The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 945, Teutonic Guards

Ryan's adoptive father, Norman, picked up Ryan near a forest trail in Nordland when he was in his thirties. If you think about it carefully, Norman is almost 80 years old this year. This is a legend for this world. It is already a miracle that a human being of the upper class, even a noble, can live to be over seventy or almost eighty.

Of course, this was due to White Wolf City's careful care. After all, with Ryan's rising status, Norman naturally gained the attention of the empire.

But in fact, from another perspective, the relationship between Ryan and Norman is that of an adoptive father and son, nothing more.

One very important point is that for Ryan and Norman, first of all, Ryan did not inherit Norman's title of Lord of Auternag, which means that the two parties did not form a family genealogy inheritance relationship. Secondly, Norman did not inherit Ryan is an adopted son or godson. He is only adopted as an adopted son. He is not trained according to the standards of an heir, but only according to the standards of a military noble. This kind of training is consistent with the regular training of the White Wolf Church every year from the orphanage and the Goddess of Mercy Church. There is not much difference between obtaining a large number of male children and raising them according to the standards of the White Wolf monks.

For Ryan's previous life, the dynasty generally believed that nurturing kindness was greater than giving kindness, but for this world, everyone generally believed that giving kindness was greater than nurturing kindness. Therefore, the relationship between the adoptive father and son is just that. , roughly equivalent to relatively close relatives, and even this relationship is not as strong as the godfather and godson relationship between Ryan and Griffin Duke Ivan. What is left between the two parties is some incest.

But Ryan is still grateful to Norman. He picked him up and raised him. He used his stern temper and old-fashioned character to help Ryan grow up, and provided him with the most important stepping stone, which is to become a white wolf. Recommended by the knight, if Ryan did not have this status, then he would have to start as a civilian, then it would really be a year of the monkey. In these years, Ryan would write and mail some money regularly every year, but Norman said he did not want any money. , just write a letter. Britannia is far away from Middenheim. There are no high-speed trains and airplanes in this world. Ryan is busy with his affairs and Norman is old and frail. It is difficult for both parties to meet each other.

Looking at his old adoptive father, Ryan wanted to say something to him, but Norman just shook his head. When Ryan was still an earl, he dared to rely on his old age to show off his qualifications, but now the original three-year-old child has become The King of Knights, with his countless victories, incomparable personal bravery and overwhelming power, Norman no longer dared to be like he was more than ten years ago. He opened his mouth and said behind him: "Harland, come out quickly. Pay your respects to His Majesty the Knight King!"

A young Nord noble who was less than twenty years old and fully armed came out and bowed to Ryan. He had golden hair, deep-set bean eyes, a flat nose, a round nose, and thick lips. When he saw Ryan's hands trembling with excitement, he immediately He stepped out of the queue and bowed deeply: "Your Majesty Ryan! It's a great, great honor. I am Harland! Nord Ranger Knight!"

This man is Ryan's cousin - the son of the current Lord of Auternay, and a relative of Ryan's adoptive mother Sally. Ryan seems to have seen himself thirty years ago. The Knight King showed a warm smile, nodded, and patted He patted Harland and encouraged him a few words. He wanted to talk to Norman again, but found that Norman had disappeared.

"He is very ill." Boris Todbringer walked to Ryan's side and said. The White Wolf Elector said sadly: "He has been muttering that he wants to see you for the last time. This time I heard that you When you came, we took him out. He was very happy to know that you were back, but he felt sad at the same time. A real old wolf should not die in the bed like this. He is ashamed of himself like this. "

"I will hire the best doctor." Ryan said seriously.

"He went through too many battles when he was young. He probably lost a few fights of blood, and he didn't take good care of his injuries. In his later years, he suffered from many illnesses. We have helped him survive two serious illnesses. If not, we still hope to see him again. As far as you are concerned, he has refused to take the medicine, do you understand what I mean?" Boris said with a touch of sadness in his voice: "This is not what he wants."

"Ah! Hey!" Ryan roared angrily, but didn't know what to say.

Adoptive mother Sally had died five years ago.

Although there are thousands of things to say, the most important thing now is the military situation. As the commanders of both sides entered the big tent one after another, the war meeting was officially held.

The powerful saints on Ryan's side include himself, Lake God Witch Morgiana, Red Dragon Duke Bohemond, Chancellor Veronica, Holy Witch Aurora and the newly promoted Tal God's Chosen. Bertrand, the wartime marshal of the Guards, was a man of many talents.

The powerful Saints of Middenheim’s army include the Elector Boris Todbringer, the Pope of the White Wolf Church “Great Ulric” Emil Wagel, and the Grand Master of the White Wolf Knights Aker. Serge Weisenberg, and the godson of Boris Todbringer, the flag-bearer of the Midden Army and the captain of the Teutonic Guard, the White Wolf Paladin von Tugenheim.

Such a luxurious lineup and an army of up to 75,000 people gave humans strong confidence in this war. Ryan even noticed that not only the White Wolf Knights of Middenheim were almost in full force, but even the entire army was mobilized. All the guards arrived.

The Teutonic Guards are Great Ulric's personal bodyguards and the most elite army in White Wolf City. The White Wolf Knights were established in the 2nd year of the Imperial Calendar, but the existence of the Teutonic Guards can be traced back to three thousand years ago. The Thuringians set out from the Dark Realm and climbed over the Roof of the World Mountains to the Old World. Some people received the oracle from the white wolf god Ulric to let them come to the current location of Middenheim. Then the wolf god cut the mountain with an axe. With a smooth plane covering an area of ​​nearly three square kilometers, White Wolf City was built on a high mountain.

Since then, the brave and powerful Thuringian warriors, who were considered the chosen ones of the White Wolf God, have been called the "Teutonic Guard".

The Teutonic Guard renews its members every year, and its members are personally selected by Grand Ulric and the head of the White Wolf Knights. Basically, they all come from the core layer of the Knights. Although the selection is usually based on personal merit, in fact, the most capable ones are often selected from the White Wolf Knights, and the minimum requirement is to be above the legendary level.

Being selected as a Teutonic Guard is the highest honor among the White Wolf Knights. These originally fearless warriors have become more determined and powerful after accepting this glorious duty and honor. It is also the reason why Middenheim continues to challenge Braunschweig. biggest reliance.

The map was placed on the table. Ryan and Boris Todbringer sat on each side. On the left were dozens of Holy Grail Knights and the glorious Old Guards, and on the right were the Teutonic Guards and the famous Midden Territory. Elite legion - the Sword of Ulric. This legion has a very high threshold for recruiting recruits. It requires that they must participate in the Drakwald expedition and survive the expedition before they can be qualified to join. It was founded by Emperor Mandred, the Rat Exterminator. During this period, countless great stories have been left for a thousand years.

"Our army will move south, passing through Midensteiner from the south, then passing through the capital Herzig along the southern part of the Hawk Territory, and finally going north to support the Oster Territory." Boris pointed his hand at the On the map: "Now, the Chaos army is continuously gathering near the Von-Zhukov Castle in the Oster Territory, and continues to besiege the castle."

"On the other side, the situation in Ostermark is not optimistic. It is said that Nurgle's Chosen Champion Plague Doctor Festus and Tzeentch's Chosen Champion Cha-Zan'ek led an army to besiege Bekafen, and Hertwig Promise us that as long as he is alive, Bekafen will not fall." Boris continued: "And Tsarina Katalin and her court are also staying in Bekafen, assisting Hertwig in defending the city. With Katalin and her Ice Witch Sisters here, Bekafen should not fall so easily.”

"But we must consider the consequences of the fall of Bekafen." Ryan looked at the map: "Bekafen is located in the upper reaches of the Talabek River. As long as Chaos captures it, you can go straight down the Talabek River and take it directly. Tara Behem, time is urgent.”

"Yes, time is urgent. Why don't we go directly east and take the trail south of the Central Mountains, but first go south to Middenstanger, and then make a big circle to support Oster and Ostermark?" Lake God The witch Morgiana said incomprehensively: "Isn't it faster to walk in a straight line?"

"Your Highness the Lake God Witch, you have to clarify a question." Great Ulrich Emil Wagel mocked unceremoniously: "You also know that there is a trail to the south of the Central Mountains? Then there is no need to ask this question. ?”

The deep hostility between the two religious leaders immediately gave rise to a smell of gunpowder in the meeting. Upon seeing this, Ryan immediately said to Morgiana, who had limited understanding of the matter: "We must go south because the Talabek River links Rui. Ke River, only along the river can we get a steady stream of logistical supplies from the empire."

"That's right, Your Highness Morgiana, we have more than 70,000 people and more than 70,000 soldiers here. Whether it is the Midden Territory or the Hawke Territory, no towns or villages on the road have the ability to provide us with sufficient logistics. We can only rely on Only by walking along the river can we get assistance from Karl Franz, Marius and Emmanuel with food and weapons and equipment!" Boris also added: "Of course, it would be even better if their army could come. alright."

"When can the emperor and his army set off?" Ryan asked Boris.

"If nothing else happens, we should be ready to leave." Axel, the grand leader of the White Wolf Knights, pointed his finger at the capital of the empire: "If they can still catch up."

"Then without further ado, let's set off as soon as possible to Middenstanger." Ryan nodded.

On the way south, the advance of the army was a very spectacular scene. The White Wolf Knights wore heavy wolf-skin armor and held giant hammers. The Holy Grail Knights' robes were decorated with flowers and glittering gold. The Old Guards marched in neat and solemn formation. It gave everyone unparalleled morale enhancement and overflowing majesty, but the Ulric Swordsmen exuded pure wildness and strength. Their team was not neat and not very disciplined, but these warriors of the White Wolf God will Use pure wildness to unleash the power of Ulric.

Along the way, a large number of Imperial refugees and Kislev refugees crowded the road. They brought their families with them. Some were pushing carts, some were pulling carriages, and some simply had several members of the family wearing thin clothes. Fleeing in the cold winter of Dengling, countless refugees died of starvation and freezing along the way.

To make matters worse, they had to make way for the army. Many Kislev refugees were so hungry that they knelt down and begged the army for some food. However, both Elector Boris and Knight King Ryan knew that they must harden their hearts at this time. They must not be slowed down by refugees, and vital military rations must not be used for charity. To put it simply, if Ryan and Boris's army is defeated, the empire can immediately prepare for the defense of Middenheim. Fighting to defend Talabheim.

That would be the real disaster, when half the empire's population would become refugees.

"So many Mrs. Keesler." Ryan said towards Boris: "What a disaster. Katalin doesn't know what she thinks."

"She just wants to preserve her strength and find an opportunity to regain her country in the future." Boris scolded: "Her decision can allow as many Mrs. Keesler to survive as possible, but she may not have thought of this at all. How much trouble is caused to our empire, the number of refugees far exceeds the upper limit of what we can accept and accommodate, which will only starve and freeze many people to death."

"It's nothing more than passing the blame." Ryan said humorously: "Throwing this big pot to the empire will solve the problem."

"But what about the meat in the pot?" Boris turned his head and stared at Ryan with his one eye: "Don't think we don't know what you have been doing in Kislev, Shiravi of Erengrad The Croat Group has almost controlled the last fighting force in Kislev! You just collected them all like this? Forget about the meat and bones, and don’t even give us any soup for our empire?”

"I sent an entire Northern Front Army to support Erlengrad." Ryan also knew about this. He couldn't help but sigh that Beria is indeed a very capable bureaucrat. He can always get things done very well. Okay, and he knows Kislev too well. This is the most important factor in Ryan's ability to acquire the Shilavik Group, and his identity as a Ugorian also allows Luo Shuai and others to form a relationship with Ryan. A bridge of communication, don’t forget that Luo Shuai himself is also a descendant of Ugor.

"Aren't you afraid that our Majesty the Czarina will hold you accountable?" Boris was helpless about this. He only got the news after everything had happened. Now the Poseidon Fleet should have replenished supplies in Nord and is preparing to withdraw to Brittany. Ya.

"She will come if she has the ability." Ryan said casually: "Our Kingdom of Knights only has ordinary diplomatic relations and trade agreements with Kislev, and there is no alliance. She ordered all her citizens to flee south, and she also hunted south, and , Marshal Rokossovsky is still a death row prisoner.”

"You want to provide political asylum to Rokossovsky and the others?" Boris thought about it.

"Why not? The last bear cavalry, wing cavalry, and Red Navy are all there, plus the soldiers who have experienced the siege of Erlengrad. With a little training, they will be terrifying ready for combat." Boris He muttered dissatisfiedly: "Your Majesty Yurik, I really want to give you a hammer."

"Speaking of which, didn't the Czarina form a new army in Bekafen?" Ryan immediately changed the subject. The King of Knights just wanted to get benefits. If he comes out to show off, he will attract hatred.

"It is said that a new army has been organized, but when the equipment and food are completely supplied by the empire, that's all." Boris scolded: "Really, our empire needs to support everything, how dare you Called Kislev’s Army?”

In this way, the army moved south along the Middenland Road.

At the same time, deep in the central mountains, there is the tomb of Gotwal the Cruel, the greatest beast king in the history of the beastmen.

A Chaos Talisman was activated by Hal, the Eye of Eternity, Chosen of Tzeentch.

Terrible chaotic energy runs through the sky.

"Resurrection, Gotwo, the greatest beast king of the beastmen, come to life!"

"The true God needs your power!"

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