The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 313: Lady boss? Boss?

After touting Jin Meifeng again, after making Jin Meifeng's heart bloom, Yang Chen just prepared to hang up the phone, but listened to Jin Meifeng and said: "Since you are going to the capital, stop by your uncle Zong's house, your grandfather is in critical condition, you represent me Visit him with your dad."

"Uncle Zong?"

Yang Chen was a little puzzled: "How can I have Uncle Zong? How can I never know?"

"Your boy..." Jin Meifeng said: "Uncle Zong is your dad's old friend. When he was a child, he lived next to our house. You used to be arguing about being an uncle Zongbo's child, you can't remember?"

Yang Chen smiled bitterly: "What happened when I was a child, where can I remember. Who is this uncle Zong in our family?"

Jin Meifeng explained it to him carefully. Yang Chen knew that the uncle Zong was named Zong Kecheng. He used to be a neighbor of Yang Chen's family. The friendship was quite good. When he was young, Yang Chen went to Uncle Zong to play. But later, when Yang Chen was about ten years old, the uncle's family moved away and went to the capital.

To say that Zong's family is really not small, Zong's grandfather used to be a central leading cadre, but now he has retired, but his connections and influence are still there. Zeng Kecheng, who was originally a small civil servant, stepped into politics after returning to Beijing. It took a long time to go back and forth, from the local to the central, and then back and forth a few times from the central to the locals. Now it is already headed by a certain ministries and commissions of the central government. Hearing soon, he will leave the country and take the lead in a certain province.

This is a big deal.

After this case, Kecheng went to the capital, and had never broken the relationship with the Yang family, but Yang Chen didn't know. Not to mention, when Yang Xiuyuan started his family, he still borrowed the money from Zongjia. Later, when Zong Kecheng was in charge of the local government, Yang Xiuyuan did much to help invest.

"But..." Yang Chen frowned: "Since Uncle Zong is so big, why didn't he help when our family encountered such great difficulties last year? Mom, did you ask him for help when you went to Beijing? "

"Because at that time it was a crucial moment for your uncle Zong to move forward, and my mother didn't want to cause trouble to him. So..." Jin Meifeng apologized. Worried about his son's anger, he explained again: "Your dad also agreed to this decision. Don't be angry with your uncle Zong. Anyway, it's not you later. Have you resolved the matter?"

Because the mother was listening to the phone, Yang Chen was inconvenienced. But in my heart, he sneered.

Even if the mother is right, in later generations. Needless to say, I was stunned by the Black Panther and thrown into the reservoir and later rescued by a Taoist expert. My father died in prison and his mother committed suicide by drinking pesticide at the door of the provincial government. Why didn't this uncle Zong say a word?

Even if he came out to say a word. It won't make a family ruined! In his position, this is entirely possible.

Ok. Even if you can’t speak out in consideration of the influence, then you secretly help the family. Is it okay? I don’t ask you to reverse the case for my family. Can you take care of your father in prison and your mother outside? My family has forgotten everyone! You can't help with this little effort?

You have been dating for many years. Do you really remember this relationship?

Thinking, Yang Chen became more and more dissatisfied with the uncle Zong Kecheng.

He turned his thoughts back, thinking that his parents might not be cold-hearted, but now he still wants to greet Zong Kecheng's father, but he still wants to maintain this relationship. After all, with the national conditions of China, there are businessmen behind Taking care of senior officials will reduce a lot of trouble.

Of course, in the identity of Yang Chen metaphysical circles, this is not necessary. Not to mention the future explosion of geomagnetic core energy, governments around the world must reorganize, and now senior officials may be reduced to begging in the future. But it is estimated that the parents have not turned around yet, and they do not know enough about the influence of this identity, and they don’t know the explosion of the core energy of the geomagnetic field, so this...

But Yang Chen has decided in his heart: resolutely not used to trouble! Since you don't care about my family's difficulties, don't expect my family to stick their faces together!

Of course, on the surface, he certainly wouldn't show it, but just perfunctoryly said that he would visit the door very politely, and let Jin Meifeng send the gift she had prepared for Zongjia with great efforts.

Jin Meifeng believed it was true, and after a few more words, he hung up.

Put away the phone, in front of the window of Yang Chen's office, overlooking the gloomy scenery outside the window, long speechless...

Two days later, at 8 am.

Located in the prosperous area of ​​Zhongguancun in the capital of China, in the office of the technical director, Miao Gaoliang lay on the boss’s chair with all fours crossed, snoring with his mouth wide open. On the mahogany desk in front, a row of up to five 27-inch rows The huge computer monitor has entered the screen saver program, and apparently fought all night on the Internet.

Next to several mechanical keyboards on the mahogany desk, a mobile phone is lying there quietly.

Suddenly, the phone vibrated violently, and a huge ringtone reverberated through the loudspeaker of this phone in this wide office.

Miao Gaoliang shuddered violently, woke up from her sleep, grabbed the phone and looked at the time, and immediately jumped up as if hitting chicken blood: "Here's coming! The boss is coming! The boss's plane is at ten thirty I’m here, I have to pick up the boss right away!"

He said that he grabbed some crumpled coat from the office sofa and set it on his body, and rushed out of his office.

At this time, the employees of China Metaphysics Portal began to work one after another. There are not many employees on this website, but there are not many affairs and strict management. Anyway, the president Zhang Bingyu has been banned from home, and now the daily affairs are temporarily managed by the technical director Miao Gaoliang. But Miao highlights this technical house technology, there is no need to say, how can you understand management?

So, the employees let the sheep go.

Although it is almost twenty days before the Spring Festival, the hearts of the employees have already flew to the Spring Festival, and they are all working lazily. There are also a handful of people who are on night shifts and are lazy to leave.

Everything was the same as before.

However, all of a sudden, the employees saw that the company's technical director and interim CEO Miao Gaoliang rushed out of the office in a hurry, and even ran out with crumpled clothes.

For a time, the employees almost doubted that they were dazzling. Director Miao usually wanted to grow up in his office and immerse himself in his world. Did he suddenly run out today?

Miao Gaoliang had already rushed to the elevator in front of the company before waiting for the employees to pretend to be dedicated.

The ownership of this office building belongs to Tianshi Mansion. Although most of the floors are rented out, the top floors are still reserved for Zhang Bingyu's Chinese Metaphysics Portal.

Seeing that Miao Gaoliang rushed to the elevator in such a hurry, the two female employees who just came out of the elevator were startled, waiting to see Miao Gaoliang's face, and quickly laughed: "Director Miao, no, President Miao, you Busy..."

"Busy... Busy!" Miao Gao didn't look back, impatiently replied, rushed directly into the elevator, was about to close the elevator door, his hand stopped suddenly, beckoned to the two female employees: "You Come and pick me up with me."

"Pick up?" The two female employees looked at each other, not knowing how to answer: "But we are going to work..."

"You pick up talents with me is the real work, the company is that matter, you are also in a daze. It is better to pick up people with me." Miao Gaoliang said.

"Oh..." The two female employees froze, looked at each other, and entered the elevator obediently.

Miao Gaoliang could not wait to press the button, the elevator door closed, and quickly went down.

"That... President Miao, wouldn't it be the president, she came back?" A female employee asked tentatively.

The two female employees are pretty good. In the IT company, they can already be regarded as the goddess level. This was specially recruited by Zhang Bingyu when he recruited people. In her words, the IT company has too many men and needs beautiful women to neutralize it.

Regardless of whether or not her words make sense, in short, it has caused the fact that the proportion of beautiful employees in China Metaphysics Portal is the largest in the entire office building. Most of the tenants in this office building in Zhongguancun are IT companies, but that is the standard of prosperity and decay. Almost all the elders, a few women, are also non-technical positions like the front desk.

One of the two female employees, named Zhou Xuejia, with ponytails and one with long shoulder-length hair, is called Chang Xiangjun. It was Chang Xiangjun who spoke.

Because Miao Gaoliang also behaved in the company, this caused him to have no prestige among his employees. Everyone is more afraid of Zhang Bingyu.

Chang Xiangjun said this, and Zhou Xuejia also curiously said: "I heard that President Zhang was banned by her family? But why did he add so many devices to the company after the ban? Twenty 10G optical fibers and satellites, I don’t know what to do What can use so much bandwidth."

Regarding the big boss's tyrant behavior, Miao Gaoliang has also vomited, I don't know how many times, and after listening unconsciously, "But isn't..."

But he immediately reacted and quickly said: "Go, the company's equipment is not good? Is it necessary to buckle the cable? Only at least, you are no longer afraid of cards when you use Taobao..."

"Director Miao, you have wronged us. We never brushed Taobao during work hours..." Zhou Xuejia unconsciously disclosed the secret.

"I didn't say that you brushed Taobao during get off work I said you were off hours, etc., have you been brushing Taobao during work hours before?" Miao Gaoliang only reacted afterwards.

Chang Xiangjun gave Zhou Xuejia a white look and smiled at Miao Gaoliang: "This is not important. That, Director Miao, haven't you answered my question yet, is President Zhang coming back?"

Miao Gaoliang shook his head: "Of course not."

"Who is that person, so Director Miao will run to pick someone up early in the morning?"

"Although it is not President Zhang, it has a very close relationship with President Zhang!" Miao Gaoliang aggravated the tone: "He may be our future bossess...not right, boss? Not right..."

Miao Gaoliang said that she felt confused. The wife of the male boss is called the boss lady. What should the husband of the female boss call?

He shook his head vigorously: “In short, this is our boss’s boyfriend. Everyone wants to be promoted and raise a salary in the future, but they must take pictures of his horses! I’ll let you accompany me to pick someone up, that’s to give you a chance ..."

The two female employees looked at each other, not knowing what to say for a while... (to be continued.) Launch of the new website

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