The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 947, Erica

The winter of 2515 in the imperial calendar was a winter of blood and fire.

"Gethel can no longer provide us with any military support." Midden led the southern road, and the 75,000-strong human coalition was advancing, while Ryan, Boris, Morgiana, and Great Ulric Emir- Vagel was discussing the military situation and compiling the latest intelligence on the roadside. Boris looked sad and pointed at the map: "That son of a bitch Geisel is just a little bit of the Chaos army that emerged from the Brass Fortress. Let him panic and declare a full retreat, and we will no longer be able to get any support from Nordland."

"On the other side, the battle situation in the Oster Territory is not very optimistic." Great Yurik Emil Wagel said: "Although Von-Zhukov Castle is still holding on, you see, the chaos has completely bypassed The entire castle has been destroyed, and the connection between the castle and its surrounding areas has been almost cut off. If this continues, it will make little sense for the defenders to continue to hold on without reinforcements."

Morgiana was holding the Potion Holy Grail, and the Lake God Witch looked at the map. On the map, the army of Osterland was marked with white markers, while the army of Chaos was marked with black markers.

The situation is very bad. Indeed, whether it is Oleg von Zhukov's bravery and commanding ability on the battlefield, or Marshal Oster Model's strategic defense capabilities and ability to build defensive positions, they are outstanding among humans. , but even so they could not defeat Mortkin's main army of Chaos, because the Black Iron Avenger's will was so terrifying that he and his army put revenge first, and reinforcements from the northern wasteland continued to flow. Rushing to the front line, even though Oleg and Model had brought huge trouble to the main force of Chaos and suffered many more casualties than them, they still could not prevent Chaos from gradually gaining the upper hand.

Now Von-Zhukov Castle has become a protrusion, with Chaos armies from both wings to the back. Only a narrow corridor about three kilometers wide and ten kilometers long behind the castle is still in the hands of the empire. The empire passes This long and narrow corridor transported food, reserve troops, weapons and ammunition to the castle.

"Actually, to this extent, we should give up defending the city and choose to retreat." Ryan looked at the isolated and helpless appearance of Von Zhukov Castle and shook his head helplessly: "It's a pity that we can't."

Everyone was silent.

Why can't we give up the castle? Looking at the name of this castle, everything is clear at a glance. It is impossible for the army of Osterland to abandon von Zhukov Castle.

"If the castle is lost, the Osterland will have the last strong fortress left." Elector Boris pointed his finger on the map: "The provincial capital of the Osterland, Wolfenburg."

"We should march directly towards Wolfenburg." Morgiana said directly.

"No, we must first arrive at Herzig, the capital of the Hawk Territory." Ryan said towards Morgiana: "The supply of the army is the first priority."

"Let's move on, that's all we can do now." Boris nodded.

The army continued to advance. The Midden army was wearing blue and white checkered uniforms. They formed an unorganized but murderous array. Opposite was the Brittanian army. Most of them were wearing their own uniforms. The principal's costumes and queues were more orderly than those led by Miden, but their murderous spirit was slightly less impressive.

The army's walking was a bit boring, and the weather was too cold. The white snow was dancing in the cold sky of Midenland. The silvery white mist enveloped this quiet valley and also covered the endless swamps and wetlands. Here are those The resting place of warriors who died in ancient times. Here their bones are buried, their souls are housed, and their damp cemeteries are guarded.

For three thousand years, the Thuringians have taken root and sprouted here in this barren and cold land covered with dense black forests. They have encountered endless wars, and they have been on the verge of extinction several times, but the Midden people have After persevering, the people here are the most stubborn and tradition-oriented in the empire. Many old people in Middenland still speak in the ancient Thuringian language and refuse any imported words.

In a bar in Middenland, when outsiders brag about the status and glory of their hometown or order foreign food, they are often met with fists and kicks from all the Middenlanders in the bar. This kind of fight usually has two results. The first is One is that the victim can't beat the leader of Miden, so he gets a fat beating in vain. No one will speak up for him, and he is classified as an unpopular target from then on. It is not surprising that he is beaten to death if he is unlucky.

The second is that outsiders show their strength and beat up the Miden leader. Not only will the Miden leader not be able to call for help, but the Midden leader who has been beaten with a bruised nose and face will also warmly invite you to eat. Have a beer and declare that we are good friends from now on!

Because of this strange custom and culture, extremely conservative style and bad temper that stinks like stone, the Middenlanders have always gotten along very well with the dwarves. The dwarves like Midden, especially the most stubborn and stubborn ones in the northern part of Midden. The people of Middenheim have the worst temper. Many dwarves have settled in Middenheim and truly regard it as their home instead of a hotel. How to give the White Wolf City a name that meets the standards of the dwarves is also here. It has been mentioned many times that the White Wolf City is the place that the dwarves always go to when they leave the Mountain Kingdom.

"Brothers, sons of Ulric!" Great Ulric Emil Wagel was covered in white wolf god-given plate armor, with a giant wolf god cloak behind him. He let go of his voice so that his voice could be heard. The whole team said: "The knights from across the mountain have come from afar. Do we want them to see the enthusiasm of our Midden leaders?"

"Oh oh oh!"

"Let them know how powerful Yurik is!"

"For Ulric! For Middenheim!"

The imperial army made a noise. The Midden leaders are famous for their roughness, brutality, and warlikeness. They may not like to follow the rules, but they respect the strong and will stick to their promises until death. They are the most loyal guards of the empire. , has protected this land for three thousand years.

"How about singing a little song from our hometown to the Brittanians?" Boris laughed. The elector liked to stay with his soldiers the most.

"Okay!" the White Wolf Knights and the soldiers of the Midden Territory shouted. Their savage look made Morgiana, who was riding Sylphan and walking beside Ryan, frown. She moved her position slightly. Let Ryan face those Midden leaders.

Leader Miden began to sing, and Ryan couldn't help but smile when he heard the melody. He listened to the singing, closed his eyes and sang along.

This song is the very famous Middenland folk song "Erica".

"A little flower blooms in the heather~"

"Her name is: Erica~"

"Many bees surround this flower all day long"

"Around her: Erica~"

"Because her stamens are the sweetest~ Her petals are fragrant~ There is a small flower blooming in the heather~ Her name is: Erica~"

"A beautiful girl is at my home~"

"Her name is also: Erica~"

"This girl is the one I care about~"

"My love: Erica~"

"When the heather blooms with purple flowers~I sing this song to greet her~A little flower blooms in the heather~Her name is: Erica~"

Ordinary folk songs sung by the Middenlanders are as tough as military songs, but they have a different flavor, like black forest sausages, with the characteristics of the Middenlanders.

After the song ended, Morgiana was not to be outdone, and the Lake God Witch also signaled her Holy Grail guards to make arrangements.

As a result, the loud "La Marseillaise" sounded on Middenling Avenue.

"People of the motherland, wake up~the glorious day has arrived~"

"The evil that is our enemy~the blood-stained flag has been raised~"

"The blood-stained flag has been raised~"


"Citizens ~ Arm yourself!"

"Citizens ~ jump into battle!"

"Forward! Forward!"

The brilliant singing lit up the entire avenue. The Bretons sang "Marseillaise" loudly, suppressing the momentum of the Midden leader. Especially Morgiana sang it herself. The unique uvular sound of the Lake God Witch conquered the audience. Everyone.

Ryan smiled proudly, what did the Imperial people think when he sang this song? 1940 Tour de France?

wrong! I'm here, Ryan Malcador!

Rhine Federation warning!

At the end of the song, cheers of "Long live the king, praise the lady" stretched thousands of meters away.

Boris and Emil looked at each other, and the White Wolf Elector said helplessly: "I also want to get this kind of love."

"Belega once came to you, but you didn't agree, Boris." Great Emir of Yurik respected the strong, and he said slowly: "Look at that army."

"Old Guards?" Boris looked at Emil's war hammer and muttered: "I know they are very powerful, Emil, if you want to say this, I will say that our Teutonic guards are by no means inferior. "

"This army was created by relying on this guy Ryan Macado, relying on his endless consecutive victories and rich financial resources." Emil gasped: "Urik, you know that I What are you talking about?"

"Your Majesty Yurik, I hope we can survive this crisis."

"Urik will protect us."

…………I am Yurik’s dividing line above…………

A week later, the human army arrived at Midden Stanger, a large town in the south of Midden Territory. The army planned to stay here for a day, and then headed east to prepare to support Oster Territory.

However, on the night when the army arrived in Midenstein, urgent military information came to the town one after another!

"An astonishing number of beastman troops appeared in the southeast of the town! Look at the flag, it's the Calamity! It's the Cruel One - Gotwal! After nearly a thousand years, it's back! It's back with an army of about 80,000 beastmen. Got it!"

"An astonishing army of green-skinned goblins appeared in the southwest of the town! According to the scout report, it's the Black Pit! It's the damn green-skinned spider king, Snagra - Venomous Saliva! There was no fight between the green-skinned and beastmen. It seems It’s an alliance! There are about 70,000 greenskins!”

"What? Greenskins and beastmen have united?" The two human commanders were shocked by the result. After hearing the information, a map was immediately laid out in the hall of the Earl of Middenstanger's castle.

The alliance between the greenskins and the beastmen has brought about a dramatic change in the strength of both sides. The number of human coalition forces is approximately 76,000, and according to intelligence, the number of the coalition of greenskins and beastmen is as high as 150,000!

The heavy pressure made everyone present breathless. Almost all the commanders could hardly understand why the situation took a turn for the worse. It was clear that the two sides had completed the rendezvous, and now they were also at an absolute disadvantage? !

Before everyone could finish digesting the terrible news, the news from Nordland made everyone's hearts twitch.

Nord scouts detected near the Central Mountains. The Slaanesh Legion of approximately 45,000 people, led by the beautiful Prince Sigvald, was preparing to move south through the mountains, aiming directly at the human army of Middenstanger.

"There is no time to hesitate!" Ryan made a decision immediately, and the knight said to everyone: "We cannot wait until Sigvald and his army of Slaanesh join the battlefield. By then we will be in a desperate situation of being attacked from both sides. We must be there now. Here, right here in Middenstanger, let’s have a decisive battle with the beastmen and greenskin coalition immediately!”

"That's right!" Boris immediately agreed with this opinion. The White Wolf Elector has always been a decisive person. He drew out his rune fang: "My sword will make the green bastards and chaotic bastards in the forest understand who He is the real master of Midenland!”

"Let's start laying out the battle plan!"

At the same time, on the other side, fifteen kilometers away from Midensteiner, was the base camp of the beastmen and greenskin coalition.

Both sides were also arguing fiercely.

"I'm thinking that we already have boys who are absolutely waaagh. At this time, we should go over in a wave of waaagh and knock those shrimps to the ground with one fist! Knock them over with a grunt and then trample them into sticks and hammers. Hey To our lovely giant spiders!" Snagra, the green-skinned spider king, wore a feathered spider mask on his head, and screamed in a sharp voice towards the Beastman Supreme Beast King Gotwal: "We have never This is how we fight! On the other hand, we have a lot of strength, and my boys and big guys are already waaagh, no one would refuse to give waaagh when they are so waaagh, this is not waaagh at all!"

"The snake god's reinforcements...are on the attack...victory." The Supreme Beast King Gotwo also shouted at the greenskins: "Decisive battle...the timing...seize..."

"Are you sure? Aren't you sure? You are squatting in that corner, how can you take a look at it? With so much money, what's the point? I'm really upset!" Snagra screamed: "You don't Fight, I fight, I’m going to use the skulls of Boris Todd Bollinger and Ryan Macado this time!”

Before Gotwo could say anything else, the green-skinned Goblin scout suddenly brought terrible news!

To the south, the Empire's reinforcements are approaching along the Talabek River towards the southern part of Midden Territory! This is a huge human army of more than 60,000 people, commanded by Marshal Rick Heilberg and Marshal Noor Erstein! Carrying a huge number of firearms and a large number of cavalry, they are approaching at a very fast speed!

The Beastman and Greenskin coalition also felt tremendous pressure. If the empire's southern army attacked from both sides, the Beastman and Greenskin coalition would most likely suffer a shameful defeat.

As a result, the main war faction gained the upper hand, and after discussion, the beastmen and greenskin coalition decided to take the initiative to march towards Middenstanger.

In this way, both sides decided to take the initiative to attack and launch a decisive battle.

Middenstanger, an important southern town in the Midden Territory, is about to usher in an unprecedented battle.

This war was later known as the "Battle of the Three Kings of Midenstein".

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