The Rockets of the Spirits Start

Chapter 321: 10 Whole Da Tonic Soup

Hearing this dish from Nobunaga's mouth, the elves lying around the stove could not help but shed greedy tears from the corners of their mouths.

Seeing the elves in his own house, showing this unseen appearance, Nobunaga also took the opportunity to quickly learn the ever-changing monsters in the weekdays, put on an arrogant look, and went to the backpack to pick out the ingredients.

The Variety Monster in his arms saw that Nobunaga actually learned its exclusive expression, and his face immediately became annoyed, but the faint joy in his eyes betrayed the true mood of this little arrogant.

After picking out the twelve ingredients in the backpack with the best quality and non-contradictory nutrients with one hand, Nobunaga put the Variety Monster on the bench next to him and concentrated on cooking this dish that he had never cooked before. .

At this time, in a red and white Poke Ball next to the sleeping bag, the thousand-needle fish, which had just woken up, was about to break free from the cage that bound it, when he found that the Poke Ball's smart lock had been unlocked.

The sullen body gradually swelled up, and the whole fish soon turned into a round ball with a head and a tail, and it began to shake continuously inside the pokeball.

The elves who were waiting for breakfast around Nobunaga didn't notice any changes in the poke ball, only Gengar, who was sitting on top of the double-bomb gas, seemed to sense something.

After determining the direction, Gengar laughed and floated up and came to the sleeping bag. The Poké Ball holding the Thousand Needle Fish shook violently twice, and made a warning cry towards it with evil eyes.


Kanaz City, Devon Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

In a slightly luxurious office, Dawu was sitting on an ergonomic chair, carefully arranging the follow-up work, while the giant golden monster stayed in the next room, lying quietly in the pile of rare ores, and slept peacefully. past.

Since Dago took many trainers to clean up the poisonous fog that enveloped the entire city, the really troublesome aftermath work has only begun.

Although the toxin released by Nobunaga's double-bomb gas did not really harm the people, there are now a large number of uninformed citizens who, under the instigation of some people, took to the streets one after another on the grounds that they were poisoned due to improper protection of the alliance. Asked the police for a huge amount of compensation.

Looking at the documents sent to him by various departments of the Alliance on the table, the expression on Dawu's face is still calm. If it weren't for the occasional trace of anger in his eyes, I'm afraid no one would know that the champion of the Fengyuan Alliance is really good this time. of anger.

As for those who incite people to take to the streets, Dawu can probably guess which forces they belong to, but if the alliance takes action against them at this time, the deceived people will not understand the good intentions of the alliance. It will cause turmoil in the whole city.

Putting down the pen in his hand, Dawu rotated the ring he was wearing on his finger, and an aura like a biting cold wind suddenly erupted from his body. He picked up the encrypted phone on the table and dialed the number of the Alliance Headquarters.

"Hey, I'm Daigo."

"Help me inform the Four Heavenly Kings, I will start the Heavenly Kings meeting in an hour, please don't be absent."

After the personnel of the logistics department of the Alliance Headquarters responded, Dawu put the telephone receiver back on the base, the breath of a strong man emanated from his unforgiving body, and immediately picked up the Pokeball on the table and got up and walked out of the office.


Gumei Town, on a country road.

The big leaves and the platypus with red explosive heads, one person and one elf walking on the path, all had extremely serious expressions on their faces.

Seeing that he was about to reach the end of the path, Daye slowly stopped, and the fighting spirit that had been burning all night in his heart gradually cooled down.

"Duck-billed flame beast, where do you think that guy will hide? He shouldn't have been flying eastward and escaped from the Hoenn Continent."

Hearing Daye's question, the expressionless platypus raised the muzzle of its right arm, aimed it in the direction of the residential area in the distance, and shot out an arm-length flame.

When Daye saw the platypus's response, the corners of his mouth twitched. He silently took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, lit one in his mouth, and looked at the house where the smoke was rising not far away. He whispered in a negative tone:

"As the Four Heavenly Kings of the Shenao Alliance, he was dumped by the criminal right in front of him, how should I explain to Dawu..."

"Otherwise, let's return to Shenao today, platypus, what do you think of my proposal."

Half a day after the words fell, Daye saw that the duck-billed flame beast didn't respond, and he knew in his heart that his partner didn't want to leave just like that.

But he only had three days of vacation left. As the Four Heavenly Kings of the Shenao Alliance, Daye could never ask for leave again because of this kind of thing.

But seeing his partner, the platypus, with an extremely resolute attitude, Daye stood there hesitating for a moment, and said in a deep voice:

"Come on, let's go back to Kanaz City and ask Dawu for detailed information on that criminal."

"Sure enough, the electromagnetic guy is right. No matter what, I still can't control my desire to meddle in my own business."

After laughing at himself, Daye turned around and hugged the platypus's neck, spit out the cigarette butts in his mouth, a happy smile appeared on his face, and said with a smile to the platypus that turned his back on him:

"But we only have three days. I don't want to be scolded by those old men in the league."

When the duck-billed flame beast heard Daye's words, his face was still expressionless, and he didn't pay any attention to what he meant, but the look in his eyes became The muzzles of both arms were pointing down. He waved, sprayed out a faint blue flame, and flew to the west of Gumei Town with the big leaves.


Underground cave.

After one hundred and eight procedures, the Shiquan Dabu Soup, which had been boiled for a full two hours, was finally completed.

Under the coveted eyes of his elves, Nobunaga smiled and quickly poured the late breakfast into their respective bowls.

Seeing the eleven elves gobbling their food and wishing to swallow the rice bowl, the corner of Nobunaga's mouth lifted into a confident smile.

At this time, the ever-changing monster who had tasted Shiquan Dabu soup, saw Nobunaga still standing by the stove, immersed in the illusion that he was very good at cooking, he directly transformed into a monster, and filled a bowl full of it in the pot. Soup was handed to Nobunaga.

Taking the small bowl handed over by Variety Monster, and looking at the twelve ingredients inside, Nobunaga took two breaths and drank the whole bowl of soup in one gulp.

While tasting this soup in his mouth, Nobunaga's mind suddenly remembered that the three-headed dragon who had not eaten for three days, the relaxed smile on his face disappeared, his expression instantly dignified, leaning on the chopping board by the stove, his heart silently think:

"It seems that the problem of the three evil dragons must be solved today, otherwise the dark ball will be wasted in vain."

"But before letting him out, we still have to reinforce this temporary base, or else that violent guy will blow me down here..."

Thinking of that picture in his mind, the solemn expression on Nobunaga's face became more and more intense. He turned around and walked to the center of the cave, carefully inspecting the column responsible for the load-bearing, and made a plan in his mind to release the three beasts and dragons.

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