The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 946, Axis of Evil

In the land and sky tainted by Chaos, Gotwo the Cruel was resurrected.

Under the gaze of Hal, the Eye of Eternity, chosen by Tzeentch, a huge amount of power was released from the nine chaotic spike rings. Colorful flames burned in the central mountain range, and the chaotic evil energy was woven into a giant giant. Net, hundreds of black threads covered the mountains, the evil moon Mosrib shone brighter and brighter, the eight rings of chaos gradually formed an airtight gear, and the stars began to shift.

Under the light of darkness and the will of the four gods of Chaos, the most notorious beast king of the beastmen, Gotwal the Cruel, returned to the world. His roar made the stars tremble and the mountains tremble.

"The master needs your power, Gotwo." Hal Eternal Eye, the chosen god of Tzeentch, said to Gotwo: "This is a gift from the true god. You must know that it is the power of the Lord of Changes that allows you to Rebirth.”

Gotwo is a very strong beastman. No big horned beast can be as strong and powerful as it. It is more than two and a half meters tall and wears a giant animal bone helmet on its head. It is a The Chaos Goat Helmet is densely covered with the emblem of the Chaos Eight-Pointed Star. Powerful Chaos Evil Energy envelopes Gotwo's body. This is a very rare situation for the beastmen, but it can also explain a problem, that is - —The Four Gods of Chaos really like Gotwo.

Gotwal responded with a low roar, and there was a whirring sound in its throat. Hal Eternal Eye understood Gotwal's voice, but after thinking about it, he took out a bottle of dark blue faint belt. Take the pink potion.

Gotwal took the potion and drank it carefully down his throat. Finally, the dry and low roar turned into understandable language: "The omen of the true god...has arrived...the empire is be here..." Destruction in my are the messenger of the Supreme have brought the order of the Eternal Chosen, and I...will lead all the sons of darkness to assist you."

"Yes, I am the messenger of the Lord of Change." Hal, the Eye of Eternity, nodded, and the Chosen of Tzeentch said: "You must follow my lord's instructions to destroy the Knight King Lion Malcador and the White Wolf Chosen. The army of Emperor Boris Todbringer!”

"Then...the Son of Darkness...the Son of Chaos...all compatriots of Drakwald will...obey!" Gotwal the Cruel knelt down on one knee, accepting this supreme order.

On this day, the most notorious legendary beast king in the history of beastmen, Gotwo, is officially resurrected!

Under Gotwal's call, from the Central Mountains to the Shadow Forest, from Drakwald to the Westland, countless beastman screaming shamans received the foreshadowing of chaos. They gathered in fanaticism and became Thousands of beastmen sensed the return of the legend, and raised their sharp blades to salute Evil Moon Mosrib.

In history, there have been many very powerful beast kings among the beastmen, but none of them can compare with Gotwal.

Because he has qualities that all lycanthropes lack: foresight and the wisdom to combine pure animality with rational thought, Gotwal is convinced that the Chaos Gods have chosen him as their emissary, and that he is destined to control the Black Forest of the world. .

And as it is said, the Chaos Evil God really likes Gotwal, and blessings one after another allowed Gotwal to gain very powerful power. In order to unify the entire central mountain range, Gotwal decided to share Chaos with all the beastmen. Inspiration.

What no one expected was that Gotwal's actions deeply offended the God of Chaos, but the evil god liked Gotwal so much that instead of turning him into a Chaos Egg, he told him that the land must be slaughtered. Only every human being in the world can appease the evil god's anger a little.

So hundreds of years ago, the greatest beastman craze in history came.

At this time, the Empire, together with Britannia, Tyrell, and Estalia, was conducting the famous Araby Expedition. Almost all the Empire's knights and elite troops participated. There was a lack of heavy armor in the Empire's territory. With the help of knights and elite troops, this gave Gotwal the best chance.

Like a relentless storm, an invasion of tens of thousands of beastmen swept across the Osterlands and Hawklands.

This time, the beastmen aren't here to plunder.

All the men were killed, even the women and children were brutally murdered. Towns and castles were razed to the ground. Pillars of smoke rose into the sky. The imperial army's resistance only caused the tauren to swallow more fresh flesh and blood. Every night, the beastmen happily munched on raw human flesh, enjoyed the fatness of human fat, and drank large glasses of human blood.

The sky behind Gotwal's army was covered with black smoke, and the laughter and noises went straight into the sky. After the army passed by, only the flesh scraps of innocent people and the licked-clean skeletons were left, and then more beastman troops joined Gotwal's army. Team, they decided to move towards the Hawk Territory.

In the Central Mountains, Gotwal met a tribe of green-skinned black orcs. The opponent was a very powerful enemy. The black orc warlord was incredibly strong. Normally, the beastmen could not be the opponents of the black orcs, but Gethwo Tewo received a revelation from the Chaos Gods and decided to face the challenge head on.

A horrific bloody battle begins, without strategy, tactics, or fighting skills, as both sides seek pure brute force and a war of pure attrition. The armies of the two races merged into a swamp of flesh and steel full of rage, and the leaders of both sides faced each other into the center of the bloody whirlpool.

After fighting hard for a long time, Gotwal finally seized the opportunity to kill the Black Orc warlord, so the Beastman army won the final victory, and no greenskin left the Central Mountains alive.

The battle between the beasts and the greenskins gave the Hawkland enough time to gather its troops. The Elector of the Hawkland, Mikael Lenhaver, gathered all the adult males to defend the capital Herzig.

The siege lasted for 23 days, and the beastman army finally broke through the city gate, followed by another three days and three nights of street fighting. Both sides lost the vast majority of their troops in this crazy and desperate bloody war of attrition. Gert Waugh finally reached the door of the Elector's Palace.

It is worth mentioning that at this time, an important courtier of Elector Hawke suggested that the elector surrender to the beastmen to "save the country". Mikael angrily refused and gave him the title of "the good son of the beastman". Then throwing the courtier out of the city, Gotwal was delighted when he caught the courtier and promised to keep him safe - provided that the courtier informed the beastman army about the defensive weakness of the Elector's palace and acted as a guide for false negotiations.

To everyone's surprise, the courtier refused, scolding Gotwal for telling him that he would never associate with the Chaos bastards.

The courtier was immediately cut into pieces and eaten alive by five beasts, and then Gotwal ordered the final attack.

However, at this moment, the Imperial Arabi Expeditionary Force returned.

Hundreds of Sun Knights, more Imperial Knights and an immeasurable number of Imperial Expeditionary Forces finally arrived. The Beastmen army was attacked from two sides and immediately fell to the brink of collapse. At this time, Gotwal made a decision, that is, to demand Have a championship showdown with Elector Mikael of Hawkland.

Mikael agreed, and the two sides fought for an hour at the gate of the Elector's Palace. In the end, the Elector was pierced by Gotew's spear and raised to show his victory, while Mikael was intoxicated by Gotwer's spear. At the moment when victory led to relaxation, he used the Elector's Holy Sword Rune Fang to pierce Gotwal's chest, killing both of them.

Without Gotwal's leadership and prestige, the Beastmen collapsed instantly, and the Hawke-led army with such heavy casualties or the Imperial expeditionary force returning from a long journey were unable to catch up. Gotwal's invasion ended.

Although the empire finally won, the Hawke Territory and Oster Territory lost more than 80% of their population, and it took one or two hundred years to rebuild. Especially the vast area around the Central Mountains never saw its original prosperity, which had been destroyed. Covered by the black forest belonging to the beastmen, the vast forest is dotted with the ruins of villages and towns, gradually decaying and broken and overgrown with weeds, and then forgotten and feared by humans, never to be approached again.

This is the great history of Gotwal, and when it appeared in Dracovald to announce its return, every beastman roared like never before.

"Draco...Walder...your back!"

All the beastman tribes have gathered! Gotwal instantly had an army composed of tens of thousands of horned beasts and above and about 200,000 low-level beastmen!

Apocalypse is coming!

Gotwal stood in his exclusive chariot and marched in front of the military formation, flanked by his direct battle groups. The footsteps of the chaotic mammoths in the military formation shook the ground, and swarms of sturdy tauren went crazy under the promise of a feast of flesh and blood. Running, the towering bodies of Chaos Trolls and Dragon Demons dominate the military formations. Screaming shamans who are good at magic continue to come out of their retreats to join Gotwo's troops. These troops and other rare giant monsters wade into the empire.

There is only one target, and that is the human army composed of Ryan and Boris.

But if everyone thought that Gotwal would launch an attack immediately, they would be completely wrong. Under the watchful eyes of dozens of screaming shamans, Gotwal once again crowned the Beastman Supreme Beast King, and then, he An order that all the beastmen, beastmasters and screeching shamans couldn't understand.

It wants to go to the "Black Pit" in person.

In the uninhabited depths of Drakwald Forest, there is a densely wooded hill, and the dark and decaying valley is located on these hills. This place is called the Black Pit or the Valley of Hundred Eyes.

This is the holy land of forest goblins and the core of the green-skinned spider empire. Bone piles and giant spider nests are scattered all over this corrupted land. And this valley is completely the evil black heart of the Spider Kingdom. Only giant spiders that are so big that they scare people out of their wits will build their filthy spider nests here. Whenever the twin moons coincide in the night sky, the giant Anaconari spiders will come from the forests of the old world to this twisted and treacherous woodland to breed their offspring.

"The greenskins... are ferocious... warlike... they kill humans... beasts... for pleasure!" Gotwal explained to his men: "Humans... are despicable and shameless... squeeze... the green skins' territory... cooperate. ……victory!"

Therefore, Gotwal personally led a small number of elite Minotaur warbands, Bighorn warbands and two four-armed bull demons deep into the Drakwald Forest.

As time passes, the giant oak trees in the forest become more twisted and weird, and as the trees become clogged with spider webs, dark greens and browns are replaced by grays and whites, and the surrounding forest becomes silent. Many warriors walked through the bushes and did not understand what was going on until they saw the claws and claws sticking out of the knots of spider silk. There were bundles of spider silk everywhere that were large enough to contain a human corpse.

The beastmen were frightened by this sight, but Gotwal's reputation was here. No beastman chose to back down. All beastmen knew that Gotwal was a beastman loved by the Chaos Gods. Now it was time to offer something to the gods to attract them. their attention.

Suddenly, the spider webs around the beastmen began to buzz. A grotesque spider crawls in every shadow, a forest goblin rides on the spider's back, and each green rider is decked out in bones and feathers.

In the center of the spider swarm was a slender Goblin Warlord. He wore a mask with feather edges. The Goblin Warlord's eyes flashed green in the dark, and the huge gray spider under his crotch rushed through the large webs. There is a way out.

Gotwal knew that this Goblin warlord was the famous green-skinned spider king Snagra - Poisonous Saliva. The Beastmen Supreme Beast King raised his dark spear, signaled his restless men to calm down, and then used his hand to Beat your chest, shake your fists, and raise your fists to the sky.

The Goblin Warlord wore a feather spider mask on his head. He was a little confused as to why the beastmen would do this, but he still motioned to the countless green-skinned spider-fang warriors and forest goblins to temporarily stop their movements.

No one knows what the Beastmen Supreme Beast King Gotwal Cruel the Cruel and the green-skinned Spider King Snagra-Sloth talked about, but an hour later, a new covenant was successfully signed.

This alliance is called the "Forest Alliance". The Spider King of the Green Spider Kingdom, Snagra-Spirit, loudly announced that the Green Goblin tribe of Black Pit will fight side by side with the beastmen of Drakwald. In order to destroy the human shrimps and drive them out of their sacred forest, Snagra-Spirit and his army will be out in full force!

The end of mankind has come!

…………I am the dividing line of the axis of evil…………

In early February 2515 of the Imperial Calendar, the fierce battle at von Zhukov Castle was continuing. The defenders were resisting with all their strength under the leadership of Oleg Regent von Zhukov and Marshal Model of the Osterland. Model was in the castle. A three-layer defense line was deployed outside, using heavy cavalry as a mobile force, and building a large number of civil fortifications to resist layer by layer.

However, this was not able to stop Motkin's attack. The Black Iron Avengers vowed to make Osterland and Oleg pay a heavy price. The two sides fought fiercely in the area near the castle for nearly twenty days.

In the past twenty days, all the occupied areas in the entire Oster Territory have been plunged into a sea of ​​blood.

The famous imperial writer Friedrich Schiller was captured as a scribe, and his notes recorded the cruelty of the Chaos army.

"The village of Haite fell, and the barbarians captured 223 villagers. Every time they captured one alive, they would disembowel them, skin them and hang them on trees and rocks. Everyone who saw them was horrified."

"The barbarians captured four hundred and thirty-four wounded soldiers. They only punished the owl's head, which is not enough to hate them. They ordered Lingchi to gouge out their eyes."

"Every time the barbarians fell into a position, they would kill them and sacrifice their heads to the brave barbarians who died in battle. Motkin would gnash his teeth with grief and make the barbarians fight for their meat."

"The barbarians broke into the city, and the old and weak local people who could not escape and had no cellars to dig were all killed. Nine out of ten people were slaughtered throughout the process. Their children under the age of two or three were also killed for fun. On the prostrate path, all the women over thirty years old were slaughtered, and all the old men were mutilated, with more than ten or dozens of knives. The sound of wailing could be heard from far away. The chaos was so chaotic that it could be criticized."

"Everything that was available in the city was swept away, and everything that was not available was destroyed. The walls were demolished, the ground was torn up, and the coffins were cut open in order to obtain wealth."

"The brave men rushed in from outside the city. The soldiers and civilians in the city had no way to run. The screams were inaudible. From morning to night, all the people were slaughtered...the corpses were piled up and the water was red."

"The barbarians searched and killed each other in sections. By the beginning of February, two million people in the empire and Kislev had died in the catastrophe. The streams along the way were littered with corpses. In the towns and villages, thousands of houses were burned and everything was destroyed. Charlemagne was on top. This is the end of life’s devastation!!!”

After experiencing such a tragic war, the first two lines of defense of Von-Zhukov Castle have been breached. The defenders retreated to the third line of defense and even entered the castle to prepare for defense. The Nord, Oster and Ostermark coalition forces suffered A fatal blow, despite reinforcements from Talabek, the number of defenders dropped from 100,000 to 55,000.

Black Iron Motkin's losses were even more severe, but with the arrival of 100,000 northern barbarian reinforcements, the siege force still increased from 120,000 to 150,000.

At the same time, a new 150,000 Chaos army began to gather in the Chaos Wasteland, preparing to go south.

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