The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2703: Dumb eating Huang Lian

Chapter 2703 Dumb eating Huang Lian

"Ha ha ha, really is not self-sufficient, but it is a first-class Chinese alchemy teacher, but also wants to refine the spirit of the innocent Dan."

Bai Wei sat there, and he heard Xu Feng say that Bai Kai refining the spirit of the innocent Dan.

Suddenly sneered.

Xu Feng looks at Bai Wei.

"Why should you laugh at others? I think his courage is very good, can't he succeed?"

Xu Feng looked at Bai Wei, he did not have any good feelings for Bai Wei.

His words rang.

Bai Wei stared at Xu Feng, cold and cold: "Do you think I laugh at him? I think he is not self-sufficient."

"I don't believe you ask the president, the first-class Chinese product alchemy teacher, how can we refine the spiritless?"

Bai Wei looked at you with a smile.

He said directly: "The elders of the white elders said this. He used to be a first-class Chinese alchemy teacher. Later, he may not be a first-class Chinese alchemy teacher. If he is not a first-class Chinese alchemy teacher, then he will not Can you refine your spirits?"

The words of screaming sounded, and did not give Bai Wei a face.

Bai Wei’s face became extraordinarily ugly.

Xu Feng looks at Bai Wei.

"Since the white elders think that Bai Kai, can not refine the spirit of the innocent Dan, it is better for us to make a bet, do not know the elders can dare?"

Xu Feng looked at Bai Wei, and he knew well about Bai Kai’s alchemy ability.

You know, Bai Kai is what he taught.

If he didn't know if Bai Kai could refine it, he would have failed too.


Bai Wei looked at Xu Feng with interest.

He smiled and said: "It's a joke. How do you want to bet? I have to look at it. How can I not gamble with you?"

Xu Feng slowly said: "We just have to play a little bit of it. I have some red moon spirits here, and the spirits will take it, and the cultivation effect will double."

"The formula of this red moon spirit liquid is only known to me. If Bai Kai can't refine the spirit, there is no way to make it.


Xu Feng took out some of the red moon spirit liquid and handed it directly to Bai Wei.

"You can try the effect first?"

Bai Wei tried the red moon spirit liquid, and his eyes were shocked.

If he can get the formula of the Red Moon Spirit.

It is equal to a road to making money.

"What do you want to gamble with me?"

Bai Wei stared at Xu Feng.

He does not believe that Bai Kai can refine the innocent Dan.

A few days ago, Bai Kai was only a first-class Chinese product alchemy teacher.

Even if Bai Kai's talent is really good, it is impossible to refine the success of the spirit.

"I don't want anything else, just bet five hundred soul crystals."

Xu Feng said to Bai Wei.

He is currently extremely lacking in soul crystal.

The soul crystal that was previously acquired at Baiyang Island has only more than 20 pieces, which is not enough for him to refine and refine.

Bai Wei slightly brows his brow.

Five hundred soul crystals are not a small number.

Xu Feng smiled and said: "The white elders, my formula of the red moon spirit liquid, the value is far more than 500 soul crystal."

Bai Wei's eyes narrowed slightly.

He looked at Xu Feng and said, "Okay, I bet five hundred soul crystals."

Xu Feng spoke to Bai Wei: "Big elders, you don't want to empty the gloves and white wolves. We all put our bets on the president here, so that we won't get it."

Bai Wei heard that he almost didn't vomit blood.

He stared at Xu Feng and said: "Boy, do you think that my dear white elders, I will deny it because of five hundred soul crystals?"

"It’s the so-called knowing people who don’t know what to expect, let alone I think you are the kind of person."

Xu Feng’s words are very hot.

Many people can't help but grin.

"Good, good!"

How angry is Bai Wei in the end, from which he said two good ones, you can imagine.

Xu Feng handed the formula of Chiyue Ling Liquid to 胥蘅.

Bai Wei also handed five hundred soul crystals to him.

As the president of the Soul Association, Bai Wei certainly does not worry that he will lie.

With Xu Feng and Bai Wei betting.

Above the high platform.

Almost everyone started to refine the medicinal herbs.

The white morning was full of faces, and his eyes swept over Bai Kai.

"Bai Kai, I won't lose to you."

The white morning refining is also the first-order best of the Holy Spirit.

Xu Feng looked at Baichen Alchemy. He looked at him and said, "Hey, the standard for recruiting your disciples is too low."

"The foundation of this white morning alchemy is not solid at all, and the mentality is very impetuous. His future alchemy future will not be great."

Xu Feng’s words rang.

Bai Wei glared at him.

However, as the father of Bai Chen, how can he not know the character of his son?

He has repeatedly reminded Bai Chen.

Bai Chen didn't care at all. Over time, he was too lazy to say it.

As a second-order elite alchemy teacher, he can't see that Bai Chen's talent is just a surface.

He smiled and looked at Xu Feng. He said, "Little brother, you don't know. He is the son of the elders of Bai Da. I am pleading for me to be a disciple. If I don't accept it, it will be a little embarrassing."

"After all, our Soulist Guild, still have to stand in Cangming City?"

At this moment, I also don't care about Bai Wei's face.

His words rang, making Bai Wei's face more ugly.

"This is almost the same."

Xu Feng nodded and felt that this reason was not bad.

After all, the strong dragon does not crush the head snake.


Bai Kai stood there, his hands floated in an orderly manner, and the spiritual power of the road flowed toward the alchemy furnace.

When he refining the spirit of the innocent, his face was calm and he could not see any panic.

The three elders have been staring at Bai Kai.

His heart was shocked and he couldn't help but look back at Xu Feng.

His inner secret said: "Is this kid really able to let Bai Kai, in just seven days, become the first-class elite alchemy teacher?"

The three elders did not believe in Xu Feng’s words before.

Now, looking at the performance of Bai Kai Alchemy, he gradually believes.

Bai Wei sat there and his face became hard to look.

Bai Kai refining medicinal herbs is really too stable.

There is no fluctuation at all.

This means that over time.

It’s very likely that Bai Kai’s refining system will succeed.

"Damn, what the **** is going on?"

Bai Wei’s heart is full of anger.

"Is it all taught by the kid?"

Bai Wei could not help but be a little surprised.


Bai Kai’s hands are constantly changing. The alchemy furnace in front of him floats up and down, and the surrounding spiritual power gathers.

Among the eyes of countless people.

The alchemy furnace in front of Bai Kai suddenly opened.

A burst of medicinal aroma spreads around.

Three medicinal herbs flew out in succession.

"God... is it really a broken spirit?"

Many white people are open-mouthed.

They still remember that seven days ago, Bai Kai was only a first-class Chinese alchemy teacher.

Xu Feng smiled on his face and he looked at Bai Wei.

"Great elders, thank you for your soul crystal."

From the hustle and bustle, Xu Feng will put five hundred soul crystals into the storage ring.

(I recommend a book for everyone, it is really overbearing, very good to see "the strongest emperor", the story of the rise of a generation of hegemony, I hope everyone will support the support!)

(End of this chapter)

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