The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1377: Talk more

The Upper Realm was a little uneasy during this time, and few ethnic groups involved in the world began to act.

The original creator Jun Chang laughed and did not know that because of himself, the whole world has become a surging current. At this moment, he is reassuring to continue farming in Zongmen to make money.

With very little capital and huge profits, if the Vangudan pharmacy continues to develop, the accumulated wealth will certainly be terrifying.

Even if it grows to the end, wealth will become a lot of numbers, and who will be too little money?

Therefore, Jun Changxiao began to think, should we open branches in other cities, or buy other industries?


"Insufficient staff and materials."

"Let's develop the Dan Pharmacy in Yuanyuan City first, and then consider expanding the business."

After all, it is not the one-button refining process of Dan Yao Ge. The supply of Dan medicine requires sufficient manpower. At present, Feng Guichen is the only one who pitifully refining Dan. It can't always be 997.


Li Luoqiu walked into the hall and said, "Yuan Gongzi wrote to me that many families dealing in medicinal materials are willing to establish a long-term cooperative relationship with us."

Not only did the Upper Edition version of Ai Jiazhu come, but also a large group, no surprise!

In this month, Vangudan Pharmacy has become popular in the surrounding area, and all the medicinal vendors who have a bit of eyesight want to provide them with supplies of medicinal materials.

"Tell Lao Yuan that we can cooperate with them, but the medicinal materials need to be supplied according to our requirements." Jun Changxiao said.

Ordinary medicinal materials must not be able to produce high-quality elixir. The reason why it is to be acquired is that it can be used to refining a transformed elixir.

The medicinal materials contained in the nourishing soil are refined into high-powered elixir drugs to target the market and earn more profits for the ancestors. Ordinary medicinal materials are used in the refining of elixir drugs to strengthen their disciples.

Li Luoqiu hurriedly sent the news to Wuyuan City. After being informed, Yuan Gongzi called out several persons in charge of the medicinal materials and began serious negotiations.

To be straightforward is to bargain!

After an hour of discussion, the heads of the families turned their heads and walked out. They vowed in their hearts that they had been in the mall for so long and they had never seen such a fool!


A few days later.

A large number of medicinal materials were transported from Yuanyuan City.

Jun Chang laughed after a count, and was surprised: "So cheap?"

If the dog left knows that Yuan Gongzi is at the negotiating table, the bargaining price of Xia Xiazi will soon chop people, and he will understand why it is cheap.


The Dan Medicine Pavilion was opened to match the amount of shaped Dan and began one-key production.

After a period of time, all the refining of the elixir was finished, and Jun Chang smiled with emotion and said, "It's better to save trouble!"

The system said: "The host will definitely have a higher profit by selling this elixir."

"I want, too."

Jun Chang rolled his eyes with a smile, and said, "The disciples have not been fully popularized. How can there be any excess for sale?"


The freshly released plastic Dan has been distributed successively, and more disciples have benefited, and continue to apply their minds to cultivation.

It has been a few months since the ascension. The overall strength of the Wanzong Sect can be described as steadily rising, but it still cannot be compared with the Xuanzi level Zongmen. After all, the top power is only supported by black and white double brakes.

"How can we become stronger faster?" Jun Chang smiled and thought.


System said: "Brush Mall!"

Jun Chang smiled helplessly: "I want to brush, but strength is not allowed!"

During this period of time, I have not come to the mission, and the contribution value has always remained at 40,000, which is really a trick for a clever woman.

"Squatting home every day, why don't you come to the mission!"

"Ding! The side mission is triggered!"


"Speak more if you can talk!" Jun Chang laughed. "I can change my strength in the future, it's all up to you, the facial milk system." The fastest update novel Qiqi novel https: //

Open the system panel, the task content is to participate in the Zongmen Forum in Lingfeng Mountain early next month.

"So simple?"

Jun Chang smiled with a stunned look.

It ’s not a monster, it ’s not an upgrade, just going to a forum, the task is really difficult!

The system muttered: "Although the task is simple, the personality of the host will definitely become a unique forum."


Jun Chang smiled and vowed: "I will go and listen to the grandeur of each door, and will never cause trouble."

In fact, regardless of the lower or upper bound, it is normal for the major gates to hold a seminar today and a seminar tomorrow. After all, everyone in a circle needs to communicate and exchange together.

Jun Changxiao first arrived, and he was unfamiliar with his life. Even if it was not a task, he was naturally willing to learn about it.

"Lingfeng Mountain ..."

After taking out the map and confirming the location, he said, "It's not too far. It should be available at the beginning of the month."

The side mission appeared, and Jun Chang laughed with motivation. On the same day, he began to arrange the housework and decided to set off tomorrow morning.

Knowing that he was going to attend a meeting between the ancestral gates, Hua Rose continuously asked: "Does people agree with you? Will they let you participate?"


Jun Chang smiled and shrugged indifferently, and said, "Go and talk!"

Hua Rose said: "I'm afraid I didn't attend the meeting, but were targeted by the group, causing trouble!"


Jun Chang smiled proudly and said, "My Master is a real person from ancient times, who dares to target collectively!"

At this moment, a real ancient man who was playing chess with his friends in the distance, a subtle ominous omen gradually rose in his heart, to a degree that was ten thousand miles away from the kind of elderly Taixuan.


After dropping the pieces, he wondered, "How can I feel uneasy?"

The friend sitting opposite held the **** ~ ~ seriously said: "Recently, major ethnic groups have been dispatched. This is a world that is not quite flat. I am afraid there will be new turmoil."

Tonggu real man laughed: "This kind of thing has nothing to do with me, so naturally I don't need to bother."


The friend shook his head and said, "I'm afraid that when it's too late, it will be difficult to truly be alone and get involved."

Say nothing, drop the pieces.

"Then you can underestimate my Taoism." The real ancient man laughed, and the fan who was light and clouded and saw the red dust became stronger.


A friend asked, "I heard that you and Gu Hung have made a war contract and let the disciples decide for the battle?"


Tonggu real people nodded.

The friend said: "I can come to the old man to play chess, presumably I have found a suitable disciple?"

"Of course."

"How qualified?"

When referring to the newly-accepted disciples, a smile appeared on the face of a real person in Tonggu, saying: "Take a mountain carrying the gates of the gate, and fight against the hordes of thunder and lightning, and you will see if my disciple has a future ? "


A friend wondered: "Is that the mountain that caused the vision of heaven and earth before?"

"Of course."

"Well, you got a hot taro."

"how do I say this?"

"Forcing a sect to forcibly ascend is really against the heavens. Even if you pass through the thunderous array, you will certainly be caught by Jietang. If you make a mistake in the future, you must be a master to give him an aftermath."

"This ..." 哽 噺 繓 赽 奇奇 小说 蛧 | w ~ w ~

Tonggu's smile gradually solidified.

Although you don't care about the world hall, after all, it is an organization that manages the entire world on the bright side. If you have to consolidate your apprentices, then ... they try!

ps, the double monthly pass event is coming, growling for monthly passes!

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