The Rise of Plants

Chapter 838: Let's land on the beach

It is not so easy to attack underwater and surface at the same time. Facing the unknown existence underwater, the soldiers were even more flustered. As a result, the attack at this time was not as strong as before, but the threat to them was even stronger.

   Especially with the impact just now, many warships have consumed too much magic power, and at this time they simply can't stop too many attacks. The attack of the submarine is not weak, and can cause greater shaking to the warship.

   caused their water cannon attacks to become more unstable, often failing to hit the target. Under the circumstances, more and more ships of the Karan family began to lose ground. With the continuous loss of battleships, the soldiers' fears became more and more magnified. Many soldiers on board are facing a desperate situation of mental breakdown.

   And before the sea hadn't waited for anything, the airships that had been prepared in the sky were finally dispatched. The Hummingbird fighter was indeed destroyed, but not without. There are still many hummingbird fighters active in the air.

   The large number of airships that hadn't approached the soundly rushed directly into the battlefield. The magic light cannons on the ground attacked the air, and the airships constantly released various simplified versions of bat bombs.

   The speed of these bat bombs is still very fast, and they are flexible enough. Pieces of explosions blew up at Tomorrow's port, turning the ground into black, and the fortifications were continuously pulled out.

"Great, now there is a big loophole in their defense. It's time to land on the beach. Let the troop carrier move forward, and the blue and white porcelain battleship will clear the way for me." Kachi saw that the situation was very good, and he did not hesitate to move forward. The warship was put in. These troop carriers were prepared from the very beginning, after all, this time it was not a pure naval battle.

   It’s just that the troop carrier cannot have a combat effect on the water, so it will be arranged behind. The previous tsunami did not have any impact on the troop carrier, and now is the time.

   Many blue and white porcelain battleships rushed towards the local battleships ahead. Having seen such tough warships, the Karan family’s navy walked directly around these warships, and as a result, several waterways were quickly opened up.

   Behind, those large troop carriers appeared. "How come there is such a big warship, attack it now."

   Water cannons fell on the troop carrier one after another. Unfortunately, they didn’t even have the qualifications to make the troop carrier shake. Although these troop carriers are not covered with blue and white painted wood boards, they are very thick. If you want to pierce through with a water cannon, you really can't do it.

   is at most leaving a gap on the surface, unless two attacks attack to the same position at the same time, otherwise it will not hurt the inside at all. The continuous impact and the impact of the upper and lower pincers, these warships no longer have the organization they had before. The scattered artillery attack only left a few troop carriers.

   Soon, the troop carriers approached the coastline under the attack of the water cannon, and they didn't mean to stop at all.

   Many magic light cannons were also attracted and attacked the troop carrier. But at this moment, they are too late. The foremost troop carrier had hit the coastline and ran aground.

   The next moment, the head of the troop carrier opened, and green things came out one by one.

   Take a closer look at the inside. It's not that they are neatly stacked and densely packed with bush fighters, but there are a large number of spider tanks and scorpion tanks. There are also some Treant Warriors, these Treant Warriors are actually made of blue and white painted trees.

   The emergence of a large number of marine units made the soldiers of the Port of Tomorrow, who had been demoralized, even more frightened. These land warfare arms can exert more powerful lethality in combat on land.

   Except for the bush warriors, the other plant weapons are very thick and do not need to reduce their weight. Facing the magic light cannon, it is very difficult to destroy these plant weapons.

   Magic Light Cannon is not the alchemy cannon of the Holy Dragon Empire. It has a fast attack speed and good penetration, but its destructive power is far worse. Today’s spider tanks may not be able to destroy one with one shot. Not to mention those Scorpion Tanks and Treant Warriors, these two things are thick and terrifying.

   "I, I won't fight anymore, we have no chance of winning at all." Finally, a soldier collapsed and turned his head and ran towards the rear.

"You coward, you give it to me." Before he could finish speaking, a wind cannon flew over. The group of soldiers hiding here was instantly torn apart, leaving only one lingering, looking bloody, like rags. Like a doll.

   This time, the surrounding soldiers were even more panicked. Many soldiers ran away in panic, and even ran in the direction of the enemy. Of course, none of these people will end well.

  The tanks attacked directly, and the Treant Warriors were the main force in demolishing buildings. And in some small places, tanks can't get in, and the opportunity for Bush Warriors to play comes. These bush warriors are much smaller than humans, and they can enter where humans can enter ~ ~ where humans cannot enter, they may also enter.

   Then, I often heard screams and screams coming from some underground caves and hidden bunkers. It didn't take long for each of the fortifications to go silent, and the scene became worse and worse.

   "What should I do, what should I do, I won't win at all if this goes on. No, I want to evacuate and can't stay."

   The Duke of Blacksos was about to flee, but he just turned around and found that a group of knights appeared outside the room, and these people actually stopped him and his guards.

   "Who are you from, why are you stopping this duke, do you want to die?"

   "Please stay, Lord Duke, this is the order of the great elder. The war is not over yet, if you, the coach, flee, we have the right to kill directly." Each of these people is a fully armed silver-level warrior.

   "Whatever you say, you have any right to do it. That's what the great elder said."

   The knight said without hesitation, "Kalan family elder, here is the signature order of the elder, do you need to confirm it." The knight took out a scroll and placed it in his palm.

  The Duke of Blacksos caught him, opened his eyes and looked at it quickly. The more I looked down, the paler the Duke of Blacksos' face became, and he was as pale and terribly as if he had lost his blood.

   "I know, I will stay." Finally, Duke Blackos seemed to have lost all strength. After saying this, he returned to his seat and sat down suddenly.

   Why did the war that could have brought me great feats turned into a terrible battle?

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