The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1073: I am a disciple of Wan Guzong, and I am Su Xiaomo!

Why did Su Xiaomo be undercover at Taixuan Shengzong? Wasn't he responsible for investigating Lu Ye and Fang Lingyu?

Nowadays, Jun often laughs to support him, and just happens to meet the Lord, remembering the contradiction and resentment with the big disciple, the anger can't be suppressed immediately!

I have to beat her!

Immediately, now!

As a result, the dog left directly condensed psionic energy, seized Fang Lingyu, hit the mountain again and again, and even forgot that she was now an old man.

What about forgetting and exposing?

Bullying my big disciple, I also want to hurt my three disciples by killing people with swords.

Lao Tzu today has a big showdown with Tai Xuan Shengzong, and we must not take care of this woman's life!

The fierce Jun often laughed, and it was normal for the thief to do irrational things.




After the mad collision, Fang Lingyu passed out on the spot.

With reference to the owner of the Jiudu Palace of the year, dogs are left to deal with women, especially beautiful women, and they really don't have any sympathy for the fragrant.


Su Xiaomo was completely speechless.

The lord's unreserved vent of anger, his undercover journey may be over!

Stop it, stop it!

Obviously has the strength to crush the disciples of Taixuan Shengzong, but every day, like his grandson, I have had enough!


Fang Lingyu fell to the ground like mud.

Throughout the abuse process, Master Qu's elder brother could only watch and couldn't help it. In the end, he couldn't help but just said ruthlessly, "Elder Juntian, don't go too far!"


Jun Chang laughed in front of her, and said coldly, "I heard that you just want to discard this disciple?"

"not good!"

The elder Qu's face changed greatly.

"嘭 ——————"

The fists gathered by the power of Jian Wu directly blasted her to the wall!


Under the influence of powerful forces, the entire Dragon Cave shivered violently.

The dragon-like and beast-like beasts rushing through the tunnels felt the horror of Yu Wei swept through them, and were frightened to flee into the depths.

Su Xiaomo was not wrong. There are indeed more powerful spirit beasts in the cave, but unexpectedly, the suzerain's aid did not deal with them, but he was against the Taixuan Shengzong!

"Old lady."

Jun Chang smiled and withdrew his fist, and said coldly, "If this disciple is revoked, Taixuan Shengzong can be removed from the rivers and lakes."

This sentence is super domineering!

The character of the main guardian of a case is also shown vividly!

Elder Qu bears his wounds in front of the wall, and he is puzzled. Isn't this elderly Juntian a casual repair? Why not call it ‘disciple’, but ‘disciple’?

Did the big disciple he mentioned earlier mean Su Jintang?

Xia Shuiyun was already staring at her eyes. I did not expect that the dog master was so strong, and martial arts such as elder torture should not be too easy!

"Xiao Mo."

Jun Chang smiled and said, "This place takes you to Taixuan Shengzong for justice!"


The expression on Su Xiaomo's face suddenly became wonderful.

Sovereign, you shouted my name. Hey, do you really want to show off and forcibly end my undercover life!

It doesn't matter if you're undercover or undercover.

But Xia Shuiyun is still there, how can I explain to her?

We have just established the relationship of lovers when we are in trouble, and we have exposed our identities without further development. Wouldn't we break up immediately?

In fact, often late at night, Su Xiaomo thought that he would be undercover after all. Sooner or later, he would confess his identity. Then how should he face Xia Shuiyun?

Take her away.

Take her to Vanguard!

Su Xiaomo is convinced that the sovereign will not refuse.

However, Xia Shuiyun disagrees? This is a problem, so you can play routines when necessary.

The plan is good.

However, it is not comparable to change!

The suzerain ’s aid this time has a direct showdown plan, and he has no time to arrange the routine!

"Xiao Mo?"

Xia Shuiyun looked over puzzled.

Su Xiaomo lowered her head and growled inwardly: "Sovereign, I can't go on with this show!"

Although the Purple King Demon Kings do not cooperate, they can still force the play to continue. The suzerain ’s performance is overwhelming!

"Xiao Mu."

Jun Chang laughed and said, "No need to hide, tell her your true identity."


Su Xiaomo's face was stiff.

I just inferred the main showdown of Zong just now, it's true now!

"Sovereign, I ..." Su Xiaomo hesitated. He was afraid to tell his true identity, and his relationship with her would change from intimate seconds.

Jun Chang laughed: "This girl should be Xia Shuiyun. Since you like each other, you should treat this relationship with your true identity, not a false identity that does not exist."


Su Xiaomo looked stunned.

The lord said such a thing, did he ask Wei Wei?

Do not!

Old Wei can teach anyone, but he can't teach him!

"I see ..." Su Xiaomo shook her fist, looked up at the woman who was always staring at herself, and said, "Sorry ... I ... I ..."

Some words are clearly spoken.

But it just got stuck in my throat!

Xia Shuiyun seemed to have a hunch, her voice trembling, "What do you want to say?"


Su Xiaomo couldn't speak, and he could only raise his hand and tore off his slightly morbid appearance, showing a sharp-edged face.

Familiar people suddenly became unusually strange. Xia Shuiyun stood still as a wooden chicken, then covered his mouth, and burst into tears to make his debut: "You ... not Su Jintang!"

"I'm not Su Jintang."

"I'm not Su Gouyu ~ ~ Watching the girl crying in front of me, Su Xiaomo's heart came with a lot of pain, and it was difficult:" I'm a disciple of Wanzong, I'm Su Xiaomo! "

At that moment, Xia Shuiyun finally understood why this strange face was a little familiar. It turned out that he was an elder disciple who was famous for his footwork in participating in the dragon and tiger battle!

Elder Qu retorted, "You are spy!"

Su Xiaomo ignored the old demon and walked in front of Xia Shuiyun, and said, "I lied to everyone in Taixuan Shengzong, but I didn't lie to you because of my heart ..."


A crisp slap sounded in the cave.

Xia Shuiyun gritted his teeth, tears and hate in his eyes.

This iceberg woman was really melted, even at the expense of ‘love’ in front of Sister Fang.

It is Su Jintang who melted her, Su dog left, not Su Xiaomo, a disciple of Wan Guzong!

From the moment when the other party revealed his true content, he relentlessly announced that neither Su Jintang nor Su Gou left anymore.

The dream is broken.


The pain in Xia Shuiyun's heart is 100 times stronger than Su Xiaomo!

"sorry Sorry!"

Su Xiaomo tried to turn his face around, with a bright red palm print on it.

He once took advantage and was beaten by Xia Shuiyun once, but that was just a pain in his face, but this time it was heartache, meat pain, and body pain.

Su Xiaomo thought about the picture of his frank identity, but never thought it would be so painful to live on this day!

Xia Shuiyun glared at him, tears like rain.

con man!

big liar!

Su Xiaomo's heart hurts even more.

He wanted to raise his hand to hold the sad girl in his arms, but he strongly rebuked his thinking and never had the courage to do so.


Jun Chang smiled and shook his head helplessly.

I had known that you would be in love, and what I said wouldn't come to make you undercover.

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