The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1376: Destiny contract

Li Qingyang, who is surveying the terrain in a relatively open area of ​​Wangu Xianshan, is satisfied: "This place is good and can be used for medicinal planting."

In recent days, he has always walked in quadruple outside the Zongmen gate, among which he has found a lot of suitable for the development of medicine fields, and also for the reconstruction of new mountain peaks.

On the building road, the two disciples went further and further.

The main reason is that Jun Chang laughed and developed Zongmen very well, so that Li Qingyang and others could have time to develop their personal hobbies. Unlike other Zongmen martial arts, they would practice alone, left behind, and marginalized.

"Go look elsewhere."

Li Qingyang just raised one foot, and suddenly there was some kind of fluctuation in the body. The whole person seemed to be caught in a short-term freeze.


Recovery was as usual, wondering: "What happened?"


At that moment, the voice of the Sovereign sounded in his ear: "Come to the hall."


Li Qingyang gave up to continue to explore the terrain, got up and went to Tiegufeng, and then just entered the hall. Suddenly something came. He wanted to avoid or block it, but his heart suddenly felt an unprecedented intimacy, so he subconsciously hugged it. .


Razer snakes splattered, and the air of extinction radiated from the air.

Li Qingyang looked at it with conviction, only to find that he was holding a head and his body was entangled with lightning, and he could not distinguish any kind of beast. His two eyes were large, and his pupils looked like lightning and looked cute.


Sitting on the throne of the sovereign, Jun Chang laughed and said, "This is the Thunder Beast, and it will be your exclusive contract beast from today."


Li Qingyang immediately hesitated.


The Thunder Ling Beast, about the size of a shepherd dog, stuck out his tongue, licked it fiercely on his master's face, and a human smile gradually appeared.


"I go!"

"What's behind Brother Er?"

"There is a thunder and lightning on the hair!"

Li Qingyang stepped out of the hall, and the Lei Ling beast, who was still in his early childhood, followed behind, and the little tail in the back kept wagging, which immediately attracted the attention of the disciples around him.

"Second Brother!"

Su Xiaomo came over and wondered: "What the **** is this?"

Li Qingyang said: "The contract beast given to me by the suzerain."

"Contract beast?" Su Xiaomo was even more surprised. She reached out and touched the cute little guy. As a result, she just came into contact with the hair, and immediately trembled, then her hair stood up and her mouth foamed and paralyzed.

Li Qingyang's eyes widened.

The little guy obviously looks very weak, so he can electrolyze Master Su!


Jun Chang laughed out of the hall and backhanded: "Although this beast was born, it already has the strength comparable to that of a sacred beast, so don't let others touch it at will."

"Comparable to the Holy Beast?"

Li Qingyang exclaimed, "So strong!"

The beast eggs in the Spirit Beast Pavilion are defined as strange and strange beasts. They must be extraordinary. It is a routine operation to have the Emperor's level directly after hatching. Even Jun Chang laughs and is not satisfied. Even better.


Li Shangtian ran over and rubbed his hands, "When will I reward my disciple with a contract beast?"

"Moji Moji."

Jun Chang laughed: "As long as the performance is good enough, sooner or later."

He was anxious to give his disciples an exclusive contract, but his economic strength did not allow it, so he could only slowly accumulate wealth in the future and equip them. Update Fastest Qiqi Novel https: //

"Aniu has carvings, which can save 10 million."

Ye Xingchen's vulture also followed suit, but because of his strength, most of the time he practiced himself in the mountains.


There are many different levels of spirit beasts in Tiegushan, and the number is far more than that of Zongmen disciples, and it is under the command of the King of the Purple Falcon. It is no problem to arrange a contract beast for the disciples.


That's just ordinary!

The beast eggs in the Spirit Beast Pavilion are all exotic beasts. They can not only be used as contract beasts and fight with the master, but also have many benefits.

For example ... Li Qingyang returned to his residence and practiced as usual, and found that his ingestion and understanding of the attributes of the lightning system had improved a lot!


"I didn't eat Yang Yuan Xuan Dan at all!"

Just as Li Qingyang was puzzled, he suddenly realized that the thundering beast lying around was surrounded by the thick thunder system attributes, and a lot of pure energy was taken in between breathing.

At the same time, he felt that his understanding and cognition of the lightning system also improved a little as the opponent swallowed attributes, so he exclaimed: "Can it help me cultivate?"

In order to confirm this speculation, Li Qingyang stopped practicing and stared at Lei Ling beasts to breathe again and again, and finally came to the conclusion that even if he did not operate his mind to ingest the attributes of heaven and earth, he still had a subtle improvement to the lightning system!

Not bad.

This is the characteristics of the beast eggs in the spirit beast pavilion.

As long as they hatch out and establish a contractual relationship with the warrior, self-cultivation and promotion will also drive the master.

Of course.

The promotion of the master can also drive the contract beast.

In short, the contract established by Jun Changxiao, Page, and Zidian Linghu belongs to the ordinary level, while the contract established by Li Qingyang and Lei Lingbei belongs to the advanced level.

In technical terms, this is the destiny contract.

Warriors can consolidate natural weapons and treasures, so as to achieve perfect communication to erupt stronger combat power. Masters and servants under the natural contract can also enhance their strength, and even share martial arts and resources in real time.


After learning about it, Jun Chang was surprised: "So amazing?"

The second disciple and Lei Ling Beast can share experience value with each other, and the speed of cultivation must be fast. Moreover, the beasts do not need martial arts mentality, they can only become stronger by breathing and breathing, not equal to ... lying and sleeping can also become stronger!

Systemically said: "There are disadvantages."

"What disadvantage?"

"Although the two disciples and Lei Ling Beast can share experience value, they can also share damage value. Any one of the two sides will be bitten back to each other if they are hit hard.

Jun Chang laughed: "It's very fucking."

"of course."

Systemically said: "With this kind of experience sharing contract beast, the disciple's realm will definitely be improved faster, and you can also join hands in battle. The advantages outweigh the disadvantages ~ ~ makes sense."

Jun Chang smiled and touched his chin, and said, "After the Dan drug store clears up next month, free up some funds to equip them with contract animals."

The hatching of Lei Ling Egg is an internal test. Now the test results are very satisfactory, so the core disciples will definitely be equipped one after another.

Without the huge profits brought by the Vangudan Pharmacy, dogs would not dare to think so. After all, it costs tens of millions of black stones to hatch an egg.

The importance of the Zongmen industry immediately became apparent.



"Brush!" Qiqi's novel launches on the Internet

In the mountains and forests far away from Wan Guzong, dozens of people traveled at full speed like dark shadows shrouded by lightning.

"Big brother, there is news from the ethnic side, the eggs hatched in Leichi have been born!"

"Are you sure of the location!"

"Not yet!"

"Abominable, the upper bound is so big, there is no precise location, how can we find it!"

These dark shadows at least confirmed that the eggs had been born, and the dozens of other ethnic groups who were looking for other locations had no clues and could only chase like flies.

Several elders were also talking about the magnificent Jietang Hall. One of them said in a deep voice: "Recently, the major ethnic groups have been born. Do they have to completely tear their faces and violate the friendly agreement made tens of thousands of years ago?"


An old man whispered coldly: "It was said long ago that non-ethnic people have different hearts, and they should not have an agreement that year, so that they can develop steadily for so many years."


At this moment, someone came to say, "There is also action on the Dragon side!"


Several old men immediately stood up and frowned, "Even the Dragons are starting to move, this is not a good phenomenon!"

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