The Strongest Owner In Prince of Tennis

Chapter 127 The Disadvantages of Hiyoshi Wakashi

"The so-called two-sword style is a way of using alternate hands to play. Two-sword style players can change the racquet at will during the game, which is a very rare style of play in the tennis world."

Kita Kazuma said to Tan Taiichi.

"Can you still play tennis like this?"

Tan Taiyi had an incredible expression on his face.

It is much more difficult to play tennis with both hands in turn.

"Well, yes, this style of play was first created by the legendary samurai Echizen Nanjiro ten years ago. People who will play the second sword style in later generations all imitated Echizen Nanjiro."

Kita Kazuma said.

On this point, he also learned from a professional online magazine.

"Is the second sword style invented by the samurai Echizen Nanjiro? He is really a great man.

There was a touch of wonder in Tai Tai's eyes, and then he said thoughtfully.

"But then again, Echizen turned out to be Echizen "Zero Fifty Three" Nanjiro has a surname, isn't it a relative of Samurai Nanjiro, right?"

When Tan Taiyi said so, Kita-Ma suddenly became a little curious, then shook his head and said.

"Probably not, after all, the surname Echizen is still very common in Japan.

"That's probably because I think too much."

"You two finished talking?"

Lin Feng said to Tan-Xido-Ma.

"Uh... it's over."

Tan Taiyi and Kita-Ma stunned, then nodded one after another.

"After the talk, go to the game, right now, as well as the two of you.

Lin Feng shouted sharply.


When Lin Feng yelled like this, the bodies of the four little guys trembled suddenly.

Take their respective racquets to another court for practice matches.

After using the two-sword style of play, the originally suppressed Echizen directly reversed the situation.

With the basic steps of one foot, Echizen is like a different person.

Even Hiyoshi Wakashi, who used the ancient samurai on the fierce offensive, was difficult to resist for a while.

When the game reaches twenty minutes, it is over.

The ratio is 6:4.

Echizen won.

"I lost, I didn't expect you to be so strong."

Hiyoshi Wakashi shook hands with Echizen before going online.

Although he lost the game, Hiyoshi Wakashi did not feel frustrated.

Because of this game he has tried his best.

"You are too weak.

Echizen said casually.

"You kid."

Hiyoshi Wakashi was a little annoyed by the sentence sent by Echizen, but then he no longer became angry, his eyes were full of firmness.

"Next time I will definitely beat you down."

"Let's talk about it when your strength improves."

Echizen said faintly, then turned and walked out of the court, but he stopped again, turned his head and said to Hiyoshi Wakashi.

"By the way, if you want to become stronger, you'd better change the sentence below. You have to be more confident when you play tennis. You think you are a lower player from the beginning, but it affects your performance."

After saying this, Echizen went out of court.

Hiyoshi was left alone in the court, bowing his head in thought.

"It seems that defeating Echizen with Hiyoshi Wakashi's current strength is still a bit difficult."

Lin Feng couldn't help thinking like this in his mind.

Hiyoshi Wakashi's talent is not much worse than Echizen in Lin Feng's view, and the level of tennis is also very high. In the original book, his singles strength is even better than Hyotei's Otori Cyotaroh.

Even Atobe, the head of Hyotei's tennis department, has pinned his hopes for the coming year on Hiyoshi.

It is enough to prove Hiyoshi's talent in tennis.

As for Hiyoshi’s shortcomings, it may be because of long-term thinking of himself as inferior, leading to lack of self-confidence.

In addition, he is not adapted to protracted battles. Once the opponent puts him under too much pressure in the game, his own state will collapse completely and he will not be able to exert his true strength.

The game against Echizen just now was just like that. After being suppressed by Echizen's two-sword style of play, Hiyoshi was in chaos.

And Echizen also discovered Hiyoshi's shortcomings and warned him like that.

ten minutes later.

The remaining two practice games are also over.

Lin Feng let them rest for a while, and then arranged for them to continue training.

Taking into account the fierce competition just before, Lin Feng only allowed them to train for one hour to end the training today.

Although they only trained for an hour, after the previous intense competition, their bodies were exhausted. With training, they are now almost collapsed.

After waiting for their physical strength to recover some, they left the arena one after another.

After these little guys left, Lin Feng closed the temple, and then began to meditate without self...

The starry sky at night is immense.

In the empty room, Nanako was sitting on the table, staring at the starry sky outside the window.

I don't know why, Lin Feng's figure has been lingering in her mind since she left today.


At this moment, the gate of the courtyard was suddenly pushed open, interrupting Nanako's reverie.

She subconsciously looked out of the window, and after seeing Ryoma's figure, Qiao's face was suddenly happy, and she walked out of the room.


Seeing Nanako, Ryoma's face was taken aback.

How could the cousin come to his house.

"Ryoma is back."

Rinko Takeuchi walked out of the kitchen, saw Ryoma's surprised expression, and immediately explained.

"Your cousin's parents have recently gone abroad, so during the next period of time, Nanako will temporarily live in our house."

"That's it."

Hearing what my mother said, Echizen understood.

"Echizen, why did you come back so late?"

Nanako smiled at Echizen and asked.

"I went to the gym to train, that cousin, I went to bed first, I was a little tired."

Ryoma said, and then went back to his room.

Auntie, "Ryoma just said to go to the arena to train, what's the matter? I remember that my uncle was always teaching Ryoma tennis?"

Nanako asked Rinko Takeuchi in a strange way.

"I don't know what your uncle wants to do. Ryoma sent him to the arena for training as soon as he returned home."

Rinko sighed.

It is estimated that "Uncle wanted to take Ryoma's tennis further, so he sent him to the outside stadium."

Nanako said with a smile.

"Maybe, by the way, you can see if there is anything missing in the room, and if you want to set up something, tell your sister, I will buy some for you tomorrow."

Takeuchi Rinko asked Nanako.

"Sister, don't bother. The things in my room are very complete and there is nothing missing.

"Is there nothing missing? That's fine. Nanako, go and rest. I'll go to the kitchen first.

"Well, okay, sister, you also have to rest earlier."

Nanako smiled and nodded, then returned to his room.

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