The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 944, Faskolag joins forces

The next morning, Ryan woke up from his dream. The King of Knights breathed a sigh of relief and found that Morgiana was no longer there. The Lake God Witch routinely went out to do morning lessons and arrange prayer activities, and Morgiana only needed to be with Ryan. , the quality of sleep has always been very good, so Ryan didn't pay too much attention.

As for Veronica, she had also woken up. The female Speaker of Gloria, who had a sore back and aching back, had a rosy and shiny face. She looked cute and cute. Her sweet almond eyes looked at the magic book in front of her. Seeing that Ryan was awake, she stretched out her hand. Silkfoot under the quilt kicked Ryan: "You lazy boy, it's time to get up~ There are still many things for you to deal with outside."

"What's important?" Ryan lay down again after hearing this: "Bertrand's military information is back?"

"Yes, I'm back." Veronica reached out and played with Ryan's long black hair. Witch of Gloria said nonchalantly: "It was Ms. Aurora who came back with military reports and trophies in person. Our female elder came back for I really worked hard to show my kindness to you, the King of Knights, and rode a horse for dozens of kilometers."

"How can she be sincere? She simply doesn't want to stay in the Pioneer Army with those soldiers. She just wants to return to the main force and ride in her Hurricane Ice Magic Vehicle." Ryan put his hands behind his back. Behind his head, the King of Knights saw why Aurora came back overnight without even thinking.

"Normally, I am also marching and living in my light demon vehicle." Veronica shrugged, and the Witch of Gloria said triumphantly: "Hey, now she wants to call me the Speaker. Hello, Ou Ms. Ruola, hello, Madam Speaker, hehehe~"

"Oh, it sounds like you are a very powerful speaker." Ryan glanced at Veronica: "Then you can change the sheets yourself."

"Ah~ why did you say this all of a sudden!" Veronica suddenly blushed, and she stretched out her small fist and hit Ryan on the head: "Ever since you tattooed that spiritual pattern on me, it is impossible for me to If you can bear it, why don't you talk about Morgiana?"

"Speaking of which, since there is a military situation, why don't you wake me up?" Ryan just teased Veronica and said a few words of his own. Due to the special relationship between him and Veronica, there has never been much. How taboo.

"It's just a battle report, not an emergency military situation. Morgiana will let you sleep a little longer." Veronica leaned on the pillow: "Since you're awake, go out and take a look. I have to lie down for a while. "

"You still call me a lazy idiot..." Ryan squinted his eyes, and the King of Knights finally got up.

Just wash up and eat something. Even though I have a rest today, there are still a lot of things waiting for Ryan to deal with. Every day, I need to calculate material supplies and plan distribution. Although Ryan will not be as hands-on as Zhuge Liang, the feedback from the people below and the decision-making from above The arrangement must be to meet the purpose. He has to read at least twenty or thirty reports a day, and these alone take several hours every day.

Although the King of Knights does not have the super personal internal affairs capabilities of Guilliman and Fulgrim, he can deal with the problem with ease, and as a great man who has risen from the grassroots to the King of Knights, Ryan understands everything at a glance, and the Empire He could see the problems just by reading the logistics report produced by the army, which made the empire's bureaucrats responsible for logistics and supply miserable. This kind of logistics quartermaster has always been the most lucrative and profitable job in the empire, but The risk is also very high, but now that the Knight King knows everything, their life is very difficult.

But before that, Ryan must first read the battle report brought back by Aurora.

There were cheers one after another in the camp. Several large carriages carried an astonishing number of beastmen's heads. The soldiers came out to watch, spitting at the beastmen, and shouted long live the king and praised the lady.

Afterwards, four Old Guards took the head of Drakwald Beastman Supreme Beast King Graktar from a carriage. The Beastman Supreme Beast King had Bertrand, the commander of the Old Guards, inserted in his right eye. The black arrow penetrated the eye socket and penetrated deeply into the skull. It should be a fatal blow.

"Are you up, Ryan?" Morgiana was ordering her Holy Grail guards to pile the heads of the beastmen together and burn them. When the Lake God Witch saw Ryan coming out, she whispered: "This is from Bertrand and the others. battle report."

"Succeeded, Nicolas Davout, well done!" Duke Berhemond hammered the ground with his giant scepter (mace): "Have fun! Have fun! Just hit like this! "

"In this way, our road to Middenheim is now clear." Kingdom Regent Raun also nodded with satisfaction: "Hagen is really decisive, and Bertrand also performed very well this time. He killed The Supreme Beast King who defeated Drakwald!"

"Let me take a look." Ryan took the battle report and started to read it.

In the Battle of the Swamp of Pain, the human army defeated the main force of 45,000 beastmen with only 12,000 men. How did it do it?

The key lies in the previous battle of Bergen.

In the Battle of Bergen, the main force of the knightly army led by Ryan defeated the main army of more than 50,000 beastmen here, forcing the main force of the beastmen to retreat eastward.

And just when the Beastmen were retreating eastward on a large scale, they happened to run into the Empire and Britannia coalition forces who had heard the news of the war and were planning to return to aid!

The retreating Beastman army was in disarray and scrambling to escape. Coach Bertrand and Heinrich Todbringer immediately realized that this was an excellent fighter opportunity, but they also realized that doing so was very risky. , because even though the Beastmen are being defeated, they still maintain an absolute numerical advantage.

The question is, to fight or not to fight?

There were different opinions in the army, but both Davout and Duke Hagen advocated fighting this battle. Although Bertrand was hesitant, he wanted to fight in his heart. As for the empire, Heinrich had been fighting since he was three years old. I learned to hate beastmen from Elector Boris, so naturally I wanted to fight them too.

What's more important is that Bertrand has three battalions of the Old Guard under his command, and the soldiers are also eager for war and military glory. As we all know, Britannia has won consecutive battles under the leadership of Ryan in recent years. Always winning, no matter how difficult the situation was, Ryan led them to victory in the end. This gave all Brittanians an inexplicable confidence and determination to win in the end.

Finally, the coalition made a decision.


The Battle of the Swamp of Pain begins.

The coalition forces occupied favorable terrain on the edge of the Swamp of Pain, formed a circular formation, and launched a fierce attack on the retreating Beastmen. The Beastmen were caught off guard and formed an even greater rout. The entire army launched an attack, but at this time Aurora's spell completely changed the situation of the battle.

The Holy Witch first sucked away the low temperature in the swamp. The originally extremely frozen land suddenly turned into extremely muddy mud. The beasts fell into the mud one after another. It was difficult to move and their speed was slow. They were attacked by the human army using artillery and handguns. Crossbows, longbows and musket carnage.

After all the beastmen fell into the mud, Aurora immediately released the great spell of extreme cold field. Now the land hardened again, and the beastmen were frozen in the mud and unable to move. Then the human coalition began to charge, and again It was a massacre.

The Supreme Beast King Grak'Thar was forced to personally lead the horned beasts and minotaurs to resist the assault of the human army. However, Davout immediately decided to personally lead the Old Guards forward. The commander took the lead and gave a speech in front of everyone. : "The brave will find his glorious home, but the coward will die of shame!"

The morale of the human army was greatly boosted. The beastmen were already on the way to retreat, and the order was chaotic. They were quickly killed by the Old Guard.

At this moment, Taal's Eye glowed, and the oracle of the God of Nature came. Taal was extremely hateful and angry at the beastmen who polluted nature. His anger gave Bertrand more powerful power, and at the same time, the imperial army Caught in a frenzy, Tarr, as the oldest human god-king, showed his will to win this war. However, the beastmen were frightened by Tarr's divine power, and their morale was further reduced.

Bertrand seized the opportunity to draw his bow and release an arrow. The demon-breaking black arrow shot through the right eye of the Supreme Beast King. It fell to the ground on the spot, and the beastman army was defeated. The human coalition seized the opportunity and chased for more than ten kilometers until they approached. Only then did he give up in the depths of the black forest.

This is what the Battle of the Swamp of Pain was all about.

"Excellent!" At this time, Ryan could finally confirm that the vanguard army had won a great victory. The King of Knights was delighted with the glorious victory of the vanguard army, and he immediately set rewards for several important generals.

"The commander-in-chief of the Old Guard, Bertrand, was awarded the title of wartime marshal and Baron of Nottingham! Awarded the special Holy Grail Medal of Honor!"

"Nicolas Davout conferred the title of Lord Mousilon on Brittany and awarded the Grand Holy Grail Medal of Honor!"

"Duke Hagen awarded fifty pairs of dwarf armors, thirty half-blood elf war horses, and the first-class Grand Cross Gold Medal!"

"Director Aurora awards fifty kilograms of magic ore, five thousand gold crowns and a first-class Grand Cross gold medal."

The remaining meritorious soldiers and knight nobles also received rewards.

Everyone was a little jealous. Among them, Duke Birhemond had already made many military exploits, so he was okay. Although Regent Lawn won back some prestige by winning the Obien expedition, he was still very eager for military glory.

The same goes for the knights and nobles who gathered around. Earl Hex of Devon is now in his forties. He has now independently led an infantry army of 3,000 people. He has seen many people making meritorious deeds, but he has not gained anything. After the battle, Hux took the initiative and said: "Your Majesty, since the Vanguard Army has achieved such a great victory, should we follow up and solve the threat of the Beastmen once and for all?"

"The beastmen don't have anything to worry about. What I'm concerned about is that now, the road to Middenheim is clear." Ryan spread the map on the simple wooden table in the camp. Damn Midden Leader 12 It basically snowed from January to February of the following year. The King of Knights wiped the fallen snow on the map with his hand. He turned to Hux and said: "How is the morale of the army now? How is the fatigue state?"

"Soldiers are not used to such a dark and cold environment, Your Majesty." Although eager to achieve meritorious service, Regent Lawn and Earl Hex of Devon agreed on this point: "rest is necessary."

"Well, let's have a good rest here today and set off immediately tomorrow. We must immediately join forces with Boris Todbringer's Midden Army!" Ryan made a decision immediately, and the knight said to everyone: "What other news is there? , report it immediately! Also, order the vanguard army not to come over to join us, but to ensure the army’s logistics and smooth roads."

"No more for now, Your Majesty." Aurora was wearing a purple lavender garden oak brown belted pleated skirt today. When the Holy Witch heard the order, her face showed anger, and she quickly said: "If not Okay, then I’ll go back and rest first.”

Ryan gave her a funny look. Aurora obviously didn't want to go to the Vanguard Army to deliver messages anymore, so she hurriedly said that she was going to rest. Compared with the arrogance when she first arrived in Britannia, she was now It's a lot more low-key.

Morgiana's golden eyebrows raised. Just as she was about to say something, Ryan stretched out her hand and said to him: "Thank you for your hard work, Ms. Aurora. You have also made great contributions in the swamp of pain. If you are willing, , I will have another reward for you after you return home."

"Oh? Really, then I'm very much looking forward to it!" Aurora's eyes lit up. The Holy Witch had made up her mind recently, but she immediately felt the cold eyes coming from the side, so she immediately hid her thoughts: "But the best reward I need now is to let me rest for a while. I used too much magic power in the previous battle."

"Okay." Most of the casters in the Holy Domain have bad tempers and have many quirks. Aurora is already considered good. Ryan didn't care. The King of Knights waved her hand to indicate that she could go to rest.

After inspecting the camp, Ryan boosted the morale of the soldiers and knights, spread the news of victory throughout the camp, and then told them that the lady was watching their every move, and the knights who performed well might be able to win the favor of the lady. Close to the Holy Grail, and as long as the serfs and freedmen performed well, Ryan would not hesitate to receive knighthoods and special promotions into the Old Guard.

After resting for a whole day, the Chivalry army broke out of camp. Ryan announced that the army should speed up and must complete the rendezvous with the Midden army before the beastmen could regroup!

So the army marched at a relatively fast speed for five days and after rejoining the vanguard army, finally, at the foot of Faskorag (the peak of the mountain) where the empire's god of winter and the white wolf god Ulric once appeared sacred. Above is the City of White Wolf), where Ryan's knightly army officially joined forces with the Midden army.

The salutes were blasted, the horns were blasting continuously, the drums were beating chaotically, and amid cheers and military songs, the two armies met at Faskorag.

Elector of the White Wolf, Grand Duke of Middenland, Grand Earl of Middenheim Boris Todbringer and Pope of the White Wolf Church "Great Ulric" Emil Wagel, Grand Master of the White Wolf Knights The leader of the group, Axel, personally came to greet the King of Knights and his knightly army. Under the protection of the Holy Grail Knights and Teutonic Guards, the two sides strode closer and stretched out their hands from a distance of seven or eight meters.

"Boris, long time no see, I miss you so much!" Ryan said with a smile.

"Your Majesty Ryan Macado, you are very, very, very welcome. Your arrival is the guarantee of our victory in this war!" Boris Todbringer showed a rare smile: "I sent Heinrich I went to greet you, but he and your people even sent you a big gift package!"

"Beastman gift package!" Ryan laughed loudly and clasped his four hands. He was indeed more closely related to the northern part of the empire than to the southern part of the empire: "It's an honor. We will share this honor with you."

More than 30,000 troops from Britannia and more than 30,000 troops from Midden have joined forces. The number of troops on both sides has soared to more than 70,000, forming a human army that can change the entire war situation!

This was a meeting of great historical significance. The two most elite armies from the north of the empire and Britannia have since joined together, and the two pairs of hands that can change the fate of the world are tightly held together.

The road to the Midden Leader is connected with the outcome of the entire Chaos Invasion.

Later generations will call this significant meeting the "Faskolag meeting".

In the chaos, Boris smiled at Ryan: "Your Majesty Ryan..."

"Just call me Ryan." Ryan also let go of his smile. He was once a White Wolf Knight. He really has some special feelings for these people in Midden and the magnificent White Wolf City in the distance.

"Ryan, there is someone who wants to see you." Boris smiled, and the Teutonic guards behind him moved away.

Among the tall and luxuriously equipped Teutonic guards, an old man took a step back shyly and awkwardly, but then the Teutonic guards around him collectively took a step back amid laughter, which made his position More visible.

When Ryan saw this figure, he was stunned. The King of Knights recognized who this old man was at a glance. He opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything, because this man was the same as the white wolf in his prime. The knight, and even the little old man who came to his wedding, had become very different.

The hair that was originally severely bald is now almost only a little bit of white hair above the ears. The round white face before has now collapsed, and the skin has become loose. The large age spots on it speak volumes, and the corners of the eyes speak volumes. There are deep wrinkles, and the originally strong and straight figure has become hunched and rickets.

The old man was wearing a warm aristocratic dress and a wolfskin coat. He was leaning on a cane. The strong hands in his memory were now as old as pine branches. When he saw Ryan's eyes, he felt a little uncomfortable. He was so embarrassed that he opened his mouth with a look of joy and relief on his face, but the old man quickly realized that this was not the expression he should show. His face quickly became respectful, and he said in a respectful tone: "Dear Knight His Majesty the King..."

"..." Ryan opened his mouth. When he heard the call "Your Majesty," the clear image of the old man in the King of Knights' eyes suddenly became blurry. He suddenly felt that the whole world had become colder, with thick layers of ice. The wall separated him from the old man.

"Father!" Ryan quickly took two steps forward and wanted to reach out to hold the old man's hand, but the old man immediately took two steps back in fear and just shook his head.

"Uncle Norman!" Veronica's voice sounded next.

After many years, the adoptive father and son met again at the foot of White Wolf Castle.

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