The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2704: Killing Xu Feng

Chapter 2704, killing Xu Feng

Bai Wei’s face became gloomy.

What he thought at the moment was not five hundred soul crystals.

He was thinking, how can he take away the position of Bai Kai's young master.

Obviously, Bai Kai’s refinement made it impossible to break the spirit, and the resulting sensation was too great.

You must know that Bai Kai was only a first-class Chinese alchemy teacher.

How can there be such a big improvement in just a few days?

I looked at Bai Kai’s eyes and I was envious.

He is very clear.

The promotion of Bai Kai is bound to be the credit of Xu Feng.

If you can get Xu Feng's guidance, do not break through to the first-order elite alchemy division, even if it is a third-order alchemy division, fourth-order.

He would not feel too surprised.

He had seen the horror of Xu Feng before.

Xu Feng’s knowledge reserve for alchemy is really horrifying.

After Xu Feng’s guidance, he has now touched the threshold of the third-order alchemy master.

He believes that in time, he will be able to become a third-order alchemy teacher.

"I didn't read it wrong, did the young master actually refine the system and succeed in breaking the spirit?"

An old man stared at Bai Kai's figure.

His face is awkward.

It is very difficult to refine the demolition of Dan.

Bai Kai was able to refine his work in the realm of the best alchemy in the first stage, which is enough to show that his talent is very strong.

"I think it is better for us to change the white house or not, and Bai Kai's talent is so powerful that he will definitely be able to go to Heilongjiang in the future."

"Yes, I don't think I should change."

"This kind of talent, if you change him, it is really chilling."

Many people are starting to talk. ,

They all speak very well.

Bai Kai looked at his own refining success, and his heart was grateful.

He knows that all of this comes from the guidance of Xu Feng.

Not far from the white morning, he heard the noise around him.

He just quietly saw Bai Kai Alchemy succeed, and his heart was not calm.

He controls the alchemy furnace in front of him.


As his heart fluctuated, the entire alchemy furnace was madly shaken and became extraordinarily violent.

Many people looked at Bai Chen with a blank face and said: "No, the white alchemy furnace, I am afraid it is going to explode."


Haven't waited for them to come back.

The alchemy furnace exploded and exploded.


In the morning, a blood spurted out of the mouth, and the whole person’s chest was **** marks blown up by the alchemy furnace.

His eyes are not reconciled, he looked at Bai Kai, said: "I want to report, Bai Kai cheated!"

"How could he possibly succeed in refining the spirit? He was only a first-class Chinese alchemy a few days ago."

In the morning, both eyes are stunned, and he stares at Bai Kai.

Many people looked at the white morning's gaffe, and they all sighed in their hearts.

White morning will naturally be so excited.

After all, Bai Chen thought that he would definitely be a young master. How do you know that Bai Kai’s talent is even more terrifying than him?

Even if Bai Wei is the great elder of the White House, he does not have the ability to cover the sky.

The White House can become a ninth-order force. If it is easy to be covered by Bai Wei, I am afraid that it will soon be destroyed.

Many people will never agree to set up Bai Chen as a young master.

Since Bai Kai’s talent is very powerful, they all know Bai Kai’s father and give him a contribution to Heicheng.

If the senior management of Black Iron City knows Bai Kai’s talent, it will also focus on training.

By the time.

Their white home benefits, it will be even bigger.

Far more than the benefits of letting Bai Chen be a master, too much.

Xu Feng's eyes fell on Bai Wei.

"White elders, it seems that you want to seek position, it is bankrupt."

Xu Feng’s words rang and the people around him were stunned.

Especially the three elders.

He is shocked at the moment, he is very clear about the cause and effect of the matter.

He knows that Bai Kai can become the first-class elite alchemy teacher, all of which is Xu Feng's credit.

The heart is shocking.

I can't think of Xu Feng being so young, but for a short seven days, it is too shocking to make a first-class Chinese alchemy teacher and become the first-class elite alchemy teacher.

"Impossible... he cheated!"

Bai Chen looked at where Bai Kai was, and he was already awkward at the moment.

Adding to his expression, it is simply too shameful.

Bai Wei’s face became ugly.

Under the eyes of the public, how does Bai Kai cheating?

Bai Kai stood there, he smiled.

He looked at the crowd and said: "Everyone, I am Bai Kai's young master of the White House. I will never let you down on what I expect from me."

"I hope that everyone can unite as one and build our white home more vigorously and better."

Bai Kai’s voice spread out.

Suddenly caused a burst of sensation.

Bai Wei’s face became incomparably ugly.

Bai Kai is the first to win.

At this time, Bai Wei could not do anything at all.

He is very clear.

Even if he is, he can't cause the anger of the whole white house.

Thinking of this, his eyes with a sense of killing, his eyes fell on Xu Feng's body.

He has already guessed inside.

Bai Kai has such an ability to upgrade to the first-order elite alchemy division, and it is very likely that Xu Feng will be stalked from it.

Although I don't understand, how Xu Feng did it.

However, Bai Wei is very interested.

"Hey, I have to see, how will you die in the end?"

Bai Wei is not moving on the surface, but the inner killing is very strong.

that's it.

The entire white family's family test ended with Bai Kai's first place.

Bai Kai is the position of the young master and is also very stable.

Not at this time, it is proposed to replace the lesser.

Bai Wei and others did not dare to be brazen.

After all, Bai Kai’s father made great contributions to the Black Iron City.

If they do too much, Black Iron City may not really be, and has been standing by.


"Father, that Xu Feng can't stay. If he stays in our white house, I am afraid that Bai Kai's position will become stronger."

"It is obvious that Bai Kai can improve so fast, it must be the credit of Xu Feng."

Bai Chen’s eyes are envious and hateful.

He never thought that there were such a perverted youth between heaven and earth.

He always thought that he was a peerless genius.

Compared with Xu Feng, he really does not count anything.

Inside the yard are Bai Wei's most trusted people.

Bai Wei looked at the crowd and said directly: "You, I am not prepared, I will give the position of the owner to Bai Kai in the future."

"I have already got the ancestors, what do you think we should do?"

Among the voices of Bai Wei, all are contained in killing.

"If you don't do it, you will kill it."

One of the men, he apparently supported Bai Wei.

His words rang, and several others frowned slightly.

"Great elders, if we kill Bai Kai, it will not be easy to explain when it comes to the Black Iron City."

An old man asked Bai Wei.

Bai Wei heard that his eyes were sneer.

"Black Iron City can't be killed for us, it's really killing us. When it's too big, don't pay too much for Lingjing."

(End of this chapter)

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