The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 314: Return my goddess!

At 10:30 in the morning, at the Beijing Capital International Airport, on the domestic flight from Shazhou to Beijing, Yang Chen walked out of the business class, pulled a small trolley case, and stepped off the plane.

Luggage that can be carried around instead of checked when flying is certainly not too big or heavy. However, the gifts prepared by Jin Meifeng are at least 20 kilograms or more, a large pile.

But all the luggage of Yang Chen's trip is this small trolley case, which contains a few clothes, a few books, and a few gift boxes. The weight never exceeds five kilograms.

Because, before coming, he just picked a few small gifts to take away, and left all other things in his office.

If the uncle Zong's family is really not authentic, those good things Yang Chen did not intend to cheap them. Those things are the local specialties that Yang Chen likes very much, but it is hard to get. He asked Jin Meifeng for nothing, but he was put in a gift by Jin Meifeng and intended to be given to the so-called Uncle Zong.

Yang Chen was very dissatisfied, so he didn't bring it at all.

Anyway, if Uncle Zong really has such a good relationship with his family, and still really intersects, his junior occasionally willful, Uncle Zong will laugh. The junior is good at this and has the willful privilege.

If this uncle was really wronged, it wouldn't be too late to wait for the express delivery after returning to Golden State.

As soon as he left the passage, Yang Chen saw someone greet him with two pretty girls: "Is it the boss? My seedlings are bright."

Yang Chen froze for a moment. He just told Miao Gaoliang of his flight information, but did not let him pick him up, and did not expect that Miao Gaoliang also asked Zhang Bingyu for his photo, and actually recognized himself.

It seems that this Director Miao Gaoliang Miao is quite eager for this matter.

He didn't know Miao Gaoliang's desire for spiritual practice, so he was a little puzzled, but he responded immediately: "Director Miao, hello hello. That's right. My Yang Chen. These two are..."

"Oh, this is our company's employees Chang Xiangjun and Zhou Xuejia. I took them over to pick up the boss and walk around. We went back to the company immediately and everything was arranged. Just wait for the boss to get your shot..."

While talking, the group left the airport.

Just after they left, Zhu Shishou came down from a Mercedes-Benz. After waiting for a long time at the exit, Yang Chen did not appear. Can not help but frowned.

Behind him, a beautiful girl in a black trench coat with a hot body grabbed his ear: "Fat man, what about the old classmates and good brothers you want to pick up? People? Wouldn't it be you who lied to me to sneak out Is that right? You are a fat man. If I hadn’t gotten more of my heart, I would be fooled by you!"

Zhu Shishou's head was involuntarily biased towards the direction of the girl. With a bitter look on his face, "Don't don't... hurt..."

The girl became more angry and her face was white with anger: "Grandpa has said that you are not ridiculous, let me look at you. I have seen you fairly honestly these days, I thought you have changed, I didn't expect you to die Sex doesn't change..."

As she said her tears were coming down: "Zhu Shishou, you said, are you worthy of me?"

Zhu Shishou was in a hurry and could only grow a pair of wings and flew away: "My grandma, I really want to pick up Yang Chen. Don't believe you call him..."

"I don't fight! Both of you almost wore a pair of pants before. Who knows if you colluded to lie to me."

Zhu Shishou came out with sweat and anxiety: "What I said is true! If you don't call me, call him!"

He said he pulled out his mobile phone to dial Yang Chen's phone, and screamed like a pig as soon as he connected it: "Yang Chen! Boss! Come and save your life! You are going to die..."

Yang Chen, who was answering the phone in the luxurious Porsche Cayenne of the Chinese Metaphysics Portal, could not help frowning: "I said fat, how come? Was it shocked?"

"Come and save your life..."

Zhu Shishou explained the whole story in a scream, Yang Chen couldn’t help laughing, he also knew that he was not kind, and quickly said: “So, you and my siblings come to my side, I haven’t seen my siblings yet, how? You have to see the previous side."

"Well, China Metaphysics Portal, the address is Zhongguancun..."

Yang Chen raised his head and looked at Miao Gaoliang. He whispered the company address in a low voice. Yang Chen repeated it to the fat man: "Building XX, No. XX, Zhongguancun Street... well, anyway, our company is on the top floor, You just take the elevator to the top floor..."

Hanging up the phone, Zhu Shishou's ear finally escaped the magic palm. He looked at his fiancee with a smile on his side: "Yan'er, can you go?"

"Of course I have to go! I want to see if you are really lying to me!" The girl named Yan'er shouted and shrank back into the Mercedes-Benz.

"No, no, absolutely not lying to you!" Zhu Shishou reassured, sat in a Mercedes-Benz, and quickly started the car, heading in the direction of Zhongguancun.

After they left, they walked out of the airport lobby again, headed by a young man in yellow who had an arrogant look in his eyes.

"Zong Shao, what should I do? The kid named Yang has left." A man in black carefully approached the young man: "Do you want to check his whereabouts?"

"It's not necessary!" Zong Shaodao said: "Anyway, he will go to my house sooner or later, and it's not too late to tell him."

"I'm afraid... I'm afraid he won't agree..." The man in black said worriedly.

"Don't agree? Huh! Did you get him? My dad has been his family's umbrella for so many years, and now it's time to pay off!" Zong Shao disdain.

"But I'm afraid Minister Zong will be angry when he knows..."

"Senior man's situation is getting worse and worse. In case the old man goes, our clan family will not have the same scenery as before. It is not early to prepare now, but it will be late in the future! I am also for his good. What is wrong with him? A white glove, can you compare with your own son? Besides, what about my mother..."

Speaking, Zong Shao took a Land Rover Range Rover in the airport parking lot, drove this luxury off-road, rushed out of the airport, and a group of luxury cars followed closely...

When he climbed up to the floor where the Chinese Metaphysics Portal is located, Zhu Shishou felt that his lungs were about to explode.

Who made him so unlucky? The elevator is not bad sooner or later, but he just stepped into the elevator and the elevator was broken. The other elevators are full again. How can a big fat man like a few hundred pounds squeeze in? Qi Yan'er, his fiancée, is even less likely to squeeze with other people, so she has to climb the stairs, just exercise.

But after this physical exercise, Zhu Shishou has regretted why he wanted to take the opportunity of Yang Chen to come out, relax, relax, and enjoy the long-lost full set of health care. As a result, Qi Yan'er followed him momentarily, not to mention any major health care, even breathless!

However, looking at Qi Yan'er beside him, he was very relaxed, not tired at all, and he didn't know who was the woman who was supposed to be weak.

Looking at the fat man, Yang Chen couldn't help but shook his head, secretly laughing in his heart, of course, on the surface was a serious one: "Fat man, don't hurry to introduce me to my younger siblings... you look at you, you don't know how to carry such a high building Brother and sister, look at the tired one..."

This sentence made Qi Yaner, who had some bad impressions on Yang Chen, immediately smile. Although she didn't even show a drop of sweat, she didn't look tired at all.

Zhu Shishou rolled his eyes and pulled Yang Chen to the side and whispered: "You pit me... do you still think my life is too good?"

"Of course it's better!" Yang Chen exclaimed deliberately: "Brothers and sisters like this are beautiful and good-looking, and the girls with good character and goodwill are waiting for you every day. Are you still having a hard time these days? Don't you change a god?" "

"You can do it!" Zhu Shishou raised his thumbs resentfully, and compared his **** when he retracted his hand.

But this man is also cunning and cunning. Qi Yan'er could see when he was thumb-up, and when he saw his middle finger, he could not see with his body.

Seeing Yang Chen smiled more and more: The fat man seemed to have become tracheitis...Unfortunately, pity...Unfortunately, the once affair Zhu Dao was...

Talking and laughing, Yang Chen took the two and entered the Chinese Metaphysics Portal.

Entering the door, Zhu Shishou's eyes were rounded after looking at the company's luxurious furnishings and over-special arrangements: "Who opened this Chinese metaphysics portal? The standard local tyrant! My best company, no Such a luxury."

"That's not it. Our boss is from Tianshi Mansion. It's not bad!" Miao Gaoliang, who came to accompany the guest, looked proud.

"Tianshifu's?" Zhu Shishou suddenly felt a little wrong: "Who is Tianshifu?"

"Don't you know? Boss didn't tell you? Of course it's Miss Zhang Bingyu, Zhang Xiaoyu of Tianshi Mansion!" Miao Gaoliang seemed to know that Zhu Shishou knew the existence of metaphysical circles, so he didn't hide anything from Zhu Shishou.

"Zhang Bingyu opened it? I thought it was Yang Chenkai. See you so respectful..." The fat man howled inwardly: Goddess...

But he didn’t yell out the because he glanced at Qi Yaner, and then he choked silently...

And the next news is even more explosive: "Hey, boss is Mr. Zhang's boyfriend, can you be respectful?"

"What?" Zhu Shishou's eyes widened suddenly, and he looked at Yang Chen with a grieving look, as if to say, "You really can pretend."

Yang Chen coughed, avoiding his vision. He did not forget that the goddess in his heart was Zhang Bingyu.

Looking at the free time, Zhu Shishou secretly dragged Yang Chen to him again, gritting his teeth and whispering, "Well, you Yang Chen, no wonder when I said she didn't know which king **** was cheaper, you had to turn the topic off. That bastard..."

He wished to pinch Yang Chen's neck: "You bastard! Return my goddess!"

Yang Chen disdainfully said: "What's the use of it? Is there someone you dare to mess with?"

This sentence is in the middle of the dead, Zhu Shishou was bitter for a while, and he almost burst into tears... (to be continued.) Launch of the new website

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