The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 870: Don't think about it

Jun often laughs when there is no time to close the net.

So how far Su Xiaomo's undercover road can go, and how far he can go, is still unknown.

However, with this guy's exquisite personality, and deliberately releasing Linggen and Xiu, and with the help of Sun Yingquan and Xia Shuiyun, as well as two elders, it is definitely easy to climb.

"The plan is perfect."

"However, you still have to keep a low profile, so as not to cause trouble in Zongmen ..."

The Taixuan Shengzong's water is very deep. The outer door is only the tip of the iceberg, and the inner door and the core disciple circle are on it. Naturally, he has to walk on thin ice, and he cannot afford to relax.


Su Xiaomo took the main character's growth path in Zongmen, but he couldn't stop the air every second like the real main character.

In the days to come, he will also deliberately contact Xia Shuiyun, because Elder Xia's prestige in the Elder Regiment is higher than that of Elder Sun.

of course.

Pointed by Old Wei, Su Xiaomo always kept a close relationship with that cold woman.

"Go and do the task."

One day, Xia Shuiyun appeared again.

"for this I……"

"must go."


For a few days, the two often appeared together in the mission cabinet, leaving the mission together.

After He Zhao's defeat, he seemed to disappear.

The martial arts-dominated world has no strength to face competitors, and can only live a lifetime as a single dog.

Sorry, not for single readers, please do n’t be sad and discouraged, as long as you are willing to work hard, you will continue to be single!

"Master Su and Xia Shi are getting closer and closer!"

"Although it feels that Su Jintang does not deserve Xia Shuiyun, but anyway, they also have great roots and have more opportunities than us."

"Well, Brother Su is so secretive. No wonder he will defeat Brother He."

As Su Xiaomo and Xia Shuiyun contacted more and more frequently, there were more and more discussions about the two in the gates of Taixuan Shengzong, and they even speculated that a couple relationship might have been established.

Tai Xuan Shengzong is not opposed to the disciples falling in love, this is more open.

As for the external discussion, Su Xiaomo naturally heard about it, but reluctantly said, "My relationship with her is not as exaggerated as you said."

Xia Shuiyun's personality was cold and unscrupulous. Although the two had more and more contacts, the whole process was to accept tasks, do tasks, hand in tasks, and talk about martial arts even if there was occasional communication.

Of course, Su Xiaomo hopes to establish a relationship beyond the same door with this girl. After all, she can make a good relationship with Elder Xia, which is conducive to future development in Zongmen.

It's just that I always think that my true identity is a disciple of Wanzong. If someone wants to fall in love with his family and wait for the suzerain to close the net, he will say ‘Sorry, I ’m actually undercover’.

"Emotional matters are necessary." Su Xiaomo secretly.

There is no resentment between the Emperor's Elder and the Emperor Taixuan, and they did not come to undermine for destruction, so they must restrain themselves and leave without any burden after completing the task.

"What do you want?"

On the way to the task, Xia Shuiyun looked at him.

"No ... nothing to think about."

"Recent events about you and me have been circulating in Zongmen."


Xia Shuiyun stopped and turned back to Su Xiaomo: "I just decided that you have the potential to help you. Don't think wildly because of rumors."

Su Xiaomo said secretly, "What am I thinking about?"

"of course."

Xia Shuiyun said: "It's not that you don't deserve me, but that I'm not interested in the relationship between men and women."

Let's just go straight.

Su Xiaomo's mouth twitched slightly and secretly said, "Does this woman think I will pursue her?"


I hurried to catch up and said seriously, "In fact, I have no interest in the relationship between men and women."

"This is the best." Xia Shuiyun said.




In the mountains, a giant Jiupin fierce beast with a stout forelimb frantically bombarded!

"Ice Sword Qi!"

"Ding! Ding! Ding!"

Xia Shuiyun came with a sword, condensing the cold sword, hitting the opponent's stone-like skin, and suddenly heard a crisp sound.


The big man growled and immediately swung his stout tail.

"not good!"

Xia Shuiyun's face changed slightly.

"Sister, be careful!"

At this moment, Su Xiaomo rushed from the side, pushed away the woman who could not escape, and was directly bombarded with a tail on the chest. The whole person burst out and slammed into the stone wall.


He spit out blood, then rushed over on Jiuquliuying step, grabbed Xia Shuiyun, who had just held his body, and fled here at the fastest speed.


Night is coming.

A bonfire rose in the cave.

Xia Shuiyun was sitting next to the pheasant in a hurry, depending on the situation.


Su Xiaomo, who was healing, spewed a black blood, and her brows gradually stretched out.

"Are you all right?" Xia Shuiyun said.

Su Xiaomo replied, "Well, it's okay."

Xia Shuiyun said nothing and continued to roast the pheasant, and the atmosphere fell into an awkward state again.

Su Xiaomo has long been accustomed to such a small amount of verbal communication, so he can get up and come up and say, "It's all scorched, let me do it."

Xia Shuiyun gave way.

Su Xiaomo took out a cleaned pheasant, then skillfully inserted it on a wooden stick to start grilling.

Although Xia Shuiyun did not speak, her eyes were always staring, and she seemed to be writing down the whole process so that she could do it herself next time.


Slightly, Su Xiaomo said: "Master Shi feels that sometimes you are too reckless, such as the last time you went to Yinshanling and this time, you rushed without a certain target strength."

"I'm happy." Xia Shuiyun said lightly.

This woman hasn't realized her mistake, she needs much luck to live to this day.

The cold woman was definitely the terminator of chat, Su Xiaomo simply stopped talking.


After a quarter of an hour, he passed the roasted pheasant and said, "It's ready to eat."

Xia Shuiyun took it politely.

After eating, he pointed outside and said, "Old rules."


Su Xiaomo stood up.

The so-called old rule is that if she sleeps in the wild, she sleeps in the cave and sleeps outside the cave herself.

After all, men and women are different.

In fact, he had previously rested in the cave at the same time, but Su Xiaomo turned to sleep and turned Xia Shuiyun into a sudden alert. A cold current erupted and almost did not freeze him into ice.

Since then, Su Xiaomo has kept an absolute safe distance from this woman on the grounds of 'I'm going outside to alert'.


When he first got up, the delicate vial stuck in his belt fell down.

Xia Shuiyun took a look and said lightly, "Isn't this bottle of Qingxin Bingji Pill finished by me, why are you still on it?"

Su Xiaomo picked it up, and wiped off the dust with her cuffs ~ ~ said: "My sister is the first girl to send me things, so naturally I should keep it well for memorization."

If Wei Lao is present at this time, he will certainly give a thumbs up and praise: "The young man smashed, the **** can teach!"


Xia Shuiyun said something faintly, but the ice surrounding the heart melted a little bit by accidental touch.

"I'm going out."

"Come back and watch at the door."

"This ... okay."

In the middle of the night, Su Xiaomo rolled over habitually, and suddenly felt a chill approaching, instantly covering the whole body, his body shivering with frost.

He woke up from his sleep for a moment, opened his short legs and ran outside. "I shouldn't sleep in me!"

(End of this chapter)

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