The Rockets of the Spirits Start

Chapter 320: The activity of poison streak

The regular breathing in the burrow continued throughout the night, until the long-established biological clock woke up someone who was dreaming in a sleeping bag on time.

Forcibly opened his heavy eyelids, and after a little observation of the surrounding movement, Nobunaga, whose head gradually became sober, climbed out of the sleeping bag, stood up and walked to the corner of the underground cave with his backpack, took out a few buckets of pure water, and squatted down silently. Washed up.

Although Nobunaga has minimized his movements, the sound of brushing his mouth still woke the elves who were resting on the floor of the cave.

Looking at Nobunaga, who was standing in the corner washing with a water cup under the light of the strong flashlight, the Variety Monster who wanted to stay in bed again, then slipped out of the sleeping bag and turned into a monster, picked up the ingredients backpack, yawned, and walked towards the corner on the other side of the cave.

Seeing this, the eight elves, Double Bomb Gas, Abo Monster, Fork Bat, Nido King, Poison Algae Dragon, Alidos, Dragon King Scorpion, and Wonderful Frog Flower, also stood up and moved their rigid bodies in place.

And the smelly mud disappeared beside the elves, and Gengar, who had been on guard at the entrance of the cave all night, returned to Nobunaga as soon as he found out that Nobunaga woke up.

Nobunaga, who was squatting in the corner and finished washing up, saw that the elves in the cave were also awake, and a smile appeared on his face. He walked into the central field and moved with his own elves.

The Variety Monster, who was cooking breakfast, saw the letter leader running under the fangs of the Abo Monster and gulps the first cup of venom that he woke up in the morning into his blood basin.

The look in his eyes suddenly became secretly angry, obviously the breakfast it made should be Nobunaga's favorite, why does this world have such things as poison marks!

After simply moving his body with the elves, Nobunaga looked at the Abo monster coiled beside him, reached out and patted his snake body, and said with a chuckle:

"As long as you don't drink your venom for a day, you will feel uncomfortable. I don't know if you guys have mixed something in the venom."

"But well, Venom... Venom, Venom!!!"

"I remembered, when Dawu came, his heart suddenly had a colic, and it even turned into the color of Gengar."

"How could I forget such an important thing? It's not right! It's too wrong!"

When the voice fell, Nobunaga, who seemed to have caught some clues in his mind, his face instantly became serious, and he sat cross-legged on the ground full of mud, and couldn't help but secretly think:

"The ability of Poison Mark comes from Moon Shadow Island, but the island is almost completely cold now, and there is not even a living person on it. Where can I find the reason for the darkening of my heart..."

"Right! At that time, the colic in the heart gradually turned black because of the approach of Dawu. I should use him as a breakthrough to find out the specific reason."

"First of all, the difference between Dago and the others, his champion-level strength, has great malice towards me, a wanted criminal who came to the Hoenn area."

"You can't be wrong. Compared with Huayue and the heavenly kings of those underground organizations, Dawu's special place lies in his strength, and after I received the warning from Alidos to evacuate, the colic in my heart disappeared. The countercurrent venom has also returned to the skin!"

"It seems that the abnormality of the heart this time is really like what I thought before. Any person who has a fatal threat to me and is full of malice approaches, the poison stripe liquid will send a fierce warning to me."

Thinking of this, Nobunaga suddenly woke up. If this poison trace liquid is really what he guessed, doesn't it mean that it is alive and that he is just a parasitic puppet!

Using a backflip to stand back on the ground, Nobunaga turned his head to look at the elves surrounded by him with worried expressions on their faces, quickly suppressed the panic in his heart, and said to them with a smile:

"Everyone is here to see what I'm doing. It's my fault that your pot is going to go up. Abo, don't drool anymore. You should go do your own business quickly."

After speaking, Nobunaga didn't wait for the elves to respond, walked back to the sleeping bag and sat down, took out a pack of chocolates and chewed it with a smile on his face.

Seeing Nobunaga sitting on the sleeping bag and starting to eat, although the elves were still a little worried about what happened just now, they all took this worry into their hearts.

And Nobunaga saw his own elves, who should start cooking, those who should improve their strength, all lay on the ground to absorb the power of the source, and while he was relieved, he looked at the soil beside his feet and fell into contemplation again.

After a moment of silence, Nobunaga's expression suddenly relaxed, he took out a needle from his backpack, and without the slightest hesitation, plunged it directly into the skin of his right arm.

He took out a tube full of the clear-colored poison pattern stock solution, and looked at how it was flowing in the syringe. Nobunaga, who was sitting on the sleeping bag, stood up slowly with a blank expression on his face.

After placing the stock solution on the table steadily, and taking out the high-power microscope that was exchanged in limited quantities at the Rockets headquarters, Nobunaga lay down on it and observed it carefully.

"The toxin in the original liquid should be the venom of the double-bomb gas and the Aberdeen, but why is its activity so high, am I really a parasite?"

Nobunaga, who has calmed down at this moment, no longer has any fear of the poison mark liquid in his body, and instead has a strong interest in this weird thing in his heart.

After all, his life belongs to him, and he is the only one who can save him, so he thoroughly researched what this poison stripe liquid was, and it became Nobunaga's last straw.

As time passed bit by bit, Nobunaga, whose eyes had been facing the microscope, did not dare to relax for a moment, and thought with anticipation in his heart:

"In thirteen minutes, the overall activity of the poison streak was reduced by 40%. As long as it completely died within half an hour and turned into a similar venom, it means that I am the main body of the parasite, and it only serves me. servant."

In the corner of the cave, the Variety Monster who cooked After serving the elves into the rice bowl, he turned back to his body and lay on the ground, looking at Nobunaga standing in front of the microscope with a serious expression.

As for the eight elves, Double Bomb Gas, Abo Monster, Fork Bat, Nido King, Poisonous Algae Dragon, Alidos, Dragon King Scorpion, and Wonderful Frog Flower, facing the fragrant breakfast, they did not lie down as usual. They devoured them before the meal, and they were all concerned about Nobunaga's direction.

When the heat that enveloped the food in the food bowls of the elves gradually dissipated, facing Nobunaga, who had been keeping an eye on the change of time, a light smile suddenly appeared on his face, and he turned around and said with a smile to the elves whose eyes were almost fixed on him. arrive:

"For a total of 27 minutes, all the activity in the poison stripe liquid was dead. Although we haven't figured out what caused it to issue a warning, the lethal factor has been eliminated. The rest will wait for us to return to the Orange Islands, and then hand it over to professionals. Go check it out."

All the elves lying on the ground didn't understand these words, but judging from the happy expression on Nobunaga's face, they all understood that the crisis should be lifted.

Seeing the familiar trainer coming back, the worries on the faces of the elves disappeared instantly. They turned their heads and aimed at their own rice bowls, ready to continue the task of breakfast.

But the food that was cooled in the winter moon was like something indescribable, which caused the elves whose mouths had been fed by Nobunaga to stare at the eyes of hungry red light, and looked to the side. The ever-changing monster,

When Nobunaga saw this, the smile on his face suddenly became brighter, he walked to the stove and picked up the Variety Monster, and said softly to the elves:

"Okay, I'll cook it myself today, and make a tonic soup for you gluttons."


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