The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3011: Do you have a dark injury?

Chapter 3011 Do you have a dark injury?

"This guy must have wanted to pit the hills, and the Vatican is the third-order best spirit."

"It’s just this kind of spiritual material. It’s very difficult to refine the medicinal herbs. Many medicinal herbs are not needed. The medicinal herbs that you want to refine must be very partial. He absolutely wants to pit the hills. ""

"Do you want to increase the price of Qiu? You think!"

"I don't think it's possible to increase the price. Qiu Yu was so badly pitted before. Didn't you see his face?"

Many people in the underground auctions have been talking about it.

Their eyes are looking at the hills.

When Qiu Yu looked at Liu Kang, he did not dare to continue to bid.

Liu Kang said: "The value of Van Gogh is not very high, and 90,000 Lingjing is the ultimate price."

"If you continue to increase the price, it will be really arranged. Although it is hard to find, it is not a very precious spiritual material."

Liu Kang’s discourse makes Qiu Jun more convinced.

Xu Feng just wants to continue to pit him.

He looked up and looked at Xu Feng and said: "Boy, you want me to be a big head, I want to see, how do you hang me next? I just don't increase the price, mad at you!"

Qiu Yan's face is full of pride, as if he did not increase the price, how much cheaper.

However, Xu Feng’s heart is smug and self-satisfied. What he wants is the Vatican.

However, I did not expect to participate in this underground auction, but also got the fourth-order spiritual silver grass.

It can be said that it is an extra huge harvest. To know the silvery red grass, the really precious place is that the place where the silver silk red grass is produced usually produces the associated silver silk red spirit.

This kind of silver silk red spirit is the existence of the fourth-order supernatural spirits. Even if it is a warrior who makes the realm of the environment, it is possible to directly take the silver silk red spirits and upgrade the layer.

If Xu Feng is used to make it into a medicinal herb, it can be the best medicinal medicine in his future.

Xu Feng looked at Qiu Jun, his face was mocking and said: "When you come to the auction, don't you want to lift the bar with me?"

"Unfortunately, you are really smart and clever, you know that I am coming to the auction, for what?"

As the old man of the auction announced that Xu Feng was in the vanilla sea, Xu Feng said to Qiu Jun.

Qiu Yan’s eyes are also curious.

He really wants to know, Xu Feng is coming for what spirits.

However, Xu Feng's next words made Qiu Xiao almost spurt blood.

"The purpose of my underground auction is to use Van Gogh's water. If you increase the price, I will be trapped by you."

"I know, you certainly don't believe what I said, but can you ask Wu Xin and Wan Ping?"

Xu Feng’s words rang, and Wu Xin and Wan Ping nodded.

Qiu Xiao almost did not spurt blood.

Xu Feng said: "And, you want to know, just now you think that I am the big one, you don't know what the flowers of the spirits, how big is the value?"

Xu Feng’s voice made many people look at him.

"This kid is really able to swear. If the flower is very precious, how could it be that the underground auction site does not know."

"The ability to compose stories, I really admire this kid, and it seems like he is a powerful alchemy."

"It’s ridiculous, the spirits that the underground auction house doesn’t know, can he still know?”

Many people think that Xu Feng is bragging.

However, Xu Feng looked at Qiu Jun and said: "You really want to know, I will not tell you."

"Just, I told you before that all the spirits you used to auction together, and the value of that flower is not high."

Xu Feng said so determined that many people frowned.

They think, is it true that Xu Feng said it?


The auction will come to an end.

As the auction ends.

The old man above the auction floor, he walked towards the back of the auction.

Qiu Yu came to participate in the underground auction, he was prepared to raise prices, so that Xu Feng suffered a big loss.

Unexpectedly, Xu Feng was so treacherous, he did not suffer, so he made a big loss.

His heart is an expression of innocence. When he looks at Wu Xin, he is cold and cold: "You Orange Heart Court is waiting for me!"

Xu Feng, facing Wu Xin, asked: "Wu Xin, elder, can you take me to the old man at the auction house?"

Wu Xin frowned.

"This person is the person in charge of the underground auction. It is not too difficult to see him."

Wu Xin immediately walked toward the back of the auction. After a while, his face was smiling, and he came with Xu Feng and Wan Ping and walked inside the auction.

"Xu Feng brothers, this is Zhou Zhen, who is the person in charge of the underground auction house."

Wu Xin introduced the old man to Xu Feng.

Xu Feng went to Zhou Zhen’s front and said: "This big brother, can you tell me, who is the person who auctioned the nameless flower?"

Zhou Zhen heard the words of Xu Feng, he suddenly frowned, and some blame looked at Wu Xin.

Wu Xin did not expect that Xu Feng actually wanted to see the owner of the auction, but this violated the rules of the underground auction site.

Wu Xin looked at Zhou Zhen with some apologies. Obviously, he did not know Xu Feng’s purpose to see him.

"Little brother, you can leave, our underground auction never reveals the identity of the auctioneer."

"If this is to be passed out, is it not to ruin the reputation of our underground auction house, who will come to the auction later?"

Zhou Zhen said with a certainty.

In fact, Zhou Zhen’s heart is also very curious.

What kind of flower is the flower that Xu Feng took?

Xu Feng smiled and said: "Zhou Zhen, brother, can you trouble me, help inform the auctioneer to see if he can meet me? If he takes the initiative to meet me, it will have little to do with your auction site. Is it?"

"What's more, Wu Xin is the elder of the Orange Heart Court. He has a guarantee here. My district is a virtual reality, and can it be impossible?"

Xu Feng’s words made Zhou really hesitate.

After all, he and Wu Xin are also old acquaintances.

It used to be a bit of a friendship.

"Well, I am going to ask you the other person, would you like to see you, that is his business!"


Zhou Zhen turned and left.

Not much time.

Zhou Zhen’s face smiled and walked toward Xu Feng. “Come with me, I will take you to the owner of the flower auction.”

Xu Feng and Zhou Zhen came to a room. He smiled at Xu Feng: "The little brother, the owner of the flower auction, is in the room. After you enter, you can see her."


Xu Feng pushed open the door of the room. He walked in toward it. His eyes were slightly condensed and somewhat strange.

"Do you have anything to look for me?"

A little low voice sounded.

Xu Feng’s heart was a move, but she did not expect to be a woman.

"I want to know the flower, where did you get it, of course, I can also give you the corresponding reward!" Xu Feng also said that he was straight to the point.

(End of this chapter)

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