Chapter 1698 has passed

"Oh, this Xu Feng is still too young. If you win a game, you don't know the height of the sky. The spirit of the seven-level Fengyuntai is not covered."

Next to the onlookers of a half-stepped Emperor with white hair, he couldn't help but shake his head. He also felt that Xu Feng was too young to bet with Liu Wei.

The seven-level Fengyuntai and the six-level Fengyuntai, which is another huge change, is a world of difference.

The spirit of the seven-level Fengyuntai, the area that has been condensed, is already 60%.

Moreover, the war spirits also have true inheritance and spiritual skills. Those who are from the ancient times, their power of inheriting spiritual skills, is very powerful.

"He was actually provoked by the other party's radical method. It was too young. This Liu Wei and the iron riding storm, obviously it was a radical approach, forcing him to promise to bet."

"What a joke, if a man's dignity is to be built on the danger of life, then this is not the dignity of a man, but the dignity of an idiot."

Many people are not optimistic about Xu Feng. After all, the spirit of the seven-level Fengyuntai is too strong. Xu Feng is not a member of the Kyushu Fengyun Record. It is too difficult to defeat the war spirit.

In particular, some of the half-step Emperor's old men, they can only survive the six-level Fengyuntai, they have taken for granted that Xu Feng can not survive the seven-level Fengyuntai.

"Xu Feng, don't cry when you are going."

Liu Wei’s mouth is slightly raised, and now the bet has begun. He is not afraid of Xu Feng’s remorse.

"If I guess it is right, then it should be you, not me."

Xu Feng did not hesitate, and his spiritual power began to flow.

"It’s still a big deal to die when I die. I can remind you that the strength of the spirit of the seven-level Fengyuntai is not a normal half-step spirit."

Liu Wei seems to be kindly reminding Xu Feng that it is actually fighting against Xu Feng’s self-confidence. If self-confidence is hit, it is naturally powerless to fight.

"You should be worried about yourself, not me."

Xu Feng’s mouth was slightly raised, and the spiritual force flowed toward his feet and went toward the seven-level wind and cloud platform.


Liu Wei snorted and the whole person stepped out in front of him and also boarded another seven-level Fengyun platform.

With Xu Feng appearing above the seven-level wind and cloud platform.

"You said that Xu Feng can still live out from the seven-level Fengyuntai, or will die directly in the seven-level Fengyuntai." Someone looked at Xu Feng's back and opened the door.

"It is a pity that if such a genius, because of his own arrogance, and died in the wind and clouds, it is really a pity."

"I think Xu Feng may not die, but the chances of passing through the wind and cloud are almost zero. He will be seriously injured and directly attacked and flew out."

As for the performance of Xu Feng in the seven-level Fengyuntai, there are different opinions and various living methods.


Xu Feng looked at the opposite war spirit, his face changed slightly, only because he found the opposite war spirit, he had a certain consciousness, and his look would change.

"Well, weird war spirits, is this the horror of the seven-level Fengyuntai?" Xu Feng looked at the war spirit, the inner secret road.

The eyes of the warrior floated slightly, and he stared at Xu Feng with a squirt in his hand. The gun was on the top of the gun.

"This is the field of semi-rifles. The most important thing is that there is still a hint of darkness." Xu Feng felt the breath of the field from the war, and his heart was dark and shocked.

"It's not simple, it really is the spirit of the seven-level Fengyuntai."

However, among Xu Feng’s eyes, there is no fear, and some are powerful fighting ideas.

Only fighting with such a strong man is the best temper for Xu Feng.

"come on!"

Xu Feng screamed, and the golden light of his body broke out. Ten killings and sorrows accompanied the eight-gravity heart, and all the two hearts were dispatched.

The war spirit seems to feel the heart of Xu Feng's body, his eyes with a strange color, and immediately a long gun suddenly shaking in the air.


The whole void seems to be directly trembled, and the horrible momentum that popped up on the long gun suddenly came directly to the impact of Xu Fengqi.

"Give me broken."

Xu Feng did not have any hesitation, a roar, a punch, a golden fist, invincible.

The shivering light from the long gun was directly crushed by a golden punch.


The long guns trembled, and the light that followed one after another came toward Xu Fengqi’s attack.

However, Xu Feng’s golden fist was also extremely fast, and he smashed away toward the gun.

The battle has become incomparably crazy.

The two bodies constantly collide, and the storms and whispers pass by.

The spiritual power in Xu Feng’s body is like a river, and the madness is rolling.


With Xu Feng's golden fist, a fist collided with the warrior's long gun. The gun with a long black gun suddenly bent down and made a sound of a bell.

The opposite of the war spirit looks slightly changed, the war spirit is directly above the rifle, the powerful force, directly and immediately retired.

If his body was finally stabilized, then his body would hit the platform.

"Starlight burst gun!"


The long guns in the warrior's hand suddenly floated up, and countless dark guns and mans, even the formation of countless dot matrix, shrouded Xu Feng.

"Good, very strong inheritance!"

Xu Feng felt that this inheritance of spiritual skills was displayed. His heart nodded and felt the attacks of the guns around him. He suddenly stepped out.

The golden light of the body rises to the sky, as if the endless golden fists have become endless killings, and the ten killings of the Taoist heart are completely condensed.

With the ten-fold killing, the heart rips the field of half-rifle.


The blood-red fist, like a storm, struck in all directions, and the guns were suddenly smashed by fists.

Just on the occasion of the millennium.


Xu Feng’s killing punch is still better. He hits the chest of the war with a fist, and the long gun of the war disappears, and his eyes are also horrified.


Suddenly, the war became a gust of wind and disappeared abruptly.

The seven-level Fengyuntai where Xu Feng is located suddenly shines.

Xu Feng’s body appeared outside the seven-stage Fengyuntai.

"I didn't read it wrong, is that Xu Feng?"

One and a half steps, Lingdi looked at the people around him, he asked.

"You didn't read it wrong. It was really Xu Feng. He actually passed the seven-level Fengyuntai. With the repair of the eight-pronged spirit, is this special?"

The man couldn’t help but scream.

Many people are shocked and completely shocked by Xu Feng’s talent.

(End of this chapter)

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