The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 315: You won't hold back on this one?

After fiercely extorting a large number of benefits in the future, Zhu Shishou finally let Yang Chen pass.

However, Yang Chen did not mind allowing him to benefit, because, as he is now, is there any chance to escape from Qi Yaner's control to enjoy these benefits, that is still a problem. There are no losses if there are more empty checks.

With the young couple Zhu Shishou and Yang Chen in a hurry to visit the company on the Chinese Metaphysics Portal, Miao Gaoliang was impatient and wanted to take Yang Chen to super-calculate.

Another idea he couldn't wait for was to let Yang Chen quickly help him.

However, with Zhu Shishou's young couple, these are not convenient.

So he desperately gave Yang Chen a glance, wanting him to deal with Zhu Shishou earlier and leave.

Zhu Shishou didn't know whether he wanted to take this opportunity to let go of the wind, and he always refused to leave.

Together at the company, lunch was used for lunch. When it was four or five o'clock in the afternoon, this fat man didn't want to go, and Miao Gaoliang couldn't help it.

It was too late to look at the sky. Qi Yaner gave Zhu Shishou a wink. Zhu Shishou pulled Yang Chen aside and twisted and said, "That... Yang Chen... that..."

"Something to talk about, don't bother..."

"Then I'm welcome..."

"Do you know how to write politely?" Yang Chen didn't get angry. "Hurry up and talk!"

"That...I really said..."


"It's... that's..." Zhu Shishou said with full force: "That's that... Didn't I tell you? That... Yan'er has something on her feet... You see... See if you can use your metaphysical world Help cure something?"

Yang Chenqi said: "You didn't take her to the doctor?"

"Go! The doctor has seen it and prescribed it, but it is not good..."

"That's another hospital."

"Several replacements are useless." Zhu Shishou was also anxious.

Yeah, you see a big beauty like Qi Yan'er, who needs to have a figure, a look, a look, but there is such a little hidden on the feet. You said that the young couple are tender and affectionate, and when your head is coming, you take off your shoes...I will go. The smell is all over the room. What passion is instantly there... more disappointment...

Presumably, the fat man is not suffering much.

Thinking of Yang Chen's suffocation, he finally laughed, and he remembered that Qi Yan'er was not far away, suppressing the laughter. It was just a low-smiling smile, his shoulders trembling with a smile.

"Laugh,'ll laugh...Hum. You want to marry the goddess, you have to go into trouble, and I will never laugh at you!" Zhu Shishou hummed.


Mentioned Zhang Bingyu. Yang Chen felt that he couldn't laugh anymore. What if he was more worried than a fat man? I didn't have any idea to make fun of the fat man: "Okay, let me take a look at it for you, it should be possible."

"Don't do it!" Zhu Shishou grabbed Yang Chen's wrist: "Millions! Must be! Yang Chen... Brother Yang... Uncle Yang... Please. It must be cured! I can't stand it!" Now, go on like this. I am worried that I will have a psychological shadow, I...I just...I will never get up again!"

"Poof..." Yang Chen couldn't help it anymore and burst into laughter.

"You are still laughing!" The fat man was angrily angrily: "No sympathy at all..."

"Good. I sympathize with you, I sympathize with you quite well, all right?"

"What are you waiting for? Hurry up and treat me!"

"Your family invites this attitude?" Yang Chen deliberately squeezed him.

"Boss Yang... Uncle Yang... I beg you Fatty..." Zhu Shishou gritted his teeth.

"This attitude...No way..."

Zhu Shishou immediately changed his face, and said: "Are you going?"

"Okay, let me go..." Yang Chen raised his hand to surrender, turned to Qi Yan'er, took Qi Yan'er and the fat man, and went to Zhang Bingyu's idle office.

"Brother and sister, come here, I'll show you first." He greeted Qi Yan'er and didn't scan it mentally. He just gave her a pulse like an old Chinese medicine doctor, and then nodded pretendingly: "Well..."

"How is it?" Zhu Shishou came forward looking forward.

"Did not see it."


"I won't take a pulse..." Yang Chen replied slightly awkwardly.


Zhu Shishou fiercely compared his middle finger: "If you don't pretend to be an old Chinese doctor!"

"Don't I feel more professional like this?"

"I don't care whether you are professional or not, I just want you to solve the problem..." Zhu Shishou was crazy.

"Okay, okay..." Yang Chen changed his way this time. Instead of putting his pulse, he put it on Qi Yan'er's wrist and spent a spiritual force.


The hot spiritual force entered the body, Qi Yaner felt very comfortable, and groaned unconsciously. Singed...

Alluring voices, charming eyes, Yang Chen inevitably kept his eyes on.

"Huh?!" Zhu Shishou's eyes widened behind him.

"," Yang Chengan coughed: "Okay, the reason is found."

"what happened?"

"Specifically..." Yang Chen lengthened his tone: " can't understand what you said, so forget it."

Zhu Shishou's ears widened and he wanted to hear what happened, but Yang Chen came to such a sentence, suddenly no good air: "I can't understand it, it's my business, hurry up!"

"In short, that's it, that, that, that, that's it."

"Which is it? You said it can be cured or not!" Zhu Shishou was impatient, and as a result, Qi Yaner pinched his waist fiercely.

"Okay, okay, seriously," Yang Chen felt that he had been fully happy from Zhu Shishou's pain, and no longer teased Zhu Shishou, Zheng Rong said:

"The problem with my siblings is actually that the meridians of the feet are somewhat clogged, and it's good to get through. But why the meridians are clogged is because there is something wrong with the overall air veins. In the words of modern medicine, it is endocrine disorders. It doesn't matter, I am one Small spells can be easily done. However, there are still some precautions in daily life and diet in the future, you must remember..."

Yang Chen said all the precautions.

Then he threw a big Gan Linshu to Qi Yaner.

The effects of Da Gan Lin and Da Rejuvenation are similar, but there are still differences. Da Gan Lin Shu pays more attention to healing, Da Rejuvenation pays more attention to rejuvenating vitality. The problem with Qi Yan'er is that the local Qi is too strong, which means that the local vitality is too full, so the Great Rejuvenation technique is not suitable, and Yang Chen used the Da Gan Lin technique.

When the white light came down, Qi Yan'er only felt comfortable to the extreme. He had never been so comfortable in this life, and could not help but groan a few times.

Zhu Shishou stared at Yang Chen fiercely, whispering: "No listening!"

"I didn't listen specifically..." Yang Chen felt wronged.

"That won't work! Yan'er's voice only allows me to listen!" Zhu Shishou growled.

"Okay, the guy who crossed the river to demolish the bridge..."

Zhu Shishou pretended not to have heard it, and when Bai Guang dispersed, he quickly went forward and asked, "Yaner, how are you feeling?"

Qi Yaner opened her eyes and nodded: "It feels good."

Zhu Shishou scratched his head and scratched his head, whispering: "I mean... I mean that... is that good?"

Qi Yaner blushed: "How do I know? I can't take off my shoes now..."

It is said that a woman's feet are more private than a woman's lips and chest, and only a beloved man can touch them. A woman with a foot can allow you to kiss her mouth, and will never allow you to touch her feet-cough, except when doing foot care.

Zhu Shishou told Yang Chen this theory.

In short, with an outsider like Yang Chen now, it is impossible for Qi Yaner to take off his shoes to see if his feet have cured his feet odor.

I saw that Zhu Shishou gave Yang Chen a hard look.

Yang Chen pouted and turned out of the room.

There is no need to look back or pry with mental energy. Yang Chen also knows that Zhu Shishou's goods will definitely look awkward. He smells Qi Yan'er's feet to find out whether the feet are no longer smelly.

However, he felt that this method must not accurately determine whether it was cured.

He simply asked Miao Gaoliang to get a footbath, plus a basin of hot water and soap, and sent it in to let Qi Yan'er wash his feet first, and then say okay.

Sure enough, after being sent in, it didn't take long to hear the cheers of the fat man-but the cheers disappeared immediately. Obviously this was Qi Yan'er's slap in the waist.

When it came out, Qi Yaner was red from face to ears. As for Zhu Shishou? Well, the two distinctive footprints on his body clearly show what just happened.

I saw Zhu Shishou excitedly pulling Yang Chen said: "Good! Yang Chen, enough loyalty! Brother and my **** life is finally coming..."

He was almost crying.

"..." Yang Chen was speechless: "You won't hold back this share?"

"of course?"

Zhu Shishou's stomach is full of bitter water: "You don't know how uncomfortable the taste is when the shoes are taken off when the passion is hard to control, and I will be soft immediately. I am not even interested in the five Alright, I can...hehe..."

He pressed his eyebrows and said, "I can enjoy it at night... Yang Chen, you should keep the empty bed alone at night, don't envy brother..."

Yang Chen's face is black: "Fat man, don't forget who gave you your enjoyment."

"Of course it's my dear Yaner..." Zhu Shishou took it for granted. Yang Chen's face was wrong and he quickly changed his mouth: "Of course, Yang Chen also has a little bit..."

He used his finger to make a small distance, and as small as **** were about to hit: "It's just a little credit, no more..."

"All right! You scam, get out!" Yang Chen didn't feel good.

Zhu Shishou didn't think that he was pulling Qi Yan'er fart, and he could not wait to run out, regardless of Qi Yaner's exclaimed: "Why? I have to thank Brother Yang."

"Thank you? That's what Yang Chen should do!"

The two's voices gradually went away, Yang Chen could not help but shook his head speechless... (to be continued.) Launch of the new website

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