The Rise of Plants

Chapter 837: 1 Big wave submarine has arrived

"Airship assistance? Look at the sky. The hail just now has destroyed all the hummingbird fighters. How can you let the airship assist? You can't let them come over by themselves. This is really shameful."

  Kaqi was very depressed at this time, and Orna in the air was also frowning. Because the hummingbird fighters have been destroyed countless, it can be said that most of the hummingbird fighters they brought were destroyed at once. No way, the entire holy tree collar is not very familiar with what abilities the mage has. Nowadays, there is no way to get caught up in the pan.

"Ordinary warships are not powerful enough. Now only bat missiles can play a role. Both powerful and ordinary can be used. Let those warships come back in batches, deliver missiles to them from our mothership, and then use missiles to fight. "

   After thinking for a while, Orna said again: "Let the impervious warship be the vanguard in front, send a formation of airship warships to assist in the attack, and we must take the entire harbor to me."

   This is equivalent to an all-out attack. Olna gave an order, and the airship began to prepare. Replenishing ammunition is done directly in the air, but it takes a certain amount of time.

   Both parties noticed the action here, but the members of the Karan family didn't even know what they were doing. They could only see some airships turning around and flying back, and then leaning on the large airship mothership, clinging tightly. After a while, he left again, replaced it with another airship and posted it again, but I don't know why.

   But in the sea below, the soldiers on Sacred Tree Island have roughly guessed something. "Replenishing ammunition, perhaps replacing ammunition, it seems that a full-scale war is about to come. Let all the warships gather together and prepare for the next battle."

   Kachi gave an order, and the warships that hadn't been damaged began to regroup and line up. The warships of the Karan family on the opposite side finally calmed down from the waves and gradually began to regain their formation.

   These warships are too close to the shore. Under the impact just now, nearly half of the Karan family battleships were either washed ashore or stranded, unable to move.

   Those who are stranded can only stay where they are, attacking themselves as a bunker. Those who landed on the shore were unlucky. Without sea water as a supplement, the water cannons could not be used, and they were completely abolished. The sailors above could only evacuate the warship and ran to other surrounding buildings. The next battle still needs them to continue.

   "Commander, the submarine supporting us from the rear has arrived." Suddenly, a soldier said.

   "What, the submarine has arrived! How many have come? Forget it, let me see for myself." Kutch took a spar and opened it directly. Because of his high authority, the above data was quickly displayed.

   "Great, Miss Miria actually made so many test submarines. With 20,000 submarines, those warships are nothing to worry about." Kaki laughed loudly.

   "Hey, I made these submarines to help blockade the waters around Karan Island. They are not for you."

Kutch didn’t care: "It’s okay, it’s just useful, it’s not a problem anyway. Are there those aircraft carrier formations that block the sea. What? You said they’re not enough, it’s okay, and it’s not that fast to send it over now Forget it, Miss, you send half of it first, and leave half for me to use."

   Begging grandpa to tell grandma, Kutch finally got temporary control of half of the submarine.

   Looking at the front, Kaki sneered, "Kalan family battleship? Huh, you will soon know what a real naval battle is." It doesn't matter if you don't have hummingbird combat skills, don't you have underwater submarines.

   The defense of the harbor can deal with the air, he doesn't believe that they can deal with the underwater. The large-scale submarine army that appeared this first time was enough to kill these unprepared guys in the sea.

   With an order, the submarine and the warships that had just gathered up rushed up again.

   "Look, why are they here again? Don't you want to fight. Just now a magic destroys most of their warships, they are not our opponents at all now. Brothers, the opportunity for revenge is here."

   Those warships that the Karan family can move have formed a formation and began to adjust the design angle. Had it not been for the order not to chase out of the port, they might have already begun to attack.

   However, before reaching the firing range, many warships suddenly shook violently. The water was icy cold, and crushed ice cubes emerged from the water. And the battleship jumped a bit after being beaten.

   The most miserable battleship was cut in half from the middle by an inexplicable force on the spot, and it spread to other companions around it. "What's the matter? What happened, what is attacking us."

   "It's an ice cannon, we were attacked by an ice cannon." A soldier shouted while looking at the water.

   "Nonsense, they haven't entered the range yet, and no ship fired ice how could it be ice cannons."

The soldier just now shouted loudly: "It's underwater. The attack came from the water. Something is attacking us. There is nothing wrong with this attack. It is definitely an ice cannon." The cannon shot straight up from the water.

   There were still a few ice cannons that missed the target, and they tore the sea water directly into the sky. Seeing this big blue ice cube and seeing the ice cube exploding, isn't this just the opponent's ice cannon attack method.

   "Damn it, how come down from the water, who has a way. If you can figure out a way to deal with them, go back and get promoted to the third level."

   It's a pity, no matter how the commander in front shouts, it's useless. Now all the soldiers were in a daze, thinking that they were in such a dangerous place, many soldiers began to panic.

  If it is ordinary danger, the soldiers will definitely jump into the sea. But now, the attack is from underwater, no one has the courage. Besides, the underwater temperature is very low, and now it’s not going to be frozen into ice.

   The Duke of Blackmail, who also received the order, stared at the report blankly. In such a situation that he had never encountered before, he, the so-called commander-in-chief, didn't even know what to do and didn't pay any attention. Others have been watching the Duke of Blacksos nervously, hoping that he can give himself an order, but there is nothing.

   It is impossible for the battlefield to stop because they have no way. At this time, the regrouped warships have entered the range of fire. Seeing that his opponent was in utter discomfort, Kaki couldn't mention how happy he was.

   "Haha, don't think that you can do whatever you want with a mage. Let you see what is the power of technology. Call me and send these natives to heaven."

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