The Sun King's Evidence

Chapter 950, Midensteiner’s Sun

In the early morning, the human soldiers got up one after another and began to assemble and prepare to cook. Today they were about to face a big battle. The soldiers were very nervous and silent. Most of them were busy eating.

Hundreds of pigs and more chickens, ducks, fish and sheep had been slaughtered, and large pieces of fat meat were delivered to the wooden bowls of the Midden soldiers. Most of the Midden soldiers finally had a meal before the battle. They were surprised and happy, but still maintained an atmosphere of silence, just focusing on eating and drinking. They knew very well that the extra meal was not only a gift from the nobles, but also showed the difficulty of today's battle. At this time, the hot broth And greasy meat, it might be my last meal.

Let’s talk after you’re full.

On the other side, the Old Guards are also preparing today's meals.

The breakfast of the Old Guards was naturally not the greasy food that Midden led the ordinary conscripts. In fact, the commander of the Halberd Battalion, Raymond, took one look at it and was disgusted by the large pieces of fat.

Back in the middle of their camp, the Old Guards were queuing up to eat. Several Old Guards were frying steaks. It was really spectacular to have hundreds of steaks fried together. Of course, there were also people cooking vegetables and frying eggs. .

Avocado, black forest sausage, fried eggs, one kilogram of brioche bread, mushroom cream soup, a large piece of fried chicken breast, 220 grams of Aveline steak, a large spoonful of onion cabbage salad, and a large glass of goat's milk per person, this is Old Guard Breakfast today.

It was very rich, and the food of the Old Guards made the leader of Midden shed tears of envy and jealousy.

As for this ration, Ryan has no pressure, because the empire is responsible for the logistics and military supplies of this Great Expedition. As the commander, he only needs to keep pursuing the empire, and the empire has no choice but to give it, because they have arranged it. Tania supports you out of an alliance. She doesn’t ask you for large sums of money or sign any unequal treaties. She only asks for soldiers’ salaries and logistics and military supplies. This is already considered very righteous and respects the alliance. It can be said that Ryan Great concessions have been made.

The knights and nobles also believed that they could make appropriate concessions to the empire - out of the consideration of preventing the war from spreading to Britannia and strengthening the Alliance of Order. After all, the fall of the empire would be a disaster for the entire old world.

"Eat more, Raymond. Today we have to deal with the coalition of beasts and greenskins. We must be full to win this war." Bertrand, the commander of the old guard army, came up with a big iron plate. Raymond Noticing that Bertrand had made an omelette, he smiled at Bertrand and said: "Our opponents are different every time, but we will win every time. This time, it is the greenskins and beastmen's turn to be unlucky. .”

"That's right, it's their turn this time! Eat your fill, soldiers, our opponents this time are the Spider King Snagra of the Green-skinned Spider Empire and the legendary Beastman Supreme Beast King Gotwal -The Cruel." Knight King Ryan Malcador followed the Holy Grail Knights into the camp. Ryan had obviously just had a full meal. The king said to everyone: "In today's war, the number of enemies is much greater than ours. , so you must obey my orders, soldiers, check your weapons after eating, and let us be ready!"


An hour later, outside Middenstanger.

The human army gathered here, and the commanders established a temporary command post on the front line.

On the battlefield, thick fog filled the air. Morgiana was leading the Lake God prophets to chant collective magic. The power of the lake fairy flashed back and forth on the battlefield. The thick fog enveloped the battlefield, hiding the human army.

"Everything is going according to the original plan." Ryan ordered to everyone: "Laun, you lead five thousand people and watch our back. If you guessed correctly, the beastmen will definitely try to attack from behind to influence us, but you As long as you defend Untergard Castle, it will be a great achievement! There are strong walls and enough artillery there, leave it to you."

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will annihilate all the beastmen who try to come over from behind." The kingdom's regent, Lawn, took the order and left.

"Your Highness Emil, you and Your Excellency Tugenheim are preparing to launch an attack. Veronica has already set up the magic circle." Ryan then ordered: "Due to the thick fog, the greenskin army should not notice that we are gathering on a large scale. Seize the opportunity, but don’t be too eager to fight, bring the enemy in first, and then beat me hard!”

"You don't need to remind us! We all understand!" Great Ulric Emil Wagel and the Teutonic Guard Captain and White Wolf Paladin von Tugenheim left after the order, and Veronica followed.

"Aurora and Theresa, are you ready?" Ryan then asked.

"The river can thaw at any time." Aurora and Teresa responded.

"Very good, remember to let the river thaw at the critical moment." Ryan nodded, and the sorceress and her daughter followed the order.

"Mr. Berhemond, Mr. Hagen, you lead the knight brigade to hide and be prepared. Once you hear my order, you will launch an attack." Ryan continued: "But remember, you are hearing the order, please do not Acting without permission.”

"Understood, I will obey your Majesty's orders!" Bohemond and Hagen took the order and left.

"Marshal Heinrich, and Count Hux, your task is to hold the line and stay vigilant." Ryan continued: "Don't attack without my order, Dugan Iron Man and his Black Powder Brotherhood will still Ranger units with the Mysterian Dais will assist you with long-range firepower."

"Understood." Hux and others also followed the order and left.

"What about me and Axel?" Boris walked up: "Are we just watching from here?"

"Don't worry, Boris." Ryan looked at the sky: "The sun is coming out, Morgiana, you can end the magic."

"Is it going to end now? Ryan, the enemy will notice our formation." Morgiana was still hesitant. The magic of the Lake God Prophet Group can bring concealment and strengthening to the army.

"Yes, but we need the sun now." Ryan looked at the sky, and the King of Knights calmly said: "The fog is for traps, and the sun is for victory. Beastmen hate the sun, and those big spiders in the green skins are They also hate the sun, but they have to fight us under the sun now."

The thick fog dissipated, and in the middle of the long snowy day, Midden Territory finally ushered in a somewhat decent sunny day. The weak sunshine shone on the earth, bringing dispensable heat, and the human army burst out with enthusiasm. Cheers were given, especially to the soldiers of Brittany, who had indeed endured the bitter cold and dampness of this expedition, and there was nothing more joyful than the sight of the sun.

"They are praising the sun, Your Majesty." Bertrand smiled at Ryan: "Happying the sun~ This is really rare to see in Britannia."

"Ha, yes, after all, Britannia has a warm and livable climate and abundant precipitation." Ryan raised his head, and the sun fell on the King of Knights: "This is a good sign!"

"Okay, ladies and gentlemen, are you ready?" Ryan said loudly: "The grand symphony is about to sound. Everyone has their own instrument. Now let the drummer beat the drum and start moving forward. We don't have to Hidden."


At this time, located in the southwest of Midenstein Ge, the green-skinned spider king Snagra - Venomous Saliva was sitting on his Queen Anaknari giant spider. The Goblin warlord was observing the situation, and when the thick fog cleared, After going there, it saw the human army.

The army of the Midden Territory is advancing. The flag bearers holding the blue and white wolf-head Midden Territory flag proudly point the flag into the air. The Teutonic Guards and the dismounted White Wolf Knights are at the forefront. These are heavily armored, The Midden collar elites, holding giant hammers and wearing wolf skins, all with thick long hair and big beards, walked side by side. The entire military formation looked very solid, and the steel between the rows was glowing in the dull gray light. It sparkled underneath, and the array was well organized and closely connected. The sharp weapons protruded from the ground to form a killing line. Moist water droplets filled the dissipating morning mist, and the sunlight made the armor shine.

The spider king Snagra was very excited. He kept screaming and praying for the blessing of the spider god. The main army of the green skins in the Black Pit were wild orcs and goblins. Almost all the wild orcs believed in Gorge. , but the Goblins do not believe in Brother Mao, but believe in the legendary Spider God. A shrine to the Spider God was built in the black pit. The Goblins all rode spiders to fight, and they As the King of Spiders, Snagra rides the brown Anaknare Queen Spider, the largest and most evil of all spiders.

Snagra firmly believes that the world will one day be ruled by spiders, and spider webs will cover the entire world. This is a task given to it by the Spider God, and it will surely become the greatest Spider King!

"Forward! Boys! Forward, I'm thinking that those shining silver shrimps opposite and wearing wolf skins are the legendary Teutonic Guards!" Snagra immediately ordered: "For the Spider God! For the Black Pit! "

Spiders fell from the eaves of the forest trees like hailstones. Goblin spider riders were mounted on small spiders. Large groups of wild orcs rushed out of the black forest. They were armed with the most primitive bone spears and flint battle axes. It came out like a tidal wave.

"How many are the enemies? Are they ten times, twenty times, or thirty times ours?" Among the Teutonic Guards, Great Ulric Emil was chatting with White Wolf Paladin Tugenheim.

"No matter how many enemies there are, this is not what you should care about, Tugenheim." Great Ulric Emir waved the wolf god war hammer in his hand, and he said in a deep voice: "Now, sons of Ulric, show your The time has come for discipline and will. No matter how many enemies there are, move forward and wait for my order. Once I order you to retreat, you will immediately retreat according to the original plan!"

"Yes!" Miden led the men, looking at the green-skinned army as nothing. They moved forward resolutely, slowly moving forward under the orders of bugles and drums.

"Very good, very good, that's it, that's right." On the command platform in the distance, Ryan and Boris were holding monocular binoculars and paying close attention to the battle situation. The King of Knights noticed that the Teutonic Guards had not even begun to retreat. The greenskins all swarmed up: "It's always such a wonderful start."

It didn't take long for the distance between the two sides to close, and the Midden leaders began to enter the shooting range of the green-skinned spider riders and wild orc bow boys. Now, hundreds of simple short bows were aimed at the Midden leaders. A rain of arrows, as chaotic as locusts, fell from the front and from the sky.

The Midden leaders didn't know what to do at first. There were enemies everywhere in front of them. It seemed that the human shrimps had realized how stupid it was for them to charge without permission. The Teutonic Guards who were walking at the front stopped. They seemed to be hesitating when they stepped down, and they were soon overwhelmed by a rain of arrows densely packed with greenskins, with an extremely low hit rate but a huge number of arrows.

Seemingly realizing that there was nothing they could do if this went on, the army led by Midden hesitated, hesitated, and stagnated at first. The Sword of Euric raised their shields to the sky and could still defend against bows and arrows, but the Teutonic Guards and the White Walkers on foot. The wolf knights were not equipped with shields, and two of them fell down after being hit by arrows. After hesitating for two or three minutes, the leader of Midden finally began to retreat slowly.

"The shrimps have retreated! The shrimps have retreated!!! Young ones, this is Gorge's blessing! This is the beginning of our great destiny!" Grot, the wild orc warlord, roared: "waaaagh!!!"

"waaaaaaaaaaagh!!!" The morale of all the wild orcs soared under the voice of the warlord. They no longer considered other situations, but began to charge! Tens of thousands of wild orcs rushed out of the forest and rolled towards the army led by Miden!

"Oh~ wait a minute! This is a real fight. Do you want to pay attention to it? Old Mengka is blinded. That's how barbarians are, and they won't win even a few drops!" Snagra, the green-skinned spider king, still wants to see more. Look, it always felt that the opponent was the most elite Teutonic Guard, so why did it retreat so easily?

But the Wild Orcs have all become reckless, and Snagra is not the Eight Peaks Warlord Skarsnik. The Spider King's relationship with the Wild Orcs is more like cooperation than commander-in-chief. He is reluctant to say that he is a vassal, and Gob It would be difficult for the forest spider riders to exert their fighting power without the assistance of the wild orcs. Seeing this, Snagra stopped thinking about it: "Young men, for the Black Pit, for the Spider God, waaaaaaaaaaagh!"

"Waaagh!" Spiders dropped like hail from the eaves of the forest trees. The twisted vegetation beneath their feet was filled with tiny arachnids, while carapace-like cavalry swooped down from nearby branches to form a battle line. Javelins, feathered arrows, and rough spears charged fiercely, rolling toward the Midden leaders.

The army led by Miden was retreating at this time. Seeing the greenskins being so powerful, they all seemed a little panicked. However, those in charge of the rear were the Teutonic Guards, the White Wolf Knights on foot and the Ulric Sword Legion, especially the Great Ulric. Holding the formation with the White Wolf Paladin, orders were issued one after another, and the formation never broke up.

"Retreat is a complex and advanced high-level military skill." Ryan put his monocular telescope on Morgiana's shoulder. The corners of the Knight King's mouth slightly raised: "There must be a division of labor, an elite rearguard, and clear command. , soldiers need to be well-trained and disciplined, and they also need to be the soul of the situation."

"This is the Thuringian!" Boris said triumphantly. He knew that the greenskins were falling into their trap.

The attack of the wild orcs made the forest goblin spider riders feel confident, and the spider riders' follow-up also made the wild orcs excited. They tried to chase the Midden leader's army, but the Midden leader retreated quite quickly. , the wild orcs only closed the distance as they ran.

Also entered Veronica's preset ambush circle

At this moment, the sky changes suddenly. Above the dome, there are dark clouds and whirlpools all over the sky.

Veronica, the female speaker of the Sorceress Assembly, has prepared her spells. She chants ancient spells toward the sky. The entire Gloria Witches under her command jointly cast spells, and witchcraft flames flew into the sky, and red and black light shone. Light up the entire cloud.

"The great magic of fire, doomsday, judgment!!!"

It was a magnificent scene that cannot be described in words. Hundreds of meteors burning with flames and several meters in diameter were pulled to the ground under Veronica's will. The greenskins raised their heads and looked at the sky, not even fearing the sky or the earth. The unafraid wild orcs were shocked by this scene, and memories from ancient times suddenly flashed in their minds.

That was the end, the end of everything, the judgment of the ancient saints had come!

A series of explosions and soaring air waves drowned nearly ten thousand greenskins. The spider riders and wild orcs were engulfed by the flames of the explosion and the smoke of the impact. The wild orcs who were arrogant just now were crushed to the ground, and the spider riders were massacred. Killing, each meteor smashed several goblins and spiders into messy broken limbs.

The green-skinned army was stunned by this scene. Snagra-Sloth couldn't believe that it had lost nearly one-fifth of its army just after the war started. But at this moment, the army led by Miden stopped retreating. , they formed a tight formation, and the artillerymen on the high ground behind them fired together. Mortars, cannons, and hell rocket launchers were fired at the same time, dyeing the entire sky with the color of flames!

We can no longer retreat at this time. If we give the order to retreat, we, the Spider King, will also end up sitting there! Snagra gritted his teeth and ordered the entire army to press forward!

"It's your turn, Boris, Axel." Ryan put down the telescope: "That's it for the greenskins first. Now, lead your people to attack the beastmen from the front and sweep across them, including Bohemond and Hagen. The knight brigade will pick you up later!"

"Yes!" Boris and Axel took the order and left.

"Humph!" Ryan sneered.

"Draco Valder Spider King? Beastman High Beast King?"

"None of you can escape today!"

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