The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1074: As a disciple, come to your door!

Su Xiaomo and Xia Shuiyun should not have come this far, because if they give the former some time, he will use many ways to confess their identities so that the latter can accept their new identities.

However, Jun often laughed, and the situation suddenly became bloody.

I said dog left.

You only need to be single by your own strength. Why bother to disciple and be single with you!

"Xia Shuiyun!"

At this moment, Su Xiaomo held up the Zhenyang sword and handed it to her, deciding, "I have a sincere heart for you. If you don't believe it, you can dig it out!"


Jun often smiles and widens his eyes.

My disciple, you're playing a bit big now!


Xia Shuiyun took the Zhenyang sword and lifted the sword towards his chest until the point of the sword contacted the clothes abruptly.

She hated herself, why didn't she go!


Su Xiaomo took a step forward, his chest was penetrated by the sword tip, and blood invaded the clothes.

Xia Shuiyun's flowers were so pale that she hurriedly closed her sword.

Su Xiaomo raised his hand and grabbed the sword, and said, "I used to have a sincere love in front of me, but I didn't cherish it. When I lost it, I regret it. The most painful thing in the world is this. If God can give me another chance, I will tell this girl that I love her. "

"Tick, tick!"

The blade cut through the palm, and blood dripped down.

Su Xiaomo continued to move forward, the tip of the sword penetrated deeper into the body, and said in pain: "If you have to add a deadline to this love, I hope it is ... ten thousand years!"

Emoji, language.

Just right!

Jun Chang smiled a sigh of relief and secretly said: "It's okay, the word is pretty good!"

This kind of love words, old Wei can not teach, only he can teach!

The effect is very satisfactory.

Xia Shuiyun heard the classic lines of the Journey to the West, and the whole person was on the spot.

The past that he had gone through with his experience appeared before his eyes, and the tears couldn't stop, and finally he weakly let go of the sword and squatted down, pillowing on the arm and crying with the rain.


Taixuan Shengzong.

Sovereigns and elders gathered in front of the hall.

The disciples on the stage of the martial arts showed their weapons in full armour, as if they were close to the enemy!

At the gate of the mountain.

Fainted Fang Lingyu and four inner gate disciples were suspended in midair by the psionic energy.

The worst thing was Elder Qu. She was hung on the beam of the mountain gate by a big flower and dangled like a swing.

Taixuan Shengzong and the elders stared at each other with anger.

As the top ancestors of the rivers and lakes, the disciples and high-levels were actually **** and hung in front of the mountain gate. This has never happened before. This is really a shame!

"Old Juntian!"

Taixuan Shengzong sued the anger, "What do you mean!"

A prince with a bone-like appearance of Fengxiandao stood on the mountain door with a smile on his back: "The disciples of Guizong want to harm this disciple, and the elders of Guizong want to abolish this disciple's practice and come here to discuss justice."

To be fair?

You are here to make it happen!

If it weren't for the other person's breath of the sword and martial arts, Taixuan Shengzong's high-level officials could not help but have shot!

"of course."

Jun Chang smiled and said, "There is one more thing in this seat, please elder Xia must agree."

Elder Xia in front of the main hall looked blank.

"My three disciples and your granddaughter are in love with each other, this seat ..." Speaking of this, Jun Chang smiled and removed Yirong from his face, restored his original appearance, and smiled: "Special visit to the door to propose marriage."

"Jun ... Jun always laughs!"

Tai Xuan Shengzong's high-level complexion suddenly changed!

Especially the first group of elders who entered the battlefield of the Plane had their eyes widened. Obviously, the so-called Juntian old man was the eternal suzerain!


Three disciples?

I go to his uncle!

Su Jintang will not be undercover!

"You all."

Jun Chang laughed and said, "Thank you for taking care of this disciple during this time."

This is so mean for him!

Although Taixuan Shengzong's high-level practitioners were not weak, they almost burst out on the spot!

"Elder Xia."

Jun Chang laughed: "This seat is an identity, I want to tell you and Taixuan Shengzong, my disciples are qualified to match any woman in this world."

Just now, God ’s assist almost split Su Xiaomo and Xia Shuiyun. In order to make up for his fault, he decided to put aside each other ’s grievances to promote this affectionate encounter.

Taixuan Shengzong did not object to falling in love with each other, and Wanguzong also did not object to the right of the disciples to obtain love. If the two love each other, it does not matter if the camps are in opposition.

Inclusive and open.

It is the purpose of Jun Changxiao to uphold and persist!

It is just that this way of binding the parents and the disciples to come to the door to propose marriage, is it sure that you are not pushing Su Xiaomo to the ranks of singles?

"of course."

Jun Chang laughed and said, "Elder Xia has the right to refuse, but as a consequence, this seat will sit down and settle accounts with your Taixuan Shengzong."


The threat of red fruit!

Elder Xia's face became hard to look.

The patriarchal suzerain is very strong, and the suzerain and the high-level are obviously very frightened. Moreover, because of the battlefield of the plane, you have the benefit of the entire star continent. What choice should you make?

"If my disciples from Wan Guzong and your disciples from Guizong are well-connected, they can be counted as in-laws and write off the grudges of the past." Jun Chang laughed again.

This is really to match Su Xiaomo and Xia Shuiyun, although the method is a bit extreme.

The Taixuan Shengzong suzerain heard a peculiar glance.

Seriously ~ ~ He is very reluctant to laugh at Jun Chang, after all, from the elders who have returned, he has learned that this person's strength is terrible to the point where all major planes are horrified!

If Xia Shuiyun marries his disciples, it will be a good thing for Taixuan Shengzong to make the two relationships intimate!

"Elder Xia."

The three elders whispered, "For the gate, you have to think carefully."

This is dialing and reminding him.

"Monarch Sovereign!"

After thinking about Elder Xia, he arched and said, "Marriage is not a child's play, and this family matter has to seek Shui Yun herself."

He didn't say the words directly, but instead gave the granddaughter multiple-choice questions. After all, this was about her life happiness. He would not blindly make choices because of fear and threats.

"Girl Xia."

Jun Chang smiled and said, "Do you agree?"

Everyone looked around and found the stairs in front of the mountain gate. Xia Shuiyun's eyes were red and red, and she walked up as if out of breath.

Su Xiaomo followed her, and he kept saying something.

"Monarch Sovereign."

Xia Shuiyun stopped at the gate of the mountain, looked up at him, and said, "If I don't agree, will you embarrass Taixuan Shengzong?"


Jun Chang laughed decisively.


"Because of Lu Yan, she is my big disciple."

Xia Shuiyun smiled bitterly and said, "It turned out that Sister Lu was deprecated and deported, so you will send him to be an undercover agent."

"Retired as?"

Jun Chang smiled and gradually cooled down, then looked at Su Xiaomo, Shen said: "Is this the case?"


Su Xiaomo was silent.

Regarding the disapproval of the master sister, he has always concealed and did not dare to tell the suzerain, fearing that he would explode in place after he learned that, but Xia Shuiyun had no intention of saying it!

It's over, it's over.

I'm afraid Taixuan Shengzong is going to be ill this time!

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