The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 869: Success won high-level recognition!

Su Xiaomo defeated He who is most likely to become a disciple in the underworld.

When the three elders announced loudly, the scene entered a brief calm, and even if a needle fell, they could hear clearly.


Suddenly, Sun Yingquan laughed and shouted, "Master Sun is mighty!"

His relationship with Su Xiaomo is very irony, and now he is absolutely happy to overcome what seems to be impossible!


"So Brother Su is so strong!"

"We all underestimate him!"

The disciple who originally thought He Zongying would win, although he was beaten, he looked up at Su Xiaomo's eyes and raised admiration.

Defeating a mighty opponent with upright strength on the ring platform will naturally be respected by the martial arts.

of course.

If there is no pavement.

Many disciples will subconsciously think about what Su Gou can do to overcome what he has!

On what grounds?

Various resources based on hard work and training!


He Zhaoying, who was paralyzed sitting on the ground, spurted out a blood spurt, and apparently could not bear himself. He would lose to a newly-disciplined disciple, and he would take a round tour at an outside door!

"Participants No. 1 and 2 came to power!" The elders yelled.

Although Su Xiaomo's powerful performance gave him a lot of surprises, the assessment of the outside door had to continue.



Participants drawn to the No. 1 and No. 2 cards came to the stage to fight.

At this point, the assessment of the outside door began to proceed in an orderly manner.

As a winner.

Su Xiaomo just had to wait for the next round.



"Brother Qin, let it go!"

On the ring, Su Xiaomo arched.

Under the platform, the surname Qin Qin arched and said, "Sister Su is a strong man, and my brother lost his conscience."

He will beat the winner of the championship, and everyone is not surprised that Su Xiaomo won the second round. He has even determined that the champion of this assessment must be him.

In a similar competition mode, Su Xiaomo continued the fine tradition of the ever-evolving, simpler and more omitted.

It doesn't.

After a few words, the outside assessment has arrived in the final.

Su Xiaomo still relied on two types of martial arts to easily defeat her opponents and win the assessment championship.

"too easy!"

"No suspense at all!"

The disciples were speechless.

If you think about it, the whole assessment of the outside door is quite exciting for Su Xiaomo and He Zongying. The first round can be called the final.

"This year's assessment of Sugou left the top spot, rewarded 500 points of merit, and received 20 natural spirit stones."

The three elders announced loudly and said after the award: "Come to the hall."


Su Xiaomo secretly said: "As a result of the wave, it is focused on."


Inside the hall.

Su Xiaomo stood honestly.

Several elders were sitting in front, and the spiritual thoughts were released all the time, hoping to see the boy clearly.

Unfortunately, once the hermitage from the upper world is working, it only gives them what they want to see.


The three elders said, "Did you say it yourself, or did your husband and others ask?"


Su Xiaomo said loudly: "The disciple's real name is Su Jintang, who lives in Sujiagou, Nanhuangzhou. He encountered a senior who claimed to be an elderly man in his childhood, and then worshiped him as a teacher and followed the practice of martial art for several years!"

To this day, we must not hide it.

He took the initiative to speak, but also got a few nods from the elders.

"Elderly Juntian."

The three elders touched their chins and said, "I have never heard of this person."


Su Xiaomo said: "Master once said that he rarely dabble in rivers and lakes, and likes to travel between mountains and rivers."

"It turned out to be a hermit."

Star warrior continent warriors often enter the sand of the Ganges River, and there are many weak and fame-loving strongmen who live in leisurely clouds and cranes.

The most well-known is the elderly Taixuan.

Such a super-powerful who can cross the void has just passed down the minds of two divine products, and there are very few other deeds.

"So, you already had Wu Zongxiu before you joined Zongmen?"

"Elder Wu, the disciples broke through in this month's cultivation, thanks to the natural spirit stone given by Zongmen Resources and Brother Sun and Sister Xia!"

"In a short period of time, relying on resources to break through to Wu Zong, it is difficult to achieve without extremely high roots."


The three elders waved out a glass ball-like object and said, "Put your palms on it."

Su Xiaomo knew that it was used to test the spiritual roots, so she took two steps forward, stuck her right hand on it, and then operated hermitage to suppress the spiritual roots level.


Slightly, the glass ball shone and showed a slightly reddish color.

The three elders said: "It turned out to be the best spiritual root."

The other elders talked head-to-head.

Su Xiaomo secretly said: "The hermit technique given by the lord is really a cow, it really can suppress even the level of the spiritual roots!"

"It is normal to have a superb spiritual root, rely on a large number of spiritual stones and resources, and make efforts to break through the martial arts in a short period of time."

Many elders have come to the conclusion that it is even more understandable that Su Xiaomo has become stronger.


The elders laughed and said, "You hide deep."

"Uh ..." Su Xiaomo scratched his head and said, "When I was going down the mountain, the Master had told me to be a low-key man and not to show publicity."

The elders laughed.

It makes sense for a hermit to teach a low-key disciple.

"Go on."

The three elders waved.


Su Xiaomo stepped back, returned to his place, picked up the teapot and murmured.

In the hall, facing a group of Taixuan Shengzong high-level prying eyes, he was very nervous, fearing that the flaws would be questioned by the high-level.

"This time the best Lingen is revealed, they will definitely be asked to investigate their identities, hoping that they will not reveal anything." Su Xiaomo secretly.


The elders in the hall are still discussing Su Xiaomo, and they have already ordered the Institute of Information to investigate the Su Jintang as soon as possible.

It is not suspected to be undercover.

But the quality of the quality is already considered excellent. Naturally, a large door must act in accordance with rules to thoroughly investigate its identity.

It looks like eternal history.

Because there are various restrictions, I do n’t worry about leaking the secrets. I do n’t have to check the disciples ’identity too much. As long as they pass the assessment, they will be included.

Tai Xuan Shengzong acted quickly.

In just a few days, I found the news about Su Jintang and agreed with Su Xiaomo.

There is really a person like Su Jintang in the starfall continent, and he really lives in Sujiagou, Nanhuangzhou. He has the best spiritual roots, but left home after he was eight or nine years old.

What about people?

In the Eternity.

In this regard, as well as the elderly Juntian, Tai Xuan Shengzong must not be able to investigate.

"You all."

The three elders said: "Su Jintang has good roots, and in the early years, he worshiped a hidden monk. The old man thought it was valuable to cultivate."

"This son is exquisite, and he doesn't like to be in the limelight in front of people. It is indeed a good seed to cultivate." Elder Sun stated.

As long as there is a chance ~ ~ he will definitely say good things to Su Xiaomo in front of the elders group, after all, his son was there.

Elder Xia said: "You can give him this opportunity."

Two elders expressed their opinions, and other high-level officials also agreed, so after thinking, the three elders announced: "List Su Jintang as a member of the expedition cabinet."

The Investigation Pavilion is a special department of Taixuan Shengzong. All the disciples who enter it have all kinds of potentials and enjoy certain martial arts resources. If there is outstanding performance in the future, it will be no problem to promote the inner door.


When Su Xiaomo learned from Sun Yingquan that he had become a member of the Investigation Pavilion, he secretly said, "The disciples have gained high-level trust. The next step is to promote the disciples, and even become the core disciples!"

In the everlasting Jun Chang laughed, after receiving the information returned by Li Luoqiu, leaned on the back of the chair and raised Erlang's legs, and smiled, "My baby disciple, when the net is closed, I hope you have become too One of the important high-rises in Xuan Shengzong. "

(End of this chapter)

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