, is really difficult to achieve in a short time.

On the other side, Chi Nan's deity also received this magical technique. Without even thinking about it, Chi Nan called Hemila and the others over. "Here, this is a magical skill I just acquired, let's study it together."

"It's great, it's actually a bow and arrow type, just suitable for me. It just requires a strong spirit and will, I'm afraid."

Silinka looked at the other people with some worry. Wei Wei Si shook her head and said, "My will can meet the requirements. After all, I was originally a fighter." The fighter's will is strong, which is normal.

Sophia and Hemila looked at each other but they were a little helpless: "We are still a little bit worse. Whether it is bow and arrow skills or will not enough, then we have to trouble Sister Slinka to teach us. Up."

Chi Nan was not surprised at this either: "It doesn't matter, just create a few more avatars, and use the method of controlling the avatars to hone your will. This is what I did at the beginning."

Sophia said irritably: "We are already gods. It is not as easy to improve our will as mortals. But we will not shame you. We will be able to do it for a few years at most."

"Hehe, what shame and shame are there between us, are we a family in the first place?"

Upon hearing this, the eyes of several people flickered, and their hearts were filled with warmth. Even after becoming a god, Chi Nan is still the same as before, never changed, and nothing that worries them has happened. It's worth it. So next, we must practice hard and strive to achieve the foundation for practicing magical skills.

Chi Nan even made his own avatar and himself begin to comprehend at the same time, and a large number of avatars can comprehend at the same time, which can increase his comprehension speed. Maybe it won't take long for you to get to the next level.

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