The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3012: Yan Yuting

Chapter 3012 Yan Yuting

After Xu Feng looked at the barrier, his voice was full of confidence.

However, behind the barrier.

A woman with a small cherry mouth is a beautiful woman, her skin is perfect.

She sat on a chair like this, and her bare feet were exposed, giving a naughty taste.

Her mouth floated and she was slightly disdainful.

In her opinion.

How can a seven-armed warrior in a district be able to bring her benefits?

The inner area of ​​the entire flame battlefield can make her have something to ask for, really few.

"Oh, I don't think that you can help me." Her voice came out of the barrier.

Xu Feng heard that his mouth was slightly raised, and the voice revealed a faint confidence.

"If I didn't guess wrong, you have an assassination on your body. Every time you get the moon, you will feel that the lower abdomen is painful. Sometimes, it is like a knife-like pain. After each pain, you will feel it. The body is very weak, and it takes at least a day before it can be nursed back."

Xu Feng’s words rang, causing the woman behind the barrier, her beauty, to reveal shock.

This strange dark injury on her body has been going on for more than a year, and there are very few people who know it.

It can be said that in the inner area of ​​the flame battlefield, only Zhou really knows.

Yes, she is very clear, Zhou Zhen is absolutely impossible to say.

Why, the man outside the barrier actually knows.

Even if she is, some can't be calm.

It is really that every time such pain, she makes her want to live.

She is thinking about this time, is it possible to leave the inner area of ​​the flame battlefield, go back to that place, and find ways to heal his own injuries.

Unfortunately, she couldn't stand the inner breath after all, and she still didn't leave.

"how do you know?"

The woman's cherry mouth opened slightly, her voice trembled, and she still resisted her inner expectation.

However, Xu Feng said: "It's very simple. If I guessed it well, you just experienced such pain last night."

"From inside your voice, you can hear it. Your gas is not very good, and the breath is a little vain."

Xu Feng’s words just finished.

The woman behind the barrier, some can't wait to ask: "My injury, can you handle it?"

Xu Feng said faintly: "It is a bit difficult to handle it."

"However, it is not impossible to do it."

Xu Feng’s voice is still calm.

However, behind the barrier, a burst of cold breath came, Xu Feng felt the blood of the whole body, seems to have been frozen.

Xu Feng's face is calm, said: "If you want to force me to treat you with injuries, I advise you not to use such a means."

"I am a person who has always eaten soft and not hard, and I am not a big one, and I am with you."

Xu Feng’s words made the woman behind the barrier converge on her breath.

She said: "How can you promise to treat me with injuries?"

Originally, Yan Yuting thought that Xu Feng was a martyr.

I know, Xu Feng said very refreshingly: "You just need to tell me where you got the silver silk grass, I can heal you."

When I heard Xu Feng’s request, the women were somewhat unbelievable.

She thought that Xu Feng would take the opportunity to knock on her own.

I did not expect that Xu Feng’s request was so simple.

"Are you sure there are no other requirements?"

The woman asked for an exit.

Xu Feng said indifferently: "Yes, and you seem to have nothing to make me tempted!"

When I heard Xu Feng’s words, the woman almost didn’t bleed, and she looked at her proud figure.

She is the first beauty in the inner area of ​​the flame battlefield, how many young talents, she is eager for her.

Now, the young people outside are unmoved, and her heart secretly said: "It seems that this guy is definitely not seeing my real person."

Da da da……

Just at this time.

A burst of footsteps came.

Xu Feng smelled a scent and threw it out from behind the barrier. His eyes were slightly condensed and calmed down.

Then, a woman in a light blue blouse, her body was wrapped in bumps.

Her face was so flawless, and when the whole person stood opposite Xu Feng, her eyes showed a soft smile.

"This son, under the smoke is Yan Ting, if you can treat my injury, I can promise you a request."

Yan Yuting’s words are finished.

Xu Feng’s eyes suddenly burst into light, and he seemed to be very interested: “Are you sure you can promise me a request?”

Looking at Xu Feng's eyes, Yan Yuting bit his teeth, his heart said: "If you dare to ask for excessive demands, I will kill him even if I don't want to fight."

"Not bad!"

Yan Yuting said calmly.

Xu Feng spread his hands and said: "I have said what I have said, that is, you tell me where you got the silver grass."


Yan Yuting's heart is somewhat inexplicable, and she can't see the slightest feeling of heart from Xu Feng's eyes.

That is to say, the young man opposite, she is not moved by her beauty.

Women are really contradictory animals.

If Xu Feng is really thin and smoky, it is difficult to leave the underground auction in perfect condition.

However, now Xu Feng is such a modest gentleman, her heart will have a sense of loss, I feel that I am not beautiful.

"Well, I will tell you the silver grass I got there."

Yan Yuting said to Xu Feng.

"About half a day south of the city, there is a valley, a cliff above the valley, where I get the silver grass."

"However, I advise you to say that there are a lot of intermediate flames in the valley. If you go to the valley with your strength, you are afraid that you will die without a place to die."

Yan Yuting finished, looking at Xu Feng, some unhappy.

Xu Feng’s heart is wrong, he does not understand where he is offended by the smoke and rain.

He had heard of the name of Yan Yuting before, and the third strength of the flame list, the other party can completely kill himself.

"This will not bother you bothering!"

Xu Feng said to Yan Yuting.

Later, he went to the table next to him and took out the pen and paper and said: "The dark injury of your body is an invisible toxin."

"If you delay it for a while, even if it is a god, you can't save you."

Xu Feng wrote down the spiritual materials he needed, and he said: "You need to be as close as possible to the spiritual materials above this list."

"After you get together, you can come to Orange Heart Court to find me. I may stay in Orange Heart Court for three or five days."

After that, Xu Feng handed the note to Yan Yuting.

Before the smoke Yuting reacted, Xu Feng had already walked outside the room.

(End of this chapter)

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