The Strongest Owner In Prince of Tennis

Chapter 128 The So-called Zen Mind

Tokyo, midnight.

In the quiet room, Hiyoshi Wakashi put his hands behind his head, lying on the bed staring at the ceiling blankly.

In the daytime defeat with Echizen, although he pretended to be indifferent on the surface, only Hiyoshi Wakashi knew how hard it was to lose to Echizen.

He is one grade higher than Echizen, and he joined the arena earlier than Echizen.

Hiyoshi Wakashi thinks he is not inferior to Echizen if he is better than tennis, but Hiyoshi doesn't understand the game and he loses to Echizen.

That was the case with Echizen in the daytime. Even if Echizen used the second swordsmanship, he wouldn't lose so thoroughly.

Why on earth?

After thinking hard for a long time and unable to get the answer, Hiyoshi jumped up from the bed, quickly got dressed, and opened the door.

Hiyoshi's mother saw that Hiyoshi was still out at this night, and asked aloud.

"Xiao Ruo, why are you going?"

"I have something wrong, I'll be back later."

After saying this, Hiyoshi went out of the house.

"This kid."

Hiyoshi's mother shook her head helplessly, but thought that Hiyoshi had always acted calmly, so she didn't worry.

Maybe Hiyoshi is really in a hurry.

After half an hour.

Hiyoshi appeared in front of the shrine, looking at the shrine whose lights were already turned off, Hiyoshi couldn't help sighing.

"It looks like the owner of the museum is already asleep."

He whispered in his heart, Hiyoshi turned around and prepared to leave, but the sudden sound of words made Hiyoshi's body abruptly halted.

"Is it Hiyoshi?"

Hiyoshi suddenly turned around, and then found that the originally extinguished shrine was brightly lit at this moment.

"It's me, the curator.

Hiyoshi Wakashi's face was happy and a little excited.

It turns out that the owner of the museum hasn't slept yet.

"come in."

A calm voice came from the hall. Hiyoshi Wakashi pushed the door and walked into the hall. Then he saw Lin Feng sitting on the futon on the ground.

Lin Feng opened his eyes and looked at the yellow-haired Hiyoshi Wakashi in front of him.

Lin Feng was not surprised by the arrival of Hiyoshi Wakashi. He also roughly guessed the reason. It must be because of the daytime game against Echizen, which he lost to Echizen.

Although Riki pretends to be casual during the day, Lin Feng can feel a bit of loss in Riki's heart.

As for why Lin Feng didn't point out Hiyoshi Wakashi's shortcomings during the day, it was because Lin Feng wanted to see if Hiyoshi wanted to become stronger.

If Hiyoshi Wakashi wants to become stronger, he will definitely come to him, wondering where he lost, and Lin Feng will also tell Hiyoshi about his flaws.

But on the contrary, if Niji does not want to become stronger, then Lin Feng will naturally not waste this time.

For a person who does not want to be strong, even if all his shortcomings are pointed out, there will be no progress.

Lin Feng couldn't be more clear about this.

But now it seems that Niji did not let Lin Feng down.

This kid came after all.

"You came to me in the middle of the night, what's the matter?"

Although Lin Feng knew the purpose of Hiyoshi Wakashi's visit, he still asked a question knowingly.

"The owner, I want to know where my shortcomings are.

Hiyoshi asked Lin Feng.


Lin Feng grinned, then asked.

"Do you want to know?"

"Well, please let the museum owner tell me.

Hiyoshi nodded heavily, with a serious expression on his face.

"You have two shortcomings. One is self-confidence. Your strength is not bad, but your lack of confidence in wanting to defeat your opponent will greatly affect your strength. As for the following you often talk about it, I I think it should be just an excuse you are looking for for failure. After all, the following is on another level. It is a matter of course to lose. I'm right.

Lin Feng's remarks are very direct, but there is no way. For Riyoshi to correct his own shortcomings, this kind of directness is necessary.


Hiyoshi nodded lightly, and a touch of shame flashed across his face.

As the museum owner said, he chose the following as his slogan. In addition to wanting to defeat a stronger opponent, he also found an excuse for his failure to comfort himself.

"So, if you want to become stronger, this kind of psychology must be corrected. Don't make any excuses for your failure, understand?"

Lin Feng pointed.

"I know the owner.

Hiyoshi Wakashi nodded firmly, and then asked the curator.

"Master, what is my second shortcoming?"

The second "deficiency, you should know yourself better than anyone else."

Lin Feng said with a deep meaning.

Hearing this, Hiyoshi Wakashi frowned, and after a moment of contemplation, he immediately raised his head.

"The second shortcoming you mentioned, the owner of the museum, does it mean the protracted warfare that I am not good at?"

Seeing Ri Ji found out, Lin Feng smiled with satisfaction and nodded.

"Yes, not being good at protracted warfare is your second shortcoming. If you can overcome this weakness, your strength will be upgraded to a new level."

"But what exactly needs to be done?"

Hiyoshi asked curiously.

He also adjusted to this weakness of his own, but it didn't have the slightest effect.

The protracted battle has always been his weakness.

Obviously his physical stamina can keep up with the rhythm of the protracted battle, but every time he has a protracted battle, he will lose.

Hiyoshi Wakashi was also troubled by this for a long time.

"For you, wanting to overcome the protracted battle is not in your body, but in your heart."

Lin Feng prompted.


Hiyoshi was puzzled.

Lin Feng nodded and said.

"Yes, the calmness like ice and the courage to remain unshakable in any situation is the so-called Zen mind. If you can do this, you can overcome the protracted battle that you are not good at."

"Calm like ice, unshakable courage to face any situation, Zen mind?"

Hiyoshi carefully savored what Lin Feng said, and then his eyes suddenly lit up.

"I understand the owner, thank you for your advice."

"As long as you can understand, work hard.

Lin Feng continued.

"I will not let you down, the owner of the museum.

Hiyoshi Wakashi said firmly.

"I trust you.

Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

Watching Hiyoshi Wakashi leave the shrine, Lin Feng couldn't help showing a trace of relief.

After a brief contact, he could clearly feel Riyoshi's desire to become stronger.

Even stronger than Yukimura Kirihaya.

Faintly, Lin Feng is also particularly looking forward to Hiyoshi. He wants to see what height Hiyoshi will reach after overcoming his own weakness.

It must be absolutely amazing.

(I went home today, so the update is a little bit less, only three changes, come back tomorrow, resume the update).

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